It’s hard to turn any corner in London without stumbling upon an iconic backdrop to some of your favourite TV shows and films. Which is precisely what happened when I found myself bounding up the steps to Southwark Bridge to take this shot – see, for a second, I wanted to experience my own Luther-esque moment, contemplating life’s many problems and how I was going to navigate myself out of them.

But alas, my name is neither John Luther nor Alice Morgan, but this bridge still offers incredible significance to one of Britain’s best crime shows of the 21st Century. It’s also a sensational tourist spot where you’ll see almost everything London offers, from the Southbank, Tower Bridge and The Shard, to St Paul’s Cathedral, Millennium Bridge, The Tate Modern, and the London Eye – there are views for days.

Luther first graced our TV screens back in 2010 and honoured us with five seasons of intense, grotesque and sometimes downright terrifying crime fighting by none other than series namesake and antihero DCI John Luther – a wayward London detective who notoriously finds himself in one too many sticky situations. And not to forget, all whilst being spun around in a cat and mouse chase with long-term murderous frenemy Alice Morgan. Southwark Bridge, as seen here, was their preferred aloof rendezvous spot to discuss their hate-love relationship or plan out their next bad-guy busting move.
Given that the series ended almost four years ago, people are still hyped for the return of DCI John Luther to the big and small screen – but where on earth are you, John?
I’m glad you asked; speaking in a recent press junket, lead actor and Luther himself, Idris Elba, revealed that they have, in fact, wrapped up filming for the latest instalment of the heart palpitation-inducing series. But this time, we’re not getting a new series or a one-off episode; no, it’s going bigger and better!
Thanks to the mega powers that be at the BBC and Netflix, Luther is getting its very own feature-length affair in which we are guaranteed more twists and turns than you’d expect to get driving in London – let’s say, I imagine this is a film that is going to be bonkers from start to finish in all the ways we love an epic crime show to be.
When we last saw Luther and Alice, things weren’t looking up for the pair following a gun battle between the two, Luther was caught getting a little too personal for his good with a well-known crime boss, and almost everyone he had loved was now dead – so, not the best position to be in really!
What this does mean, however, is that Luther, the movie is set up to be a rollercoaster of emotions as it attempts to answer, “what next for DCI John Luther?” – All I can say is, it doesn’t look like he’s in for a good time, but I very much suspect we will be.
The feature-length Luther is now in the editing process and was rumoured to be released in September 2022 – however, this isn’t looking likely, and we may be heading into 2023/24 territory before we get our next fix.
I’ll keep you updated!