We all know the importance of promoting wellness within the home. But what about in the garden? The garden is a convenient and private area where we can connect to the world around us, and there are numerous physical and mental health benefits of being in nature.

An aromatic wellness garden is the perfect way to maximise the advantages of spending time outside. Everything about the space, from the design to the choice of plants, is orchestrated to invite relaxation and lift the mood.

You don’t have to wait until spring to get started. However, make sure to protect your plants with a polytunnel cover to shelter them from harsh weather and cold temperatures during the winter. When March arrives, your aromatic wellness garden will repay your hard work in spades.

Design with distinct zones

When you are planning the layout, design with distinct zones. This might involve marking out a space for a seating area, leaving room for waterways, or creating a corner dedicated to yoga and meditation.

You can achieve distinct zones in a variety of ways. Trellises are a practical and pretty way to form clear partitions and can be decorated with trailing plants. Fencing will create more deliberate separation.

Alternatively, keep things open-plan and use sharp lines and geometric shapes to formulate a clear pattern.

Use scented flowers and herbs

Once your design is finalised, fill the space with scented flowers and herbs to tap into natural aromatherapy.

Lavender is a strongly scented plant that is known to reduce stress and promote better sleep. The smell of honeysuckle is also thought to lower the stress hormone cortisol.

Clematis, an attractive climbing plant, and colourful roses are a pleasant-smelling but low-pollen option, ideal if you suffer from hay fever and prefer hypoallergenic flowers.

Feature medicinal plants

You could also feature medicinal plants in your aromatic wellness garden so that the space is healing for the mind, body, and soul.

Echinacea, more commonly known as coneflower, is a vibrant perennial that is tough enough to thrive in challenging climates. You can access its medicinal properties by turning it into tea. Primarily, echinacea helps to reduce inflammation, excellent for those who suffer from headaches and skin conditions like eczema.

Peppermint and rosemary, both of which are also aromatic, can be inhaled to keep you calm. Lemon balm is another anxiety-relieving plant that is used to treat insomnia.

Do regular maintenance

Your wellness garden will require regular maintenance, but think of this as a labour of love!

Tending the plants will improve your mobility and keep you grounded in the present. Furthermore, properly maintaining the garden will leave you feeling accomplished, and encourage a sense of total tranquillity.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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