Five resolutions to get your home ready for the New Year

Happy New Year! If you’re like most Americans, you’re most likely spending the first few weeks of 2024 vowing to lose weight, save money or spend more time with family and friends. But howabout setting some goals for your home, too?

There is nothing that says “new beginnings” like a fresh approach to your living space, so to help start the New Year off right, here are five resolutions that will make your home more beautiful, efficient, entertainment-worthy in the coming year.

Streamline and organize

Every year—especially around the holidays—we find ourselves collecting more stuff than the year before. And by the time January rolls around, we usually have to get creative when finding a place to put it. Use New Year as a time to de-clutter and organize your gadgets and knickknacks.

Incorporating furniture with storage space allows you to hide your electronics including soundbars and speakers for entertainment spaces, or computer and office accessories for your office space. Be sure your furniture also includes cable management features so you can conceal wires that would get in the way of your streamlined look. This means you can keep your items organized and accessible while your home remains clutter-free.

Foster family space

Between work, school, extracurricular activities and sleeping, your family probably doesn’t have a lot of time to spend together at home. So it’s important to make the most of the time you do have by creating a space that fosters quality family time.

Turn ordinary evenings into game nights around the family coffee table, with board games or puzzles. Or get the latest streaming services and pick one weekend night for a family movie at home. Simple get togethers can create moments the family will remember for years to come.

Create healthy zones

Getting healthy in the New Year is usually among the top 5 resolutions for Americans. Yet, more than 80 percent of us give up on our resolutions within the first six weeks of the year. In particular, the workplace can be one of the most challenging environments to adopt healthy habits, given that on average, workers sit nearly 6 hours a day, which can to lead to various health issues.

For those with home office spaces, the solution can be a standing lift desk. Standing during the workday is known to boost productivity and energy levels and has the health benefits of lowering blood sugar levels, reducing back pain, and helping burn as many as 170 more calories a day. But standing too long has its own health challenges, which is why the ideal solution is a height-adjustable desk. 

Keep up with the cleaning on a regular basis

The simple act of cleaning your countertops and floors weekly helps keep your space looking fresh and uncluttered. And tidying up once a week will minimize the time it takes to keep it that way. But sometimes, your furniture can give you a hand in cleaning. 

By selecting furniture with easy-to-care-for materials and finishes, you can simplify the clean-up process. Surfaces like satin-etched glass help hide fingerprints and make wiping up spills and dusting a breeze. With regular upkeep and care, your home furnishings should—and will—look like new well beyond the New Year.

Create a place that guests will love

Updating your entertainment and common areas is an easy way to create a home designed for entertaining in the New Year. Now may be time to invest in an upgraded home theater system, decorative shelving or media consoles.

Also don’t neglect your entertainment hubs, such as the bar area, where guests can gather and converse. Just be sure your furniture is the perfect mix of flair with function, so you can spend more time with guests and less playing host. 

While it takes 365 days a year to maintain a home, it only takes a few days to put new plans and practices in place for a refreshed living experience. Celebrate 2024 by treating yourself, your family and your guests to home spaces everyone can enjoy.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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