In the enchanting realm of silk, where threads intertwine with tales of tradition and sustainability, Tianpei emerges as the visionary founder of Soft Strokes Silk. In an exclusive dialogue destined for the pages of House of Coco magazine, Tianpei unveils the rich tapestry of her entrepreneurial journey, intricately woven with a passion for mulberry silk products and an unwavering commitment to sustainability.

Soft Strokes Silk, under Tianpei’s stewardship, is not merely a brand; it is a manifestation of cultural reverence and personal connection. Inspired by the silk that adorned the lives of her ancestors, Tianpei embarked on a mission to share the joys of this luxurious fabric with a broader audience. As the founder and creative force behind Soft Strokes Silk, she delicately crafts a narrative that transcends the mere creation of silk products; it is a celebration of heritage, a homage to Asian culture, and a testament to the enduring allure of silk through generations.

What sets Tianpei and Soft Strokes Silk apart is not just the exquisite quality of their mulberry silk but also their unwavering commitment to sustainability. In a world increasingly conscious of its environmental footprint, Tianpei shares the brand’s journey toward being 100% bio-degradable. Through her insightful responses, she unveils the thoughtfulness embedded in every aspect of Soft Strokes Silk – from the selection of mulberry silk to the conscientious choice of decomposable packaging, creating a brand that not only adorns but also respects the earth it springs from.

Toronto, the chosen home for Soft Strokes Silk, emerges as more than a geographical location. It is a muse that shapes the brand’s identity and design ethos. Tianpei unfolds the city’s pivotal role, not just as a thriving business hub but as a source of inspiration woven into the fabric of each Soft Strokes Silk creation. From the diverse cityscape to the kindness of its inhabitants, Toronto becomes a living palette for the brand’s artistic expression.

Soft Strokes Silk, as hinted by its evocative name, is a testament to craftsmanship and attention to detail. Tianpei walks us through the intricate creative process behind the brand’s silk beddings, accessories, and lingerie, revealing a dedication to quality that echoes through each stitch. The name itself, born from silk scarves featuring Canadian artists’ paintings, speaks to a harmonious blend of strokes – both of the hand and the brush, transcending mere fabric to become wearable art.

Through the lens of this interview, readers are granted a glimpse into Tianpei’s entrepreneurial odyssey. Her reflections on challenges faced, lessons learned, and the rewarding moments paint a portrait of resilience and passion. Soft Strokes Silk is not just a business; it’s a labor of love that has blossomed through dedication, persistence, and a profound connection to the products it offers.

As House of Coco readers embark on this illuminating conversation, they will discover more than a brand; they will encounter a visionary entrepreneur, a custodian of cultural heritage, and a trailblazer in the world of sustainable luxury. Tianpei’s journey unfolds as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, urging them to pursue their passions with a sustainable heart and an unwavering commitment to the exquisite strokes that define their craft…

Tianpei, can you share the story behind the creation of Soft Strokes Silk and what inspired you to start a business focused on mulberry silk products?

Silk holds a special place in Asian culture and my personal history. Stories of my grandfather seeking Hang Luo silk during difficult times and witnessing the joy my aunties found in silk dresses inspired me to share this fabric’s joy with more people.

Soft Strokes Silk places a strong emphasis on sustainability. Could you tell us more about your commitment to being 100% bio-degradable and how this aligns with your vision for the brand?

Our commitment to sustainability stems from a desire to avoid creating long-lasting waste. We focus on mulberry silk, which returns to the earth naturally. Additionally, we use 100% decomposable mailers and paper envelopes, minimizing extra packaging to align with our dedication to sustainability.

Mulberry silk is known for its luxurious feel. How do you ensure that Soft Strokes Silk products maintain their quality and luxuriousness while also being suitable for everyday life?

To balance silk’s luxurious feel with everyday wear, we design sleek and simple pieces, avoiding excessive decorative elements. We also use silk fabrics with subtle sheen or no sheen at all, such as sueded silk, silk crepe, and silk dupioni, providing a low-key look that’s easy to care for.

Toronto is your chosen location for Soft Strokes Silk. What role does the city play in shaping your brand’s identity, and how does it influence your designs?

Toronto’s diversity and kindness, coupled with its support for businesses, make it an ideal place for Soft Strokes Silk. Our Toronto silk scarf, featuring local symbols and personal memories, reflects the city’s impact on our identity and design choices.

The name “Soft Strokes Silk” suggests a certain level of craftsmanship. Can you walk us through the creative process behind your silk beddings, accessories, and lingerie?

Named after our silk scarves, “Soft Strokes Silk” reflects both the hand-stroking of silk and brush strokes on paintings. Attention to craftsmanship is crucial, and we carefully select suppliers and tailors. Quality is emphasized, ensuring our products meet high standards.

In the world of fashion and lifestyle products, sustainability is becoming increasingly important. What innovative approaches or practices does Soft Strokes Silk use to minimize its environmental impact?

We minimize packaging, using decomposable mailers and reusable materials. Our new advent calendar, for instance, features reusable fabric hangers instead of traditional cardboard, emphasizing sustainability in every aspect.

As the founder, what have been some of the most rewarding moments in your journey with Soft Strokes Silk so far?

Custom orders and seeing real people appreciate our products are rewarding moments. Customization allows customers to choose colors and styles, ensuring they wear our garments for a long time.

Soft Strokes Silk offers a range of products, from beddings to lingerie. How do you see these items enhancing the lives of your customers in different ways?

Our versatile products, with a high return customer rate, cater to various needs. Customers discover the benefits of silk through items like face masks, leading them to explore our broader range, including silk scrunchies, pillowcases, and pajamas.

Mulberry silk has a rich history and reputation. How do you draw inspiration from this heritage while also infusing your unique perspective into Soft Strokes Silk products?

Studying silk’s role in different cultures inspires our designs. We blend historical knowledge with modern technology, exploring unconventional fabrics and techniques, enhancing our approach to design.

Could you share some insights into the challenges you’ve faced in establishing and growing your brand, and how you’ve overcome them?

Despite my background in eCommerce, running Soft Strokes Silk revealed unforeseen challenges. Adapting to the intricacies of entrepreneurship required a learning curve, but overcoming obstacles has been an integral part of our growth.

Many entrepreneurs are passionate about their business’s mission. What personal connection do you have to silk and sustainability that drives your dedication to Soft Strokes Silk?

Silk became a significant part of my life after the age of 25, marking a shift from fast fashion to customized, skin-friendly silk garments. My personal connection to silk’s comfort and appreciation for finer tastes fuels my dedication to Soft Strokes Silk.

Soft Strokes Silk’s products are known for their versatility. How do you envision your brand evolving in the future to continue meeting the needs of your customers?

Our customers’ creative use of our products inspires us to experiment with unconventional silk apparel, like sueded silk hoodies. Silk’s versatility allows us to explore new designs that align with customer preferences and needs.

Sustainability often extends beyond just the product itself. Can you tell us about any eco-friendly practices or initiatives within your production and packaging processes?

We prioritize minimal packaging, avoiding excess waste. Smaller products come in decomposable mailers, and reusable materials are used whenever packaging is necessary. Our focus extends beyond the product to create a more sustainable overall experience.

In the world of fashion and lifestyle brands, staying relevant is key. How does Soft Strokes Silk stay ahead of the curve and maintain its uniqueness in a competitive market?

Our customer-centric approach, offering customization based on customer preferences, and creating unique products like the 32-momme matcha green silk pillowcase set us apart. We prioritize customer desires and consistently innovate to maintain our uniqueness.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

I would love to visit Cluj-Napoca in Romania, specifically to see the underground ferris wheel in an old salt mine—an intriguing destination that has captured my curiosity.

Lastly, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who are passionate about sustainability and want to make a positive impact through their own businesses, like you have with Soft Strokes Silk?

Choose a product you love and use daily to ensure enjoyment in your work. Working on something you’re passionate about is not only fulfilling but also attracts like-minded individuals. Additionally, staying true to sustainable practices can be both rewarding and enjoyable, akin to playing video games for a gamer.

May this interview spark curiosity, ignite creativity, and kindle a newfound appreciation for the artistry woven into every Soft Strokes Silk creation. As readers delve into the world of this visionary founder, may they carry with them the resonance of silk’s soft strokes—a reminder that, in the hands of a passionate entrepreneur, a thread can weave not just fabrics but a narrative that resonates with the heart and soul of a brand.

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Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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