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Ways to look great and stay cool this summer

Summer has it all. The good and the bad. Because, unfortunately, the good rarely comes without the bad.

Summer has it all. The good and the bad. Because, unfortunately, the good rarely comes without the bad. While the hot weather means plenty of opportunities to enjoy some sunshine with friends and family, the heat is something we always forget about. The heat is inescapable.

Perhaps it’s a good idea to get ready for the good times by expanding our wardrobe to include a defence against the high temperatures. All in agreement? Here’s how.

Caftans are your versatile fashionable friend

There’s no situation that doesn’t call for a caftan (check out designer caftans by Natori for inspiration). From celebrity endorsements to being seen on high streets everywhere, this truly versatile item of clothing can be your fashionable best friend in the heat of summer.

The open feel of a caftan will help to put your skin in direct contact with the breeze – from the tips of your toes to the tops of your shoulders, all while protecting your modesty and looking great at the same time.

The only dilemma you will face is how to match your footwear. For everyone who looks sensational in a caftan paired with flats, you’ll find someone else who looks stunning in strappy sandals or a wedge heel. Maybe treat yourself to a footwear shopping spree and mix and match your shoe style throughout the summer!

Roll-Tab-Sleeve Linen Shirt

Linen is lightweight and absorbent. So this tip is going to come with some extra advice. Linen is great for avoiding the stuffy feel of heavier cotton or synthetics in warmer weather (see the difference between linen and cotton). Start your day in linen and you will be able to move around freely without feeling any extra heat that would otherwise be generated by your clothing.

But what about when you sweat? Linen is absorbent but it dries quickly, so you should be able to get away with a couple of hours at least. But after that, you may wish to have a second linen shirt available to change into. This will ensure that you benefit from the positives of linen throughout your day, leaving your skin as fresh as possible in the sticky weather.

Longline tees

Elephants. Not the word you want to hear when picking out your summer clothes, granted. Nevertheless, there’s a link here between elephants and longline tee shirts. And it’s nothing to do with size!

Big floppy ears (that flap) are not just for show. They waft air. All-day. Keeping the graceful leaf-eater cool. It’s literally like having two giant paper fans attached to your head. But what’s all this got to do with long line tee-shirts?

The extra material will catch the air. Where the material catches the air, you will feel the cooling effect as the material settles again close to your body, pushing the air over your skin. Simple, but very effective at helping to keep your temperature down.

You may also enjoy the extra length when going sleeveless – otherwise, without the extra length, you have a vest top, which may not be your style or may not suit the situation.