Recovery from addiction is not easy. It is a long, difficult path with many bumps along the way. One of the issues with addiction recovery is a lack of confidence and self-esteem. These points are also often why teenagers will turn to alcohol or drugs in the first place.

As a result, if you are able to help a teenager rebuild their confidence, this will be able to aid them significantly during the recovery process. For advice on how to do this, below are some points to keep in mind.

Improved appearance

It’s no secret that drug and alcohol abuse can harm someone’s appearance. It can result in problems such as skin sores and blemishes, sunken eyes, and the appearance of aging. While all of these are serious, there is one issue that can crop up that seriously impacts confidence: dental damage. If a teenager has discolored, broken, or even missing teeth, this can have a long-term negative effect on their confidence.

One way you can help with that particular issue is with professional dental treatment. If the teen you’re helping has missing teeth, you can restore their smile by visiting a professional dental clinic like With their assistance, they restore more than just their teeth. They can give your teen an instant confidence boost.

Help them to forgive

While physical damage is easy to spot and help treat, it is a different story when it comes to mental issues. The wrong mindset means a recovering teen will struggle to gain the confidence they need to move forward. One aspect that could be holding them back is a lack of self-forgiveness.

An addiction problem will typically cause a teen to commit a number of faults and failures – and they may continually beat themselves up about them, even if they have moved on from their addiction. By helping them to forgive themselves for these mistakes, it improves the chances they can let go of their past.

Set goals

As you will know, goals are a great way to give someone renewed focus, a target to aim towards, and even a sense of purpose. These goals also don’t necessarily have to be long-term or overly ambitious. Even when small goals are achieved, it can go some way to making a person feel like they’ve accomplished something – and that can increase confidence.

When setting goals for your teen, be realistic and try to incorporate their interests. Step-by-step, you can be more ambitious with these goals.

Make life changes

Moving on from addiction is a large lifestyle move for your teen. Replacing these addictions with positive life changes is necessary to ensure they don’t slip back into trouble. As for what these life changes are, they can vary depending on your teen’s current situation. For instance, if they’re in a position to work, you could assist them in getting a job. Similarly, you could aid them in finding a place to live – whether it is at your home or elsewhere.

Life changes don’t necessarily have to be major. Even small moves can boost confidence.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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