If you plan to sell your sports car, you need to get a ballpark figure of what it is worth. While the make and model will provide you with a good idea, you need to take account of the mileage, as high mileage will reduce the figure. The condition of the vehicle is also important. A sports car dealer is often the best place to start as they will be able to give you a figure fairly quickly. Then you can decide on your best option.

Why Sports Cars Are More Expensive

Regular cars are a lot cheaper than sports cars. As the latter are often purchased by movie stars and other high-income individuals to make a statement or as a way to spend their wealth, the aura surrounding them puts them in a whole different range from ordinary vehicles.

Additionally, sports cars are made with a lot of advanced features that make the most of new technologies for building cars. The best materials and finishings are used for a total quality product and excellent driving experience, often at high speeds and on special tracks.

Trade-in Vehicles

When you sell a vehicle to buy another one, you will receive the trade-in amount, as the buyer, usually a dealer, needs to make a profit when they resell it. However, sports car dealers tend to give fair prices, whether you are selling or trading in. You may also be downgrading your wheels to get out of high maintenance costs, expensive spares, and running costs for a vehicle you can manage more easily on your budget. In this case, you may sell to one dealer and buy a new car elsewhere, hence, the trade-in value may not matter as much.

Selling privately may net you a higher return than going through a dealer. However, you may have a delay in finding a private buyer, whereas sport car dealers are always available and can give you a price in minutes or hours. If you are in a rush to get a cheaper car for daily use, a dealer is a good option.

Preparing to Sell

Regardless of who the buyer is, you need to do some preparation before attempting to sell your sports car. How it looks is important for first impressions, so a full-house wash and wax are necessary. This will make the prospective buyer keen to have the car.

After a few years, any car will have some problems. If these are mechanical, it can have quite an influence on the selling price. Make a comparison between what it will cost to get it fixed and how much you will receive for a car without any major issues. If your calculations suggest leaving repairs to the buyer, note that you do have to disclose any problems.

A dealer will know that cars tend to see more problems as they age, but they have access to cost-effective repairers, so they are unlikely to be put off by a few issues. Do you want to sell your Lamborghini Countach fast? Perhaps you have another Lamborghini you are ready to trade in? Get a fair deal from a registered dealer who is always keen to look at sports cars, no matter their condition.

Getting a sports car sold to a dealer is the easiest option but you can always negotiate their offer.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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