Interior pocket doors can be a great addition to your home’s style and functionality. These doors save space by sliding into the wall when opened and add elegance to your home. Whether you’re renovating an existing space or building a new home, interior pocket entryways offer numerous benefits that make them an ideal choice for any homeowner. In this article, we’ll explore the various advantages of interior pocket openings and how they can enhance your home’s aesthetics and functionality.

What Are Interior Pocket Doors?

Interior pocket doors are a type of door that slides into the wall or nook when opened. They are an excellent space-saving device that can save up to ten square feet of floor space in a room. This is because, unlike traditional doorways, pocket doors do not swing open on hinges but slide using an overhead track or a floor track to move forward and backward.

Pocket doors are an ideal solution for small room settings where the radius of a traditional door would inhibit the use of needed space. For instance, a laundry room, bathroom, home office, or small bedroom are all areas where pocket doors are frequently used.

Pros And Cons Of Pocket Doors

Pocket entrances are a popular choice among homeowners due to their versatility in fitting in with any decor style, from traditional to modern. They’re also a great feature to showcase to guests.

The Benefits Of Pocket Doors

  • A Great Solution For Smaller Spaces

Interior pocket doors are an excellent option for small bathrooms, closets, and connecting spaces, such as between a master bath and a walk-in closet. They’re also a great way to keep dogs or kids safely confined to one area, and smaller, partial-height pocket doorways can be an elegant solution for this purpose.

  • Design

Interior pocket doors provide a unique opportunity to experiment with colors and textures without making a bold statement, as the enclosures are often concealed. Additionally, using architectural salvage can add a touch of authenticity to older homes by incorporating period-specific details.

  • Style

Pocket doors are versatile and can complement any design style, from historical to contemporary, making them a great addition to any home. Additionally, they provide a unique opportunity to experiment with colors and textures without making a bold statement, as they are often concealed when not in use.

The Drawbacks Of Pocket Doors

  • Maintenance

Interior pocket doors require more complicated maintenance and repairs due to the hardware being located inside the wall. The panels have more moving parts, leading to issues such as falling off the track, difficulty locking, and squeaking if not lubricated regularly.

  • Functional Issues

If not lubricated regularly, interior pocket doors may encounter functional issues such as falling off the track, difficulty rolling, locking problems, and noise. It is important to maintain them to prevent these issues regularly. The best way to maintain the panels is to lubricate them with a silicone-based lubricant.

Pocket Door Perfection: Creative Ideas for Incorporating Pocket Doors into Your Design

Laundry Room Pocket Door

Interior pocket doors are frequently used in small rooms or areas with multiple doors, as traditional hinged ones can impede functionality. A laundry room with a pocket entrance, for example, allows for a smoother flow of movement, and glass panes can be added to allow more natural light into the room.

Pocket Door with Glass Inserts

Consider installing a pocket door with glass inserts for a stylish and functional addition to your home. This type of door allows natural light to filter through and creates an illusion of more space. It’s perfect for separating a formal dining room from a living area or a home office from a bedroom while adding a touch of elegance to your space.

Black Pocket Doors

Black sliding pocket doors have become a trendy feature in farmhouses and contemporary designs. They offer a sleek and modern touch to any home, making it stand out. For a large doorway, the homeowner chose to install double pocket doorways in a sleek black finish, creating a cleaner look compared to traditional double doors that swing open and close.

Bookcase Pocket Door

A bookcase pocket door is a fantastic solution for those who live in tiny homes or have limited storage space. It is a versatile storage option that can also serve as a decorative element. With a bookcase pocket entryway, you can store books, decorative items, or even a small TV, making it perfect for a home library, bedroom, or living room. Not only does it offer additional storage space, but it can also add charm and character to the room. You can choose from various designs and materials to create a custom look that complements your home decor.


Interior pocket doors are an excellent choice for homeowners looking to upgrade their home’s style and functionality. These doors save space, add elegance, and can complement any design style, from traditional to modern. They’re ideal for small spaces, and glass inserts and black finishes can add a touch of elegance to your home. While pocket doors do require more maintenance than traditional ones, they offer a unique opportunity to experiment with colors and textures without making a bold statement. Consider incorporating interior pocket doors into your home’s design to enhance its aesthetics and functionality.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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