


Are you getting all the nutrients you need from the food you eat? Even if your diet is healthy, you may not be getting enough of certain vitamins and minerals. That’s where supplements, from the Best Multivitamins for Men and women to supplements for individual vitamins and minerals, can come in handy. But with so many options on the market, it can be tough to figure out which ones are best for you. Here’s a quick guide to some vitamins and supplements that your body needs.


This is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland and helps to regulate the body’s circadian rhythm. It can be found in foods like tuna, salmon, and turkey, or it can be taken as a supplement. It is often used to help people who have jet lag or who work night shifts. This hormone can also be used to help people who have insomnia. The recommended dosage for melatonin is 3 mg, but it is important to consult with a doctor before taking this supplement.


This is one of the most important minerals in the human body and is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions. It can be found in leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. The recommended daily intake is 400-420 mg for men and 310-320 mg for women. It is also available in supplement form. You can check for a supplement called pure encapsulations. You can also check where to buy pure encapsulations online if you cannot find it from your local store. This mineral is especially important for people who exercise regularly, as it helps to prevent cramps and fatigue.

Vitamin A

This is a water-soluble vitamin that is important for vision, the immune system, and reproduction. Good sources of vitamin A include fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, apricots, cantaloupe, and mangoes. This vitamin is also found in dairy products and eggs.


This is the most abundant mineral in the human body and is essential for bone health. It can be found in dairy products, leafy green vegetables, and tofu. The recommended daily intake is 1000 mg for men and women over the age of 18. It is important to note that calcium supplements can interact with certain medications, so it is always best to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen. This is especially important for pregnant women, as a lack of calcium can lead to health problems for both the mother and child.


This mineral is essential for red blood cell formation and the transport of oxygen throughout the body. It is found in red meat, poultry, fish, legumes, and fortified cereals. The recommended daily intake for iron is 18 mg for women and 8 mg for men. It’s also important to note that vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron from plant sources. This means that if you eat a lot of iron-rich foods, like leafy green vegetables, but don’t eat any vitamin C-rich foods, you may not be absorbing all the iron you’re getting.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is important for the development of the neural tube in a developing baby. It is found in leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fortified cereals. The recommended daily intake of folic acid is 400 mcg. It is important to note that folic acid supplements should not be taken if you are pregnant and have a history of neural tube defects. This is because high doses of folic acid can mask a vitamin B12 deficiency, which can cause damage to the baby.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is important for the development of red blood cells and the nervous system. It is found in animal products such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and milk. Some cereals and other plant foods are also fortified with vitamin B12.

For people who don’t eat animal products, vitamin B12 can be found in fortified breakfast cereals and nutritional yeast. Nutritional yeast is a powder that can be added to food or drinks. It has a cheesy taste and is a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Vitamin B12 is also available in supplement form. It is recommended that people who don’t eat animal products take a vitamin B12 supplement or eat foods that are fortified with this vitamin.

It is important to make sure that your body is getting the vitamins and minerals it needs in order to function properly. While there are many different types of vitamins and minerals, some of the most important ones for overall health include vitamin C, vitamin D, iron, and zinc. You can get these nutrients from food sources, or if you need a little extra help, you can take supplements. Just be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen to make sure that it is safe for you.

Life insurance may not seem like a priority when you are in good health. However, it is a necessity for anyone looking to protect their loved ones in the event of death. Luckily, there are different types of life insurance to suit different needs.

The right choice depends on how much you are willing to pay in monthly premiums, whether you plan to use the policy as an investment, and how long you want it to last.

Here are the different types of life insurance.

  1. Term Life Insurance

This type of life insurance may come in lengths of 30, 25, 20, 25, 10, five, or one year. The coverage amount depends on your specific policy, and it could go as high as several million.

With a ‘level premium’ term life insurance policy, the same price is locked for as long as the policy lasts.

However, ‘annual renewable’ term life is renewed every year. Annual policies are ideal if you only need coverage for a short period or have short-term debt.

The best thing about term life insurance is its cost. It is the cheapest form of life insurance. It is enough to cover the average person. However, it has one main disadvantage. Your beneficiaries don’t get anything if you outlive the policy.

  1. Graded Life Insurance Policy

Graded life policies are types of whole life insurance. Many whole life insurance providers issue contracts that provide for graded benefits in the first few years of coverage.

The benefits pay a lower amount if death happens in the first few years of purchasing the policy. The death benefit is only increased to the face amount after your coverage has been in place for a specified period.

Life insurance providers use this technique to lower the cost of their policies, especially for less healthy people pursuing guaranteed issue coverage. Graded policies help insurance providers reduce the risk when accepting terminally ill patients.

  1. Whole Life Insurance

Usually, your life insurance policy lasts until you die. You simply need to keep up with premium payments. Your premiums don’t change, and you can easily ‘set it and forget it’. The premiums also give a guaranteed rate of return on your policy’s cash value. The death benefit amount doesn’t change either.

Even though it is more expensive than term life insurance, whole life insurance builds cash value. Its ability to cover you for your whole life is a great benefit as well.

  1. Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance

With this insurance, your premiums remain constant, and the death benefit is guaranteed. The policy carries minimal to no cash value. It lets you decide the age to which your death benefit is guaranteed. Because of its minimal cash value, this life insurance is pretty affordable.

  1. Indexed Universal Life Insurance

This universal policy links the cash value component of your policy to a stock market index. Therefore, a formula is used to determine your gains. The cash value grows over time, and you can access it. If the stock market performs well, you can record significant gains.

  1. Variable Life and Variable Universal Life Insurance

The cash value is linked to mutual funds, bonds, and other investment accounts in variable life and universal life insurance policies. Variable life insurance premiums are fixed, and they have guaranteed death benefits no matter how the market does.

However, with variable universal life insurance, the death benefits aren’t guaranteed, and premiums are adjustable.

Life insurance is an investment in the future of your loved ones. While there are many reasons to consider buying a life insurance policy, the core is to provide financial security for your dependents. Choose a policy that matches your current and future needs.

Tattoos are an art form that has been around for a long time and in today’s world, having a tattoo has become more and more popular and socially acceptable. However, there are still many people who regret getting them. If you find yourself in this situation, you may be wondering what is the best way to remove tattoos?

The best method of tattoo removal depends on several factors including the size, location, and type of tattoo, so there is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, there are a few methods that are generally considered to be the most effective. In this article, we will outline some of them and help you pick the right one for your needs and also explore the innovative methods of tattoo removal in Singapore, catering to those looking for effective solutions to erase unwanted ink.

Tattoo Removal Creams

One of the most popular methods for removing your unwanted tattoo today is by using tattoo removal creams. The creams work by breaking down the ink in the tattoo, without harming the surrounding skin which allows your body to slowly remove the ink over time. These creams are safe and effective at removing tattoos without causing any harm whatsoever (aside from some redness). Plus they work quickly- usually within just two weeks, you’ll see significant results as long as you apply them consistently every day.

There are many different brands of these creams on the market, so be sure to do your research and read reviews to find the one that will work best for you. When using a tattoo removal cream, you must follow the instructions carefully. Apply the cream to the tattoo and then cover it with a bandage. Leave the bandage on for as long as instructed – usually between 6 and 12 hours. Repeat this process every day until the tattoo has faded away. It’s important to be patient as it can take up to several weeks for the tattoo to disappear completely.

Laser Removal

Laser tattoo removal is one of the most common and popular methods of tattoo removal. It uses a laser to break up the pigment in the tattoo ink, which is then absorbed by the body and eliminated. Laser removal is generally considered to be the most effective method, but it can also be expensive and can cause some side effects like blistering and scarring so it is essential to get familiar with an after-care procedure if you want to keep your skin looking as good as possible.

This option is more suitable for smaller tattoos and those that are located in areas with less bone and more fatty tissue. If you are considering laser removal, be sure to consult with a qualified dermatologist or plastic surgeon who has experience with this procedure. You should also ensure that the facility is using a medical-grade laser that is specifically designed for tattoo removal.

Chemical Peel

This method involves applying a chemical solution to the tattooed area, which essentially burns off the top layer of skin and helps to fade the tattoo. In most cases, a series of chemical peels are required for the best results. The chemicals used for this procedure usually include trichloroacetic acid (TCA), glycolic acid, or Jessner’s solution. These molecules can penetrate the tattoo ink and break it down. Chemical peels can be performed at home with over-the-counter products or by a dermatologist.

The main downside to this method is that it can be quite painful and can cause scarring, blistering, and changes in skin pigmentation which is why it is not recommended for people with darker skin tones. This option is less expensive than laser removal but is also less effective so you will likely need more treatments for the best result.

Tattoo Removal Surgery

Tattoo removal surgery is a last resort option that is usually only considered when other methods have failed. The surgery involves removing the entire tattoo and then stitching the skin back together. It is a costly and invasive procedure that can cause scarring if not done correctly, so it is usually only recommended for people with small tattoos.

The main benefit of surgery is that it is a relatively quick procedure and the results are usually permanent. However, it is also the most expensive and risky option so it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Before you decide to go ahead with surgery, make sure to do good research and find a qualified plastic surgeon who has a lot of experience with this procedure. Even though many private clinics offer tattoo removal surgery services, take your time to compare prices and reviews before making a decision.

So, what is the best way to remove tattoos? The answer isn’t simple- it depends on the size of the tattoo, its location on your body, and your personal preferences. However, laser removal is generally considered to be the most effective method, while tattoo removal creams are the safest and least invasive option. If you are considering removing a tattoo, be sure to consult with a qualified dermatologist or plastic surgeon to find the best method for you.

It’s no secret that having good mental health is essential – it affects every aspect of our lives. But what many people don’t realize is that our mental health also has a significant impact on our weight loss journeys. It can be the difference between success and failure. If you’re struggling to lose weight, it’s worth taking a closer look at your mental health and seeing if any factors could be holding you back. This article will discuss how your mental health can affect your weight loss journey. Let’s get started.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health is our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It’s how we think, feel, and act in response to the different situations we face in life. Everyone has mental health, just like everyone has physical health. And just like physical health, mental health can be good or bad.

When our mental health is good, we can cope with the challenges life throws at us. We’re able to enjoy our lives and form healthy relationships. But when our mental health is bad, it can be much harder to cope. We may feel overwhelmed by our problems and find it difficult to enjoy life or form healthy relationships.

How Does Mental Health Affect Weight Loss?

There are a few different ways mental health can affect your weight loss journey. Did you know that you can gain weight if you’re depressed? That’s because when you are depressed, you often turn to comfort food as a way of making yourself feel better. This can lead to weight gain, making you even more depressed. It’s a vicious cycle.

Another way mental health can affect your weight loss journey is by affecting your motivation. When you are in good mental health, this helps with losing weight because you have the drive and determination to stick with your goals. But when our mental health is bad, it can be challenging to muster up the motivation to do anything – let alone lose weight.

The last way mental health can affect weight loss is by affecting your energy levels. When you feel good mentally, you tend to have more energy and feel more motivated to exercise. But when we’re feeling down, it’s often hard to find the energy to do anything at all – let alone get active.

So, as you can see, our mental health can significantly impact our weight loss journey. If you’re struggling to lose weight, it’s worth taking a closer look at your mental health and seeing if any factors could be holding you back.

Signs of Poor Mental Health

There are a few different signs that you may be struggling with poor mental health. If you’re experiencing any of the following, it’s worth seeking help from a professional:

  • Feeling hopeless or helpless: Do you feel like there’s no point in trying to lose weight because you’ll never be successful? This is a common feeling among those with poor mental health, but it’s important to remember that it’s not true. With the right help and support, anyone can reach their weight loss goals.
  • Losing interest in things you used to enjoy: Have you stopped doing the things you used to enjoy, like going for walks or playing sports? This loss of interest is often a sign that something is wrong.
  • Isolating yourself from others: Have you withdrawn from your friends and family and spent more time alone? This isolation can be a sign of depression.
  • Sleeping too much or too little: Have you been sleeping more or less than usual? This can be a sign that something is wrong.
  • Eating too much or too little: Have you been eating more or less than usual? This can be a sign of an underlying problem.
  • Experiencing anxiety or panic attacks: Do you feel like you’re constantly on edge, or have you been having panic attacks? This can be a sign of an anxiety disorder.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s essential to seek help from a professional. They will assess your mental health and provide you with the support you need to get better.

What to Do to Improve Your Mental Health

There are many ways to improve your mental health. Some of these ways include:

  • Getting regular exercise: Exercise is a great way to improve your mental health. It helps to reduce stress, improves our mood, and gives us more energy.
  • Eating a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet can also help to improve our mental health. Eating nutritious foods allows our bodies to function properly and gives us the energy we need to get through the day.
  • Getting enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for our mental health. When we don’t get enough sleep, we’re more likely to feel tired and irritable. We may also find it challenging to concentrate and make decisions.
  • Reducing stress: Reducing stress can be helpful for our mental health. There are many different ways to reduce stress, such as meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature.

If you’re struggling with your mental health, many resources are available to help you. You can speak to your doctor or mental health professional. There are also helplines available, such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline in the United States. Ensure that you reach out for help if you need it.

We all know that feeling, don’t we? You’re out with friends or family, and you’ve all decided to go out for dinner. But where do you go? All of the restaurants nearby sound great, but how do you choose which one to eat at? This is where knowing about restaurant menus can come in handy. By understanding what kind of food a restaurant offers, you can quickly narrow down your options and pick the perfect place to eat. Here are a few tips on how to do just that.

Find the Best Prices

Restaurant menus can help you find the best food prices. If you’re looking for a specific dish, you can often find it listed on the menu. This way, you can compare prices between different restaurants and choose the one that offers the best value for your money.

The good thing is that you don’t have to visit the restaurant to see their menu. Most restaurants have their menus online, so you can browse through them before deciding. Some websites enable you to compare menu prices between different restaurants. For instance, if you want to get or compare McDonald’s latest pricing, some websites show you their menu and prices. In addition, some restaurants offer discounts if you order through their website or app. So, if you’re looking to save money, it’s worth checking out these options.

Avoid Unhealthy Foods

When looking at a restaurant menu, you can quickly see what kind of foods are offered. This is helpful if you’re trying to avoid unhealthy foods. For example, if you’re on a diet, you can easily find restaurants that offer healthy options. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a hearty meal, you can find restaurants that offer heavier dishes.

In addition, some restaurants list the nutritional information for their menu items. This is helpful if you’re trying to watch your intake of calories, fat, or sodium. So, the next time you’re trying to decide where to eat, don’t just pick a restaurant at random. Take a look at their menu and see what kind of food they offer. This will help you make a decision that’s right for you and your family.

Pick the Right Restaurant for the Occasion

Not all restaurants are created equal. Some are better for certain occasions than others. For example, if you’re looking for a romantic dinner, you might want to avoid a fast-food restaurant. On the other hand, if you’re going out with a group of friends, you might want to choose a restaurant that has a fun atmosphere.

So, the next time you’re trying to pick a restaurant, think about what kind of occasion you’re looking for. Then, take a look at the menus of different restaurants and see which one is best suited for your needs. You might even find a restaurant that offers multiple menus for different occasions.

Get Inspired by the Menu

Sometimes, you might not know what you’re in the mood for until you see it on a menu. This is where menus can be helpful. They often have pictures of the offered dishes, so you can get inspired and choose something that looks good.

In addition, some menus have descriptions of the dishes that are offered. This can help you get a taste of what the dish is like before you order it. So, if you’re not sure what you want to eat, take a look at the menu and see if anything catches your eye. You might be surprised at what you find.

Establishes Your Budget

Before you go out to eat, it’s a good idea to establish a budget. This way, you won’t overspend on food. Restaurant menus can help you by showing you the prices of different dishes.

For instance, if you’re looking for an affordable meal, you can find restaurants that offer menu items for under $20. On the other hand, if you’re looking to splurge, you can find restaurants that offer dishes for over $50. By looking at menus, you can quickly understand how much different meals cost. This will help you stay within your budget when eating out.

Makes You Remember the Brand

When you see a dish you like on a menu, you can easily remember the restaurant. This is because menus are a form of advertising. They’re designed to show off the best that a restaurant offers.

So, if you see a dish that looks appetizing, it might stick in your mind and make you want to come back to the restaurant. This is one of the reasons why restaurants put so much effort into creating their menus.

Menus can be a helpful tool when you’re trying to decide where to eat. By looking at their menus, you can get an idea of what kind of food a restaurant offers. You can also see how much different meals cost and find restaurants suited for your specific occasion. So, the next time you’re looking for a place to eat, don’t forget to check the menu. It might just help you make a perfect choice.

Preparing for your baby’s arrival is an exciting time, and one of the many things you’ll need to do is set up their nursery.

Creating a comfortable and inviting space for your child is essential. It will help them feel secure and comfortable in their new surroundings. A nicely decorated room can also help to encourage your child’s development and creativity. You can do many things to make your baby’s room look nice, such as choosing the right paint color, adding decorative accents, and purchasing furniture and accessories that are specifically designed for young children.

One of the benefits of having a well-decorated nursery is that it can provide a relaxing environment for your child to sleep in. You may want to consider investing in some good quality bedding and window treatments and adding features like a rocking chair or a soft rug. It’s also essential to make sure that the room is adequately lit, so you may want to consider adding a few lamps or installing a skylight.

Here is a checklist of 20 things to look for when furnishing your baby’s new room:

1. A safe place for your baby to sleep

This should be the top priority when furnishing your baby’s room. Ensure there is a crib or bassinet with a firm mattress and no loose bedding and that the space is free of hazards like drapery cords. Make sure the crib sheets are matching sets so they can be easily changed and that you have at least two locations on hand. Learn more about the best crib sheets on this site. You may need a new air conditioner for your baby to maintain a healthy indoor temperature and improve indoor air quality. Heat can make your baby fussy and cause sleeping difficulties.

2. Storage for diapers, wipes, and other supplies

You’ll want to make sure you have easy access to everything you need when taking care of your baby. Look for cabinets, shelves, or baskets that can hold diapers, wipes, creams, ointments, and other supplies.

3. A comfortable place for you to feed your baby

If you plan on breastfeeding, look for a comfortable chair with good back support. If you are bottle-feeding, make sure you have a place to set up a small table or tray.

4. A changing table or pad

You’ll need a safe place to change your baby’s diaper, so look for a changing table or pad that fits comfortably in the room. Make sure it has a lip to keep the baby from rolling off and that it’s at a comfortable height for you to reach.

5. Diapers, wipes, and other changing supplies

You’ll need to have a stockpile of diapers and wipes and other supplies like diaper rash cream, soaps, and lotions. Look for a place to store these supplies that is easy to reach.

6. A baby monitor

You’ll want to be able to keep an eye on your baby no matter where you are in the house, so consider investing in a baby monitor.

7. A humidifier or vaporizer

Dry air can be harsh on your baby’s skin and respiratory system, so look for a humidifier or vaporizer to help add moisture to the room.

8. A window seat or sleeper chair

If you plan on spending a lot of time in your baby’s room, look for a comfortable place to sit. A window seat or sleeper chair will give you a place to relax while keeping an eye on your baby.

9. A mobile

A mobile can be a great way to keep your baby entertained and help them develop their vision. Look for one with colorful designs that are safe for babies to stare at.

10. A mirror

Babies love looking at themselves, so include a mirror in the room. Watching your baby explore their new surroundings can be fun by watching themselves in the mirror.

11. A rug or soft flooring

Babies can be prone to slipping, so it’s essential to have a soft surface like a rug or carpet to help keep them safe.

12. A music player

A music player can soothe your baby and help them fall asleep. Choose one that has a variety of calming sounds to choose from.

13. Pictures ornaments

Pictures ornaments are a great way to personalize your baby’s room and add a touch of whimsy. Look for ones that feature bright colors and cheerful designs.

14. A reading light

You’ll want to be able to read to your baby at night without having to disturb them. Look for a reading light that can be easily attached to the side of the crib or bassinet.

15. A toy box

Toy boxes are a great way to keep your baby’s room organized and clutter-free. Choose one with a lid to keep the toys from being exposed to dust.

16. A rocking chair

Rocking chairs are a great way to soothe a fussy baby. Look for one that is comfortable and has excellent back support.

17. A security blanket or stuffed animal

Babies love having something soft and cuddly to hold onto, so make sure you have a security blanket or stuffed animal to use in their room.

18. A diaper pail

Diaper pails are a must-have for any nursery, as they help keep the room smelling fresh. Choose one that has a lid to seal in the smell.

19. A crib or bassinet

Cribs and bassinets are a safe place for your baby to sleep. Make sure the one you choose has a firm mattress and no sharp edges.

20. Wall art

Wall art is a great way to personalize your baby’s room and add personality. Look for pieces that feature bright colors and cheerful designs.

Creating a nursery is daunting, but with the right furniture and supplies, you’ll be able to create a safe place for your baby to sleep.

Remember that it’s essential to have the necessary tools like cribs and bassinets and other essentials like diapers and wipes. You may also want some wall art or pictures on display to keep your room looking cheery and bright.

Having a nice room for your baby to sleep in will make raising them a lot easier. Make sure to take your time when choosing furniture and supplies to create a perfect space for your little one.

Classic cars vs vintage cars both are automobiles that have been around for many years. However, there are some key differences between the two that you should know before making a purchase. In this article, we will discuss the differences between classic cars and vintage cars, so that you can make an informed decision when buying one of these vehicles.

Year of manufacture

Classic cars are typically defined as those manufactured between 1925 and 1948. Vintage cars, on the other hand, are typically defined as those manufactured before 1925. However, not all car enthusiasts have the same guidelines when it comes to classic and vintage cars. Some consider classic cars to be automobiles that were manufactured between 1950 and 1975. Vintage cars, on the other hand, are automobiles that were manufactured before 1950. While there are some exceptions to this rule, these definitions provide a good general guideline for distinguishing between classic cars and vintage cars.

European classic cars

European classic cars are those that were made and sold in Europe. They can be either vintage cars or classic cars, but the main difference between them is that classic cars are typically newer than vintage cars. This means that they may not have the same historical value as vintage cars, but they often look and drive better.

There are many different types of European classic cars, from sports cars to luxury sedans. Some of the most popular range of European models include the Austin Healey 3000 Mark III, the Aston Martin DB5, the Jaguar E-Type, the Porsche 356, and the Mercedes-Benz 300SL. If you’re interested in purchasing a European classic car, it’s important to do your research first. There are many different models to choose from, and each one has its own unique set of features.

Japanese classic cars

Japan is a nation known for its innovation and forward-thinking when it comes to many things, including its cars. Japanese cars are renowned worldwide for designs that ooze style and can be a way for car enthusiasts to get their hands on something a little more unique. The cars themselves also come with a whole host of benefits including reliability, superior quality car parts, fuel efficiency, and resale value, making them very attractive to those looking to get a quality vehicle for their money.

However, Japanese classic cars can be tricky to get hold of. For starters, they have to be over 25 years old, correctly imported and, of course, street legal. If you’re determined to own one of these retro beauties, it might be best to seek someone who deals in high-quality imported JDM cars where you are. A reputable company will ensure that all the necessary paperwork is completed, and that the cars are in good condition and, if you are looking for something very specific, they might just have the contacts and means to help you track down your perfect vehicle.

American classic cars

One of the most popular types of classic cars is the American Classic Car. These cars are typically big, powerful, and luxurious. They often have intricate designs and are made with high-quality materials. Some of the most famous American Classic Cars include the Ford Mustang, the Chevrolet Corvette, and the Chrysler Imperial.

If you’re interested in owning an American Classic Car, be prepared to spend a lot of money. These cars can be very expensive, especially if they’re in good condition. However, if you’re lucky enough to find one for sale, it will likely be worth the investment.


One of the biggest differences between classic cars and vintage cars is their value. The pricing of classic cars and vintage cars can vary widely, depending on the make and model. Classic cars are generally worth more than vintage cars because they are newer and have been preserved in better condition. Vintage cars, on the other hand, are not as valuable because they are older and have more wear and tear. Classic cars are also typically more expensive than vintage cars, as they are in higher demand. This is not always the case, but it is a general rule. It’s important to do your research and compare prices before making a purchase.

Condition and parts availability

The condition of a car is also important to consider when distinguishing between classic cars and vintage cars. Generally speaking, classic cars are in better condition than vintage cars, as they have been well-preserved over time. This is not always the case, of course, but it is a general rule of thumb.

Another key difference between classic cars and vintage cars is the availability of parts. Because classic cars are more popular, there are more parts available for them should they need to be repaired. Vintage cars, on the other hand, can be more difficult to repair because of their rarity.


Classic cars and vintage cars both have a lot of functionality, but there are some key differences. Classic cars were typically built for everyday use, while vintage cars were built for special occasions or rallies. Classic cars are often restored to their original condition, while vintage cars are often modified to improve their performance. This means that classic cars are more practical and can be used for everyday driving and driving around town, while vintage cars are rare, are better suited for racing or track driving, and may require more maintenance.

Classic Cars vs Vintage Cars

If you’re interested in buying a classic car or a vintage car, it’s important to do your research first. Make sure you know what to look for and what to expect. Classic cars and vintage cars can be great investments, but it’s important to know what you’re getting into. By knowing what to look for, you can purchase the right car for your needs and budget.

Hotel d’Inghilterra has always been the hotel of choice for Rome’s movers and shakers as well as Hollywood stars for the past 160 years. The beautiful building has a history that dates back to the sixteenth century and was originally the guest quarters for visitors to the palazzo directly across the cobbled street, belonging to the noble Torlonia family. Hotel d’Inghilterra takes its name from the poet John Keats who, together with Lord Byron and Shelley, made it their top destination when visiting the city on their grand tours.

Aristocrats and celebrities alike have entered through the soaring grand doors, paused in the breathtaking lobby and dined in the suave bar and restaurant. From Hans Christian Andersen to Henry James, Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Elizabeth Taylor and Gregory Peck. If walls could talk. Nestled in the historic quarter in the centre of Italy’s capital, just a stone’s throw from the Spanish Steps, the property has been a stalwart for Roman society and is a timeless luxury hotel in the Eternal City.

84 rooms and suites are each seeped with their own style, identity and charm and each offer 24-hour room service. The decor is elegantly put together with antique furnishings and contemporary finishes, creating the perfect synergy of majestic meets modern. For an additional dose of decadence, book one of the Executive or Penthouse Suites, renowned for being some of the most iconic hotel rooms in Rome. The Executive Suite boasts a luxury furnished dining room, a lavish bathtub and sauna, two bathrooms in total, an ultra-comfortable pillow menu, sitting area, kitchenette, dressing room and a French balcony offering soaring views over the rust-coloured ornate Roman roofs. The exquisite Penthouse Suite offers an enormous private terrace with views over the city, the ideal spot for a private dinner or sunset cocktail. When dust descends, Hotel d’Inghilterra also offers a panoramic rooftop overlooking the city.

The best way to get tips and tricks for the day ahead is to eavesdrop on conversations at Café Romano where sensational breakfasts and steaming coffees are served up on monochrome tables that spill out onto the street. Discerning guests who know Rome like the back of their hands discuss those under the radar historic monuments, authentic espresso bars in Trastevere and off the beaten track restaurants peddling the best pasta in Lazio. Café Romano also serves dinner and is filled with epicureans seeking delicious Mediterranean cuisine as well as a selection of local delicacies.

The restaurant is perfectly positioned for watching the lively Via Borgognona and admiring elegant Romans sauntering past on their way to an Aperitivo hour in the afternoon. For additional expert information into the best sites, restaurants and shopping spots in the city, the hotel’s multi-lingual concierge team are on hand to fulfill every wish.

With a major renovation in 2022 but with its soul remaining intact, a new wave of guests will experience the beautiful hotel for the first time with a new look, as well as devoted visitors who venture back to Rome and stay at Hotel d’Inghilterra, time after time.

Superior Rooms at Hotel d’Inghilterra Roma​ are priced from Euro 326 per room per night on a bed and breakfast basis.

Nestled in a nook off Colmore Row in the centre of Birmingham is the resplendent and historic Grand Hotel. Seeped in old school glamour this iconic Grade II listed building has been given a new lease of life. Originally built in 1879, the hotel has hosted glitterati and heads of state. In its heyday guests included King George VI, Charlie Chaplin, Malcom X and Winston Churchill. By 2002 it had lost its sparkle and closed its doors. Step in Robert Angell International, who for the past 18 years have been working behind the scenes to deliver a £50 million restoration and refurbishment. 45,000 man hours later and the results are astonishing. The Grand Birmingham is the city’s jewel in the crown.

The hotel has retained a mix of French Renaissance, Victorian and Art Deco features, while successfully juxtaposing modern artwork and design features. The magnificent grand staircase sweeps through the centre of the building while fabulous chandeliers and mosaic tiles add to the style and character.

The service is friendly, upon arrival I’m greeted by front of house and reception staff who show me to my room and give me the low down on the facilities. The team are passionate and knowledgeable about the hotel and its history.

Bedrooms are light and airy, styled in muted cream, brown and black with views overlooking St Phillips Cathedral. The vintage phone and mirrored headboard add a retro splash to what essentially feels like a contemporary space.

Madeleine is perfect for cocktails and pre-dinner drinks. Dark panelling flanks the walls, large arched windows and twinkly bauble chandeliers add to the intimate atmosphere. Soft, velvet sofas and chairs are scattered around the bar area. Punches of ruby red, pastel pink and navy accents give it a luxurious chic vibe. Across one side of the room is a full-length bar, serving small plates and an extensive choice of cocktails. I tried the Madeleine Martini, a raspberry and pineapple alternative to the classic. It comes with what looks like a bubble bath topping and is totally Instagramable.

Downstairs is basement brasserie, Isaacs, the hotel’s New York style eatery. Green and white tiled walls surround leather diner style booths and tables. There’s a buzzing atmosphere as guests tuck into classic American dishes. The menu features fresh seafood, steaks and Stateside staples like ribs, hot dogs, cod and grits. Breakfast is served here and there’s an extensive choice of buffet options, eggs or for the hungrier a full English.

The secret garden courtyard on the ground floor is a hidden gem. Cute fairy lights and climber plants give it a roof top bar feel and I can tell that this area will be a big hit with guests in the summer.

The hotel is in the heart of the city, just a short walk from New Street Station and the Bullring shopping centre making it a great base for anyone looking to explore the UK’s second city. Host of this summer’s Commonwealth Games and home to some fabulous bars and restaurants, Birmingham and The Grand are well worth a visit.

Rooms start at £129 per night, visit The Grand Birmingham

Susan Lizotte was always destined to be an artist but her earlier years made her put that passion to one side. It wasn’t until her life unfolded that she stepped in to her genius…

Here, we spent some time with her to find out more about that journey…

Susan Lizotte

Tell us the journey that leads you to launch becoming an artist…

I’ve drawn and painted and made things my entire life. But growing up adopted in a family that didn’t think going into the arts was a career choice made me put aside my artistic ambitions until I met my biological mother when I was thirty-five. My real mom was an artist and that sparked me to allow myself to realise my dreams. So I think I just gave myself permission to express myself if that makes any sense.

How would you describe your art in three words?

Colourful, history, story.

What emotions do you want to evoke from people when they look at your work?

I hope the colours in my work make people feel something, whether it’s joy or fear or beauty. If I touch a nerve somehow that means the art is doing something to people, which really is the ultimate goal. Personally, I feel there is so much beauty out in the world to celebrate which feels important, now more than ever, given the sorry state of the world.

Are you taking part in any art shows this year, if so, which ones?

I’m very thrilled that a new painting from my Spring Map Series will be in a show at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum on April 10-15, 2022 (cherry blossom season!). And the painting has been acquired by the Museum so it will become part of their permanent collection, so I’m very excited about this.

I just took part in the LA Art Show and it was very busy, lots of people attending which was pretty cool. I wasn’t expecting such a good turnout in the middle of the Omicron surge here in LA!

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced as an entrepreneur so far?

Mixing the business part of being an artist with the creative side and then doing all the paperwork and image work that goes into applying to shows, fairs or magazines. Trying to balance all those things and have time to be creative as well is certainly challenging.

In your opinion, what sets you apart from other artists?

My use of history and art history sets me apart I think. I use art history and history, from as far back as I want (like the Renaissance or Middle Ages for example), which isn’t typical for most artists working today. I also use a specific color palette when I create a painting series. I’ll set out tubes of a cool blue, warm blue, cool red, warm red, warm sienna, cool sienna, warm yellows, cool yellows, ochres in light and medium colors and white. If you see “black” in my work it’s a color I mix myself, never use black from a tube. So mixing up every single color myself that I want to use in my palette makes all the colors sing together which I love.

Using history and art history is my way of telling or retelling an age-old tale in a new way.

Since launching the brand, is there anything you would do differently?

I waited ten years to show my work publicly, I think I would tell my younger self don’t worry. It’s okay to show what you’re working on and let people think through the work for themselves.

How much has social media played a role in the success of your brand?

I think social media has specifically helped all artists since the beginning of the pandemic, it certainly has allowed more people to see my paintings. Social media has allowed certain high-end magazines to find my work and invite me into their publications, so that has been very cool! And that has been because of social media so I love that!

What is your go-to quote when lacking motivation?

I don’t really have a quote for that but I certainly tell myself to get up and get it done. When I get to my painting studio in downtown Los Angeles, I feel pretty inspired almost every time I walk through the door. It’s my space and when I’m working on a series of paintings usually the inspiration for the next piece jumps from the one on which I’m painting. It feels like the ideas are out there just waiting for the right person to partner with them, so I try and stay tuned and try to catch whatever comes my way in terms of “ideas”. And the ideas are inspirations themselves.

What advice would you offer to aspiring artists who want to launch their own brand?

Get someone to professionally photograph your work. You need jpegs in different dpi sizes to submit to different things. Having the work photographed in its best light and having the jpegs at your disposal makes everything happen. Then of course there is the work itself. Think about what you want to say, and what you want the work to convey when it’s viewed as an entire body of work. Thinking carefully about those things makes all the difference. And if you want to launch your brand on social media, post the absolute best photos that you can use, it will make all the difference!

Our readers love to travel, what destination is your all-time favourite and why?

My all-time favorite places are Italy and Bermuda. Bermuda has beautiful pink sand beaches and lovely food and people on the Island, It’s just so pretty and relaxing. And I adore Italy for the beauty of its architecture, and the incredible food. I love the art and museums in Italy. Going to Venice and hearing no cars, no motorbikes, just people walking and talking or the water taxis moving on the water is intoxicating.

What’s next for the business?

I think 2022 will bring a new painting series and a hint is that Renaissance tarot cards will be involved. My art is going to be featured this year in House and Garden UK, Traveller UK magazine and British Vogue. That is what’s lined up so far anyway. There will be more shows too, it always comes together.

What does self-care mean to you?

What a fun question! Self-care for me is anything that grounds me and brings me peace and joy. It can be a drive out to Pacific Coast Highway and driving alongside the ocean listening to my favorite music. Or it could be taking the time to go get a massage. Or simply allowing myself to feel emotions and let them wash over and through me and let them leave me.

Where can people find out more?

People can find out more @susanlizotte on Instagram or my website

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