A therapeutic space includes the therapist-client relationship, safety, and freedom to grow. Unfortunately, Guild Insurance receives many claims related to treatment tables that fail to provide a safe environment for patients.

Clients may feel anxious in rooms that look like prisons or have no windows. They also may find discomfort when a therapist’s chair is higher than their own, which can signal an imbalance of power.

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Creating a safe therapeutic space is a priority for many mental health professionals. Maintaining client privacy is key to a positive outcome whether the session is in person or over video chat. This is particularly true if a client’s mental health situation involves sensitive issues or they are discussing past traumas that have caused them grief and anxiety.

A treatment table is a large part of that environment. Ideally, the table is sturdy enough to support a patient’s weight without moving. Additionally, it should have no sharp edges or corners that could irritate the skin. Some patients may also be claustrophobic, and the shape of the table should not contribute to that feeling. In addition, a treatment table should not allow children to play on or under it. There have been cases of children being crushed by treatment tables, and a child-proofing feature should be built into the design.

The treatment table should be comfortable for both the therapist and the patient. Ideally, it should have no distracting features and be easy to clean. It should also provide ample back support and be heavy enough not to be moved by someone who feels a sense of control being threatened. For clients who have been involved in domestic violence, this is an especially important consideration.

Additionally, the treatment table should be aesthetically pleasing. This can include adding some positive distractions to the room, such as calming paintings on the wall, toys, or journals. Research has shown that incorporating nature into the environment can help reduce stress levels, and having windows in the office is also ideal for that reason.

Finally, the table should be easy to use. Clumsy mechanisms can be irritating for patients, and they must be able to easily move and adjust the table’s height and backrest position. If a treatment table does not have these essential safety measures, it should be replaced.

Choosing the right treatment table for your clinic can be challenging, but it is important to consider all the factors above. When purchasing a treatment table, make sure to review all of your options, including those offered by PHS Medical, and choose one that is both convenient and durable for your patient’s comfort.


The ability to adjust the physical therapy table and other therapeutic equipment is crucial for therapy rooms. Providing patients with flexibility in how they position themselves is a comforting element of their experience, especially when discussing emotionally uncomfortable topics such as PTSD, childhood traumas, or grief and loss. This type of adjustability can also be beneficial for those who suffer from mobility issues, such as elderly clients.

In addition to providing adjustability, therapy rooms should be free of distractions. This can be done by removing clutter and eliminating visual distractions like framed artwork or photos that could elicit a negative response in some patients. Choosing neutral colors for the walls and furnishings can also contribute to a sense of calm.

Creating a comfortable space may involve personalization, but this should be kept to a minimum to avoid making clients feel as though they’re in a home rather than a professional office. Personalization may include a few mementos or pieces of art that are meaningful to the client, but therapists should be careful not to display any artwork that might inadvertently trigger any emotional reactions.

Therapists should ensure that they have a quality therapy chair, such as the Chattanooga traction table, that will provide ample back support to their clients during sessions. They should also use a soft fabric that’s gentle on the skin. It’s recommended that the chair be placed where the client can easily see the door to create a feeling of free will and safety.

Recovery is a concept that’s becoming increasingly accepted by states, communities, health care providers, and many individuals who have mental and/or substance use conditions. It involves a holistic approach that addresses the individual and their community, is self-directed, and focuses on building on a person’s strengths, resources, and inherent values to improve overall wellness. Creating a therapeutic space that embraces this concept of hope is an effective way to encourage a client’s openness during sessions. It’s also a great way to help clients feel confident that they can successfully navigate their recovery process with the help of a therapist. If you’re seeking such an environment, you can find a therapist who specializes in creating these conducive therapeutic settings.


Creating a therapeutic space may seem simple from a practical perspective, but there is actually a lot of research behind it. Much of the research involves things that would seem like common sense, such as making sure the space feels comfortable and welcoming to patients.

Therapists need to be able to concentrate on their clients and avoid distractions. The space should be free of clutter and have a soothing color scheme. This will help clients feel calm and reassured. It is also important to make sure the space is safe for all patients. This includes avoiding rooms that are “prison-like” or have no windows; these can imply punishment and cause clients to feel they are trapped in the room with no way out. Additionally, avoiding artwork that inadvertently depicts sadness, violence, or death may contribute to feelings of vulnerability.

Durability is another factor to consider when selecting a treatment table. It is important that the table be able to support the patient’s weight without moving or shifting during the session. The table should also be sturdy enough to prevent accidental falls or other accidents. Additionally, the table should be easy to clean and disinfect to ensure proper hygiene.

A good therapy chair should be comfortable to sit in and be large enough to accommodate all patients, including those who are mobility impaired or have limited range of motion. It should also be easy to move around and recline in, making it possible for patients to change positions during the session as needed. The chairs should be heavy enough to prevent them from being easily tipped over and prevent children from crawling underneath the tables.

The physical environment of a counseling or therapy office can be very therapeutic for some clients, as it provides them with the privacy and confidentiality they need to feel safe expressing their thoughts and feelings. This can be especially true for children who often end up in isolation rooms when they are troubled and would benefit from a place to go where they could cry with someone who cares.


Whether they’re meeting with their therapist in person or conducting online sessions, clients need to feel comfortable and safe in their therapeutic environment. This can be achieved by eliminating negative distractions and potential triggers and keeping personal elements to a minimum. For example, avoiding rooms that look closed-in as they can imply confinement and a lack of escape. It’s also important to avoid artwork that inadvertently evokes sadness, violence, or death, as these can contribute to feelings of vulnerability and may trigger other mental health issues.

For example, a therapy room could be designed to offer positive distractions to help a client focus on something else while discussing emotionally uncomfortable topics. This can include calm paintings on the wall, soothing tabletop fountains, or even a comforting toy that allows them to shift their attention elsewhere. This type of therapeutic design can improve the overall experience and help a client recover more quickly from upsetting events.

Another way to enhance the therapeutic experience is by ensuring that treatment tables are portable and easily cleaned. This can be done by choosing models with easy-to-clean surfaces and antibacterial or antimicrobial upholstery materials that promote proper hygiene protocols. In addition, it’s helpful to choose tables that feature ergonomic designs that allow for various treatment techniques and optimize therapist positioning.

Achieving the right therapeutic space is essential to helping clients heal and recover, regardless of the issue. Whether in-person or virtual, people struggling with mental health and substance use problems need to find an environment that provides them with the support they need.

While it can be difficult to create the right therapeutic space, there are many ways that clinicians and their patients can work together to improve the quality of the treatment experience. Clinicians can create a more effective recovery environment that supports their clients’ long-term goals by focusing on patient safety, therapist comfort, and convenience. This can ultimately lead to better outcomes and improved wellness for both patients and providers. For more information about creating a recovery-oriented therapeutic space, visit the Office of Recovery-Oriented Care’s website.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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