I’ve always been attracted by the concept of wearing wigs as someone who enjoys experimenting with different hairstyles. However, as someone who has already experienced hair loss, I am concerned about the influence that wig wearing may have on the condition of my real hair. In this essay, I’ll look at the connection between wigs and hair loss and discuss my personal wig-wearing experiences.

Types of Wigs and Their Impact on Hair Health

Wigs come in many different types and styles, and some can be more damaging to natural hair than others. For black women, Knotless braids styles are a popular option for protective styling that can help prevent hair breakage and promote hair growth. However, traditional braid wigs can be heavy and put strain on the hairline, potentially leading to hair loss. On the other hand, braided wigs made with lightweight materials and a breathable cap, such as Knotless Braids Styles, can be a great option for those looking to protect their natural hair without causing damage.

Lace front wigs are another popular alternative, but if not worn correctly, they can be detrimental to natural hair. Lace front wigs have lace material at the front of the wig to simulate the appearance of a natural hairline. If the wig is not correctly fixed, the lace material might rub against the hairline, producing friction and perhaps triggering hair loss.

Wigs and Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia, a kind of hair loss caused by repetitive tugging or stress on the hair follicles, is one of the most serious dangers connected with wig use. Traction alopecia may be caused by wearing overly tight hairstyles, such as braids or weaves, but it can also be caused by wearing wigs too tightly or for too long.

It is critical to find wigs that fit properly and are not too tight to avoid traction alopecia. Wigs that are overly tight can generate strain on the hairline and scalp, eventually leading to hair loss. Furthermore, it is essential to avoid wearing wigs for long periods of time and to take rests between wearing wigs to enable the scalp to breathe.

Criss Cross Braids Wigs and Hair Health

Criss Cross Braids are a recent trend that has gained popularity due to their unique braiding pattern and protective styling benefits. However, these wigs can also be heavy and put strain on the scalp, potentially leading to hair loss if worn for extended periods. For those looking for a lighter, more comfortable alternative, small knotless braids are a great option in summer that offer similar protective benefits without the added weight.

To reduce hair loss when wearing Criss Cross Braids wigs, make sure you choose the proper size and fit for your head. Wigs that are overly tight might induce scalp strain, which can contribute to hair loss over time. It’s also crucial to take pauses from wearing wigs to enable the scalp to breathe and to avoid wearing wigs for long periods of time.

Maintaining Natural Hair Health While Wearing Wigs

To minimize the risk of hair loss while wearing wigs, it’s important to take care of natural hair by using gentle shampoo and conditioner and regularly deep conditioning to keep it healthy and strong. Proper moisturizing and care can help to mitigate the risks associated with wig wearing and ensure that natural hair remains healthy and strong. For braided wigs specifically, it’s important to keep the braids moisturized and well-maintained to avoid damage to the natural hair underneath.

Additionally, it’s important to choose wigs made with high-quality materials that are designed to be gentle on natural hair. Synthetic wigs, for example, can be more damaging to natural hair than human hair wigs, as the synthetic materials can cause friction and lead to hair loss over time.


While wig wearing can be a great way to protect natural hair and experiment with different styles, it’s important to be mindful of the potential risks and to take steps to minimize the risk of hair loss. By choosing the right type of wig, being mindful of fit and size, and taking care of natural hair while wearing wigs, it is possible to enjoy the benefits of wig wearing without sacrificing the health of your natural hair.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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