


In the realm of skincare, where innovation meets tradition, one name stands out—Rezzi Ingemarsson, the visionary founder behind Kanobe. With a spirit fueled by a profound commitment to fair trade, ethical sourcing, and empowering women, Rezzi has woven a narrative that transcends borders.

From the vibrant landscapes of Morocco to the bustling diversity of Brussels, her journey has been a tapestry of cultural inspirations and a celebration of natural beauty traditions. The heart of Kanobe beats to the rhythm of ancient remedies, meticulously selected organic ingredients, and a resolute dedication to cruelty-free practices.

Inspired by the legacy of her grandmother, Rezzi’s brand not only delivers high-quality skincare but also serves as a beacon for women seeking empowerment in the business world. As Kanobe marks its inaugural year, Rezzi shares insights that echo a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, promising a future where skincare is not just a routine but a holistic celebration of heritage, diversity, and self-care…

Kanobe is deeply committed to fair trade and ethically sourced ingredients. Could you share a specific experience or encounter during your travels that reinforced the importance of ethical sourcing in your mind?

Several years ago, I traveled to Morocco with a friend and explored the capital, Rabat, the historic city of Fes, and the breathtaking Chefchaouen, known for its blue mountains. The captivating landscapes of Morocco inspired me to indulge in authentic hammam and massage experiences. These treatments featured pure almond and argan oils, traditional beldi (black) soap, and clarifying clay masks. I also acquired some henna, which proved beneficial for my locs.

Despite the increasing trend of hammams in Europe, I was struck by the purity of ingredients used in Morocco, drawing parallels to the natural skincare routines of Nigerian women. In Nigeria, where I spent my childhood, skincare routines centered around 100% natural and effective ingredients such as shea and cocoa butters, dudu osun (black soap), and coconut oil. While these ingredients gained global popularity, there remained an imbalance in compensating African farmers for raw materials used in cosmetics products and in the food industry, such as cocoa and vanilla pods.

This realisation fueled my commitment, upon founding Kanobe, to spotlight the rich ingredients from Africa and collaborate with local producers and fairtrade suppliers.

Kanobe products focus not only on skin appearance but also on skin health. How do you balance ancient beauty traditions with modern skincare needs to create products that are both effective and nurturing?

The notion that modern skincare is inherently more advanced than ancient beauty traditions is a misconception. Centuries of human history reveal a consistent desire for clear, exfoliated, and moisturized skin. Professor Gad Saad’s insightful video reminds us that our generation often erroneously believes it is the first to experience or solve problems, a perspective applicable to beauty concerns as well.

Kanobe incorporates remedies from diverse ancient skincare traditions worldwide, addressing specific skin concerns. Ingredients like Somalian ‘Maydi’ frankincense and green mandarin oil from ancient China are integrated into our products. Innovation is crucial in natural skincare, necessitating effective, natural alternatives to traditional formulation ingredients and sustainable, non-plastic packaging.

While ‘modern’ skincare may offer quick, short-term effects, Kanobe focuses on reviving and maintaining skin health with a holistic, sustainable approach, prioritizing enduring results over fleeting benefits. Positive customer feedback, especially regarding relief from skin irritation and chronic dryness, reaffirms our commitment to this approach.

Being cruelty-free is a core value of Kanobe. How challenging was it to ensure that your products met this criterion, and what steps did you take to guarantee cruelty-free formulations?

Maintaining a cruelty-free stance aligns seamlessly with our use of food-grade ingredients in crafting fully natural skincare. Since I formulate and hand-make all Kanobe products, maintaining control over ingredients and quantities is relatively straightforward, eliminating the need for animal testing.

For formulations requiring preservatives or other necessary ingredients, substantial effort has been invested in sourcing natural, effective, and cruelty-free alternatives. This challenge, though demanding, has been met by collaborating with like-minded and innovative companies dedicated to cruelty-free practices.

Kanobe products are crafted with organic ingredients. Could you elaborate on the meticulous process of selecting these ingredients to ensure they are pure, organic, and of the highest quality?

Selecting organic ingredients involves a disciplined approach to certification and quality. Whether reaching out to potential producers in Egypt, Morocco, or Madagascar, each ingredient undergoes a thorough evaluation process. Certification by a reputable third party is a non-negotiable criterion, ensuring the organic integrity of the ingredients. The process requires patience and persistence, as certification does not always guarantee both quality and organic standards.

However, I am pleased to have encountered professional and well-prepared suppliers who provide the necessary documentation, contributing to the overall quality of Kanobe products.

Fostering fair relationships with farmers and producers is central to Kanobe. Can you share a story about a farmer or producer whose life was positively impacted by your brand’s commitment to fair compensation and ethical sourcing?

In its first year, Kanobe aims to encourage the companies I source from to continue investing or producing in Africa. Each Kanobe product features a ‘star’ certified organic ingredient from the continent, such as Egyptian jasmine, Moroccan argan oil, Kenyan Baobab oil, or organic Maydi Frankincense.

Additionally, the ‘holy trinity’ of West African butters and oils—shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil—are sourced from Ghana. While finding certified organic producers from Nigeria has proven challenging, I am actively seeking partnerships in the hope of expanding the brand’s reach and impact.

Kanobe is named in honor of your grandmother. How does her legacy inspire the formulations and ethos of your brand, especially in empowering women through your products?

My grandmother, Felicia Akanobe Egbodor, embodied kindness and entrepreneurial spirit. As a savvy businesswoman, her influence, along with that of my great-grandmother and mother, instilled in me the confidence to pursue various goals.

Kanobe reflects this legacy by prioritizing community impact, mirroring my grandmother’s approach of leading with the heart and considering the broader impact beyond numbers. Naming the company after her is a tribute to her memory, and I hope to inspire other women to pursue their business ideas, regardless of scale.

How has the cultural diversity of Brussels influenced the development of Kanobe products, and how do you incorporate this international flair into your creations?

Brussels, with its thriving organic scene and diverse communities, serves as a rich source of inspiration for Kanobe. The city’s mix of influences, from locally sourced food markets to diverse cultural communities, provides a unique environment for product development. The ability to physically interact with a variety of herbs, oils, and essential oils has been invaluable during the formulation process.

While sourcing ingredients globally is possible online, the immediate accessibility in Brussels allows for a more hands-on and experiential approach, contributing to the international flair in Kanobe’s creations.

Kanobe products are described as “food-grade.” Could you explain the concept of skincare as food for the skin and how it reflects in the formulation of your products?

Our skin, being the largest organ, benefits from ingredients that are not only good for our diet but also promote healthy and resilient skin. The scientific correlation between diet and skin health is well-established. Recognizing that harmful skincare products can introduce toxins to the skin, Kanobe adopts a skincare-as-food philosophy.

All products are crafted entirely from naturally-derived ingredients, aligning with the wisdom of traditional skincare practices. No exceptions are made for fragrances or preservatives, ensuring the purity of Kanobe products. Transparency is a core value, reflected in the product ingredients being suitable for consumption—though it’s important to clarify that Kanobe products should not be ingested.

Kanobe products are suitable for sensitive skin. What are the challenges in creating products for sensitive skin, and how do you ensure your formulations are gentle yet effective?

Creating products for sensitive skin involves extensive research, combining traditional remedies known for their soothing properties with organic formulations. Remedies like oat soap and shea butter, renowned for their skin-soothing qualities, are incorporated into the Kanobe range.

The entire product line is free of synthetic fragrances, challenging the norm of sensory experiences often associated with skincare. The careful selection of natural alternatives and a heightened awareness of potential allergens and essential oils ensures that Kanobe formulations are both gentle and effective for a variety of skin types. Essential oils, with their medicinal history spanning millennia, are used judiciously, recognizing their potential benefits for specific skin concerns.

You mentioned using gentle methods to preserve the integrity of organic produce. Could you shed light on these methods and how they contribute to the overall quality of Kanobe products?

Preserving the active qualities and natural fragrances of pure, unrefined ingredients is a priority in Kanobe’s production process. Minimal heat is applied to ingredients, avoiding unnecessary mechanical stress. The traditional cold process, used for all Kanobe soap bars, requires patience as the soaps cure over several weeks.

This method allows organic oils and butters to maintain their unique properties, while retaining glycerin for added moisturization. Embracing the principles of ‘slow’ skincare, the brand ensures that the benefits of organic ingredients are preserved, contributing to the overall quality of Kanobe products.

Kanobe incorporates ingredients from around the world. Can you share a story of a specific ingredient that amazed you with its benefits and became a star component in one of your products?

Wild carrot essential oil, not indigenous to Africa, captivated me with its healing properties and became a star component in several Kanobe body oils and balms. Despite its non-native origin, the oil’s remarkable benefits warranted its inclusion. Another standout is baobab oil, derived from the African ‘Tree of Life.’

Its exceptional healing properties, particularly in soothing skin burns, led to the creation of a dedicated body balm. These ingredients, with their diverse cultural backgrounds, showcase Kanobe’s commitment to incorporating what works from various traditions into its products.

Kanobe draws inspiration from the vivacious women in your family. In what ways does your brand aim to empower women beyond providing high-quality skincare products?

Empowering women extends beyond product formulation for Kanobe. Actively seeking partnerships with and sourcing from women-owned businesses is a consistent effort. The brand ensures that its traditional shea butter, coconut oil, and argan oil are sourced from women’s cooperatives, offering above-market compensation for their contributions.

Additionally, Kanobe approaches skincare as a moment of joyous self-care, promoting positive associations for women. The brand challenges conventional beauty terminology, preferring to focus on nourishing and rejuvenating properties rather than adopting the prevalent ‘anti-aging’ language. This intentional choice aligns with Kanobe’s commitment to empowering women through positive messaging and impactful business practices.

What’s next for Kanobe? Are there any upcoming product launches or initiatives that your customers can look forward to, and how do these align with the core values of your brand?

Passionate about empowering African-based producers, Kanobe is working on an initiative to enhance their competitiveness and facilitate easier exportation. The brand is also committed to connecting with retailers through the Folklore Connect platform, fostering meaningful partnerships and expanding Kanobe’s reach.

Future product launches will include everyday skincare staples, such as raw nut butters, soothing skin lotions, and plant-based shower gels. Responding to customer demand, larger sizes of certain products, like the Ethiopian coffee body scrub and Rich Cocoa Body Butter, will be introduced. As Kanobe continues to explore ideas, the brand anticipates delving into the realms of hair care, natural perfumery, and scented candles, promising an exciting and diverse future.

As we conclude this enlightening journey into the heart and soul of Kanobe with its visionary founder, Rezzi Ingemarsson, we’re left inspired by the fusion of tradition and innovation. In every drop of Kanobe’s skincare creations, there’s a narrative of ethical sourcing, empowering legacies, and a commitment to natural beauty that transcends borders.

As the sun sets on our conversation, we’re left eagerly anticipating the continued growth of Kanobe, a brand that not only nourishes the skin but also nurtures a global community connected by a shared passion for authenticity and well-being. Here’s to radiant futures and the beauty that blooms when tradition meets the contemporary, all within the embrace of Kanobe.

Welcome to an exclusive insight into the visionary world of Demee Koch, the founder of DE MOI. In this illuminating interview for House of Coco magazine, we delve into Demee’s unique journey, exploring the intersection of beauty, ethics, and sustainability.

Discover the driving force behind DE MOI‘s commitment to transformative practices in the beauty industry and its broader impact on fostering a conscious and compassionate global community.

Join us as we unravel Demee Koch’s inspiring vision and gain a glimpse into her personal adventures, from the enchanting landscapes of Bali to the cultural richness of Japan.

Get ready to be captivated by a narrative that goes beyond beauty products, offering a profound perspective on how one entrepreneur is shaping the future of beauty with purpose and passion…

What inspired you to create DE MOI, and how did your personal values and experiences shape the mission of the brand?

My foray into the world of conscious beauty and the creation of DE MOI is deeply rooted in the tapestry of my personal values and transformative experiences. It is the synergy of these values and profound moments of inspiration that propels the mission and ethos of the brand.

Embedded within the fabric of DE MOI is a profound recognition of unmet needs and opportunities, driven by my keen observations. These observations have fueled a passionate commitment to offering conscientious and cruelty-free beauty alternatives that are multifunctional and truly deliver results efficiently, aligning intimately with my core values and ethical principles.

DE MOI emphasizes cruelty-free, socially relevant, and ecologically friendly products. Can you share specific initiatives or practices that DE MOI employs to ensure sustainability and ethical sourcing in its products?

DE MOI is unwavering in its commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing, with specific initiatives and practices ingrained in its operations to ensure the utmost integrity in its products.

This involves stringent adherence to not testing products on animals at any stage of development, aligning with ethical standards and promoting compassion in the beauty industry. We prioritize transparency in our supply chain as much as possible, meticulously tracing the journey of each ingredient from its source to the final product.

We are dedicated to minimizing our environmental footprint through sustainable packaging initiatives. This includes the use of recycled materials, biodegradable options, and innovative packaging designs that reduce waste.

Through ongoing research and innovation, DE MOI also seeks to discover and implement new technologies and methods that further enhance the sustainability and ethical sourcing of our products.

By integrating these initiatives into its core practices, DE MOI not only sets a high standard for sustainability and ethical sourcing in the beauty industry but also strives to inspire positive change and encourage other businesses to adopt similar practices.

Your commitment to philanthropy is evident in your charity work, especially with single mothers. How does DE MOI actively contribute to empowering single mothers and fostering positive change in their lives?

The brand recognizes the unique challenges faced by single mothers and is dedicated to making a meaningful impact in many ways, such as providing financial support in various forms, such as scholarships for the education of children or assistance with essential expenses in remote areas in the Philippines.

DE MOI uses its platform to advocate for the rights and challenges faced not only by single mothers but by girls and women in general. By raising awareness and promoting understanding, the brand contributes to societal changes that foster a more supportive environment for women both inside and outside the workplace.

I am a patron of The Voice of the Free/Center of Hope, an organization dedicated to helping rescued survivors of human trafficking, and am part of the board of directors of Breaking Silence Movement, an organization based in Paris dedicated to eradicating gender-based violence. The aim is to make specialized knowledge readily accessible and to empower the powerless with wisdom, resources, and solutions, especially women.

DE MOI believes in the power of helping others and making a positive impact on society. Can you share a specific story or example that highlights the tangible impact DE MOI has had on individuals or communities?

DE MOI’s commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals, like sending children to school, showcases the brand’s ethos in action. By addressing the specific needs of scholars and fostering a supportive community, DE MOI is not only redefining traditional standards but also contributing to the broader goal of creating positive, lasting change in the educational communities it serves.

I would like to share the story of Reiner, a 14-year-old student living in a rural town in the Philippines who is determined to overcome financial barriers and achieve academic success. In a household where his mother serves as a dedicated housewife and his father diligently works as an office employee, the boy understands the value of hard work and determination. With a younger sibling just beginning his educational journey in kindergarten, the boy aims to set an inspiring example for his younger sibling, fostering a promising future for their family.

I shared this story with my children, and they also wanted to help. They thought that whatever they could give would ease the strain on Reiner’s family, ensuring that he could focus on his studies. Reiner’s story is not just about being a scholar; it’s a narrative of empowerment and positive change. Through DE MOI’s comprehensive support system, he transforms from a student facing challenges to a confident and empowered individual. The impact extended to his academic pursuits, allowing him to fully embrace the opportunities presented by his scholarship. This also taught my children empathy, generosity, appreciating what they have, and the importance of giving back to the community.

DE MOI mentions that both products and principles are always evolving. How does the brand adapt to changing societal needs, and can you provide an example of a significant evolution in DE MOI’s approach?

DE MOI’s commitment to evolving products and principles reflects a dynamic responsiveness to changing societal needs. The brand’s adaptability is evident in its keen awareness of shifts in consumer expectations, beauty standards, and ethical considerations. One notable example of DE MOI’s evolution is its transition towards sustainability, reflecting a broader societal demand for environmentally conscious practices in the beauty industry.

As societal awareness of environmental issues grew, DE MOI recognized the need to align its practices with sustainable principles. This led to a substantial evolution in the brand’s approach, incorporating eco-friendly initiatives into various aspects of its operations. DE MOI’s goal is to raise consumer awareness in the beauty industry because, without conscious and critical consumption, there can be no sustainable production.

DE MOI has always designed products to meet changing customer needs while lowering the industry’s environmental impact. We provide cruelty-free, socially relevant, and environmentally responsible products. We value natural ingredients, recyclable or sustainable packaging, and an emphasis on the entire manufacturing chain.

DE MOI recognizes the benefits of moving toward more sustainable models. But conscious consumption requires a rethinking and reintegration of market activity—a rediscovery of the role of different stakeholders and the reorientation of markets and free trade, with a focus on the good of society.

How do you strike a balance between running a successful business and fulfilling DE MOI’s social responsibility goals? Are there any challenges you’ve faced in maintaining this balance?

I have found that the projects implemented by socially responsible companies are typically based on voluntary actions, not expressly required by specific laws, and are considered very important by the relevant public. This emphasizes that companies whose work is directly connected to the environment, sustainable development and, consequently, the well-being and health of people are more likely to face ethical issues. Such businesses, even DE MOI, often confront moral dilemmas and difficult decisions regarding how to balance the pursuit of profit with responsibility towards the environment and human health.

As an advocate for conscious entrepreneurship, I believe we need to not only satisfy the requests of direct customers but also respond to the requests of all other stakeholders and maintain relationships based on trust. The responsibility of a company is no longer just economic but also becomes social. There are objectives to be pursued that go beyond company profitability but which, in the same way, create economic value.

One challenge lies in sourcing high-quality, ethical ingredients while maintaining cost-effectiveness. Striking the right balance ensures that we provide conscientious products without compromising the business’s financial viability.

Your family seems to play a significant role in your charitable efforts. How has involving your family influenced the vision and values of DE MOI?

Involving my family in charitable efforts has profoundly influenced the vision and values of the brand. Family is at the heart of DE MOI, and their involvement has shaped our commitment to social responsibility and ethical practices.

I was able to instill a deep sense of purpose in my children, emphasizing that the brand’s success is inseparable from its commitment to making a positive impact on the world. This integration of family values with business values forms the cornerstone of DE MOI’s identity as a socially responsible and ethically driven beauty brand.

The inclusion of my children in the company’s charitable endeavors is a forward-looking initiative. It not only influences the present but inspires future generations to view social responsibility as an integral part of their lives. This aligns with DE MOI’s commitment to creating a positive generational impact. My sons develop a heartfelt connection to the communities and individuals they are helping. DE MOI not only shapes their understanding of social responsibility but also ensures that the brand’s values are passed down through generations.

DE MOI is a Swiss company with a global outlook. How does the brand navigate cultural differences and ensure that its message resonates universally while still being locally impactful?

DE MOI places a high value on cultural sensitivity. We conduct thorough research to understand the diverse cultural nuances of the markets we operate in. This involves studying consumer behavior, beauty standards, and societal values to tailor our messaging appropriately.

Our brand imagery is carefully curated to be culturally inclusive. We feature a diverse range of models and representations to ensure that our visual language resonates with individuals from various cultural backgrounds, promoting inclusivity.

DE MOI aims to empower single mothers. How do you see empowered women, in turn, contributing to the betterment of society and creating a ripple effect of positive change?

When women are empowered, it tends to result in a multitude of benefits that extend beyond the individual level, creating a ripple effect that contributes to the betterment of society. They become advocates and leaders within their communities. They are more likely to address social issues, participate in community initiatives, and contribute to the development of local policies. This active engagement enhances the overall social fabric and promotes positive change.

Women should be able to challenge traditional gender norms and stereotypes. By doing so, they can contribute to shifting societal perceptions about women’s roles and capabilities, fostering opportunities not only for single mothers but for women in various fields.

Education is a powerful weapon in empowering women. It equips them with economic strength and the ability to make informed decisions. When women have financial independence, they can lead by example and inspire others. Let’s strive for a world where women can access economic opportunities without facing unnecessary obstacles.

I wrote “Becoming Miss Right,” The Holistic Journey to Fulfillment where I shared my personal story of self-discovery and that of the women I encountered in my decades of doing business and charity engagements. It is about empowerment and encouraging women to pursue their dreams and prioritize themselves.

Through “Becoming Miss Right” and self-care lessons, I aim to share wisdom and empower individuals to create change, to make specialized knowledge readily accessible and to empower the powerless with wisdom, resources, and solutions.

DE MOI focuses on creating beauty products that contribute to the betterment of the world. Can you share an example of an innovative product or approach that sets DE MOI apart in the beauty industry?

DE MOI places a strong emphasis on the ethical sourcing of ingredients. The brand ensures that all ingredients are responsibly and sustainably sourced, with a commitment to cruelty-free practices. Additionally, DE MOI maintains a high level of transparency about the sourcing process, allowing consumers to make informed choices aligned with their values.

The DE MOI® skincare range expertly combines state-of-the-art skincare technology exemplified by Swiss-formulated Alpha Arbutin – the world’s most advanced anti-aging ingredient – with the time-tested power of Philippine botanicals.

Everybody wants to look and feel good. But DE MOI wants you to not only look and feel good but also to make the world a better place to live in. DE MOI aims to be the catalyst in bringing positive change into the world by creating awareness on spending consciously on products that give back to society while making sure that these products do not harm animals and the environment.

Are there any collaborations or partnerships that DE MOI has engaged in to further its mission? How do these collaborations contribute to the brand’s overall objectives? What challenges have you faced in pursuing the mission of DE MOI, and what valuable lessons have you learned along the way?

DE MOI has actively pursued collaborations and partnerships to amplify its mission and contribute to the betterment of the world. These collaborations are strategic alliances with organizations, influencers, and entities that share DE MOI’s values.

I am a patron of The Voice of the Free/Center of Hope, an organisation dedicated to helping rescued survivors of human trafficking, and am part of the board of directors of Breaking Silence Movement, an organization based in Paris dedicated to eradicating gender-based violence. The aim is to make specialized knowledge readily accessible and to empower the powerless with wisdom, resources, and solutions.

Both organizations, through their respective missions, contribute to systemic change. The Voice of the Free/Center of Hope addresses the aftermath of human trafficking, working towards the rehabilitation and empowerment of survivors. Breaking Silence Movement tackles the root causes by striving to eliminate gender-based violence through education, awareness, and advocacy.

Coordinating efforts and fostering collaboration between various stakeholders, including government agencies, NGOs, and law enforcement, can be challenging due to different agendas and priorities, but my involvement in these organizations implies a multifaceted commitment to creating a more just and compassionate society. By supporting survivors and working towards the eradication of systemic issues, I can play a vital role in the collective effort to empower individuals, challenge harmful norms, and contribute to positive, lasting change.

How does DE MOI involve its customers in the journey towards conscious beauty and social responsibility? Are there specific initiatives that encourage customer participation?

DE MOI’s consistent sustainability effort is a conscious decision to ensure the brand’s continuity and stability over time. We believe that sustainability today is a much less “aesthetic” perspective than in the past and looks more like a concrete issue of “redesign.”

This is where the process of change begins, inspired by a balanced coexistence between economic objectives and respect for the environment, ambitions, and progress, and between development and social responsibility.

It is our ecological mission to contribute to the development of sustainable beauty. A mission that is not dictated by greenwashing or the desire to appease the conscience.

DE MOI brings clean, safe, and environmentally friendly formulas to be more than a plus added to products, becoming a fundamental feature and part of the DNA of the brand. The commitment is clear: to make informed choices and reduce your beauty footprint.

What is your vision for DE MOI in the future, both in terms of business growth and the positive impact it can continue to make in the world?

DE MOI’s vision for the future revolves around achieving significant business growth while maintaining an unwavering commitment to making a positive impact in the world. By integrating ethical practices, sustainability, and social responsibility into every facet of its operations, DE MOI envisions not just success in the beauty industry but a transformative influence that extends beyond business, contributing to a more conscious and compassionate world.

The brand aspires to see a world where consumers are not only conscious of the products they use but also well-informed advocates for sustainable and ethical beauty practices. DE MOI continues to invest in educational initiatives that raise awareness about the environmental and social impact of beauty choices.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

Embarking on a journey to Bali was more than just a getaway for me; it was a quest for the perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and a touch of spirituality. The allure of this Indonesian paradise had captured my imagination for years, and finally, I found myself on a plane bound for an adventure that promised to be transformative.

Bali gave me more than a vacation; it gifted me a deeper understanding of a place where nature, tradition, and spirituality dance in harmony. The island has become a part of my story, and its essence will forever linger in the chapters of my travel adventures.

Bali comes across as an island immersed in the practice of gratitude. I visited a place where being grateful is not only a feeling but a way of life. This trip around Bali turned into a celebration of the true kindness, gratitude, and admiration that characterise this fascinating place.

If there’s a place I would like to visit, it would be Japan. As a traveler with a heart drawn to the serenity of cultural landscapes, Japan has always been in my wanderlust dreams. Traveling across Japan will be more than a vacation; it will be an exploration of a culture where antiquated customs coexist with cutting-edge technology.

Ecuador also presents itself as a canvas of unmatched richness and untapped jewels for those looking for untold stories and unexplored experiences. This tiny but remarkable country holds the promise of adventure, cultural diversity, and breathtaking natural features just waiting to be discovered and shared with the world.

What’s your go-to quote when you are lacking motivation?

“Conviction comes confidence, from confidence comes courage, and from courage comes change.”

The more convinced and committed you are to a cause, the more confident you become in your abilities to contribute or make a difference. Conviction provides the foundation for the self-assurance needed to take on challenges. Change here refers to making a positive impact, challenging the status quo, or bringing about meaningful transformation in a particular area.

I love that this is also a call to action. It encourages individuals who have developed conviction, confidence, and courage to actively participate in being/creating the change they want to see.

What does self-care mean to you?

What does it mean to take care of yourself? Many consider self-care a selfish attitude and a sign of vanity. Some insist that self-care is optional and non-essential, easily done without because there are more important priorities and commitments.

How wrong and harmful is it for your present and, above all, your future lifestyle if there is no room to give yourself time to feel good and feel beautiful?

Self-care consists of loving and being kind to yourself. This requires a deep understanding of your needs and awareness of the weight your daily actions have. Self-care includes all those activities that make us feel good. However, this does not mean that whatever makes us feel good is positive; some behaviors are objectively harmful to the environment.

Where can people follow you and find out more?

They can follow me on my social media accounts:

As we conclude this inspiring conversation with Demee Koch, founder of DE MOI, we find ourselves not only enamored by her commitment to ethical beauty but also invigorated by the vision she holds for a more conscious world. Demee’s journey, from the transformative allure of Bali to the cultural landscapes of Japan, serves as a testament to the profound impact that intentional living and responsible choices can have on our lives and the planet.

In the realm of beauty, Demee Koch is not just creating products; she’s cultivating a movement—a movement towards sustainability, ethical practices, and a deeper connection with the world we inhabit. As we eagerly await the continued growth of DE MOI, it’s clear that the brand is poised not only to redefine beauty standards but to leave an indelible mark on the global beauty industry.

We extend our gratitude to Demee Koch for sharing her story, insights, and unwavering dedication to making a positive impact. Keep an eye on DE MOI as it continues to pave the way for a future where beauty is not just skin deep but resonates with the values of a conscious and compassionate world.

Aqua-Tox is a luxury wellness destination, just 30 minutes outside central London offering some of the latest technology and science backed facilities for ultimate health optimisation.  Based in Hertfordshire, they focus on four pillars; wellness, recovery, laser and aesthetics.  There are very few clinics outside of London that you could call a true wellness destination offering treatments from the Hyperbaric Hydroxy AirPod that speeds up the body’s healing process, a whole body Cryotherapy Chamber, to enhanced recovery treatments such as their Infrared Sauna and NormaTec compression therapy. 

The team here know their stuff, whether you are looking to recharge your inner battery, recover from an intense training session or perk up a dull complexion there’s a slew of preventative and regenerative treatments.  I’d recommend starting with a consultation with one of the therapists who will then design a carefully curated treatment plan.

But let’s talk about what really sets Aqua-Tox apart – their skincare game.  Aqua-Tox has highly effective skincare programmes for a wide range of skin concerns including acne, pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles. I was looking to combat a lack lustre complexion that was dry and in need of a glow up.  I had a skincare consultation with their in-house nurse prescriber and skincare expert, Lucy who recommended a customised series of treatments and personalised skincare advice including Dermalux LED phototherapy and Obagi Blue Peel facials.  Alongside this Lucy provided me with an at-home skincare regime using the Obagi Medical range which is used during all their facial treatments and can be purchased from the clinic. 

The Obagi Blue Peel Radiance, is a light chemical peel that includes deep pore cleansing, mild exfoliation and moisturisation to help rejuvenate and improve your complexion. This peel enhances skin smoothness and radiance to reveal tighter, brighter, glowing results. Following the peel Lucy popped me under an LED mask to accelerate the results.

LED masks are working their way into our beauty routine and with Victoria Beckham a firm favourite LED light therapy is fast becoming a quick way to supercharge your skin.  The Dermalux treatment at Aqua-Tox is the gold standard.  It’s large and arcs across all the face and neck.  Using three shades of light, combined, they stimulate the skin’s cellular functions.

Blue light has an antibacterial action, preventing breakouts from forming while red light boosts cell renewal, promoting the production of collagen and elastin. Near-infrared travels all the way to the subcutaneous tissue, where it increases circulation, increasing the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the skin cells.    The results are great and after just two sessions I noticed that my skin looked less red and calm.

The great thing about Dermalux LED phototherapy is that the results are cumulative, the more treatments you have the better your skin looks. It also compliments some of the other skincare treatments Aqua-Tox provides like dermal fillers, Profhilo and Polynucleotides due to its ability to accelerate healing and calm inflammation.

After eight sessions, alongside using the Obagi products, I’d achieved the glow I was after.  My skin was brighter, tighter and smoother.  The best bit, others had noticed, my other half said I had a healthy glow and my sister asked me if I’d changed my products as my skin looked great.  if you’re looking to invest in your skin over the winter then a visit to Aqua-Tox is a must.  I’ve already recommended friends and my sister booked a consultation as soon as I let her in on my secret.

To book your skin consultation contact Aqua-Tox

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The beauty industry is not only about glamour; it’s a thriving business sector. This is why many individuals consider Cosmetology School in Iowa to be the first step in a journey towards a rewarding and dynamic career. With an ever-growing demand for beauty services and new trends constantly emerging, professionals in this field enjoy a stable and potentially lucrative career path. The satisfaction of enhancing someone’s appearance and boosting their confidence is a bonus that comes with the job.

Flexibility and Freedom

One of the most attractive aspects of a career in hair and beauty is the flexibility it offers. Whether you want to work in a high-end salon, start your own business, or even travel the world as a freelance stylist or makeup artist, the options are vast. This career path allows for a balance between professional and personal life, offering freedom that is hard to find in other professions.

Endless Learning Opportunities

The beauty industry is ever-evolving, with new techniques, products, and styles emerging regularly. This constant evolution means there’s always something new to learn. For those who love to stay ahead of trends and continuously develop their skills, a career in hair and beauty is ideal. Moreover, attending cosmetology school and workshops ensures that you’re always at the forefront of the latest industry developments.

The Power of Making Others Feel Good

Perhaps one of the most rewarding aspects of a career in hair and beauty is the ability to make others feel good about themselves. Whether it’s a haircut that boosts a client’s self-esteem or a makeup session for a special occasion, the work you do has a direct impact on people’s happiness and confidence. This aspect of the job provides a sense of fulfilment that is deeply gratifying and unique to this profession.

Networking and Community

The hair and beauty industry is not just about individual skills; it’s also about the community and network you build. Working in this sector allows you to meet a diverse range of people, from clients to other professionals. Attending events, participating in collaborations, and engaging in social media platforms can expand your professional network and open doors to new opportunities.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities

For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, the hair and beauty industry offers ample opportunities to start and grow your own business. From opening a salon to developing a beauty product line, the possibilities are endless. This career path encourages innovative thinking and business acumen, making it an ideal choice for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Personal Satisfaction and Job Security

In a world where job satisfaction can be elusive, a career in hair and beauty offers a unique blend of personal fulfilment and security. As people always seek beauty services, there’s a consistent demand for skilled professionals. This industry not only allows you to follow your passion but also provides a stable and secure career path.


Turning your passion for hair and beauty into a career is not just about following your dreams; it’s about embarking on a journey that offers creativity, flexibility, continuous learning, and the joy of making a difference in people’s lives. It’s a career path that not only offers a fulfilling professional life but also enriches your personal growth and happiness.

Large pores on your face can be pretty annoying. Not only because they look bad, but because they may eventually make your skin greasy & enhance the growth of acne. Luckily, you’re not alone. This is something that happens to millions of people around the world. So there are many ways to get rid of it.

If you have large pores your face, you’ll be glad to know it is not something to worry about. we want to help you get rid of those unwanted pores as fast as possible.

Just remember it all comes down to taking good care of your skin and treating it nicely. So you’ll have to invest some time and money into it.

If you are ready to start learning about large pores & how to treat them, here you’ll find everything you need to know. So come further to find out!

Why Do Large Pores Happen?

A pore is a part of the skin that has the only purpose of giving space for hairs to grow. Like other primates, we humans can grow hair in almost every part of our bodies. So we have pores in every piece of skin, including our face.

But some face pores don’t grow hair at all. Still, these hair follicles have a sebaceous gland, the one that produces sebum or what we know as oil. Eventually, pores start creating an oil buildup from this sebum, which enlarges the pores and provides a weird-looking appearance.

However, there’s still more to it. Some pores enlarge because the skin around may not be elastic enough to let oil out. This creates a pore that looks large because it is swelled.

Another cause is when the pores get clogged. This could happen in follicles that have hairs growing internally, so they enlarge the pores from the inside making them look huge.

But the most common reason for large pores to happen is when you wear too much makeup, and it gets mixed with oil and dirt. This blocks pores, which eventually makes them look bigger than they really are. And what’s even worse, it produces pimples and acne.

Usually, it just happens that the sebaceous gland is too active. This is something genetic and may not have any relation with either habits or hygiene. And surely, large pores are nothing to be scared about. As long as you know how to treat them, you can always keep your pores small and your skin healthy.

5 Ways to Minimise Large Pores

There’s no use in getting scared when you see your face with large & awkward pores. It’s pretty common and happens to almost everyone. However, there are a few ways you can get rid of them. You’ll just need to learn to do the following with consistency:

  1. Cleanse Every Day

The easiest and probably most obvious way to minimize pore obstruction and prevent them from getting big is to clean your skin every day. This gets rid of oil, prevents dirt & debris from entering pores, and keeps your skin hydrated.

At least two cleanses a day, one in the morning and one in the night will keep your skin clean and free of oil that eventually blocks your pores. Just use a mild cleanser with no oil, preferably made with natural ingredients, and you’ll be cleaning your face to prevent enlarging follicles.

Some of the best ingredients for cleanser are salicylic acid and lactic acid. Both are pretty useful to get rid of large pores, as they penetrate the skin effectively and clean the pores from the inside. This helps to open up clogged pores.

But you’ll have thousands of cleansers to choose. Just remember that it all falls into cleansing daily without fault. You will eventually get a more beautiful and cleaner skin to boast.

  1. Exfoliate Twice a Week

Apart from cleaning your skin, exfoliating is also helpful to get rid of clogged pores. But more importantly, this helps to remove all the dead skin cells that tend to appear after a long day. When you don’t wash these dead cell flakes consistently, they end up inside the pores causing clogging.

Exfoliating will leave a radiant look on your face with a smooth feeling. The reason behind the soft texture on your skin is that clean pores close down and minimize. Eventually, this makes your skin softer and much smoother than when it is dirty & filled with dead cells.

For the best results, you should try exfoliators with salicylic acid. It is one of the most effective ingredients you can have in cleansing & exfoliating products, as it is a natural acid that gets rid of all debris & dirt inside pores.

We recommend exfoliating your skin up to twice a week. While salicylic acid is helpful to clean, it could also dry out your skin which could produce even larger pores eventually. So remember to exfoliate but also keep it simple to prevent the problem from scaling further.

If you have stubborn blackheads, don’t forget to use blackhead remover to clean the pores.

  1. Moisturize Before Wearing Makeup

You want your skin to look fantastic at all times, and large pores won’t let you do so. Well, moisturizing and keeping your skin hydrated is one of the best ways to do so.

Some people don’t recommend moisturizer because they think it can stimulate sebaceous glands to produce more oil. But in reality, what this does is clean pores and keep the skin fresh to prevent further production of sebum.

The most important effect of moisturizers is that they hydrate and soften up the skin which prevents sebum from entering pores and clogging them. So your skin will not only look and feel better but also prevent the further creation of sebum that enlarges pores with time.

Just make sure you use a water-based moisturizer instead of an oily one. This will help you avoid any unwanted side-effect with an excess of oil on your skin, something that will probably increase sebum and widen your pores.

  1. Treat Your Skin

You need to treat your skin if you have large pores. This is not taking medications or wearing protective products, but instead using certain substances that could clean your skin and enhance how your pores look.

Among the many different treatments out there, we recommend those that contain alpha hydroxyl acid, salicylic acid, retinol and benzoyl peroxides. All these acids are beneficial on your skin, as they remove bacteria, get rid of skin flakes, and even reduce the size of pores in the process. You can also treat burns and acne with them.

Other recommended choices for this are chemical peels or unique facial masks for pores. They clean your skin well enough using one of the previously mentioned acids. You’ll end up with a soft, clean, healthy and fresh skin which will make you look amazing.

  1. Use the Right Makeup & Primer

One of the first actions women take when they see a large pore on their face is to open the bag and hide their pores with makeup. While this is effective, it doesn’t last long. As soon as you clean the makeup off your face, the large pores will still be there. With time, they will just get larger.

So to fix this, there’s nothing better than using the right kind of makeup. This way, you won’t only get a product that hides your large pores away, but also helps to improve how your skin looks and feel.

You’ll need to pick natural origin makeup if possible. Some options such as clay masks a few times a week can be really helpful, especially before wearing makeup. But the best kind of product is the one that doesn’t contain any oil. The same happens with any item that’s water-based with little to no chemicals.

Using a nice primer for large pores plus the ideal foundation can give an amazing effect as well. As this is the first layer of makeup you wear, it will make sure not to harm the skin in any way or produce unwanted oil in the process. You’ll just need to apply carefully, and that’s it.

If you wear the right kind of makeup, you’ll end up with smaller pores and with a more beautiful skin overall. And of course, you’ll still be able to enjoy exciting & enticing looks without having to hide anything behind layers of product.

Say Goodbye to Large Pores Now!

So, what are you waiting for? You already know why pores get large and what you can do to prevent this. Instead of waiting for a miracle fix, you can start acting today to get rid of such an annoying condition as large pores are.

With all the information in this article, eliminating large pores from your facial skin will be a piece of cake. Just remember to follow each tip correctly and not overdo it. After some time, your skin will look and feel like never before. So don’t hesitate and start taking action now!

We’re sure that #TeamCoco aren’t the only girls in the world that are raving about WUNDER2 and their products, are we?

Autumn is always a great chance to update our makeup collections and we start with the all-important foundation. The true testament to anyone’s daily makeup longevity is whether your choice of foundation stays put all day or whether it slowly falls from your face at any given moment. We are all about the seriousness of all-day foundation.

Look no further than this little beaut, WUNDER2 Last & Found(ation) 24+ Hour Flawless Coverage.

WUNDER2 specialises in high tech beauty that is made to stand the test of time. And this little tube of wonderment is waterproof and transfer-proof, plus it’s comfortable to wear and lightweight which also deeply nourishes the skin giving a fab complexion as a result.

Available in a choice of 7 different shades for light through to dark skin tones. Priced at £24.95 for 30ml, available from Wunder2 online.

Yes, listen up y’all it’s World Afro Day this Saturday 15th of September and we are loving the sass that comes with it. Our very own Editor-in-Chief Laura Bartlett has the best afro curly hair you have ever seen, we all swoon after her locks.

The afro has been around since as far back as we can remember, and it evolves beautifully over time. Famous afro’s over the decades include those of Nina Simone, Michael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix, Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, Mel B, Lenny Kravitz, Jamelia, Beyonce, Solange Knowles and so many more.

We are into Cantu’s full collection of products that help maintain the beauty, strength and style of a great afro in 2018.

To achieve a full fro we recommend Cantu Grow Strong Strengthening Treatment. It prevents breakage and conditions fragile hair whilst replacing vital moisture lost through styling damage. Priced at £5.49.

For a smooth and enhanced natural curl pattern we love Cantu Moisturizing Curl Activator Cream as it reveals fizz-free volume with a subtle hold. Priced at £7.99.

Cantu Define & Shine Custard elongates curls and gives long lasting hold, perfect to achieve a natural textured curl. We adore this product for curly hair. Priced at £5.49.

To keep a fro on point we’re into Cantu Coconut Oil Shine & Hold Mist. It seals in moisture and tames frizz and flyaways. This is a must have product for all afro wearers. Priced at £6.99.

If it’s serious curl definition that you are looking for with your fro then our go to is Cantu Coconut Curling Cream, it leaves the hair super soft and super shiny. Priced at £7.99.

All Cantu products can be purchased at high street Boots stores, Superdrug stores, and online via FeelUnique.

You might think your have your skin care routine on point, and you’ve had the same one for years. But is it actually working for your skin? When the humidity drops, and we move into the colder months of the year, the air is colder – tightening our skin, central heating is baking – drying our skin out and everything in between just feels like an irritant. When seasons change, so should you skin care routine, and if you suffer with dry skin you need to be ready for whatever this season throws at you.

Whether it’s the best bb cream for dry skin or a trip to the spa for a hydrating facial, we all have our ways of dealing with flaky, patchy dry skin. Read on for some handy skin tips that will help your skin stay soft and hydrated for longer.

Baths and showers…more harm than good?

We all love a refreshing hot shower in the morning, or a relaxing soak in hot bath to unwind in the evening – maybe a glass of wine or two. But hot water and prolonged exposure to it might be making your dry skin worse. Stripping it of all its essential oils and natural moisturisers. If you skin is dry stick to these bathroom rules.

  1. Keep the bathroom door closed. Steam will help open your pores, which means that when you apply your bb cream or moisturiser it’s more likely to absorb the nutrients and hydrating elements it needs.
  2. Only bathe/shower for five to ten minutes. Your skin won’t dry out this way.
  3. Use warm – not hot water. Hot water instantly dries the skin.
  4. Fragrance free potions and lotions only! Perfumes will irritate dry skin.
  5. Blot your skin try. Don’t rub.
  6. As soon as you’re dry – apply your moisturiser. It’ll be absorbed faster and more effectively.

Wear lip balm

We often neglect our lips in cold weather until it’s too late. There’s nothing worse then having peeling, sore and uncomfortable lips all day. Find yourself a lip balm that feels good on your skin. If your lips tingle when you use it, then switch to a different one asap.

Your products

As mentioned before, avoid using products with drying chemicals in them. These include:

  1. Deodorant Soaps
  2. Anything that contains alcohol
  3. Anything that contains Retinoids
  4. Perfume
  5. Alpha-Hydroxy-Acid – or AHA to you and me.

Stop using these and your skin will have a better chance at retaining it’s essential, natural oils.

Wear gloves

When it gets colder outside, you notice it in your hands first. So make sure you have a pair of good quality gloves with you. Keep a spare pair in the car if you’re likely to forget them! Wear gloves whenever you head outdoors, are likely to get your hands wet or you’re going to be touching something chemically or greasy.

Add moisture to the air

Banish your dry skin with these 5 easy skin tips
You might think your have your skin care routine on point, and you’ve had the same one for years. But is it actually working for your skin? When the humidity drops, and we move into the colder months of the year, the air is colder – tightening our skin, central heating is baking – drying our skin out and everything in between just feels like an irritant. When seasons change, so should you skin care routine, and if you suffer with dry skin you need to be ready for whatever this season throws at you.
Whether it’s the best bb cream for dry skin or a trip to the spa for a hydrating facial, we all have our ways of dealing with flaky, patchy dry skin. Read on for some handy skin tips that will help your skin stay soft and hydrated for longer.
Baths and showers…more harm than good?
We all love a refreshing hot shower in the morning, or a relaxing soak in hot bath to unwind in the evening – maybe a glass of wine or two. But hot water and prolonged exposure to it might be making your dry skin worse. Stripping it of all its essential oils and natural moisturisers. If you skin is dry stick to these bathroom rules.
Keep the bathroom door closed. Steam will help open your pores, which means that when you apply your bb cream or moisturiser it’s more likely to absorb the nutrients and hydrating elements it needs.
Only bathe/shower for five to ten minutes. Your skin won’t dry out this way.
Use warm – not hot water. Hot water instantly dries the skin.
Fragrance free potions and lotions only! Perfumes will irritate dry skin.
Blot your skin try. Don’t rub.
As soon as you’re dry – apply your moisturiser. It’ll be absorbed faster and more effectively.
Wear lip balm
We often neglect our lips in cold weather until it’s too late. There’s nothing worse then having peeling, sore and uncomfortable lips all day. Find yourself a lip balm that feels good on your skin. If your lips tingle when you use it, then switch to a different one asap.
Your products
As mentioned before, avoid using products with drying chemicals in them. These include:
Deodorant Soaps
Anything that contains alcohol
Anything that contains Retinoids
Alpha-Hydroxy-Acid – or AHA to you and me.
Stop using these and your skin will have a better chance at retaining it’s essential, natural oils.
Wear gloves
When it gets colder outside, you notice it in your hands first. So make sure you have a pair of good quality gloves with you. Keep a spare pair in the car if you’re likely to forget them! Wear gloves whenever you head outdoors, are likely to get your hands wet or you’re going to be touching something chemically or greasy.
Add moisture to the air
Plugging in a humidifier will inject some much needed moisture into the air.

Plugging in a humidifier will inject some much needed moisture into the air.

Do you have a few excess pounds you want to shed but lifestyle changes aren’t possible for you? Or, maybe, you just want to speed up the results? Whatever your reason is, today you have plenty of options when it comes to non-surgical fat-reduction treatments, for example you can burn fat with cold thermogenesis which is a revolutionary technique that can help reshape your body within weeks.

In fact, there are so many of them now that it’s easy to get confused when trying to choose the best solution for you. Considering that each of these options has both advantages and disadvantages, you should research them thoroughly before making the final decision.

Top Fat-Reduction Treatments You Can Get Today


SculpSure treatment is FDA approved to use on the stomach, thighs, back, “double chin”, and “love handles”. This is a non-invasive treatment that uses a laser to heat up and irreparably damage the fat cells under your skin. Once they are disturbed, they get flushed out of your body by your own lymphatic system.

There is no downtime for this procedure, but it takes about 4 weeks to get noticeable results, and 8-12 weeks to achieve maximum benefits. The risk of burns is minimal, but it exists, so it’s imperative that you get this treatment only from a qualified and experienced professional. This particular treatment may cause discomfort and even pain, depending on your sensitivity level. However, like with all procedures that involve lasers, it’s the burns that should be your main concern.


Unlike the method above, CoolSculpting freezes your fat instead of heating it up. Due to its safety, ease, and efficiency, this is one of the most popular non-invasive fat-reduction treatments today. It’s even effective for removing fat pockets that consistently resist exercise.

The treatment is painless and safe for the vast majority of people because CoolSculpting side effects are minimal. If issues like redness or sensitivity persist for over a week, you should take to your dermatologist. However, they usually pass within a day or two and the treatment requires no downtime. This treatment shouldn’t cause any pain, only some mild discomfort at the beginning at most. The treatment is FDA approved.


Vanquish is a fat-reduction treatment that uses radiofrequency waves to heat up the fat. During the treatment, no instrument comes into contact with your skin and the risks are minimal. This is a good option for dealing with localizes fat bulges that persist despite your best efforts at dieting and exercising.

Note that Vanquish isn’t the only tool to use this technology, it’s just the most popular one. You should look into what other options are available in your area. But bear in mind that if you have loose skin, for example caused by rapid fat loss, this might not be the right treatment for you. Consult an experienced dermatologist to determine possible efficiency levels.

There is evidence to prove the efficiency of radiofrequency fat-reduction treatment of the abdominal area. But you need to understand that to achieve those results you’ll need to get the treatment consistently for four weeks. Also, some people don’t achieve a measurable change.


Injection treatments for fat reduction are gaining popularity, although few are FDA-approved today. One of those is Kybella, which is approved for use at the “double chin” area. Injections use deoxycholic acid, a chemical that triggers the death of fat cells.

This isn’t the right treatment for you if your skin tone is poor and you have loose skin. Therefore, it’s imperative to consult a qualified dermatologist before you decide to try it. You’ll need local anesthesia for the procedure because it can be quite painful. Technically, there is no downtime after injection fat-reduction therapy. However, many patients develop swelling and redness. There is a very low risk of nerve damage, so you should only get this treatment from qualified and certified professionals.

We love hearing stories about how travel sparks new ideas and passions. For Gloria, founder of Melon & Starfish , a ‘brave decision’ to head to Korea to sharpen her languages skills left her with a burning desire to bring the K-Beauty market to the UK…

HOC: Hey, Gloria! Tell us about your journey to being an entrepreneur?

Gloria: I guess, when people talk about their entrepreneur stories, most of the time, it starts with a passion, a dream, or an idea. For me, it’s more of a journey of discovery.

I started my career as a management consultant at McKinsey & Co. in London and Singapore. During my time there, I had a real privilege to work with many people who were actually entrepreneurs. The thought of setting up my own business never occurred to me at the time but this probably planted the seed.

On weekends, I enjoyed watching Korean dramas. Initially, it was just for fun, and relaxation. Then, I thought it might be a good idea to pick up a new language skill so I began taking evening classes to learn Korean.

One thing led to another. After spending two years in Singapore, before returning to the UK, I made a ‘brave’ decision to go to Korea to sharpen my language skill and experience the Korean culture.I enrolled into a university language programme and spent 8 months in Seoul where I discovered, in addition to K-pop and K-dramas, there is this huge K-beauty industry.

After returning back to London, I started my research of K-beauty in the European market. After six-month preparation, we set up our online store with the hope to bring the Korean skin care philosophy to the UK and spark some joy in people’s skincare journeys.

HOC: Such an exciting journey! When did Melon & Starfish come into being? And what’s the meaning behind the name?

Gloria: We started preparing our online store around September 2017 and it went live in January 2018.

Our name, Melon & Starfish, symbolises our mission – to bring you high quality skincare products because we want you to have the best skin possible.

Melons are smooth, supple and resilient; Starfish are one of the only animals that can regenerate itself. We always have this imagery in mind when we select our products.

HOC: And how do you go about selecting your products, there must be tonnes of great ones out there!

Gloria: We purposefully seek out products that are natural, plant-based and packed with unique ingredients that are difficult to find anywhere else. We personally test all the products and learn what we love about these products before bringing them to our website.

HOC: I have to admit, I’m new to Korean beauty products! Where should I start?

Gloria: When I told my friends that I am now running an online K-beauty store, the first thing they reply: ah, I’ve heard of the 10-step routine! True, K-beauty made its name with the ’10-step’ routine. But the truth is, it’s much simpler than it sounds. If you ask me how many steps it should really be. I would say it’s really up you and how your skin feels. It should be adjusted to your own skin type, the climate you’re in or how busy your life is.

The essence of Korean Beauty is “skincare always comes first”. Start with taking care of your skin beforeeverything else. A classic Korean skin care routine includes: double-cleansing (both oil-based and water-based cleansers), toner, essence, moisturiser, and SPF.

The most essential steps out of all? Double-cleansing for the night and SFP for the day (and, yes! You need to wear SPF even on the rainy days).

After all, skincare should be fun; not a burden or a chore. It’s all about experimenting and finding out what’s best for you.

HOC: So interesting. As an expert, what is your favourite ingredient / product?

Gloria: My favourite product is Lan’s Tamanu Cream from the newest curation LANBELLE. It’s like a miracle cream that work for all skin types and it has the softest texture that I’ve ever encountered for a cream. The smell is quite unique, probably not for everyone’s taste but it grows on you.

The key ingredient of Lan’s Tamanu Cream is Tamanu oil (Calophyllum Inophyllum Seed Oil). The precious Tamanu oil is extracted from the kernel of Tamanu fruit. Approximately only 5L of oil can be extracted from one tree of Tamanu.

Tamanu tree also has unique nickname: God’s tree, and Tamanu fruit is known as miraculously omnipotent fruit among natives who live in Pacific Islands area such as India, Vietnam, Southern Pacific Area, and it is known to promote wound healing and skin cell regeneration.

HOC: For our entrepreneurial readers, what advice do you have for them to start their own thing?

Gloria: I would say, just be brave and go ahead!

Many say you need to have a well-laid plan before you start. However, the reality is things always change, so does your plan. One of the most important things I learnt so far is to start with a small step, and then one step at the time. Many things can be learnt along the way.

Sometimes, the longer you wait, the less willing you become to take that first step.

HOC: What product you’ve brought to the UK means the most to you and why?

Gloria: The brand Olivarrier means the most to us. The name Olivarrier is the combination of ‘Oliva (latin for Olive)’ + ‘Skin Barrier’.

It is the very first brand we curated for our ‘clean beauty’ collection. The brand’s philosophy 100% matches with what we believe and look for in a skincare brand – i.e. with natural, plant-based ingredients, hypoallergenic, dermatologist-tested, vegan-certified, free of toxins, EWG-verified and cruelty-free. What more to ask?

Their star ingredients are the plant-based triple hyaluronic acid and 100% pure olive squalene. The ‘dual moist’ line is named with these two ingredients in mind.

HOC: How do you keep yourself motivated and on track?

Gloria: The Korean beauty industry is relatively fast moving – there are always new brands, new technology and innovationscoming out each year – so it never gets boring.We all love shopping.

Researching brands and products is like you get to go window shopping every day!

It is also quite fun to learn about those new, unique ingredients. For example, you probably heard of snail mucin which is great for moisturising; also, pearls for brightening, centella for soothing and calming, etc.Plus, we regularly travel to Korea to see what’s hot in their local market and, you get to eat amazing food there too!

HOC: Finally, if you ever have a creative block / funk; how do you get yourself out of it?

Gloria: Probably hit the gym or grab a coffee with my friends.

HOC:What does 2019 look like for Melon & Starfish? What plans do you have for the brand?

Gloria: In 2019 we have seen that consumers are becoming more considered when making their purchasing choices. People become more aware of topics such as climate change, food waste, etc.The once-a-niche concept of ‘clean beauty’ also has moved to the mainstream – we often hear that our customers are actively searching for skin care products that are vegan, natural, organic…

As people, we also care about this ‘one strange rock’ that we are living on. As a business, we will continue focusing on our ‘organic and natural’ collection this year – we are not only hunting for the brands/products with ‘clean’ ingredients but also ‘clean’ in packaging and manufacturing processes.

What an honourable mission!

To find out more about Melon & Starfish head over to

Follow the brand on instagram @MelonAndStarfish