Summer is right around the corner, making it the perfect time to gather friends and family for thrilling outdoor games. Whether it’s a backyard barbecue, a picnic in the park, or a day at the beach, outdoor games are a great way to bond and create memories.

The summer days go by quickly, so make the most of it with outdoor fun. We’ve compiled a list of the top five outdoor games for summer 2023 that are perfect for all ages and skill levels.

So, let’s dive in, then you can see more at Elakai Outdoor.

1. Return to the classics with a competitive game of cornhole.

Let’s talk about Cornhole, the classic lawn game perfect for players of all ages. With simple rules and gameplay, it’s no wonder that these classic outdoor games have sustained their popularity. Few can resist the thrill of tossing bean bags at slanted boards, aiming for the holy grail, and sinking a bag straight through the hole.

Players become increasingly competitive after each round, competing for the ultimate prize of being crowned the Cornhole champion. So gather your friends and family for some outdoor games, grab a set of boards, and get ready to toss some bags to fight for that ultimate winning thrill.

2. Start an addictive game of washer toss.

Washer toss is another addictive outdoor game that’s perfect for summer. The game involves two teams tossing metal washers into a box or hole. Like cornhole, the objective is to score points by getting the washers into the target. Points are awarded based on the washer’s distance from the target, with the first team to reach a prearranged point total winning the game.

Washer toss is a great game for small spaces and requires less room to set up than other outdoor games on this list.

3. Challenge your friends to a timeless game of Horse Shoes.

Horseshoes is another one of the enthralling outdoor games on this list, with a rich history that continues to captivate players of all ages. This timeless classic involves placing two stakes about 40 feet apart in the ground, challenging participants to take turns tossing horseshoes toward these targets. The closer a player’s horseshoe lands to the stake, the more points are awarded, and the first team to achieve a predetermined point total triumphantly claims victory.

4. Have some barbeque fun with a game of Bocce Ball.

The game of bocce ball has been played since ancient Rome and requires both strategic thinking and skill. You play with eight big balls and one smaller ball called a pallino. The objective is to get your team’s balls as close to the pallino as you can, while still being farther than your opponent’s balls. Points are given based on the distance of the balls from the pallino, and the first team to reach the prearranged point total wins.

5. Go old school with a classic game of Croquet.

Croquet is a classic outdoor game that has been enjoyed for centuries. Using a mallet, the game involves hitting wooden balls through hoops. Players take turns hitting their balls, trying to be the first to complete the course by passing through all the hoops (also known as wickets) and hitting the final stake.

Points are awarded based on the order in which players finish the course, and the player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.

Conclusion: Add some excitement to the summer with these five outdoor games.

As summer approaches, it’s the perfect time to plan outdoor fun with friends and family. These top five outdoor games – cornhole, washer toss, horseshoes, bocce ball, and croquet – offer something for everyone, from casual players to competitive sports enthusiasts. So, get ready for a thrilling outdoor challenge, gather your loved ones, and enjoy the warm weather with these entertaining and engaging outdoor games.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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