As we juggle careers, family, and social obligations, the pressure mounts, often with little relief in sight. But one of the keys to managing this stress is to carve out time for ourselves through hobbies. These pockets of personal joy are not merely leisure activities; they are a form of self-care that can help press away the weight of our worries. Here, we introduce five hobbies that can act as a stress valve, offering simple yet effective respite for busy adults.

Diamond Painting

Diamond painting has emerged as a creative outlet for adults looking to decompress after a long day. This hobby involves sticking small, shiny resin pieces that resemble diamonds onto a canvas to create a sparkling piece of art. Diamond painting kits for adults are readily available, providing a structured and satisfying project to tackle in your own time. The meticulous nature of placing each diamond in its place is not only absorbing but also immensely satisfying, offering a welcome distraction from the rumination cycle of stress.

Adult Coloring

The childhood joy of coloring isn’t lost as we grow older; it just evolves. Adult coloring books have surged in popularity, featuring intricate patterns and designs that require focus and a steady hand. This hobby is a low-stake creative exercise that allows you to engage in the moment, choosing colors and filling spaces, which can have a calming effect on the mind. It’s an easy activity to pick up anytime, requiring minimal setup or investment, making it perfect for busy adults.

Cooking or Baking

Cooking or baking as a hobby can be an immersive sensory experience. Measuring, mixing, and witnessing raw ingredients transform into a delicious dish serves as a full engagement of the senses, which can ground you in the present and away from stress. There’s also the added benefit of enjoying the fruits of your labor and perhaps even sharing them with others, which can be a rewarding experience that fosters a sense of connection and accomplishment.


Losing yourself in a good book allows you to escape into different worlds and lives, providing a mental break from your own stressors. Reading is a flexible hobby that can be squeezed into various parts of a busy schedule, be it during a morning commute, on a lunch break, or before bed. It can be a solitary retreat or part of a social book club, but either way, it engages the mind in a narrative other than your own, which can be a welcome distraction.


Regular physical activity is a proven stress reliever. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting properties. A hobby that incorporates exercise doesn’t have to mean hitting the gym; it can be as simple as taking up hiking, joining a dance class, or starting a home yoga practice. These activities not only improve physical health but also offer mental benefits, promoting a sense of well-being and resilience against stress.

Stress may be a fixture in the fast-paced lives of modern adults, but it need not overwhelm. Through hobbies like diamond painting, coloring, cooking, reading, and exercise, we can introduce moments of peace and satisfaction into our daily grind. These hobbies offer an accessible route to decompression, providing an antidote to stress that fits into the busy schedules of adulthood. By investing in such activities, we nurture our well-being, pressing away stress, one diamond, one page, and one breath at a time. Engaging in these simple hobbies can help cultivate a more balanced life where stress is managed, and joy in the small things is rediscovered.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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