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4 Major Reasons Why Millennials Are On the Move

Not everybody wants to relocate.

Not everybody wants to relocate. Some people find a great home in their early 20s, move down the street a few years later, and then stay in that spot for the rest of their life — which is completely fine. That’s an older way of doing things. Now that the millennial generation is old enough to make their own decisions, the majority of young people are deciding on one thing: relocation.

Millennials are packing up their items, contacting residential moving services, and moving wherever they want nowadays. But why are so many young people moving? There are plenty of reasons and each situation is different, but here are a few of the general reasons as to why millennials are frequent movers:

Because they want new experiences

Young people don’t want to just stay in the same town for decades — they want to try new things. They want to meet new people. They want to work at a new job. They want to eat different food. They simply want to experience as much life as possible, at least while they are young.

Because they are educated

Believe it or not, a college education is actually a key marker of the likelihood to move, especially when it comes to millennials. In fact, 77% of college graduates have changed communities at least once compared to only 56% of those with just a high school diploma (or less). Also, college grads are much more likely to have lived in multiple states throughout their lifetimes.

Because they plan on moving again

Though Millennials are moving quite often, they aren’t exactly staying in those places for too long either. According to a Mayflower survey, 41% of millennials qualify as “vacation movers,” meaning that at some point during their adult lives, they moved to a new place (excluding moving for college) without the intention of staying there permanently. Of all those vacation movers, roughly 74% reported they had a specific timeline in mind for how long they want to stay in a new location before they relocated again.

Because they aren’t tied down

Unlike generations before, millennials aren’t as concerned with getting married and starting families — at least in their 20s and early 30s. Because of their lack of families, individual millennials are able to move as they see fit. This will likely change once the majority of the generation decides to settle down, but for the time being, the majority of millennials are single and they are on the move.

Whether you’re part of the millennial generation or not, if you’re planning to relocate somewhere else, professional assistance is a great option to take advantage of. Wherever you’re off to next, good luck with your new adventure!

Originally Posted Here: https://craigvanlines.com/4-major-reasons-why-millennials-are-on-the-move