If you have even rudimentary knowledge of the cannabidiol industry, you’ve probably heard terms such as full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and CBD isolate. Full-spectrum CBD products contain a maximum of 0.3% THC, along with a raft of other cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes. Broad-spectrum CBD effectively contains everything full-spectrum does, minus the THC.

Then, there is CBD isolate, a product that contains practically nothing other than cannabidiol. Some products on the market consist of over 99% CBD, while some brands add terpenes for the sake of flavor.

There’s a school of thought that suggests CBD isolate is best avoided because users won’t benefit from the “entourage effect,” a theory that suggests hemp’s cannabinoids work best when together rather than in isolation. Yet, there are many reasons why people choose CBD isolate, and I explore a couple of them below.

Saying ‘No’ To THC

In the great CBD isolate vs. full-spectrum debate, those on the full-spectrum side of things mainly point to the entourage effect as proof that having the cannabinoids together is for the best.

Yet, there is evidence that the entourage effect is not all it’s cracked up to be. Thus, you may prefer CBD isolate simply because of the lack of THC. If a CBD product is created in accordance with the rules outlined by the Farm Bill, the chances of you failing a drug screening are low.

Although cannabidiol is not federally legal, hemp is, and sellers of CBD products get their cannabinoids from the hemp plant. Incidentally, the Farm Bill decreed that Cannabis sativa plants with less than 0.3% THC are classified as hemp. Meanwhile, plants with more than this amount of THC remain classified as marijuana, which is still illegal by federal law.

A lack of regulation plagues the CBD market. Thus, it is imperative that you only buy CBD isolate (and other products) from reputable brands such as Premium Jane. Its CBD isolate gummies contain 25mg of the cannabinoid each. Furthermore, each batch of products comes with third-party lab reports, so you can be sure that the gummies are free from THC, not to mention contaminants such as pesticides and heavy metals.

Even though there’s little chance of failing a drug test or getting high, some people flat-out don’t want to put THC into their bodies. With CBD isolate, they have this option.

Consuming Large Quantities of CBD Could Be the Key

To be clear, it’s best to only consume a small amount of CBD at first to see how it impacts you. Only when you’re confident that there are no adverse effects should you move forward and increase your dosage.

However, according to research, humans can consume enormous amounts of cannabidiol and experience few ill effects. One study found that humans can safely tolerate up to 1,500mg of CBD a day! It’s also a fact that most CBD studies involve participants consuming anywhere from 100mg to over 1,000mg.

So, it’s possible that you may need to use far more of the cannabinoid than you realize. The process needs to involve patience with you going from perhaps 5mg a day to whatever proves effective. Yet, even if you’re capable of using large amounts of CBD with adverse effects, there’s the small matter of cost.

A 1,000mg bottle of high-quality CBD oil, for instance, could set you back well over $100. You can hardly justify that kind of expense on a weekly basis! CBD isolate products could be the solution as they are generally far cheaper than their full-spectrum or broad-spectrum counterparts. You may want to look into a CBD isolate powder to see if you can save some money.

CBD Isolate Is Not for Everyone, But It Is a Great Product

It is probably best not to listen to the dissenting voices that claim CBD isolate is a waste of time. Such individuals are citing a theory that has yet to be proven. If you want to avoid using THC, a CBD isolate product is ideal since it is free from the intoxicating cannabinoid. Look for a product with added terpenes or fruity gummies if flavor is important to you.

There are also powders and shatters on the market if you want to consume a high quantity of the cannabinoid for a fairly low price.


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