In the rhythmic heartbeat of life, where chaos often reigns supreme, Laura Bartlett, a fervent devotee of self-care, unfolds a tale of transcendence through her recent enchanting rendezvous with the world of Lush Spa. A sequel to her synesthetic massage escapade, this narrative unveils a harmonious dance between solitude and indulgence, as Laura immerses herself in the sublime essence of a ‘Me Date.’

Elevating My Self-Care Ritual: A Sojourn into Bathing Bliss

A decade ago, I embarked on a sacred tradition, my cherished ‘Me Date’ – a sanctuary where the world fades away, and the symphony of solitude plays on. Bathing, a daily cornerstone of my self-care routine, led me on a celestial journey to the largest Lush Store in the world, where my passion for bathing found wings with the enchanting Snow Fairy Book a Bath.

A Ballet of Fuchsia Waters: The Snow Fairy Bath Bomb Experience

As I ascended the levels of the bustling Lush store in Liverpool, anticipation danced within me. Upon reaching the top floor, I crossed the threshold into a different realm—the entrance to the Lush Spa. The world outside disappeared, and I stepped into a haven of tranquility and indulgence.

The journey began with a delightful opportunity to curate my own pampering experience. With guidance from the lovely Sian, the spa attendant, I carefully selected a face mask, moisturiser, and everything necessary to immerse myself in the enchanting Snow Fairy Bath experience. Each choice felt like a personalised embrace, tailored to my unique preferences and desires.

Led to the room with an instant wow factor, I found myself standing in a space that transcended the ordinary. The ambiance was bathed in a pink soft glow, creating an atmosphere of serenity and anticipation. The attention to detail was impeccable, setting the stage for an experience that promised to redefine my perception of bath time. I was literally doing a happy dance as this was my equivalent of what heaven on earth must look like. 

As I reclined into the bath, I surrendered to the magical festive fervour, each moment a celebration of personal rejuvenation. The world outside faded into the background, and the Snow Fairy Book a Bath became a portal to a realm where time slowed, and the cares of the day dissipated.

As the Snow Fairy Bath Bomb descended into the water, it released a cascade of dreamy fuchsia hues. The air carried notes of reimagined songs from the Fresh Handmade Sound, weaving a symphony that embraced me in a cocoon of sonic delight.

Whispers of Bliss: The Snow Fairy’s Exclusive Presence

Exclusively available in select Lush Spa locations—Cardiff, Bath, Birmingham, Edinburgh, London Oxford Street, and Liverpool—the Snow Fairy Book a Bath transcended the ordinary, offering an intimate space for personal rejuvenation and unwinding.

A Quintessence of Self-Adoration: The Shampoo Bar Extravaganza

Post-bathing reverie, I found myself captivated by ‘The Shampoo Bar’ in Liverpool, a sanctuary within the world’s largest Lush store. Nestled in the comfiest chair, I surrendered my locks to a Shampoo Therapist, transported to another dimension where bustling city life faded into oblivion.

Lush Spa

As my therapist skilfully worked her magic, every strand of my hair seemed to sigh in relief. The choice of hard or soft water, personalised to my liking, added a bespoke touch to the experience. It was more than just a hair wash; it was a sensorial escape, a moment of self-indulgence where time slowed down, and the only rhythm was the gentle massage of fingertips against my scalp.

The entire experience was an affirmation that taking the time for oneself is a ritual worth cherishing, where the outside world fades away, and the focus shifts entirely to nurturing the essence of one’s being. Whatever the alchemy, this, without a doubt, marked the pinnacle—the best hair washing experience of my life.

Emerging from this cocoon of self-adulation, it wasn’t merely about pampering but a celebration of the cherished ritual of self-love. The external world dissolved, allowing the focus to shift entirely to nurturing the essence of my being.

The journey, from the enchanting Snow Fairy Book a Bath to the transformative Shampoo Bar experience, left me with a rich tapestry of memories—a narrative that underscored the importance of self-indulgence, a reminder that within the embrace of self-love, hidden dimensions of joy and tranquility are discovered.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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