Step into the world of Bénédicte de Boysson, where timeless elegance intertwines seamlessly with modern glamour, and each piece of jewellery tells a story of creativity and sophistication.

In this exclusive interview, we delve into the creative mind behind the brand, exploring the inspirations, values, and craftsmanship that define Bénédicte de Boysson Jewellery.

Bénédicte de Boysson’s journey is one marked by a deep appreciation for heritage, a multicultural upbringing, and a commitment to infusing each creation with meaning and beauty. From paying homage to classic pieces to celebrating the mystical allure of stones, her designs resonate with individuals who seek to express their inner essence through exquisite adornments.

Join us as we uncover the philosophy guiding Bénédicte’s design process, the influence of her diverse experiences on her creative vision, and her dedication to upholding exceptional French craftsmanship….

Bénédicte, your brand embodies a captivating blend of timeless elegance and modern glamour. How do you ensure this balance resonates in every piece you create?

In my opinion, creativity is always a balance of intuition and awareness of what already exists. So, I remember what great artists and fashion moguls have done in the past and try to add my personal touch. For me, there is nothing better than classics.

As we usually say in France, “simplicity is elegance.” Personally, I would add that simplicity is also modernity; it is the perfect equilibrium between timeless and elegance. I have always designed something that speaks to my heart and that I would personally wear on an everyday basis and in the long run.

But with Bénédicte de Boysson Jewelry, I really chose to pay homage to a classic piece: the “Long Sautoir Necklace.” Coco Chanel popularised it at the beginning of the 20th Century, and it was worn for any occasion. My purpose is to bring the focus back to this amazing timeless piece and revisit it with my own creativity.

All of our Sautoir Necklaces are produced in limited editions – 16 pieces per model and colour to always ensure new models and designs. Then, around this piece, I create an entire collection of matching pieces to complete the look.

Your jewellery is described as “head-turner” pieces that are uniquely striking yet effortlessly refined. How do you approach the design process to achieve this distinctive aesthetic?

Designing comes from the heart and only the heart. It is hard for me to answer this question as it is an inspiration, a deeper knowing intertwined with joy and happiness. So, it is difficult to put words onto something that is so “intangible” but yet magical. When you experience passion, happiness in you, it is effortless. I think the key here is just to listen to your inner self and who you truly are.

We are all unique but one at the same time. So if what I create comes from my heart, it will speak to yours. With experience and time, I have noticed that people usually say that my designs are unique, different, amazingly beautiful and easily noticed when worn.

As someone who has traveled the world extensively, how has your multicultural upbringing influenced your designs and creative vision?

Traveling was one thing, but living in different countries allowed me to really delve into the different cultures and experiences of the world’s diversity. Of course, it influences your creativity and brings ideas, but I would say it brings deeper values like openness, compassion, and a deep personal expansion of your soul. All those ingredients are needed when you decide to create your dream and put it into form.

Could you share a specific moment or experience from your travels that directly inspired one of your jewellery collections?

When I started my brand, I went to Thailand, this beautiful, colourful country. All those colors really inspired me. They also have those multiple/bazaar shops where you can buy anything, and from time to time, there are those stone jewellery shops. I was already a big fan of coloured stones, and I thought they were not really given the right homage in the luxury world. So I decided to focus on them and bring my personal touch with my experience from the luxury jewellery world.

Your brand emphasises the intertwining of French elegance with the mysticism of stones. How do you infuse this concept into your designs?

As I previously said, I have always been a big fan of stones and all the mystical aspects behind them. I believe they speak to your soul and vice versa. What I really love about those stones is that you can be amazingly creative with them. Each stone can be cut according to a design while respecting the way they naturally grow. If you look at the beginning of the 20th century in the Art-Deco jewellery style, especially in France, they used to really put them forward rather than diamonds at the time.

Bénédicte de Boysson Jewelry is known for accentuating understated elegance. How do you ensure each piece reflects this understated sophistication?

Very humbly, I try to put a little bit of my soul into each of my creations. I was brought up with a mother who was always very elegant, into details, and who knew how to style everything: From herself, the house, the Garden “à la française” to flower arrangements. I guess she did influence me in the best way.

You’ve mentioned that you see yourself as a “stage director” whose goal is to illuminate the stones in the best possible way. Can you elaborate on how this philosophy guides your creative process?

I like to say that I am just the one who “adds on” to the stone. The stones already speak for themselves with the colour, the texture, the story, and significance they have on their own. I am just here to add the small touch of embellishment they deserve with my creativity and design.

Your commitment to exceptional French craftsmanship is evident in every piece. How do you maintain such high standards of quality and artistry?

I make sure that the best artisans in France surround me, those who really respect the traditional know-how of jewellery making. Unfortunately or fortunately, today so many big actors are producing in quantities as the demand is always growing, but it also means standardising production to gain time and margin.

I am going the opposite way; I am making sure that each of my pieces is made from A to Z by one jeweller as I believe that you can really live the process fully and bring to life the finished piece from your heart and passion. For sure, sometimes, we are facing some delivery time gaps. But what else than to have the excitement of waiting and expecting something that really speaks to your heart and is made with passion and love?

Each stone in your jewellery is handpicked and imbued with meaning. Can you share a story behind one of your favourite stones and its significance to you?

I do not really have one favourite stone. I love them all, as one would speak louder during a period of my life and then it would be another one. I believe that we are in constant evolution and expansion if we allow our soul to be so. For example, these days I am really drawn to grey moonstone.

If you look at the signification, it means inner peace and calm. It is a stone of new beginnings and is believed to help with decision-making. It is also a stone for reinforcing the divine feminine power. If I am honest, it is exactly what my soul needs these days to ground those beautiful energies and expand deeper.

Your upbringing in a lineage of nobles dedicated to serving the world is fascinating. How does this heritage influence your brand’s ethos and values?

I would say it is both a burden and a blessing. I am very grateful that I was raised with these beautiful, upright values as it gives a sense of respect, honour, honesty, and integrity. You really need those to embrace who you are truly. But on the other hand, it can be a lot of pressure from the lineage. However, it is a good lesson to learn how to detach from those and keep only the right things that speak to your own self without forgetting where you are coming from.

Your brand celebrates freedom and creativity. How do you encourage these values within your team and throughout your creative process?

You can only embrace true freedom from within with peace and happiness. When you are truly free, then you can expand and be creative from your heart. Those values are to be lived and shared with others. You cannot be free and happy alone in the long run. We are all one, and it is the beauty of it. With my team, I try to allow them to find their own balance between their own happiness and freedom.

If I apply those values to myself, I should be applying them to everybody around me. It brings me joy and happiness to see my team being happy every day. I also make sure that individuals do what they like to do as I believe it is the best way to move forward and together.

What inspired you to create jewellery specifically for women who want to express their feminine and glamorous sides?

Sometimes in the world we live in, it is hard to really come back to our true essence as a woman. With everything around us, it can be challenging to be feminine and glamorous without falling into vulgarity and provocation. The Feminine, like the masculine, has been twisted and it can be hard to find your way back to those pure energies. We carry both of them, but I believe there should be a balance between them. In my opinion, those are just energies rather than physical or material things.

My purpose with my jewellery is to really speak to the soul. I like to imagine that my jewellery would act like talismans and help you integrate slowly a balance within you. The combination of the stones chosen by you with the design will help you feel beautiful, elegant, and feminine.

Your pieces are worn by those who command attention and elegance. How do you envision your jewellery empowering the individuals who wear it?

When I started, little did I know it would happen? I never truly decided any of this. With time and experience, I have just seen, noticed, and been told that when my clients wear my creations, they feel amazing, glamorous, and empowered by themselves. I am just “an added tool” to help them shine their own inner beauty.

In a world of fast fashion, your brand emphasises timeless pieces. How do you ensure your designs remain relevant and coveted for years to come?

I do not know how everything will grow and evolve, but I like to put the greatest intention into it. I am not a big fan of fast fashion myself as I am more into taking the time to buy and really feel what I would like for myself. I am more into consuming with awareness and feeling what I would love to wear in the long run. At first, I thought I was going the opposite way as the world is today, but surprisingly I discovered that quiet luxury and investment pieces are an absolute trend, which is really what Bénédicte de Boysson is all about.

Collaboration and community are essential elements of growth. How do you foster these connections within your brand’s ecosystem?

As I said, we are all unique but one at the same time. I believe collaboration and community are key elements for personal growth but also for anything you would create. I allow anything or anyone that the universe will bring to me, listen to my intuition and inner heart, and see if it is in alignment with who I am, what my brand is, and if the rest of my team agrees to it. I am a true believer of “you attract who you are.” I would also add that you grow with the ones around you. I believe it is a conscious decision to keep the right people around you to maintain a perfect balance for yourself and your surroundings.

Looking ahead, what exciting projects or collections can we expect from Bénédicte de Boysson Jewellery?

We have so many exciting things in the pipeline, so it is difficult to really focus on one. We are now slowly but surely expanding our presence on the web and with selected retailers around the world. We also have so many exciting partnerships with the media, but it is still confidential for now. Personally, I’d rather talk about creativity as it is what I love to do and the essence of Bénédicte de Boysson. I truly hope to continue the expansion of some of our existing collections.

As you know, our specialty is Long Sautoir necklaces, but I would also like to develop “smaller products” around some of our existing collections in the future and why not release a new Long Sautoir Necklace with pearls. I am also developing personalised pieces for my clients. It takes time but It is a growing demand for personalised and unique design.

What legacy do you hope to leave through your brand’s impact on the world of fashion and jewellery?

Only “God/The Universe” knows. I’d rather live in the moment, keep creating, expand and let everything unfold the way it should be. But If there was one wish in “my legacy,” it would be to bring back luxury jewellery wearing to luxury jewellery with meanings as the Egyptians did when wearing jewellery as talismans.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

I am so curious and love to travel, so everywhere is on my bucket list. I’ll let you know and see what new inspirations will come out from it.

What’s your go-to quote when you are lacking motivation?

Listen to your heart, Be present, Trust, and Let go.

Where can people follow you and find out more? / Instagram: benedictedeboyxson

As we conclude our conversation with Bénédicte de Boysson, we are left inspired by her passion, creativity, and commitment to timeless elegance. But the journey of discovery doesn’t end here.

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Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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