We all hit lows when it comes to our self-confidence and the way we feel about ourselves. It’s normal to feel this way, but that doesn’t mean you should sit around and let the feelings get in the way of your daily life and goals.

Instead, take note of how you’re feeling and give yourself an internal butt-kick in order to get your mindset back on track and start appreciating yourself again. Sometimes, self-confidence needs to be hacked, and here are four ways you can do just that.

Brighten Your Pearly Whites

Your smile says a lot about you, and if you’re feeling low on confidence, that’s going to show. Getting a refresher on your teeth can actually do wonders for how confidently you smile, and the more you smile, the more confident you’ll look and feel – it’s a viciously positive cycle.

Pure Dental Arts is a great dentist to visit if you’re in the Queen Anne Hilltop area of Seattle. Schedule a check-up and pair it will a full cleaning session, you won’t regret it. If you’re not keen on a professional clean, try out at-home teeth whitening.

Chop Your Locks

A change is as good as a holiday, right? Our hair is one of those things that can become little more than a nuisance, but after a visit to the hair salon, it’s nearly impossible not to feel just a little bit in love with yourself for a few weeks.

Try out a new style or colour. Go bold, do something exciting or simply get a refresher of what you know looks amazing on you. If your hair is already short but you’re itching for a change, consider trying out hair extensions while you wait for your hair to grow.

Change Up Your Look

Sometimes we just get a little bored with the way we look, which is normal too, especially if you don’t shop regularly and end up wearing the same three outfits for over a year.

Trying out a different aesthetic or style might be just what you need to give you a confidence boost. Splash just a little cash on yourself, buy a few interesting new pieces and experiment with your style. You could even try out a new makeup look if you want something less permanent than a pair of quirky overalls that you end up hating.

Show Yourself Some Love

Sometimes, you don’t really need a physical change, but an inner one instead. This kind of inner change is popularly known online as a glow up and it focuses on taking care of yourself and becoming the best version of yourself.

Set some goals for yourself and get serious about taking care of yourself. That means regular exercise, eating healthy meals, practising meditation or journaling, writing out goals, making to-do lists, creating a morning routine and whatever else is going to get you feeling your best.

You’ll be surprised at how much this inner work makes you feel like you’re on top of the world


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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