If your parent is of a certain age and living alone, this could be a cause of concern for you. This could be due to any health issues they might be living with, or simply the thought of them being lonely is enough to make you worry. It can be challenging to suggest that they move to a retirement home as they might feel defensive about it; however, there are some wonderful benefits to living in these facilities. If you are thinking about whether this is right for them, or want to open their minds to the idea, here are 4 reasons why they might love it and also check out this great article from Care For Family on palliative care.

  1. Independence

Living in a retirement home means that there will be a certain level of independence they can still have. In facilities such as Sunrise at East 56th in New York, residences have private, beautifully designed apartments. This offers them much more independence, and with access to a range of facilities like a salon, food service, and transportation needs, they have everything they need while still maintaining a similar lifestyle to the one before they moved in.

  1. Combat Loneliness

Everybody enjoys some alone time once in a while but living on your own full time can get overwhelming, especially if you’ve lived with a family and your partner for most of your life. Loneliness is one of the most significant issues elderly people face, and by moving into a retirement complex, this can be reduced. With many other residents living in neighboring apartments, it’s an excellent way for your parent to make new friends and maintain a good social life. This will be enormously beneficial to their well-being.

  1. Things to Do

Another great benefit of moving into a retirement home is that there will be plenty of activities to take part in. Often these facilities put on events like movie nights, have dance lessons, crafting, exercise classes, and other fun things to do to occupy the residents. Some places might even organize day trips or other excursions to offer residents a change of scene and something to look forward to.

  1. Care

One of the main reasons you might want your parent to move into a retirement home is because you’re worried about their health. They might be showing signs of mental or physical issues and living alone might not be the best option for them anymore. In these retirement facilities, there is a certain level of care that can be provided to help residents if they’re in need. While a more specialist care solution will be necessary for those with developed or chronic conditions, a retirement home is excellent for your parent to maintain their independence and still have a safety net of care to fall back on if necessary.

It can be tough for an elderly parent to admit that they need to move to a retirement facility, and these discussions should always be dealt with sensitivity and respect. If you want to start this discussion with your parent or are considering if it’s the right choice, consider these benefits above and share them with your parent.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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