House-hunting is perhaps the most daunting part of the buying process, but it may also be the most exciting. Shortlisting perfect homes, visiting them, and doing your math may seem like a lot of work. But a good job at this point sets you up for a viable decision in the long run. However, beginners are likely to encounter several challenges during the house-hunting journey. You may feel spoiled for choices, and the entire practice may feel like a waste of time and effort when you do not seem to find a perfect property. Fatigue and frustration may take over at some point. But a little awareness and preparation can set you up for success. Let us share a few proven house-hunting hacks for first-timers.

Know the real estate basics

The first step is to get educated about the real estate basics, even before you start with the process. Begin by studying the property market in your area, from demand to supply and pricing. Study past trends to understand the best time to buy and stay ahead of the unpredictability of the market. Likewise, you must also understand the concepts of down payment and mortgage to determine a realistic budget for your purchase. It enables you to narrow down your choices instead of checking out every second property in the market. Knowing the basics can save time and effort and prevent mistakes down the line.

Create a dream-home wishlist

After brushing up on your facts on real estate, you must create a wishlist for a dream home. Trust your instincts to decide on the ideal location, size, and features for the place. The process is straightforward, even for first-time buyers. For example, you can opt for a small house if you have a small family and run on a tight budget. Growing families require spacious homes with ample outdoor space for kids. Similarly, you can consider specific needs like a child-safe house if you have little ones and a senior-friendly home if you are close to retirement. A clear wishlist can help you speed up the house-hunting process.

Be specific and selective

Being specific and selective can ease your journey significantly. The good thing is that creating a wishlist enables you to choose wisely and visit only the prospective properties matching the parameters. At this stage, you must prioritize the location of your potential home. Consider features like accessibility and neighborhood safety to choose an ideal location. You can go a step ahead by checking eco-friendliness to follow a green mindset. For instance, Malaysians looking for sustainability prefer Kota kemuning because it offers a mix of modern conveniences and idyllic environmental living. Checking only specific properties is also about looking only for budget fits.

Stay organized

Another house-hunting hack for beginners is to stay organized when they go around checking properties. The best piece of advice is to check the options online so that you have a fair idea of what lies ahead. You may even skip the properties that do not look good enough. Look for an online platform that offers listings for houses for sale. It enables you to check location-specific options and go through specifications beforehand. You can even see photographs to have a good look at the place virtually. Consider it the first step to finalizing the houses you actually consider worth seeing. A little research helps you stay organized with your options and know what to expect before seeing them in person.

Avoid rushing into things

Enthusiastic beginners likely rush into the house-hunting process because it takes them a step close to their dream home. But you may encounter burnout sooner than later if you go too fast with the process. Have a realistic timeline in mind because going too soon may land you in the wrong house. At the same time, being too slow with the process can cause immense frustration. Seek help because house hunting alone can be daunting. You can ask a seasoned friend to accompany you for viewings as they can guide you and provide a second opinion. Move ahead with negotiations only if you are sure. You can even visit the place a couple of times at different hours to check the neighborhood and interiors.

A little preparation can make the house-hunting journey a breeze, even if you have zero experience as a buyer. You need not be a pro to survive the process and select the best option. Follow these easy hacks to make the most of your experience and find a dream home.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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