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What Is a Litigator?

Litigators are lawyers who specialize in civil cases and take part in every aspect of a lawsuit, including investigation,

Litigators are lawyers who specialize in civil cases and take part in every aspect of a lawsuit, including investigation, pre-trial work, discovery, pleadings, settlement, and trial representation. They also handle appeals if necessary.

During the pre-trial process, litigators often try to negotiate a settlement for their clients to avoid a trial. However, if they are unsuccessful, the case will go to trial.

Definition of Litigation

Litigation is a process of working to enforce or defend a legal right. It includes activities before, during, and after a lawsuit, including any settlements reached outside of court. A litigator is a lawyer who represents clients and argues cases before a judge or jury. Litigators often work in areas of law that include personal injury, medical malpractice, civil rights, and criminal defense.

A person who works as a litigator must have extensive legal training and experience. This typically begins with obtaining a bachelor’s degree in pre-law or another subject that provides the academic qualifications to enter law school. From there, students take a series of general and specialty courses that prepare them for a career in the field. Following graduation, students are eligible to take the bar exam, which allows them to become a licensed lawyer. From there, many lawyers find a niche in the field and begin to specialize as litigators.

As a litigator, a person will often spend significant time performing research for specific legal cases. They must be able to review large amounts of material quickly and notice any details that could significantly impact the case’s outcome. In addition, they must have excellent verbal communication skills when arguing in front of judges or juries.

The litigation process can be lengthy, and a commercial litigation attorney must be prepared to invest a great deal of time and energy in each case, along with a litigator. The litigator will likely perform any necessary investigations, which may involve enlisting the services of experts, such as private investigators or medics. They will also take depositions and meet with other attorneys from opposing parties to try to resolve logistical issues before the trial starts.


A litigator handles all aspects of legal action from the pre-trial investigation stage through trial and any appeals. Litigators must be able to think strategically, have exceptional research skills, and present their case effectively in court.

When a legal action is filed, a pleading must be made by the plaintiff or party who initiated the lawsuit. The pleading should clearly outline the facts that support the claim and the damages sought. The pleadings are important because any rulings made on the relevance or admissibility of evidence at trial will be made in reference to the allegations laid out in the pleadings.

After the pleadings are filed, discovery begins. During this stage, attorneys for both parties exchange information in the form of documents and oral testimony under oath. Depending on the complexity of the case, this may also include taking depositions from witnesses or experts. Once the discovery phase is complete, a litigator will prepare for trial by filing pretrial motions and attending any conferences or hearings.

If the litigator is unable to convince the client or the opposing counsel to settle, the case will go to trial. The litigator will help their client select a jury and participate in the actual trial by sharing opening statements, arguing their side of the case, examining and questioning witnesses, and presenting evidence.

As a result, the role of a litigator is demanding and challenging. This is a job for people who are detail-oriented, passionate about their work, and confident speaking in front of a judge and jury. It is a good career choice for extroverts who enjoy the spotlight and want to be a part of the process of bringing justice to the courtroom.


The discovery part of litigation procedures involves the exchange of pertinent information between the parties to a case. This includes things like written interrogatories and requests for the production of documents as well as oral depositions. Litigators also complete comprehensive investigations, collecting details that might affect the outcome of the case. Depending on the type of case, this might include interviewing the opposing counsel, obtaining witnesses, or filing motions asking the court to decide issues before trial.

Litigators are required to have excellent observational skills because they must read carefully through large amounts of information and notice the smallest details that could impact the case. They must also be able to think on their feet and adapt to changes in the case as it progresses. For example, they might learn something new during witness testimony that would change their strategy for closing arguments.

Because they often argue cases in front of judges and juries, litigators must have strong verbal communication skills. They must also be able to write clearly because they are frequently required to file various documents with the court. In addition to arguing cases, litigators must be willing to attend conferences and meetings with opposing attorneys, take depositions, and give evidence in court.

Although a large number of litigators spend a lot of time in the courtroom, they may not be required to do so all the time. For example, they might assist their clients in settling their legal disputes outside of court by using alternative dispute resolution techniques like mediation or negotiation. They might also help their clients prepare for appeals if they are unsatisfied with a trial or judgment result.


Most cases don’t make it all the way to trial, but for those that do, a litigator is in charge of preparing the case, conducting discovery and pretrial motions, trying the case, and handling appeals. Litigators must have excellent verbal and written communication skills to draft pleadings, court documents, and briefs for their clients as well as give testimony in front of a judge and jury.

In addition to drafting and filing these pleadings, a litigator will conduct comprehensive investigations into the facts surrounding a case. This involves interviewing parties, identifying witnesses, and completing written discoveries – such as interrogatories or depositions. They must have the ability to read and understand large amounts of information quickly and spot important details that could impact the outcome of a case.

Litigators will also prepare for a trial by selecting jury members, providing opening and closing statements, and directing their client’s legal strategy. During the trial itself, they’ll question witnesses brought in by the opposing party and present evidence such as photos, videos, or witness statements. They’ll also answer requests from the judge and handle any paperwork necessary throughout a trial.

At this point, the vast majority of litigation careers end, as most legal issues are resolved through mediation or settlement. But those who do have a passion for the law and enjoy taking cases to trial can find great satisfaction in their work. Trials can be long and exhausting, but they’re a critical part of the legal process and something that every litigator should experience at least once during their career. Having a strong understanding of the difference between a litigator and a lawyer can help people find the right professional to handle their legal matters.


Litigators are experienced attorneys who specialize in taking or defending legal action on behalf of their clients within a court of law. Their responsibilities include preparing cases for trial, attending examinations for discovery, and preparing for hearings. In addition, litigators are often called upon to represent their clients in mediation and arbitrations.

Litigating is a time-consuming and expensive process. As such, it is important for a litigator to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their case in order to make the best possible decisions for their client. Litigators should also be able to recognize when a case is better served by going to trial than by trying to settle it outside of court.

While litigation is common in most people’s lives, it isn’t always necessary. As a result, many disputes never go to trial. Litigators are skilled in identifying when it makes sense to settle a dispute out of court and helping their clients reach a satisfactory agreement.

Those who choose to become litigators have to meet a number of qualifications to be eligible for this career path. This includes earning a bachelor’s degree in pre-law or another subject that provides the academic requirements to be accepted into law school. Once admitted, they must take and pass a bar exam to become licensed as an attorney. Litigators then complete law school, where they study a variety of subjects related to the specific area of law in which they want to specialize. They also work at a law firm to gain hands-on experience during this time. In addition to these qualifications, litigators must have excellent research and writing skills in order to prepare a strong case for their clients.