


Prepare to embark on an inspiring journey with Katherine E. Blake, the visionary founder and CEO of Beautifully Nourished. At House of Coco, we believe that true beauty emanates from within, and that’s exactly what Katherine’s mission embodies. Her profound insights into nutrition and wellness have the power to transform lives, nourishing both the body and soul.

In this exclusive interview, Katherine shares her remarkable journey and the driving force behind her pursuit of a career in nutrition and wellness. Her unwavering belief in the profound connection between what we consume and how we think, act, and feel will leave you inspired and eager to explore the limitless potential of holistic health.

As you immerse yourself in this interview, envision the future of Beautifully Nourished and the profound impact it is set to make in the world of nutrition and wellness. Allow Katherine’s passion and vision to spark your own journey of self-discovery and nourishment.

Get ready to be captivated by the wisdom and inspiration that awaits you. Let the radiant energy of Beautifully Nourished infuse your life and unlock your true potential…

Can you tell us about your journey and what inspired you to pursue a career in nutrition and wellness?

The concept of nutrition has always fascinated me. I love discovering the ways in which what we put into our bodies can affect the way we think, act, and feel. For me, nutrition goes far beyond food alone; it extends to everything that we put inside our beautiful bodies.

For me, nutrition is far-reaching – from the foods we eat to the thoughts we tell ourselves, the people we interact with, and the environments that surround us.

And the great thing is – we get to choose! We get to choose what we consume and what we do not. We can eat nutritious foods, think nutritious thoughts, and surround ourselves with people and places that make us feel good. Choose the nutritious option 80% of the time and watch your life unfold!

Things that nourish us serve our soul and our very being. Opt for joy, every time – let joy be your compass.

When we are at our best, when we look and feel blissful, joyful, content, okay, nourished, supported, well-rested, encouraged, safe, loved (by self and others), we are best able to show up for life fully and serve others in our own beautifully unique way and play our part in this beautiful whole.

How did your experience at the Nutrigenomics Centre in Kentucky shape your understanding of the connection between nutrition and health?

My experience in Kentucky enabled me to see nutrition in action right down to the cellular and RNA level. The project I worked on focused on the ingredient Selenium and its potential role in the prevention of gastrointestinal cancers and type 2 diabetes.

The project concluded that nutrition can easily change the way our genes express themselves. Nutrients can both upregulate or downregulate gene expression. While I am a huge advocate of holistic health, there is no denying that nutrition affects even the tiniest components within our cells.

What motivated you to start Beautifully Nourished and launch it as an online magazine initially?

I followed what I loved. My love for science and biology led me to nutrition, which led me to work experiences that developed my skills, understanding, and experiences. These shaped my ideas that grew and grew until I was ready to create Beautifully Nourished.

I loved sharing my discoveries in real-time, and the original online magazine was the perfect outlet to deliver that. Today, the online magazine has evolved into Beautifully Nourished’s Ezine and online blog – The Fix.

Could you share some insights into the process of building a community of like-minded women who share the BN ethos?

When we live and express our truth, the whole world benefits. We are all so connected in ways that still completely blow my mind. I spoke about what I loved, my beliefs, and what I am passionate about. When we do that, we attract matches for that in the form of community, customers, partners, and opportunities. Speak your truth – always!

How did your time as a product developer at Sainsbury’s influence your approach to creating your own product ranges for Beautifully Nourished?

My time at Sainsbury’s was invaluable. Among all the contracts I have worked on, Sainsbury’s was my favorite. The atmosphere was fantastic, the energy was motivating, and it was challenging in all the right ways.

It honed and fine-tuned all that I had learned from business school and my work experiences to date. It taught me how to take a blue sky concept – an idea – and turn it into a tangible product that serves the consumer and that the consumer will love. I studied the product development process inside and out until I became confident enough to say that product development is one of my strongest abilities. Creation, to me, feels like an expression of the soul, and it is one of my favorite states to be in.

What challenges did you face in the early stages of setting up Beautifully Nourished as a consultant, and how did you overcome them?

Honestly, my last consultancy contract was a disaster.

I don’t take saying things like “opt for joy” lightly – I, too, like all of us, have experienced my fair share of life’s challenges and the low feelings that come with them.

Difficulty is inevitable – life is full of dualities – when there is up, there is down; when there is left, there is right; where there is love, there is fear, and so on. I have learned not to label emotions as positive or negative. They all have their place, and as humans, we will experience them all.

But those experiences teach, and what I have noticed as a pattern is that when big breakthroughs and bliss states are experienced, the precursor to that is almost always a challenge. A friend of mine recently described that process as “growing pains.”

Could you share any success stories or testimonials from customers who have benefited from using Beautifully Nourished products?

Absolutely, and with pleasure.

  1. 5* “I am on the fourth day of using your magic cream, and my skin is looking amazing. I don’t even need to use as much foundation. It’s honestly much brighter; it was looking very dull. I also had a little cluster of spots on my cheekbone that has been there for years, and I swear they are fading.” – Carol M. – This was the first-ever review (Vitamin ACE Moisturiser) that we received, and I will never forget it. I almost know it word for word! Nothing makes me happier than knowing there are people at home experiencing results that benefit them and put a smile on their faces!!
  2. “I had really brittle hair since giving birth, and taking this supplement has really helped make my hair and nails feel so much stronger.”
  3. “I won’t use anything else. These tablets are magic! My hair has completely been restored post-pregnancy. Thank you, Beautifully Nourished.”

How does Beautifully Nourished incorporate sustainability and environmental consciousness into its practices?

Life must work in balance. It is a universal law that many of us, as humanity, have forgotten. When we consume, we must plant. When we take, we must give. Receive in gratitude. It’s a sacred dance between our existence and life itself. If we continuously take from the Earth without replenishment, depletion is the only possible outcome. The same goes for our bodies – if we continuously work, effort, strive, and achieve without giving to ourselves in the form of nourishment, rest, time with family and nature, we too will deplete.

At Beautifully Nourished, we live by this ethos, and you will see it reflected in the way we ship, source, and package our products.

All of our outer packaging is made from recycled materials, we ship net carbon neutral, all of our B2C mailing materials are biodegradable, and by 2025, we endeavour for all of our Beautifully Nourished bottles to be biodegradable.

What can readers expect from The Fix, Beautifully Nourished’s daily E-Zine, and how does it add value to their lives?

We delve deep into commonly asked questions, often those with a sense of taboo. Write in with any of your questions, and we will provide comprehensive coverage, either personally (if you request it) or in The Fix. If you have a thought that you may be shy to ask, chances are there are a whole group of people feeling the same. Ask away, and our experts are on standby!

In your opinion, what are the biggest misconceptions people have about nutrition and wellness, and how does Beautifully Nourished address them?

I remember in one of my early nutrition lectures back in 2008, the professor was speaking about a client she was working with who said, “What’s the point? I could get hit by a bus tomorrow.” Her answer was, “Yes, but that doesn’t mean that you play in traffic.”

Are there any upcoming projects or developments in the pipeline for Beautifully Nourished that you can share with us?

Oh, yes – we are looking to enter new markets. Watch this space.

We know that more awareness surrounding feminine cycles is needed at the societal and individual level. We look forward to stepping into this space with education.

Can you talk about the importance of transparency and ingredient sourcing in the supplements industry?

Of course! On every product, you should find a batch number. This number contains reels of information, stories from every single ingredient contained within the formulation, including the source of origin, times, and dates. Traceability is key, and the standards of supplement manufacturing here in the UK are very good. We love working closely with our manufacturers, whose commitment to quality and precision is as important as our own. Beautifully Nourished products, like all supplements, are made to the highest possible standards and are fully traceable. This is key for product safety and consumer commitment.

What advice would you give to someone who is looking to improve their overall well-being but doesn’t know where to start?

  1. Small consistent changes are key! Consistent, repeated action over time is what will get you the results, not one-off grand displays. Take small, simple, and steady steps.
  2. You’re beautiful now! Really work on cultivating a deep sense of self-love, respect, and appreciation. Transformation will happen as a natural side effect of wanting to treat yourself well.
  3. Supplements are an easy way to anchor your daily wellness program and ensure there are no nutritional gaps within your diet.

Our readers love to travel. What destination is at the top of your bucket list?

Japan!! I cannot believe I have never been. It is high on my bucket list, as is Alaska!

Jamaica – my heritage is Jamaican, English, and Italian. But I have never been to Jamaica. I feel like we all crave depth, our roots; we sense our ancestry, and eventually, it will call us home. I cannot wait for that day.

Looking ahead, what is your vision for the future of Beautifully Nourished and its impact on the world of nutrition and wellness?

I wish for Beautifully Nourished’s messaging to reach as many people as possible. As we begin to enter new markets and localize our messages, my wish is to bring as many people home to themselves and their bodies as possible.

Where can people find out more about you and your brand?

We would love to hear from you at or @officialbeautifullynourished.

Welcome to our exclusive interview with Julie Thurgood-Burnett, the founder of Hereward Farm, a remarkable lavender farm and skincare brand based in Ontario, Canada.

In this captivating conversation, we delve into Julie’s inspiring journey from the fast-paced world of marketing to the tranquil fields of lavender, where she discovered her true passion and built a thriving business.

Julie’s transition from high heels to work boots may seem unexpected, but her story is a testament to the power of embracing new opportunities and following one’s heart.

Join us as we explore the origins of Hereward Farm, the benefits of lavender for skincare, and the unique vision Julie has for her brand.

Prepare to be inspired by her unwavering commitment to sustainability, community support, and empowering individuals through education. Get ready to embark on a fragrant and enlightening journey through the world of lavender with Julie…

Can you tell us more about your journey from working in the marketing industry to becoming a lavender farmer and starting Hereward Farm?

This one is a good one – I mean, who would have thought I would trade my gorgeous high heels for work boots? Not this girl! In 2020, during the pandemic, I found myself spending more time in my garden than ever before. As a marketing professional, my agency was always busy, and I rarely had time to relax. But with the world on pause, I turned to my gardens for solace.

One day, as I gazed across our expansive 150-acre farm, I wondered if lavender would thrive in this environment. Surprisingly, I had never been to a lavender farm before. So, I reached out to an agriculture client of mine for guidance on how to start and where to find lavender plants.

While I come from a city background, my husband hails from a long line of farmers. He was born and raised on this farm, so the transition to rural life was not entirely new for him. However, for me, it was a foreign concept.

I started by planting and growing 40 lavender plants. As they flourished, I began to contemplate what I could do with the lavender once it matured. To learn more, I immersed myself in research, took courses, and drew upon my background in cosmetology. Although I had never pursued a career in cosmetology, I had a passion for it and opted for a marketing route instead.

As I created lavender-based products, they quickly sold out among my friends. That’s when I realised I had something special in my hands. With my husband’s encouragement, we launched Hereward Farms, named after the Hamlet of Hereward, a tribute to his family’s Irish roots and the area they settled in five generations ago.

My husband suggested the ambitious idea of planting 3,000 lavender plants. Initially terrified, I eventually decided to take the plunge, and since then, I haven’t looked back.

What inspired you to start growing lavender specifically? How did you come up with the idea during the lockdown?

The inspiration to grow lavender came from a need for something enjoyable and fulfilling amidst the mental exhaustion caused by my agency’s workload. With my marketing business demanding my attention and limited time for self-care, I was in search of a fun project to invest my energy in. Lavender popped into my head, and it quickly became a significant part of my life. Today, we have over 6,000 lavender plants thriving on our farm.

As someone with a background in marketing and fashion, how did you approach the challenge of learning about farming and cultivating lavender?

I relied heavily on my husband’s expertise, given his upbringing in a farming family. Although farming isn’t his primary occupation, he’s secretly excited to have a portion of the land dedicated to farming again, even if it’s for “fun.”

To overcome the learning curve, I immersed myself in educational courses, read books, and conducted extensive research. Having my husband’s support in planning, organising, and overall farm operations was invaluable. Honestly, I couldn’t have done it without him. While there was a lot to learn, my passion for lavender and the entire farming process made the journey enjoyable. If you saw me now, you might mistake me for a seasoned generational farmer, complete with my trusty overalls! Ha!

How did you transition from running multiple businesses to focusing on Hereward Farm full-time?

Transitioning from running multiple businesses to dedicating myself fully to Hereward Farm was a significant decision for me. My marketing agency was the love of my life, and I had built it up with my good friend and partner. However, I had always planned to slow down, focus more on myself and my family, and work less within a five-year timeframe.

The lavender farm came into the picture and changed everything. In October 2021, I found myself unable to manage both businesses effectively. They were growing and demanding more of my time. Fortunately, my partner bought me out of the marketing agency, giving me the opportunity to fully commit to Hereward Farms. Another one of our businesses, Angry Dad Motors, has been scaled back, allowing me to allocate most of my time to Hereward Farms. Who am I kidding? It’s actually all of my time now.

What were the biggest challenges you faced during this transition?

The biggest challenges during this transition were the uncertainty of what I was getting into and the financial risks involved. Putting all my focus and resources into one business was never my strong suit, but I knew I had something special with Hereward Farms. The rapid growth of the business was both exciting and scary, as I constantly wondered if I could keep up with the demands.

Could you share some insights into the process of planting and harvesting lavender?

Planting lavender is not that complicated on a small scale. However, when scaling up like we did with over 6,000 plants, there are certain considerations. We use ground cover to help with weed control and implement a drip irrigation system. Instead of growing lavender from seeds, we opt for buying plants that come as plugs for faster growth. Patience is still required in the process.

When it comes to harvesting, we still do it by hand using power cutters. Each plant takes approximately 10 minutes to harvest, ensuring a clean cut for creating bunches to sell. Harvesting and watching the plants grow from tiny seedlings to beautiful, mature plants is one of my favourite activities. It’s an emotional experience for me.

What unique aspects of lavender farming might people need to be aware of?

People should be aware that lavender farming requires ongoing attention and care. It’s not a plant you can simply plant and walk away from. Weeding, watering, and ensuring the soil is suitable for the plants to flourish are crucial tasks. We also have to cover our lavender every winter to protect it from the elements. Managing the equipment, farm staff, and time required for lavender farming can be costly, similar to many other crops.

What sets Hereward Farm apart from other lavender farms and skincare brands?

Hereward Farm’s focus has always been on the products rather than agri-tourism, which is common among other lavender farms. While we offer field visits, lavender picking, and events like our Lavender Festival, our main emphasis lies in creating farm-to-skin products.

What differentiates us from other lavender farms is our commitment to giving back to the community. We have raised over $10,000 through events and promotions for local charities and community organisations. Our Field Lavender Dreams Initiative channels proceeds from our events and admission fees back into the community. This year, our goal is to raise $20,000 for these causes.

In terms of our skincare products, we differentiate ourselves by using all our lavender and infusing the plants into our carrier oils. Rather than simply adding lavender essential oil for fragrance, we incorporate lavender throughout our products to harness its full healing potential. Lavender offers anti-inflammatory properties, soothes the skin, aids in healing cuts, burns, and insect bites, and promotes relaxation.

Another key aspect is our commitment to sustainable farming and production practices. We source ingredients and supplies 100% from Canada, including our packaging, and collaborate with local businesses to promote and support them. This extends to carrying their products in our store and exploring new developments that incorporate lavender.

Can you talk about the benefits of lavender for skincare?

Lavender is a hidden gem when it comes to skincare. It is renowned for its healing properties, particularly for burns and cuts. Lavender’s anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antimicrobial, and detoxifying benefits make it effective in reducing redness, soothing and calming the skin, accelerating the healing process for minor cuts, scrapes, rashes, and acne.

Moreover, lavender offers numerous powerful benefits for various skin concerns. Whether your skin is oily, dry, prone to acne, showing signs of aging such as wrinkles, or affected by dark spots, marks, hyperpigmentation, eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea, lavender is a versatile ingredient to incorporate into your skincare routine. It can even contribute to achieving lighter, brighter, and healthier glowing skin.

As one of the best and most versatile essential oils for the face and skin, lavender calms, soothes, nourishes, repairs, treats, detoxifies, and stimulates collagen production while supporting overall skin health. Its small molecular structure enables deep penetration into the skin, facilitating recovery from within.

How did you develop your formulations to maximise the healing properties of lavender?

Research played a significant role in developing our formulations. Our first product, a face and body oil, served as the foundation. We incorporated Grapeseed oil into the body oil to enhance absorption and benefit from the additional advantages of grapeseed oil.

With my background in cosmetology and continuous learning through various courses, I was able to utilise my knowledge of what is beneficial and harmful to the skin. The formulation process involved understanding the purpose and benefits of each ingredient. Our focus has always been on staying true to lavender and using only natural ingredients, ensuring our products remain clean and cruelty-free.

What have been some of the most rewarding moments or accomplishments for Hereward Farm since its inception?

Experiencing the support and witnessing our growth across North America has been truly phenomenal. However, it was when our products appeared on TV and in prestigious publications like British Vogue and Vanity Fair UK that it truly struck me – we have something remarkable here.

Additionally, winning three awards this year for our products at The 2023 CertClean Clean Beauty Awards was a monumental achievement. Our Lavish Pure Lavender Infused Face Serum secured first place, our Scrubbed Body Scrub earned third place, and our Luxurious Hand + Body Lotion achieved second place in their respective categories. These awards hold great significance considering the vast number of unique all-natural brands out there. It truly blew my mind!

Talk us through an average day in your life…

I am an early bird, waking up between 4 am and 5 am. This is my prime thinking time, during which I plan marketing strategies, work on social media posts, and make updates to the website. Then, I head over to the Lavender Lounge + Boutique. If I’m developing a product, which can take several weeks to several months, or if I need product photos taken, I handle it all myself.

During harvesting season, you’ll find me in the fields with the staff, enjoying one of my favourite activities—harvesting. It’s a peaceful and rewarding experience.

How do you balance the creative and business aspects of running Hereward Farm?

Finding a balance between the creative and business aspects is crucial. As we incorporated the business, some of the operational aspects were taken off my plate, allowing me to focus more on the creative side. However, there was a time when I handled everything, from product making to website updates, product photography, customer service management, and more. I used to handle bill payments, invoicing, and bookkeeping as well, but thankfully, that is no longer my responsibility.

I’m grateful that most of my job involves creative tasks from start to finish, and it brings me immense joy.

Has customer feedback influenced any significant changes or improvements in your product line?

Customer feedback has played a significant role in shaping our products. I have made changes based on feedback and often provide samples for people to try and offer their honest opinions.

One memorable instance is when my husband revealed he was using our Luxurious Hand + Body Lotion for chafing. He suggested I create a Ball Balm. Initially, I thought it was ridiculous since the men’s market can be challenging. However, we started formulating different versions, and he became the guinea pig. Eventually, we launched Angry Dad Ballin’ Balm, all because of him!

Lavender farming requires patience and attention to detail. How do you handle the ups and downs of agriculture, such as weather fluctuations or crop variations?

Fortunately, my husband, who grew up in this world, brings a calm and composed demeanor. He is familiar with what to expect regarding weather and seasonal variations. Lavender is a relatively hardy plant, but I get anxious during spring when the plants may become too hot under the cover, requiring a decision to remove it despite the risk of frost. The same goes for fall, where I ensure we don’t cover the plants too soon.

Can you share any advice or words of wisdom for aspiring entrepreneurs considering a career change or venturing into a new industry as you did?

Don’t be afraid or suffer from imposter syndrome.

Take time for yourself and allow yourself downtime. It’s essential to recharge your batteries by doing things unrelated to work. Feeling guilty about taking time off won’t benefit you or your business in the long run.

Embrace fear but don’t let it make decisions or change your path. Fear can ground you and remind you that mistakes are normal and that you don’t have to know everything.

Be adaptable. Adapting to change is crucial, and it’s necessary to evolve and be prepared for shifts in the industry or market. For instance, when supplies were impacted, I could have switched to plastic bottles quickly, but I remained committed to eco-friendly practices and tirelessly sourced Canadian glass bottle suppliers.

Making mistakes is okay as long as you learn from them. For example, when we initially launched, we had four different varieties of lavender-driven products, but it became evident that the consumers were getting confused. Simplifying our product line helped people understand our offerings better.

Remember, you don’t have to compete with everyone. Stay true to your unique vision and offerings. Collaborate with others to promote their success instead of taking business away from them. Let’s go on this journey together.

Our readers love to travel; what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

Greece is currently at the top of my bucket list. I have explored Italy before and can’t wait to experience the beauty of Greece.

Where do you call home?

We reside in Ontario, Canada, just outside Toronto, in the picturesque rolling hills of Headwaters. It’s around a 20-minute drive from the nearest town, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Lastly, what is your vision for Hereward Farm in the long term? How do you hope to impact the skincare industry and the community around you?

My vision for Hereward Farm encompasses several key aspects:

Educating and empowering individuals: I aim to provide reliable and up-to-date skincare information, helping people understand the science behind different practices, ingredients, and routines. By empowering individuals with knowledge, they can make informed decisions about their skincare and develop healthier habits.

Promoting inclusivity and diversity: Skincare is a personal and diverse subject, encompassing various skin types, concerns, and cultural considerations. I strive to embrace and highlight the importance of inclusivity by addressing the needs of people from different backgrounds. By acknowledging and respecting the diverse nature of skincare, I hope to foster a sense of belonging and create a more inclusive environment within the skincare community.

Encouraging healthy practices and debunking myths: Skincare is often surrounded by misinformation. I aim to promote evidence-based advice and debunk common misconceptions. By separating fact from fiction, I can help individuals make better decisions about their skincare routines, ensuring they focus on proven effective and safe practices.

Supporting sustainability and eco-friendly practices: The skincare industry significantly impacts the environment. I encourage individuals to adopt sustainable skincare practices, such as using eco-friendly products, reducing waste, and being mindful of the environmental consequences of their skincare choices. Together, we can work towards a more environmentally conscious skincare industry by promoting sustainability.

Ultimately, I aspire to be a reliable resource and a helpful guide, empowering individuals to care for their skin while promoting inclusivity, accuracy, and sustainability within the skincare community.

Where can people find out more?

Visit or connect with us on our social media channels.

This interview is brought to you by, where we celebrate the extraordinary stories of remarkable individuals like Julie who are making a difference in the world.

Welcome to our exclusive interview with Marios Spanos, the visionary founder behind the renowned jewelry brand, Divon. In this captivating discussion, we delve into Marios’ inspiring journey that led him to launch Divon and explore how the brand encourages individuals to embrace their personal style and creativity.

Discover the meticulous process behind crafting each Divon piece, the influence of London’s vibrant fashion scene on the brand’s aesthetic, and the use of finest materials for exceptional quality.

Get ready to be inspired by the stories of singers adorning Divon designs on stage and the memorable experiences shared by customers who have found their unique expression through Divon jewellery. With upcoming collaborations and collections on the horizon, Marios leaves us eagerly anticipating what’s in store.

Join us as we unravel the story behind Divon and Marios’ passion for making a positive impact in the world of fashion.

Can you tell us a bit about your journey that led you to launch your brand, Divon?

The idea to start my brand, Divon, came to me during the lockdown when I had a lot of free time. At that time, I had just finished my degree in hospitality management and was working as a waiter in London. I never thought I would start my own brand, but I felt a desire to explore something new and fulfilling. During the lockdown, I spent hours researching everything about jewelry and delving into various aspects of design, craftsmanship, and sustainability. I became passionate about creating unique pieces that would stand out in the industry.

Looking back, I’m grateful for the time and opportunity the lockdown gave me. It allowed me to learn, research, and plan, turning my passion for jewelry and sustainability into the reality of Divon.

What sets Divon apart from other jewellery brands in terms of encouraging individuals to explore their personal style and creativity?

Our pieces serve as wearable art, enabling individuals to showcase their creativity and unique sense of style. Divon’s collection inspires customers to embrace their creativity and confidently express themselves through jewellery that is not only beautiful but also a reflection of their artistic spirit.

Can you describe the process of crafting a Divon piece? What makes each piece unique and special?

The crafting of Divon pieces is a journey of inspiration, blending art and nature into captivating designs. Ideas are transformed into 3D designs using cutting-edge technology. Skilled artisans bring these designs to life with expert craftsmanship, infusing every piece with attention to detail. The jewellery undergoes expert polishing and finishing techniques, elevating its allure and quality.

This process ensures that every piece is unique and special. Choosing a Divon piece means acquiring a distinctive and stylish accessory while also supporting a brand dedicated to making a positive change in the world of fashion.

London is known as a hub for creativity in fashion. How does being based in London influence Divon’s designs and overall aesthetic?

In London, Divon draws inspiration from the vibrant fashion scene and diverse individuals. The brand combines timeless elegance with a cool urban vibe, crafting unique and stylish jewelry. Being immersed in the city’s creative energy allows Divon to stay at the forefront of fashion trends.

In what ways does Divon use the finest materials to ensure the longevity and quality of its jewellery? Could you provide some examples of the materials used?

Divon prioritizes the use of the finest materials to ensure the longevity and exceptional quality of its jewelry. One prime example is the exclusive use of 316L Surgical stainless steel, renowned for its exceptional durability and eco-friendly properties. This material is tarnish-free, waterproof, and gentle on the environment.

We have noticed your designs being worn by singers during their performances on stage. Could you please share the story behind this collaboration and how it came to be?

The story behind the collaboration with singers wearing my designs on stage is quite fun. One day, while I was at work, my phone kept buzzing with orders, particularly for the Helios Sun necklace. It seemed unusual. Later, I received a message from a customer who shared that she had gifted the necklace to the lead singer of Greta Van Fleet. To my surprise and delight, he has been wearing the necklace ever since during their performances on stage. It’s an unexpected and exciting outcome that has brought a lot of joy and pride.

Can you share any memorable stories or experiences from customers who have discovered their style and creativity through Divon jewelry?

Every message I receive from customers is incredibly motivating and inspiring. One customer shared how wearing the Victory Necklace made them feel truly unique and empowered. It’s stories like these that drive me to work even harder, knowing that Divon jewelry has a meaningful impact on individuals’ style and self-expression.

Are there any upcoming collaborations or special collections that Divon enthusiasts can look forward to? Any hints you can give us?

We have a lot of exciting things in store, and I can’t wait to share them with you. One upcoming highlight is the release of a new collection featuring eight unique rings, each with its own captivating story to tell.

Looking back since launching the brand, is there anything you would do differently?

Not really. If there’s one thing I wish, it would be starting my brand sooner to explore the possibilities even earlier.

Our readers love to travel. What destination is at the top of your bucket list?

Asia, and specifically Bali, is at the top of my bucket list right now. I’ve always dreamt of traveling there with my friends and spending at least a month exploring everything the island has to offer.

Where can people find out more?

You can find out more about Divon on our website and follow us on Instagram (@divonldn), Pinterest (divonldn), and TikTok (divonldn).

Step into the world of Kear, where the art of wellbeing meets the wisdom of ancient Greece. Today, we have the pleasure of diving into an exclusive interview with the visionary founder behind this exceptional brand, as we uncover the fascinating story that led to the creation of Kear and its commitment to natural, ethical, and clean skincare.

Derived from the ancient Greek term for “heart,” Kear encapsulates the essence of self-care and offers a premium range of skincare products that go beyond superficial beauty. Drawing inspiration from ancient Greek formulas that have withstood the test of time, Kear combines powerful herbs, essential oils, and natural ingredients sourced from local farms and cooperatives in Greece.

With a comprehensive range of non-toxic balms, oils, plant-based soaps, and shampoo bars, Kear’s skincare line nourishes your body from head to toe, promoting balanced, healthy, and radiant skin. Embracing the philosophy of “less is more,” Kear believes in the beauty of minimalism and offers versatile products that work for all, without discrimination based on need, skin tone, or gender.

At Kear, the focus is not just on skincare but on holistic wellbeing. Reconnecting with nature and its energy has become increasingly important, particularly in the wake of the pandemic. Kear’s natural cosmetics provide both protection and care for your skin, fostering a sense of euphoria and harmony within. By embracing authentic natural ingredients and scents, each Kear product embodies Greece’s vibrant culture while delivering exceptional efficacy.

With a commitment to clean beauty and environmental sustainability, Kear’s skincare range targets multiple skin concerns, minimizing the need for excessive packaging and waste. The result is a decluttered skincare cabinet and clearer, healthier, and more radiant skin.

Join us as we embark on this journey with Kear, where ancient wisdom and modern innovation converge to offer an experience that goes beyond a mere product. Discover the art of wellbeing and unlock the timeless beauty secrets of Kear, where nature’s gifts are harnessed for your skin’s ultimate delight.

Tell us about the journey that led you to launching your brand, Kear Natural.

In the past, when environmental protection wasn’t as popular, I took the initiative to establish an environmental education program for schoolchildren in the NGO where I worked. Participating in HELMEPA JUNIOR was entirely voluntary, requiring insightful teachers to instil awareness in younger children. Although it was challenging, it proved to be a success, providing valuable insights into how the younger generation perceives the world they will inherit as adults. The combination of my love for history and nature ultimately inspired the birth of Kear!

The company name, “Kear,” is derived from Ancient Greek and means “heart.” Can you share more about your connection to Greece?

Spiritually, I grew up in a land of sunshine, crystal-clear blue seas, history, philosophy, virtue, and democracy. It is a place of excellence and moderation, science and arts, pure tastes and smells, fresh ingredients, and tradition in the making. I actually grew up in the suburbs of Athens, where I had the opportunity to go out and play with my friends in our nearby deserted plot. I have always loved the outdoors and looked forward to that time. I am grateful and proud of everything that defines us today, as it all originated in the past. Values such as pride, grace, and honesty, as well as principles like ethos, dignity, hospitality, love, and passion, have shaped our identity. These principles and values are the heart of our land, just as “kear” is the heart of skincare. The word “kear” means “heart” in ancient Greek and has frequently been used in poems and works to describe absolute and unconditional affection, passion, and devotion to one’s purpose, cause, and objective. It is this passion and love for the products of our land that inspired us to create the κέαρ® Face & Body skincare line.

What sets your brand apart from others on the market?

κέᾰρ® has a compelling story to tell. It represents the cosmetic legacy of ancient Greece. Additionally, our products are multi-tasking, reducing the need for numerous products to address different needs. Our balms, body oils, and lip balms are 100% natural, containing only beeswax, extra virgin olive oil, and herbs. They do not contain water, making them immune to germs and bacteria. The olive oil, a cosmetic treasure, is not a fat and is completely compatible with the skin’s lipids, allowing it to be easily absorbed without leaving a greasy residue.

We have adapted timeless formulas passed down by scholars and philosophers, creating conscientious products that meet the needs of today’s fast-paced personal care routines. The result is a range of natural, potent, safe, versatile, and multifunctional products. Our products are non-toxic, cruelty-free, and long-lasting. With a comprehensive range, Kear offers everything needed for healthy, natural, and radiant Grecian skin. Each product is thoughtfully designed to embrace both its ancient roots and its modern presence. Our mission is to deliver effective skincare formulated with strictly natural ingredients, using the same ancient formulas our ancestors used thousands of years ago. Our products are suitable for everyone, targeting various needs rather than specific skin types. Embracing the ancient Greek way of elegance in simplicity, one product can serve many purposes.

To date, what has been your best-selling product?

Our multi-award-winning face and body balms have been the most popular among our customers. The Plant Heroes™ Body Balm is known for its reconstructing and moisturising properties. The Soothing Body Balm, infused with Arnica Montana, offers calming benefits. The Antioxidant Face Balm is rich in superfruit Hippophae L. (Seabuckthorn berry) oil, which combats free radicals and slows down the aging process. Its powerful enzymes shield the skin from UV light exposure, pollution, and toxicity.

How important is it for your range to be cruelty-free?

Respecting nature is of utmost importance to us, and everything in a κέᾰρ® product is part of a broader whole. We are committed to using only certified ingredients grown in the Greek countryside and handpicked by our trusted colleagues. Our products have existed for eons, tried-and-tested over time by our ancestors. They are completely natural and are never tested on animals. Respecting animals, nature, and the environment is at the essence of our brand.

Can you explain the process involved in launching a new product?

Our product development team passionately reviews every precious ingredient, ensuring its safety, effectiveness, and synergy with the entire product line. We consistently formulate our creams, oils, and soaps with soothing, low-hazard ingredients that can be used by almost anyone and on most skin types. Our line consists of eleven star products, all produced according to traditional methods and EU regulations, in certified labs that have undergone rigorous testing.

However, the most challenging part is shaping an idea into an actual product. For example, when creating SofiLip™, our newest addition to the skincare line, we extensively tried and tested different versions and samples. Simultaneously, we had to come up with a name that correlated with our story and packaging that effectively communicated the name’s meaning. We want each product to have a connection with the entire line, and that’s the most difficult aspect.

What does self-care mean to you?

In our fast-paced and demanding world, it is crucial to make time to “Kear” for ourselves. Self-care should not be seen as vain but as a way to ensure we take care of ourselves every single day, not just when we feel stressed and drained. It extends beyond focusing on our external appearance, although that is important too. Our face, body, and skin reflect what’s inside us. If we lack energy or surpass our limits, it shows, regardless of what we do to look good on the outside. We need to find time to relax, decompress, exercise, engage in activities we enjoy, spend time with loved ones, and laugh. Sticking to the basics and finding a balance, as our ancient Greek ancestors emphasised, allows us to choose quality over quantity.

Our readers love to travel. What destination is at the top of your bucket list?

There are two places I would absolutely love to visit. The first is Japan because it represents a completely different civilisation than ours. The blending of ancient traditions with modern life in an easy-going and natural way is truly timeless. Despite being ultra-modern, Japan offers numerous opportunities to connect with its traditional culture.

The second place on my list is New Zealand. It has been a dream of mine since childhood, and it is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular places on earth. The country boasts breathtaking scenery and an unmatched diversity. Additionally, its culture, easy way of living, and safety make it an enticing destination.

What does 2024 look like for your brand?

2024 is set to be a busy and buzzing year filled with information, creativity, positive vibes, and feedback. Kear is expanding its reach to Europe, Asia, and the US. We are currently planning to launch new products in the coming Fall, focusing on prevention, reconstruction, and positivity. We are collaborating with Greek touristic media and wedding press outlets for press coverage. Kear products have already found success in the boutiques of five-star hotels in Greece, leading us to explore the production of a new line exclusively for spas. This lineup will include a face mask, serum, rock salt scrubs, and detoxifying massage oils. Additionally, we are venturing into new markets in countries such as Israel and the USA.

Where can people find out more about Kear Natural?

For more information about our skincare line, our story, and hidden treasures, visit our website at

Kear products are also available on various online boutiques, such as Sephora UK, Walmart US, Wolf & Badger, Oxygen Boutique, The Positive Co, Releve and others.

Join us as we dive deeper into the inspiration, craftsmanship, and philosophy behind Tamiko Jewellery. Prepare to be captivated by the fusion of elegance, modernity, and the authentic magic that emanates from each unique piece. Let us unlock the doors to a world where jewellery becomes an extension of your inner power and brings you joy beyond imagination. Welcome to the enchanting realm of Tamiko Jewellery, where every piece is designed to cast magic on you.

How would you describe the overall aesthetic of Tamiko Jewellery?

Tamiko Jewellery offers a luxurious and modern fusion of elegance, boldness, and artistic flair.

What inspired you to combine elegance, modernity, and high-quality materials in your jewellery designs?

Our designs draw inspiration from nature, space, people, and memories, resulting in fascinating and meaningful pieces that embody elegance, modernity, and high-quality materials.

Can you tell us more about the delicate textures and art flair that make each piece of Tamiko Jewellery unique?

The delicate textures in our jewellery designs bring depth and visual interest, showcasing the exceptional Japanese craftsmanship. Each piece goes beyond being merely decorative; it captures an artistic essence, transforming into wearable works of art.

How do you ensure that your jewellery is both stylish and comfortable to wear?

At TAMIKO Jewellery, we prioritize style and comfort in our designs. By combining thoughtful design, fine craftsmanship, high-quality materials, and customisable options, we create jewellery that not only looks stunning but also serves a practical purpose.

How do you believe your jewellery helps people express their individuality?

Wearing our unique, original, and boldly designed jewellery allows individuals to showcase their personal style, tastes, and values. It enables them to make a bold statement that reflects their one-of-a-kind individuality, fostering a sense of confidence, empowerment, and feeling good.

Can you share an example of how Tamiko Jewellery has brought out someone’s inner power?

While we don’t have a specific example to share, we have received heartfelt feedback from customers expressing how wearing our jewellery has made them feel empowered and confident. Through our unique designs and attention to detail, we aim to bring out the inner power and beauty of individuals.

What kind of materials do you typically use in your jewellery designs, and why?

We exclusively use genuine materials such as various colors of 18-carat gold and gemstones, reflecting our commitment to authenticity and high quality. These materials represent the fine craftsmanship and attention to detail that define our brand and are designed for individuals who appreciate timeless beauty.

How has your background in design and consulting influenced your approach to creating jewellery?

With an open-minded and free-thinking mindset, my background in various design fields, including design consulting, allows me to bring a global perspective and a deep appreciation for diverse cultures into my designs. It enables me to infuse unique elements and cater to client preferences, creating pieces that truly reflect their desires and aspirations.

What sets Tamiko Jewellery apart from other jewellery brands in the market?

Tamiko Jewellery stands out by seamlessly blending Japanese heritage with European design influences, resulting in jewellery that achieves a harmonious balance of elegance, modernity, and cultural richness. Our pieces embody a unique, original, and enchanting style.

Could you share a memorable moment or milestone from the global expansion of Tamiko Jewellery?

While we don’t have a specific memorable moment or milestone to share regarding the global expansion, our journey of expanding into new markets has been filled with exciting opportunities and growth. We have been fortunate to receive positive feedback and support from our customers around the world, making it a rewarding experience for us.

How do you ensure that each piece of Tamiko Jewellery reflects the core values of “casting magic on you” and bringing happiness to the wearer?

While we can’t guarantee everyone’s happiness, our designs aim to uplift and create positive experiences. Through passion, craftsmanship, and a touch of magic, our goal is to touch hearts and make customers feel special, potentially bringing happiness and joy to those who wear our jewellery.

Looking back since launching the brand, is there anything you would do differently?

Our response is a mix of yes and no. We acknowledge areas where we would make adjustments in our business and marketing approach as a new brand, while expressing confidence and pride in the originality of our designs. We remain committed to continuous improvement and staying true to our brand vision as we navigate the exciting path ahead.

Our readers love to travel. Which destination is at the top of your bucket list?

Choosing a single destination is challenging, as there are many wonderful places I would like to explore. However, at the moment, the South of France appeals to me for its beautiful beaches and the opportunity to relax. Additionally, Kenya is high on my list for an incredible safari experience and the chance to encounter wild animals.

Where do you call home?

Home is not defined by a single location for me. It’s where my heart finds peace, wandering amidst the beauty of the world and forming connections that make each journey feel like home.

What does self-care mean to you?

Self-care means focusing on my well-being, both physically and mentally. It involves taking care of myself and doing activities that make me feel good and recharge my batteries. Self-care is essential for gaining inner peace, balance, and genuine happiness in everyday life.

Where do you hope to see the brand in 5 years?

In the coming years, as our brand continues to grow, my dream is to have unexpected encounters with people who have worn our jewellery during my travels around the world.

Where can people find out more?

To learn more about our brand and stay informed about our collections, visit our website and follow us on social media. We regularly update our website and share updates on our social media platforms. Stay connected with us!

Step into the enchanting world of Zahira Fine Jewellery, where the extraordinary becomes the norm and every piece tells a unique story.

Inspired by rare and one-of-a-kind gems, their vibrant and exuberant creations seamlessly blend the captivating mystique of the East with the refined sensibilities of the West. Crafted with meticulous care, their jewellery radiates with the brilliance of ethically-sourced diamonds and an array of exquisite coloured precious and semi-precious gemstones.

At Zahira, they believe that jewellery should transcend the boundaries of conventionality and we couldn’t agree more. That’s why they tirelessly seek out uncommon stones that embody the essence of individuality, allowing you to express your true self through their creations. Rooted in traditional craftsmanship, their visionary designs embrace the boundless possibilities of the future.

With an unwavering commitment to quality and sustainability, Zahira Fine Jewellery is a testament to the transformative power of exquisite adornments. Each piece they create is a testament to their passion for beauty, artistry, and the joy that comes from wearing something truly extraordinary.

Join us on this journey as we delve into the remarkable world of Zahira Fine Jewellery, where every piece is a testament to the extraordinary within…

How did the idea for Zahira Fine Jewellery come about? What inspired you to start your own brand?

Our late father was a well-known international gems dealer. He eventually turned his business into a high-end jewellery manufacturing facility catering to some of the most well-known and luxurious brands around the world. So, our affinity for jewellery started at a young age since we grew up around beautiful jewellery; we knew it was what we wanted to do.

As sisters, how do you manage to switch off from talking about work when you are together?

We are actually very family-oriented and good at switching from work mode to family mode. Our families, kids, pets, friends, and travelling keep us pretty busy outside the office.

What different skill set and strengths do each of you bring to the business?

My role is in business development and looking after our customers. Nina is a trained gemologist and designer. She’s very talented and draws/paints the most intricate designs for us. As for me, I can’t draw to save my life, but I have a very good eye. So together, we make a strong team. We both look after the manufacturing process and ensure that our jewels are presented exactly the way we want them to be in the world.

Could you share with us the story behind the name “Zahira”? Is there a special meaning or significance behind it?

Zahira is an Arabic name that means “bright” and “shining” and carries connotations of vibrancy and energy. When we stumbled upon this name, we thought it was perfect; this is what we want every Zahira person to feel when wearing our pieces. In their element.

What makes Zahira Fine Jewellery unique and different from other brands in the industry?

Coming from a multicultural background, Thai and American, we are able to capture the exoticness of the East by using rich and colourful gemstones, while incorporating the sensibilities of the West through our design and craftsmanship style. Since we own our own manufacturing facility, we are also able to oversee every aspect of the process to deliver unparalleled quality and service to our customers.

Tell us about the creative process behind designing your jewellery pieces. Where do you find inspiration for your collections?

Rare and one-of-a-kind gems inspire our collections. We search for unique and vibrant gemstones that are not readily available and create one-of-a-kind pieces for our customers so that there will only be one owner. We want each of our center stones to tell a story. This is at the heart of our designs, and our aesthetic is built off of that.

How do you ensure the quality and craftsmanship of your jewellery? Do you have any specific standards or practices in place?

Since we own our own factory, we have a close relationship with all of our artisans. This allows us to oversee every single aspect of the production process, and all of our pieces are subject to intensive quality control. Nina and I personally inspect each piece and ensure it meets our high standards. We would never put anything out that we wouldn’t wear ourselves.

Can you share a memorable moment or experience you’ve had since starting Zahira Fine Jewellery?

As jewellers, we have had the privilege to travel to shows around the world, from Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the US. We absolutely love meeting new customers from different cultures and hope to continue expanding our clientele.

Are there any particular materials or gemstones that you love working with the most? Why?

I love emeralds; they are fascinating. You can see the history of the earth trapped inside each stone through their inclusions. Their vivid green colour also makes them unique.

Zahira pieces are made in 18k gold. We choose to work with this because of the durability and quality that will last.

Do you have a favourite piece from your collection? If so, which one and why does it hold a special place in your heart?

Our late father gave my sister and me this incredible and rare 22.64-carat blue sapphire to create something beautiful with, and it was exquisite. It actually recently sold. It holds a special place in our hearts as one of our most memorable father-daughter projects that we will never forget.

Is there a specific message or emotion you aim to convey through your jewellery pieces?

Every piece of jewellery is unique, but the one thing they all have in common is the ability to make you feel incredible. “We bring the transformational power of jewellery to our clients.”

What role does sustainability play in your brand’s ethos? Are there any eco-friendly practices or materials you prioritise?

Sustainability is important to us. We are committed to sourcing the finest gemstones and precious metals ethically and responsibly. All of the gold used in our pieces is made from 100% recycled gold. Our factory is also a member of The Responsible Jewellery Council.

Can you share an interesting anecdote about a customer’s reaction to one of your jewellery pieces?

We had a customer tell us once that the “intricacy and finesse” of our design was like no other, which I was very pleased to hear our work described in that way.

How important is it for you to establish a personal connection with your customers? Do you engage with them directly or seek their feedback?

Our customer experience is important to us. Jewellery can be very emotional and personal, so we believe in connecting with our customers meaningfully and authentically by always keeping a line of communication open. I personally look after each customer myself.

What exciting plans or future projects do you have in store for Zahira Fine Jewellery? Any upcoming collaborations or collections you can give us a hint about?

We have many exciting collaborations and exclusive showcases coming up this year that will allow us to engage new customers from around the world. It’s going to be our best year yet.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

I also love travelling. Each year, I try to go to a new destination, and this summer I’m going to Split, Croatia. I’m excited about this 🙂

What does self-care mean to you?

For me, it’s about taking a moment for myself away from all the stresses of work and life. It can be playing tennis, getting pampered, or just sitting around watching Netflix and having me-time.

Where do you call home?

We are Thai/American and travel back and forth, but Bangkok is our home base, and we love it here.

Where can people find out more? IG: Zahara_fine_jewellery

In this exclusive interview, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Steve Cooper, one of the brilliant minds behind the Artisan Drinks Company. As a co-founder, Steve’s entrepreneurial spirit and vast knowledge of the beverage industry have been instrumental in shaping the brand’s success. With his passion for creating exceptional mixers that stand out, Steve has helped Artisan Drinks carve its unique place in the market.

Join us as we unravel the entrepreneurial journey of Steve Cooper and discover the passion and innovation behind the Artisan Drinks Company, a brand that continues to redefine the art of mixing drinks.

How did the idea for the Artisan Drinks Company come about?

The founding story of an entrepreneur and an artist walking into a bar isn’t just a line or a joke; it actually happened. That’s where Steve and Al met Mikey and decided to set up Artisan Drinks.

What inspired you to create a range of mixers that stand out from the rest?

When the three founders met, they approached the project from different angles. Mikey noticed that the mixer ranges in his award-winning bars didn’t work well for the bar, lacked great taste, and were one-dimensional, mainly suited for gin. Al observed the dated appearance of the mixers behind Mikey’s bar, which didn’t align with the aesthetic of trendy bars. Steve, with his extensive knowledge of soft drinks, combined these elements and realised they could create something truly exceptional. Each of the founders broke away from large corporate working environments to pursue their passion, which led them to establish Artisan Drinks. As a brand, we always encourage that same independent mentality.

What sets Artisan Drinks apart from other mixer brands in the market? How do you ensure that your products add an exciting dimension to cocktails?

One key element is our premium look, which is achieved by having world-renowned artists design our labels. Additionally, our recipes are developed by Mikey, who owns the winner of the Best Gin bar in the world in 2020. With his vast spirits knowledge, Mikey ensures that our recipes pair well with a wide variety of spirits.

Could you tell us more about the Artisan ethos of “Why blend in when you can stand out…”? How does this philosophy influence your brand and product development?

This ethos guides our actions, particularly in marketing and customer approach. We always strive to stand out and provide others with the opportunity to do the same. We believe that having Artisan Drinks on the shelf or behind a bar allows the venue to make a statement.

Craft spirits have experienced significant growth in recent years. How did this trend stimulate your imaginations and drive you to create the perfect range of mixers?

This trend, especially in premium rum and premium tequila, has always aligned with our mentality of mixing with a wider variety of spirits. The recent trends have only further reinforced our standpoint.

What is the process behind developing a new mixer flavour or recipe at Artisan Drinks? How do you ensure that each product is equally delicious on its own?

All recipes start with Mikey, who is the driving force behind the ingredients and pairings of each flavour. We conduct competitor sampling, but our aim is always to exceed the taste of the competitors significantly. Our newest flavour, launching at the end of summer, is considerably better tasting than our competitors, although we may be biased.

Collaboration seems to be an important aspect of Artisan Drinks’ success. How do the different backgrounds and skills of the founders, Steve Cooper, Alan Walsh, and Mikey Enright, contribute to the brand’s vibrant and exciting identity?

Collaboration plays a vital role in our success, and it has grown significantly in recent months. We have partnered with a roster of spirit brands that we love, leveraging their versatility to showcase our own. Networking is crucial in our business, and Steve, Mikey, and Al each have an interesting network that we utilise to achieve success.

In what ways do your mixers enhance the drinking experience for consumers? Could you share some examples of cocktails or drink combinations that have been particularly well-received?

With the unique flavour combinations of our drinks, consumers often comment on how they elevate their beverages. Our key focus is ensuring that the mixer doesn’t overpower the spirit. For example, typical ginger beers tend to dominate due to the overwhelming ginger flavour. However, our Fiery Ginger Beer maintains that punch while balancing the ginger with a little chilli pepper, providing the desired spiciness without overpowering the spirit.

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the beverage industry. How does Artisan Drinks address sustainability in its production and packaging processes?

We recognise the importance of sustainability and have recently moved our production to one of the most carbon-efficient factories in Europe. We are a part of PlanetMark to officially demonstrate our commitment every year, and we are actively promoting our 200ml can products.

What have been some of the most rewarding moments or achievements for Artisan Drinks since its inception?

Recently, we won our first major national bar chain, The Alchemist. Seeing our products across the country in their bars was a significant achievement. Additionally, whenever we see our advertising on Ocean Outdoor screens, it fills us with pride.

Are there any exciting plans or upcoming projects that you can share with us? Can we expect any new flavours or product innovations in the near future?

We have a new flavour coming in late summer, which will complete our offering for the on-trade.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs or individuals looking to make a mark in the beverage industry?

Never be afraid to pursue what you love. There are plenty of supportive and friendly people who will help you along the way.

Our readers love to travel. What destination is at the top of your bucket list?

Artisan Drinks is available in 28 different export markets, and we’re working hard to expand into Japan, so that would be our top destination.

Where can people find out more?

For more information, please visit our website at or find us on Instagram at @artisandrinksco.

Step into the enchanting world of Balushka, where tradition meets innovation, and summer dreams come to life. In this captivating interview, we have the privilege of speaking with Anna Balashova Jones, the visionary founder and passionate driving force behind the esteemed fashion brand. Prepare to be inspired as Anna shares her remarkable journey, filled with determination, creativity, and a burning desire to make a positive impact on our planet.

Join us as we embark on a transformative exploration of fashion, sustainability, and the power of following one’s dreams.

What is the brand identity of Balushka?

Balushka was founded in early 2018 with the aim of sharing traditions and heritage while creating sophisticated and fashionable summer-inspired items that are also fun. Our clothing stands out due to its top quality and sustainable production. We embrace the idea of Eco-chic and sustainable fashion by using linen, which is an eco-friendly and sustainable fabric that minimizes waste and resource consumption. We also prioritize traditional hand embroidery techniques, ensuring the highest quality and durability of our designs. Through this approach, we support small, specialised factories and independent artisans.

In your opinion, what sets you apart from other fashion brands?

Our brand values and identity are simple yet vital for sustainability. Moreover, we have a defining mission that distinguishes us. We combine elegant and timeless styles with a focus on quality and sustainability, something that is often lacking in trendy brands. By aiming for perfection in all these aspects, we create a unique collection that stands out.

How do you want women to feel when wearing your clothes?

First and foremost, we want women to feel comfortable. We prioritize the use of organic and recycled textiles, avoiding synthetic fabrics that can feel uncomfortable on the skin. Secondly, we want women to feel feminine. Even our oversized minimalistic shirts are designed to look sophisticated on a woman’s body. Lastly, we want women to feel confident. Our timeless elegance allows individuals to make a subtle yet impactful statement about their taste and style.

Tell us about the journey that led you to launch your brand, Balushka…

Since I was little, I had a passion for sketching and making dresses, starting with dolls and later attending sewing classes at school. However, when it came time to choose a career path, I played it safe and studied economics for five years, leaving my design aspirations in the background. While I didn’t dislike economics, it didn’t ignite my passion either. At some point, I took a risk and moved to Milan to study fashion management. Although I worked for well-known brands, I realized that my entrepreneurial nature was not satisfied with purely executive roles, which ultimately led me to found my own line in 2018.

Having learned about the fashion industry from the inside, I became increasingly disappointed with its negative impact on our planet and our future, particularly with fast fashion. Temporary trends, false notions of importance, and media influence have resulted in excessive overproduction and consumption, polluting our oceans. Clothing has lost its quality, being poorly produced and violating working conditions in many countries. These are just a few obvious consequences of blind seasonal fashion trends.

Simultaneously, I developed immense respect for artisans worldwide, appreciating the quality of their work and their mission to preserve traditions. In Balushka, we aim to popularise traditional handwork and show younger generations that these traditions are cool too. One challenge for artisanal traditions is that young people often don’t want to follow in the footsteps of their mothers and grandmothers, leading to a decline in heritage preservation.

Therefore, when contemplating the idea of launching a brand in 2017-2018, the only option for me, as someone who still loved making clothes, was to create a sustainable brand. I wanted to consciously produce and have a mission to improve our planet rather than contribute to its destruction. We initially started with a women’s line and have plans to expand our selection to include men and children.

What’s the process behind launching a new collection?

Launching a new collection is a complex and exciting process that can take a considerable amount of time. It begins with shaping the idea, considering styles, colors, and the overall composition of the collection. Then, we search for suppliers and collaborate on designing, usually as a team. This involves numerous attempts and failures until we choose the right style options. We also seek feedback and desires from our customers regarding new styles and colors, as conscious production is a significant part of our brand. We aim to create styles that are in demand and will be genuinely worn, rather than solely satisfying the designer’s ego.

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced as an entrepreneur so far?

Among all the challenges of building a business (especially with the interruptions caused by COVID), finding a work-life balance has been the most significant struggle. Many entrepreneurs can relate to the feeling that whatever they are doing is not enough, and they could always do more. While there may be some truth to this, it’s not a healthy conviction for one’s mental well-being. We are not omnipotent, and there are only 24 hours in a day. Spending time with family and friends is vital and shouldn’t be overlooked.

Looking back since launching the brand, is there anything you would do differently?

Probably not. We have faced various challenges as a brand, particularly regarding production, differences in markets and cultural approaches, and finding reliable partners. Personally, I have also encountered challenges throughout the process of building the brand. However, I firmly believe that everything happens for the best, and we learn from difficult times and wrong decisions. Often, the most important lessons and ideas stem from these challenges. With hindsight, decisions that may have seemed wrong at the time have brought us to where we are today as a brand and as individuals.

How much has social media played a role in the success of your brand?

Surprisingly, social media is not yet crucial for us, although we have been working on improving our social media presence lately. It is a powerful tool that we are still exploring. Currently, we primarily sell our products through multi-brand platforms, pop-up stores, private events, and, of course, through our clients’ recommendations.

What is your go-to quote when lacking motivation?

“Remember why you started and where you are going.”

What advice would you offer to aspiring artists who want to launch their own brand?

Just go for it! The sooner you start, the better. You will learn by doing and generate more ideas along the way. Stay true to the identity you define and learn to trust your instincts.

Our readers love to travel. What is your all-time favourite destination and why?

Currently, I’m thinking about the Maldives for its diving opportunities and the feeling of being connected to nature. My husband and I once went there at the beginning of the rainy season when we both had a free week. It was absolutely marvelous! There were fewer people, the sun wasn’t scorching, and I genuinely rested for the first time in a long while.

I also love vibrant cities that inspire and energise me. I’m always happy to return to London, Amsterdam, and New York City.

What’s next for the business?

We are currently working on an evening dresses line suitable for vacations and a winter capsule collection. The philosophy behind these collections remains the same: elegant, timeless designs that can remain relevant for many seasons. We prioritise quality, organic and skin-friendly materials, sustainable fabric sourcing, and conscious production. Additionally, we are collaborating with artisans from Spain and Ukraine on capsule collections, incorporating their traditional embroidery techniques while staying true to our brand roots.

What does self-care mean to you?

Self-care means staying true to yourself and your values. Your heart will guide you through life’s difficulties and lead you to your true essence and passions. It’s important to listen to your internal voice and trust it. Personally, practicing yoga, meditation, and spending time alone have been essential self-care practices.

Where can people find out more?

Visit our website, or follow our Instagram

Welcome to an exclusive interview with Reem, the brilliant founder behind the revolutionary skincare brand, Nomad Skin. With a captivating blend of Syrian and Australian influences, Reem has crafted a brand that seamlessly merges the power of natural ingredients with a deep understanding of skincare.

Join us as we dive into the world of Nomad Skin and learn about Reem’s vision for the brand’s future, her personal style, and the valuable advice she offers to aspiring beauty brand owners.

This is an interview you won’t want to miss, as Reem shares her passion, wisdom, and the driving force behind the extraordinary success of Nomad Skin.

Tell us about the journey that led you to launch your brand, Nomad Skin.

I grew up in a Syrian-Australian household, and Syrians have a strong affinity for natural and alternative remedies. This upbringing instilled in me a deep interest in natural ingredients and their potential to improve our health. From a young age, I observed the women around me applying rose water to their faces while discussing skincare routines. Even then, I recognised the importance of taking care of one’s skin. Inspired by this, I often experimented with different ingredients, using my mother’s pantry as a source of inspiration to create my own face masks.

Driven by my passion, I pursued the study of formulation science, and my first job was as a sales assistant at a high-end skincare retailer. There, I delved into the ingredient lists of the products we sold and found a scarcity of natural products that met my high expectations. Many products focused on a single hero ingredient, which might be beneficial for moisturising but proved ineffective when washed off in a cleanser. They were often heavily scented and overhyped. In my daydreams, I envisioned creating my own line of natural skincare products that would pass my rigorous “ingredient test” and deliver real results.

Of course, being an Aussie, my adventurous spirit led me to travel. During a transformative trip to the Middle East, I discovered the wealth of knowledge that other cultures held, particularly regarding the use of natural ingredients. This experience sparked the idea for Nomad.

How do you want people to feel when they use your skincare?

In a word… free. Achieving healthy skin brings a sense of liberation. It’s about trusting that when you wake up and look in the mirror, you’ll be pleased with your reflection. This confidence is what I aim to inspire. At Nomad, we believe in providing “skin you can take anywhere.”

Your Syrian roots have greatly influenced your brand. Can you elaborate on this?

Certainly. It’s challenging to capture in words, but I’ll do my best to convey it…

Syrians, including my parents and their friends, possess a beautifully balanced approach to life and wellness. Their philosophy revolves around sharing, whether it’s food, drinks, stories, or remedies. They relish gatherings, singing, dancing, and fully embracing each moment. They firmly believe that you are what you eat, so they always strive to eat well. They also prioritise enjoying life and want everyone to eat well and have a good time.

Rather than saying “cheers,” they say “Saha,” which literally translates to “health.” Their spirit of generosity knows no bounds or prerequisites. Anyone can join in.

When it comes to remedies, they prioritise natural solutions. My father, for instance, famously used honey to cure his tinea. He would apply honey to his feet, wear cotton socks, and go to sleep. After repeating this process for a week, the tinea would disappear. Garlic found its way into every meal and was applied topically for stings or styes. Yerba Mate, a highly antioxidant green tea adopted from Argentinian traditions, is consumed throughout the day to promote and maintain health. Occasionally, other herbs like chamomile or mint are added to address specific ailments such as sleeplessness or indigestion.

It is this belief in the power of nature and their open-hearted spirit that both inspired Nomad and that I strive for Nomad to embody.

How would you describe your personal style?

I’m a minimalist at heart, valuing quality over quantity. My style is eclectic because quality comes in various shapes, forms, and colours. Feeling comfortable is crucial, as nothing looks good on you if you don’t feel good in your own skin. Skincare plays a significant role in fostering this comfort. Confidence is another important aspect of personal style. Having the confidence to try new things is easier when you’re comfortable in your own skin. I enjoy adding a touch of edge and spice to my style, so perhaps we can coin a term like “Spicy Australian” to capture it all. Haha!

What advice do you have for beauty brand owners struggling to get started?

I have three pieces of advice:

  1. Let passion drive you: If you don’t genuinely believe in your products, it’s difficult to expect others to.
  2. Persistence is key: The beauty market is highly competitive and dynamic. It takes time to gain awareness, consideration, and sales. Remember that customers typically replenish their skincare every three months, so persistence is crucial.
  3. Action over perfection: As a self-professed perfectionist, I admit that I struggle with this myself. You are often your harshest critic, which can hold you back more than getting every detail right propels you forward.

Looking back since launching the company, is there anything you would do differently?

Honestly, there are so many things I would do differently. I’ve learned countless lessons along the way. As I’m currently self-funded, my most significant lesson is that an amazing product and brand can only take you halfway. It’s essential to save enough for marketing.

Our readers love to travel. What destination is at the top of your bucket list?

My bucket list is extensive, and there’s no particular hierarchy (after all, we’re called Nomad for a reason). However, if I had to choose one destination that is currently resonating with me, it would be the Dominican Republic. I’m drawn to cultures that have experienced multiple historical influences, and that region is rich in that sense. Plus, I’m currently in chilly Melbourne, so I’m yearning for that Caribbean sunshine and the irresistible waters.

What does self-care mean to you?

Self-care, to me, is about listening to your body and respecting its needs, both physically and mentally. Sometimes it involves enjoying a well-crafted Negroni with friends, while other times it’s about sipping ginger tea and applying a face mask. It can mean allowing yourself to sleep in or embarking on an early morning run. Ultimately, self-care is about finding balance and meeting your body’s unique requirements.

Where do you see the brand in 5 years from now?

In five years, I envision Nomad having a more extensive range of products. I’m particularly excited about our everyday essentials and the new products we’re preparing to launch. We are actively working on expanding our global availability, and I hope to see our brand on the shelves of my favourite retailers and in the bathrooms and travel bags of more Nomads worldwide.

Where can people find out more about your brand?

To learn more about Nomad Skin, I recommend visiting our website at You can also find us on Instagram (@nomadskin_) for regular updates. We love answering customer questions, so feel free to reach out to us through the ‘contact us’ page on our website (

Step into the captivating world of Picco Para, where creativity meets craftsmanship and bespoke jewellery takes on a whole new meaning. In this exclusive interview, we delve into the story behind the brand, uncovering the passion, vision, and artistry that led to its creation.

Join us as we unravel the unique journey of the Beth Manning, the mastermind behind Picco Para, exploring her background, sustainable approach, and the intricate design process that sets them apart. Get ready to be inspired by their commitment to authenticity, their ability to blend trends with personal aesthetics, and their unwavering dedication to creating timeless pieces that resonate with the wearer. It’s time to discover the magic of Picco Para and the remarkable future that lies ahead for this extraordinary jewellery brand.

Can you tell us about your background and what led you to create Picco Para?

I have always been interested in jewelry, finding the craft incredibly fascinating. About 10 years ago, I attended a short course to try my hand at it. Then, by chance, the owner of a local café introduced me to a silversmith who allowed me to use a space in her workshop. I spent countless hours there, learning from failures and gradually developing a style that truly resonated with me.

A few years later, Picco Para came to life when I established my own workspace. Having always worked in creative industries, it has been a wonderful experience to combine my passion for creating with my love for jewellery and fashion.

Picco Para specialises in bespoke custom jewellery. How do you work with clients to bring their vision to life, and what sets your approach apart from other custom jewellery companies?

My process is highly individualised for each project. Sometimes clients approach me with clear ideas, and we collaborate closely to bring those ideas to life. Other times, clients present rough concepts, and I work on realizing them in a way that stays true to the essence of Picco Para. Additionally, I only work with solid materials, allowing each piece to evolve over time with its wearer, creating a sense of magic.

Your designs often incorporate sustainable and eco-friendly materials. How do you prioritise sustainability in your work, and what challenges have you faced in sourcing sustainable materials?

My commitment to sustainability begins with using solid gold and silver, which, when properly cared for, can last a lifetime and beyond. These metals are also fully recyclable, enabling reuse time and time again. Many of my designs incorporate reimagined precious metals that would otherwise be considered scrap.

To source sustainable materials, I rely on trusted suppliers located in the Hatton Garden jewellery district. This area has seen a significant shift towards more sustainable approaches across the industry, making it easier for me to produce in an eco-friendly manner.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest jewellery trends and technologies, and how do you balance these with your own personal design aesthetic?

I dedicate a lot of time to observing what others in the industry are doing, whether it’s through platforms like Instagram and TikTok or more traditional media. My phone is filled with screenshots of interesting jewellery pieces and innovative techniques that inspire me. It’s crucial to stay informed about the broader category so that I can develop a unique Picco Para perspective. Balancing these trends with my personal design aesthetic involves finding a harmonious synthesis that represents the essence of my brand.

What advice would you give to someone interested in starting their own jewellery business, particularly in the bespoke/custom jewellery space?

First and foremost, it’s essential to find your niche and showcase your unique style to potential clients. How else can they envision what a bespoke piece from you might look like? With numerous talented makers out there, the best thing you can do is find a space where your creativity shines and simply create, continuously. Starting a jewellery business is a hustle, and I’m still figuring things out as I go. However, at the core, it’s crucial to discover your individual spark and promote your brand for the world to appreciate.

Can you walk us through your design process, from concept to finished product?

In the past, I had two distinct design processes. One involved meticulous research, discussion, and planning, while the other was spontaneous, with experiments conducted directly on the workbench. Over time, I have gravitated more toward the latter approach, which often entails taking a rough concept and exploring what happens when combining different materials and tools. In fact, I am about to launch a new collection called the Olto Collection, which truly personifies this organic process where experimentation with metals and ideas leads to remarkable results.

What sets Picco Para apart from other jewellery brands, and how do you hope to differentiate yourself in the future?

Every piece of Picco Para jewellery proudly bears the marks of its creation, making it unique to the wearer. Each piece is meticulously handcrafted using solid, precious materials. As the brand grows, this craftsmanship will always remain at the core. I aspire to continuously push the boundaries of my aesthetic and explore trends from both the past and present.

What do you envision as the future of fine jewellery, and how do you anticipate Picco Para evolving to meet changing trends and consumer preferences?

The future of fine jewellery is intriguing. While seasonal trends come and go, fine jewellery should exist beyond the fast-paced fashion cycle. It is a traditional, slow craft that transcends transient fads. While there will always be seasonal nuances, I hope that as Picco Para continues to grow, it becomes less about checking trend boxes and more about creating precious artefacts that deeply resonate with those fortunate enough to wear them.

As we conclude this mesmerising exploration of Picco Para, we are left in awe of the passion, artistry, and dedication that permeate every aspect of this extraordinary jewellery brand. From the meticulous craftsmanship to the sustainable approach, Picco Para shines as a beacon of authenticity and innovation in the industry.

With an unwavering commitment to creating timeless pieces that transcend fleeting trends, Picco Para is poised to carve its own path in the future of fine jewellery. As they continue to push boundaries, explore new aesthetics, and create precious artefacts that resonate with wearers on a profound level, we eagerly anticipate the captivating evolution of this remarkable brand.

Prepare to be captivated, as Picco Para casts its spell, leaving an indelible mark on the world of jewellery and enchanting hearts one exquisite piece at a time.