Steam cleaners are the latest addition to the cleaning equipment upgraded gadgets in today’s world. With steam cleaners, you can easily forget the hassle of maintaining and using a conventional cleaner.

The global steam cleaners market was estimated to be around USD 3.3 billion in 2022. If you wish to know some of the additional benefits of steam cleaners other than cleaning your carpets and fabrics, then let’s start reading!

1. They are non-toxic

One of the biggest advantages of cleaning your house with a steam cleaner is that they are completely non-toxic, which means it won’t cause you or your family members any harm while being used.

Traditionally, people used to clean their bathroom tiles and sinks using bleach, which could cause a lot of health hazards like severe digestive problems, skin allergies, and even cancer. But with the introduction of steam cleaners, you can wave goodbye to such issues.

Since steam cleaners don’t use any harsh chemicals like bleach, you can use them safely, even when there are small children. The product coming out is just old-fashioned steam, so there’s nothing to worry about!

2. They are eco-friendly

For the most part, steam cleaners use water and a few other chemicals, making them a great eco-friendly option. Traditional cleaners use chemicals and other harmful materials, which then get drained into the nearby dump yards.

These materials are recycled and then ultimately flushed back into our houses. But if you use a steam cleaner, you can be sure you’re doing the environment a big favor!

Moreover, cleaning table countertops and tiles will also remove already-existing chemicals deposited on them. As a result, you and your family will consciously avoid toxins that will harm the environment and you.

3. They make your house look great

Ultimately, cleaning your house aims to make it look new and shiny, right? And if you want an easy way to do that, purchase a steam cleaner today!

Since steam uses high temperatures to get rid of dirt and stains, they do a much better job than conventional mops or cloths.

Steam cleaners are widely used to remove dirt buildup in the corners of the house and cupboards, but you can also use them to clean your floors. Further, you can also save the extra work of cleaning the house using sponges and wet mops.

You can run your cleaner almost anywhere, from stone countertops to upholstery, giving your home a brand-new look!

4. They are affordable

You might initially think purchasing a steam cleaner will cost you a lot, but think of the long-term savings you’ll gain!

Even though some steam cleaners can be expensive, they will help you to cut costs in other aspects of cleaning. For example, you won’t have to invest in mops, scrubs, clothes, detergents, or sanitizers.

All you’ll need is water and your steam cleaner! And if you keep your equipment well-maintained, it will last well for years.

If you’re worried about spending too much money on a steam cleaner, watch different websites that offer promotional and seasonal discounts at different times of the year!

5. They kill pests and allergens

You already know that steam cleaners get rid of dirt and dust, but did you know that they can effectively kill pests and allergens? Airborne allergens are some of the most dangerous causes of severe allergies and can be hidden anywhere in your house.

Anything, from stray pollen to dust mites, can react badly with your body. And when it comes to pests, it’s best to get rid of them as soon as possible. Fortunately, a good steam cleaner can clean up your home by removing all these irritants.

For example, if you’re suffering from bedbugs, all you have to do is run your steam cleaner through your bedsheets and fabrics, and your bed will be as good as new!

6. They kill unpleasant odor

Steam cleaners can also act as natural deodorants. If you or any family member is allergic to chemicals used in room fresheners, opt for a steam cleaner.

In areas where moss has built up, steam cleaners can remove the moss and grime and lend a fresh odor there.

Additionally, if you have pets, you’ll know how difficult it is to get rid of their body odor and the unpleasant smell of their urine and poop!

Using steam will help you to make your entire house smell fresh and waste-free, no matter how many pets you have! It will also keep your pets healthy by removing unwanted ticks and bugs in the household.

7. They are easy to maintain

Imagine the discomfort you must go through every time you clean your home using a bucket, water, and a mop.

Not only will you need to clean the bucket and mop, but you’ll also have to splash your hands around in the dirty water. Disposable wipes can also cost a lot.

Fortunately, steam cleaners are a much more efficient alternative to both of these. Most steam mops use reusable fiber that grips the dirt particles and removes them from the floor or fabric.

These fiber cloths can be washed in the washing machine and as clean as new ones!

Many of these clothes also have a touch-free system, so you won’t have to come in contact with dirt.

8. They can be used anywhere in the house

Different materials need to be cleaned in different ways. For example, you’ll have to use different materials to clean wooden cupboards than ceramic bathroom sinks.

On the other hand, steam cleaners can be used anywhere, from floors and walls to curtains and pillows. You have to fill up the water tank and wait until the water heats up and reaches its optimum temperature.

After that, you can use it by directing the fiber cloth of the machine to the desired area where you wish to clean. Since the cleaner uses only steam, you don’t have to worry about the floor or upholstery reacting to the chemicals used!

9. They are easy to use

You might feel that steam cleaners are too fancy to use, but they’re much easier to handle than pressure washers or other cleaning equipment!

Once you learn the basics, handling a steam cleaner resembles a vacuum cleaner. You only have to pour tap water into the boiler tank of the cleaner and turn on the machine.

Next, wait for a few minutes until the cleaner gives you the signal that the water has been boiled enough. Some steam cleaners come with different indicators and buttons, but the cheaper ones are quite easy to understand.

If you’re ever confused about using the cleaner, don’t hesitate to ask the company representatives.

10. They can be cleaned easily

One minor problem you might encounter while using steam cleaners is the gradual deposition of hard minerals in the water tank. If the water taps in your home have hard water, the mineral and salt buildup will be faster.

However, you can still clean your steam cleaner in just a few minutes. You can run a mixture of vinegar and hot water through the tanker and repeat the process with plain water.

Good steam cleaners contain a stainless steel tank that lasts for many years. If you deep clean your system about once a week or two, you can be sure that the steam cleaner will function perfectly well for a long time.

11. They clean windows very well

When it comes to cleaning, window cleaning is probably the most hated! This is because no matter how well you clean your windows, they leave streaks and untidy marks.

But if you use a steam cleaner to eliminate unruly stains from windows, especially the ones in your car interiors, your car will look stunning!

Using the right kind of attachments to the cleaner, you can eliminate oil stains, engine buildup, grease marks, and stains left by bird droppings.

You can attach a good squeegee to the nozzle of the steamer, and your work will be done. Even if you have colored panes, a good steam cleaner will effectively make it look spotless.


So, dear reader, these are just a few advantages you can enjoy after bringing home a steam cleaner. So, the next time you think of cleaning your house or car, don’t forget to buy a steam cleaner before that!


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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