
Kitchen Organization


Kitchen cleaning is undoubtedly one of the crucial house chores for anyone especially with the hustle and bustle of daily life. It demands your time and energy for regular cleaning and keeping it hygienic.

However, we understand that having professional home cleaning services in Los Angeles will make your job easy but along with that you need to add some of the time-saving cleaning hacks in your routine that can make this daunting task into a more efficient and manageable cleaning process.

Having a clean and organized kitchen enhances the overall feels of your surroundings plus it also boosts a hygienic and tidy space. Let’s discover the 10 smart strategies of cleaning that will help you to achieve a spotless kitchen.

10 Time-Saving Hacks for a Spotless Kitchen

Top Reasons Why Regular Kitchen Cleaning is Important

Before we discuss the smart strategies of kitchen cleaning, let’s find out the importance of having a spotless kitchen. 8 reasons why:

  • Keep hygienic conditions for food preparation.
  • Reduce the oil and stains buildup.
  • Prevents food contamination.
  • Maintains the aesthetic feels of the kitchen.
  • Reduces risk of pest infestation.
  • Removes unwanted odors.
  • Timely repairs for kitchen appliances.
  • Help to declutter and discard unwanted stuff.

10 Time – Saving Tips

From cleaning the kitchen sink every night to putting things in the appropriate place, from using natural ingredients for cleaning purposes to discarding garbage bins. Collectively, they are fundamental practices in order to maintain a healthy, hygienic and functional culinary space.

1. Clean Kitchen Sink Daily

Make this your habit to wash dishes and clean the kitchen sink every night before sleeping. By doing so, you can avoid the burden of dish washing the next morning and it will help to maintain the cleanliness of your kitchen. Make sure not to forget doing dishes before ending your day by not letting the dishes stay inside the kitchen’s sink during the night.

2. Your Garbage Disposal Bin

Another most unnoticed corner of the kitchen is your garbage disposal bin. Add this in your kitchen cleaning task, try using eco-friendly pest repellent garbage bags to keep insects and other pests away from your garbage disposal bin and also remove the chances of foul odor.

3. Wipe Kitchen Counter After Every Meal

A small yet impactful hack for kitchen cleaning is to wipe the kitchen counter after every meal using a damp cloth or microfiber. This practice will minimize the chances of suffering from hard stains in your kitchen. By removing crumbs, spills, odors you can prevent the buildup of bacteria and discourage pests.

4. Wipe Kitchen Appliances After Every Use

Kitchen appliances are the most crucial part of your kitchen, right? If you want to maintain a spotless kitchen then you need to wipe your kitchen appliances after every use. It includes: microwave, oven, mixer, blender, toaster, dispenser or any other kitchen appliance, simply wipe it off using a microfiber or slightly damp cloth.

5. Organizing Things Back to their Place

Organizing things back to their original place is one of the good practices required for kitchen cleaning. As it will look incomplete if you don’t consider the habit of organization. Things used and taken from one cabinet or rack should be placed back in their original place to maintain a proper kitchen. Make it a habit and check how neat and clean your kitchen stays forever.

6. Wipe Kitchen Tiles and Floor

Due to the accumulation of oil and gravy, the spots and stains make their place on tiles and floor of the kitchen especially around the stove area. Do not let these stains dry and build up, clean those at once using a damp cloth and you will save yourself from hard scrubbing of tiles later on.

7. Cover Cabinets with Old Papers

Cleaning the kitchen cabinets is one of the time taking tasks and one often hesitates to clean them on a daily basis. So here is the hack: discard all the items from the shelves and line up the kitchen cabinets with old newspaper or butter paper. Make liners or segments in order to organize the items according to the same type. You just need to replace them alternately or at regular intervals without cleaning the entire cabinets.

8. Use Vinegar and Baking Soda

Vinegar and baking soda is considered as a winner when it comes to treat the tough stains and spots from kitchen tiles, floors and taps. Make a solution of vinegar and baking soda and fill it in a spray bottle. Spray this solution on stained areas like knobs, sink, tiles and taps. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then scrub using a brush of soft bristles and let the magic happen.

9. Use Baking Soda for Sink Odor

You can even use baking soda and lemon juice for treating sink odor from your kitchen. Make a solution of it in a ratio of 1:1 and pour a cup of it. It will not only de-clog your kitchen sink but also remove the foul smell.

10. Use a Slice of Bread to Treat Broken Glass

Accident happens, right? Breaking of glass is one of the common instances that takes place in a kitchen. It can be simplified using a slice of bread. All the broken pieces of glass will stick to the bread slice as simple as that.


If you are running out of time and still want to clean your kitchen, the next thing you would do is to implement the 10 effective tips for kitchen cleaning. Book kitchen cleaning services in Washington at a very affordable pricing.