Poker Strategies For New Poker Players

There are many resources out there that teach you possible ways to improve your poker playing skills. However, with the vast amount of information available, some of them can come in extremely handy while others simply do not value-add in any way. It may be difficult to discern the genuinely useful advice from the not-so-useful ones and thus in this article, we will touch on a few strategies that do wonders in elevating your poker skills. If you are looking for a great casino, a lot of players are going to the Luckyland casino.

Do Not Ignore Position

Your position is very important when it comes to playing poker. It is related to binds and most forms of poker games have both a big and a small blind. With the exception of the first round in which blinds act last, blinds act first on the rest of the betting rounds.

The strength of your position increases with the blinds moving towards the button around the table. This makes the button the most powerful position at the table. The weakest position is called the gun, as is situated on the left of the blinds.

The order of your play makes the position so important in a game of poker. It is essential to act before giving away too much information about yourself as that can be costly. This also means that having more information about your opponent is profitable as you can then make more well-informed decisions.

Playing with a positional advantage gives you the chance to see a free card behind your opponent and therefore gives you greater control over the size of the pot.

Evaluate Your Hand

Checking to see if your hand is good enough to raise is important before entering the pot. If yes, you should raise, and if not, you need to know what you aim to accomplish with your current hand, and how it can be used to the best of your advantage in making money.

Before you enter the pot, you need to determine if you can make a profit even if you folded multiple times after the flop. You would also need to consider the stack size of your opponent as well as your own. If one of them is not deep, the amount you can gain after hitting a set is limited and the best choice is usually to fold in such a scenario. Additionally, you also need to evaluate all that you know of your opponent, especially the type of person they are and their playing style.

Cultivating the habit to ask inquisitive questions on every hand would be useful in making better decisions which would definitely improve your poker skills.

Patience is Key

It can be enticing to play with several pots but it is also easy to fall into the trap of playing too many hands and end up losing more than you win. Going back to the basics, there is a finite number of starting hands possible from a deck of 52 cards. By the laws of mathematics and probability, the player who starts with the best hands wins relatively more frequently. This implies that entering the pot with an inferior hand is costly, and this is more pronounced in the long term.

In order to enter more pots with a higher chance of winning, you should play less inferior starting hands by having more stringent starting hand prerequisites. In no time, you would start seeing improvements in your winnings.

Expected Value is Important

In a game of poker, everything has a long-term expected value (EV), and making more positive EV plays will enable you to start winning more often. EV is the average value of a decision and decision making at the poker table comprises making your best guess with the limited amount of information you have. This is best understood by calculating the average return on the decision you would make multiple times.


For each of the different types of poker games, each one of them has different limits and formats. While such variety has its pros, it is more often than not bad for a starting poker player. As the saying goes, a “jack of all trades, master of none”. Similarly, the quickest way to winning is focusing on and eventually mastering one thing at a time. After mastering a specific variety of a poker game, then you can start expanding your arsenal.

Rookie players often falsely think that they can master many different types of games simultaneously but there are significant differences between the games, making it difficult to do well when you first start. Thus, it is best to choose a single variety and specialize in that, in order to increase your chances of success.


Do not be too hasty in jumping at any open table you see but instead, study the room and look for a table that gives you the best chance at winning. Go for the most profitable table and try not to play against good players. If these turn out to be difficult, try searching somewhere else for games, or even start a private one on your own. It is essentially easier to win against bad players.

Using Pot Odds

It can be scary to think you have to run a whole string of numbers and calculations in your head while playing but this is not true. A trick is to run the numbers before playing and use them when the situation arises. As you play, you would start realizing patterns and end up using the same numbers multiple times.

To start, determine the number of outs you have and create a ratio of cards left in the deck to the number of cards that are useful to you. A call is profitable when the pot is offering a higher ratio than your odds of winning. Making a list of the most frequently drawn hands and numbers so that you can quickly discern whether the pot is profitable.


The amount of information about poker playing can be overwhelming for a beginner to take in so the list of strategies above can serve as a good starting point in improving your poker skills as you continue to improve over time.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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