


Rats and mice are, depending on whereabouts you live in the country, are either a sporadic annoyance or more of a constant (andconsiderably more serious) issue.

No matter the extent of your rodent infestation, this is definitely the article for you. Here is everything you need to know about how to get rid of rodents on your property.

How Do Rodents Enter the House?

The best way to prevent a rodent infestation in your flat, house or sprawling country mansion is to first ascertain how they could possibly be gaining entry in the first place.

Leading rodent pest control companies are exceedingly experienced in not only entirely eradicating a current rodent infestation from a residential, or commercial, dwelling, but also in assisting homeowners in preventing them from re-entering.

Common ways in which rats and mice enter a property include the following:

  • Chewing an entry hole in worn, damaged or damp wooden structures
  • Simply through an existing hole that the homeowner has failed to notice
  • Via the weatherstripping and trim of windows and doors
  • Vialectrical wiring entry points
  • Through flashing in the chimney
  • Through cracks in basement foundations

Why Are They Choosing Your House?

Anyone who either currently lives in London (or has done so in the past) will attest to the fact that, especially on a summer’s evening, mice and even rats are always in and around their local area and if you reside by a tube station, the chances of seeing one seem to quadruple.

However, whether you live in a rural or an urban area, there are several key elements inside your home which will attract rats and mice. For example, improperly sealed food containers, crumbs and smaller pieces of food and overflowing wheelie-bins are all tempting draws for rodents in the kitchen – as is a generally untidy and messy home.

Should you have house pets, their water bowls can also be a draw, as well as the overall warmth and cosiness of your home appealing to cold and tired rodents who are seeking shelter.

How to Detect a Rodent Infestation

Mice and rats are naturally nocturnal, so you are unlikely to see the creatures themselves through daylight hours, unless you are struggling with a large and more serious rodent infestation.

If you have cardboard boxes which have the edges and corners chewed in kitchen cabinets lower to the ground, then this is highly likely to indicate the presence of mice. Other signs of rodents inside a property include smeared lines and marks along the bottom of the skirting boards around the perimeter and mouse droppings (a more conclusive find).

How to Prevent Rodents Re-Entering

Once your rodent infestation has been dealt with by the professionals, it is then time to conduct a thorough clean of not only the room in which they were found, but also every room throughout your property.

Ensure all leftover food is immediately transferred into a sealed rubbish bin, that the floors are kept as clutter-free as possible and that your grass in the front and back garden is kep short and weed-free.

The property market has kept many on their toes in the last few years, with significant peaks and troughs in property value making it difficult to properly read the future of the market. 2024 estimates point to a calmer year for property values, but it still stands to reason that property developers would be keen to maximise the earning potential of their next home. If you are flipping a home in 2024, what might the best approach be for increasing its value?

Planning and Budgeting

Before investing heavily in the renovation and development of a given home, it is first important to secure the finances necessary to do so. This is essentially a two-step process, the first of which is the planning of what renovation works you will be undertaking. Examples of the best options for property development are provided below, but it is important to understand the costs associated with them as well as their potential impact.

With a general estimate for your renovation costs in mind, you now know what financing you need. You may already have savings, but using a secured loan can give you access to more funds and allowing you to repay the cost over a longer period of time.

Kitchen Makeover

The kitchen is the heart of most homes, even if it is not the space in which we spend the most time. The practical utility of a kitchen is a key consideration, as modern convenience and comfort count for a great deal amongst many buyers. A bad kitchen is not only unpleasant to cook in, but can also be more time-consuming to cook in.

Kitchens are much more than utility spaces for some, though, and can become hugely useful and enjoyable social spaces – if renovated accordingly. New kitchen units and appliances add the ‘wow’ factor that can change on-the-fence buyer’s minds, as well as add monetary value to the home as a whole.

Extensions and Conversions

Without a doubt, the home renovation that will bring the biggest increase in property value is the extension. Adding rooms or square-footage to your home is always going to add value, as the size of the asset itself is increasing. The rooms you choose to expand or add can also have some bearing on value, with additional bedrooms attracting higher value increases than other spaces.

Of course, such renovations are not in every property developer’s budget. Loft conversions are a handy and accessible alternative; though they do not create as much additional value as an extension, they are cheaper, easier and quicker to carry out.

Gardening and Landscaping

Finally, there is the external space to consider. The state and form of your home’s garden can have active and passive impacts for your property’s value, with well-landscaped and practical outdoor spaces both creating value and creating kerb appeal. Simply put, a nice garden is more likely to attract high offers from buyers than a shabby one, which could see buyers more willing to haggle.