


In the rhythmic heartbeat of life, where chaos often reigns supreme, Laura Bartlett, a fervent devotee of self-care, unfolds a tale of transcendence through her recent enchanting rendezvous with the world of Lush Spa. A sequel to her synesthetic massage escapade, this narrative unveils a harmonious dance between solitude and indulgence, as Laura immerses herself in the sublime essence of a ‘Me Date.’

Elevating My Self-Care Ritual: A Sojourn into Bathing Bliss

A decade ago, I embarked on a sacred tradition, my cherished ‘Me Date’ – a sanctuary where the world fades away, and the symphony of solitude plays on. Bathing, a daily cornerstone of my self-care routine, led me on a celestial journey to the largest Lush Store in the world, where my passion for bathing found wings with the enchanting Snow Fairy Book a Bath.

A Ballet of Fuchsia Waters: The Snow Fairy Bath Bomb Experience

As I ascended the levels of the bustling Lush store in Liverpool, anticipation danced within me. Upon reaching the top floor, I crossed the threshold into a different realm—the entrance to the Lush Spa. The world outside disappeared, and I stepped into a haven of tranquility and indulgence.

The journey began with a delightful opportunity to curate my own pampering experience. With guidance from the lovely Sian, the spa attendant, I carefully selected a face mask, moisturiser, and everything necessary to immerse myself in the enchanting Snow Fairy Bath experience. Each choice felt like a personalised embrace, tailored to my unique preferences and desires.

Led to the room with an instant wow factor, I found myself standing in a space that transcended the ordinary. The ambiance was bathed in a pink soft glow, creating an atmosphere of serenity and anticipation. The attention to detail was impeccable, setting the stage for an experience that promised to redefine my perception of bath time. I was literally doing a happy dance as this was my equivalent of what heaven on earth must look like. 

As I reclined into the bath, I surrendered to the magical festive fervour, each moment a celebration of personal rejuvenation. The world outside faded into the background, and the Snow Fairy Book a Bath became a portal to a realm where time slowed, and the cares of the day dissipated.

As the Snow Fairy Bath Bomb descended into the water, it released a cascade of dreamy fuchsia hues. The air carried notes of reimagined songs from the Fresh Handmade Sound, weaving a symphony that embraced me in a cocoon of sonic delight.

Whispers of Bliss: The Snow Fairy’s Exclusive Presence

Exclusively available in select Lush Spa locations—Cardiff, Bath, Birmingham, Edinburgh, London Oxford Street, and Liverpool—the Snow Fairy Book a Bath transcended the ordinary, offering an intimate space for personal rejuvenation and unwinding.

A Quintessence of Self-Adoration: The Shampoo Bar Extravaganza

Post-bathing reverie, I found myself captivated by ‘The Shampoo Bar’ in Liverpool, a sanctuary within the world’s largest Lush store. Nestled in the comfiest chair, I surrendered my locks to a Shampoo Therapist, transported to another dimension where bustling city life faded into oblivion.

Lush Spa

As my therapist skilfully worked her magic, every strand of my hair seemed to sigh in relief. The choice of hard or soft water, personalised to my liking, added a bespoke touch to the experience. It was more than just a hair wash; it was a sensorial escape, a moment of self-indulgence where time slowed down, and the only rhythm was the gentle massage of fingertips against my scalp.

The entire experience was an affirmation that taking the time for oneself is a ritual worth cherishing, where the outside world fades away, and the focus shifts entirely to nurturing the essence of one’s being. Whatever the alchemy, this, without a doubt, marked the pinnacle—the best hair washing experience of my life.

Emerging from this cocoon of self-adulation, it wasn’t merely about pampering but a celebration of the cherished ritual of self-love. The external world dissolved, allowing the focus to shift entirely to nurturing the essence of my being.

The journey, from the enchanting Snow Fairy Book a Bath to the transformative Shampoo Bar experience, left me with a rich tapestry of memories—a narrative that underscored the importance of self-indulgence, a reminder that within the embrace of self-love, hidden dimensions of joy and tranquility are discovered.

The health and beauty industry is continuously evolving to meet the demands of modern consumers. As scientific advances introduce discoveries and technologies that promise to transform personal care, people are rethinking long-held beliefs about feeling good, looking great, and living well. Recent beauty breakthroughs include the utilization of dna test for a healthy body, revolutionizing the way we approach health and wellness.

This article explores some noteworthy trends and breakthroughs that are gaining momentum in shaping how we view health and wellness and how we care for our bodies and minds. From new findings about gut health and the microbiome to biohacking trends seeking to transcend traditional medicine, an array of innovative ideas inspire people to rediscover what nourishes them from the inside out. 


One of the most exciting developments in skincare is microneedling, a procedure that involves using tiny needles to create micro-injuries on the skin’s surface. These micro-injuries stimulate the body’s natural healing response, triggering collagen and elastin production. It leads to a cascade of benefits, including improved skin texture, reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and a more even skin tone.

In addition to its anti-aging effects, microneedling can effectively address specific skin concerns. It can help improve the appearance of acne scars, reduce hyperpigmentation, and even enhance the absorption and efficacy of topical skincare products.

What makes microneedling even more appealing is its versatility and accessibility. While professional treatments are available, technological advancements have made at-home microneedling devices more accessible and affordable. With proper guidance and precautions, individuals can achieve professional-level results in the comfort of their own homes. 

Check out for more information on skincare.

The Rise of CBD 

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, has exploded onto the health and wellness scene in recent years. This cannabinoid is derived from the hemp plant and has been touted for its potential medicinal benefits, including pain relief, anxiety reduction, and anti-inflammatory properties.

While research on CBD is still ongoing, many people have reported experiencing positive effects from incorporating it into their wellness routines. It can be consumed in various forms, including oils, capsules, and even topically through skincare products. The rise of CBD has also given way to more holistic approaches to health and wellness. As people become more conscious of what they put into their bodies, they are turning to natural alternatives like CBD for relief from common ailments.

Mindfulness Goes Mainstream

With modern life’s fast-paced and often stressful nature, people are seeking ways to slow down and find calm amidst the chaos. It has increased interest in mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, and breathwork.

Research has shown that incorporating these practices into daily routines can positively impact mental health, reducing stress and anxiety levels. As a result, more and more people are turning to mindfulness to find balance and improve overall well-being. Businesses are also recognizing the benefits of mindfulness and incorporating it into their workplace wellness programs.

The Gut-Brain Connection

Recent studies have shed light on the gut-brain connection, revealing the intricate relationship between our digestive system and mental health. The gut microbiome, made up of trillions of microorganisms, plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. Imbalances in the gut microbiome have been linked to various physical and mental conditions, including anxiety and depression.

As a result, there has been a surge in interest in gut health and its impact on overall well-being. It has led to increased probiotic and prebiotic supplements, fermented foods, and other gut-friendly products designed to improve the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Biohacking for Optimal Performance

Biohacking is a term used to describe the practice of using technology and science to optimize one’s physical and mental performance. From tracking sleep patterns to monitoring nutrient intake, biohackers constantly seek ways to improve their well-being and enhance their abilities.

While some view biohacking as a controversial trend, others argue that it is simply taking control of our health and using available resources to reach our full potential. As technology advances, we can expect to see more innovative ways in which people will strive for optimal performance and well-being through biohacking.

Meal Delivery Kits Reinvent Nutrition

In today’s fast-paced world, finding the time and motivation to prepare healthy meals can be challenging. It has led to the rise of meal delivery kits, which offer a convenient and customizable solution for those looking to eat well without sacrificing precious time.

Not only do these kits provide fresh ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes, but they also cater to various dietary needs and preferences. It has made healthy eating more accessible and achievable for many individuals, contributing to a growing trend of mindful food choices.

DNA Testing Unlocks Family History

Advancements in DNA testing have allowed individuals to learn more about their genetic makeup and ancestry. With a simple saliva sample, people can uncover their family history and gain insights into potential health risks.

It has sparked an interest in personalized health and wellness plans, as individuals can make informed decisions about their lifestyle based on their genetic predispositions. Additionally, the ability to connect with long-lost relatives and discover more about one’s roots has made DNA testing a popular tool for satisfying curiosity and building a sense of identity. As technology improves, we can expect DNA testing to become more accessible and provide more detailed information.

The quest for silky, hair-free skin has led to the emergence of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) hair removal devices, offering a convenient and effective way to achieve lasting results. In this article, we will explore some of the best IPL hair removal devices that have gained recognition for their efficacy, technology, and user satisfaction.

Understanding IPL Hair Removal

IPL hair removal is based on the principle of selective photothermolysis. These devices emit a broad spectrum of light, which is absorbed by the melanin in hair follicles. This absorbed light energy is converted into heat, effectively damaging the hair follicles and inhibiting hair regrowth. However, not all IPL devices are created equal. Let’s delve into the top devices that have stood out in terms of features, performance, and user feedback.

Tria Beauty Hair Removal Laser 4X

Features: This device utilizes diode laser technology, providing five energy levels suitable for different skin tones and hair colors.

Benefits: FDA-cleared and equipped with a skin sensor, it ensures precise and effective treatments. Users praise its professional-grade results and gradual hair reduction.

User Feedback: Users report visible results with consistent use, noting smoother skin and finer hair growth.

Ulike Sapphire Air3 IPL Hair Removal Handset

Features: With unlimited flashes, this IPL device is versatile for full-body treatments.

Benefits: Its continuous pulse mode and wide treatment window make sessions efficient. Users appreciate its adaptability to various skin tones and its user-friendly design. Visit here to buy best quality IPL hair removal devices at best prices.

User Feedback: Many users find it easy to use and notice a reduction in hair growth over time.

Philips Lumea Prestige IPL Hair Removal Device

Features: Featuring multiple intensity settings and a SmartSkin sensor, it adapts to different skin tones.

Benefits: Cordless design and wide treatment window enhance user convenience. Users commend its adaptability and note visible results.

User Feedback: Users often praise its customization options, finding it effective on different body areas.

Braun Silk-Expert Pro 5 IPL Hair Removal System

Features: Equipped with SensoAdapt technology, it adjusts to your skin tone for safe treatments.

Benefits: Its precision attachment and rapid results make it a user favorite. Users notice finer and lighter hair growth.

User Feedback: Many users find it efficient and suitable for various skin tones, praising its design and ease of use.

Remington iLight Ultra IPL Hair Removal System

Features: With 65,000 flashes and a skin tone sensor, it’s designed for larger areas.

Benefits: Skin contact sensor and replaceable cartridges enhance user experience. Users appreciate its affordability and see reduced hair growth.

User Feedback: Users often find it effective on different hair colors and skin tones, noting its usability.


Laser hair removal device offer a modern and effective solution for achieving smoother, hair-free skin. The devices highlighted in this article have garnered praise for their features, efficacy, and user satisfaction. When selecting an IPL device, consider your skin tone, hair color, and specific needs. Adhering to the recommended treatment schedules and guidelines is essential to achieving the best results. Consulting a dermatologist or skincare professional can provide personalized insights based on your skin characteristics, helping you choose the ideal IPL hair removal device for your journey to radiant, hair-free skin.

If your hair loss has stabilised and your hair expert has suggested that you consider a hair transplant to get your hair back, there are some things that you need to understand and even research a bit. It is important to understand that not everyone is a suitable candidate for a transplant – there are some criteria that need to be met:

• Your hair loss should have stabilised

• There needs to be a clear donor and recipient area

• If the hair loss has been caused due to a trauma or medical condition, you might not need a transplant at all

• You are in reasonably good health

Now, if you have met with a hair restoration expert and they have assessed you on all these factors and suggested that you consider a transplant, there are still some factors that you need to consider, mainly the pros and cons. As is with almost anything in life, there are some benefits of hair transplant surgery, but there are also some side effects or possible problems. It is important to get a clear understanding of both, before making any final decisions. 

Here are the main advantages:

• Minimally invasive techniques – Depending on the extent of your hair loss, you could possibly get a minimally invasive transplant such as FUE, where there are no major cuts or stitches involved. This method is safe and at the hands of an experienced surgeon, can be done quickly and efficiently. 

• Natural-looking results  If the procedure has been done properly, within a few months, you will have your hair back. The results will look incredibly natural and with proper hair growth, you will be able to cut, colour or style them the way you want. 

• Permanent solution  Without a doubt, a hair transplant is one of the most permanent hair loss solutions that is on offer today. When done properly, it will last you your entire life, although you might need a few maintenance sessions. 

• Customizable and natural hairline design  If you have contacted a professional and an expert, they will be able to design a hairline that you want. Whether you want your same hairline back or want something a little more celebrity inspired, it is all possible. 

• Versatility in donor source  But what if there is not enough hair in your donor area? Fret not, because hair for a transplant can be extracted from other parts of the body too!

• High success rate  The overall success rates of a transplant are good – almost 90% and above. If you are getting your transplant done through an expert, the success rate could be as high as 99 or even 100%. 

• Cost savings  Yes, a transplant is an expensive affair, but one of the biggest benefits of hair transplant surgery is that it will prove to be worthwhile in the long run. Rather than constantly spending on various types of hair restoration methods, make the one-time investment and be done! 

• Safe and effective  As mentioned before, if the procedure is being done by someone with expertise, this is an extremely safe procedure, that will be effective too. There are next to no chances of infections or any side effects. 

• Improved self-esteem  Without a doubt, a certain amount of your self-confidence lies in your hair, when you start to lose it, you lose a certain amount of self-esteem. But when your hair is back, looking completely natural and great, you will most certainly gain a new zeal for life! 

Now that we have looked at the pros, it is necessary that we take a look at the cons too:

• Not suitable for everyone – As mentioned at the very beginning, you need to be a suitable candidate for a hair transplant, because the procedure is not meant for everyone. Unless a hair restoration expert examines you thoroughly and ensures that you are a good candidate, you cannot consider this procedure for your hair loss. 

• Cost – This procedure will not be easy on your pocket – depending on where you are planning to get your transplant done, how experienced the surgeon is, how many grafts you need, your final bill is sure to increase. Many times, you will be suggested a tandem procedure such as PRP, which will add on to the final cost.

• Temporary shock loss – Although, within days of your transplant, you are bound to lose hair – some people might face a condition known as shock loss. This is when you start losing hair from your donor area, and while the condition is temporary, the recovery time from the condition might vary from person to person. 

• Artificial looking hairline – When the procedure is done by an experienced hair surgeon, things should go as planned; however, when you choose to go with someone inexperienced, there is a strong chance that your hairline does not look natural. In such situations, your only option might be to go for corrective procedures, which will add to your monetary woes!

• Requirement of multiple sessions – In case, things did not go the way you planned, and you are not happy either with the amount of hair growth or with the manner in which it is growing or if your hairline is not the way you wanted, you might be looking at multiple sessions. This would be not only a strain on your time, but also on your bank account. 

• Scarring  Scarring is definitely a possibility if the procedure has not been done by an experienced professional – there is a chance that your hair growth might not be able to hide the scars. This is more probably in FUT or strip surgery, where an entire strip is removed from your scalp. The linear scar might become more prominent if the procedure has not been done efficiently. 

• Prolonged time for hair growth  In case the procedure has not been done properly or if there was any damage to the hair grafts during extraction or implanting, there is a chance that you will not see results in the time you expect. There could either be a long time taken or there could be no growth at all. 

In case you are considering a transplant, it is important that you see not only the benefits of hair transplant surgery, but also gain a proper understanding of what all could go wrong. 

The beauty world is an ever-expanding place that adapts quickly to changes in trends of its consumers.

This year, our discovery of the beauty brands that women love most is through consumer-driven feedback, sales data and industry awards. The approach serves to actualize true mirrors that represent contemporary beauty enthusiasts. Let’s come together and see brands that have captured the heart of the consumers through innovation, ethics and walking a talk.

The Power of Customer Feedback for Beauty Brands

The lines with customer needs are very essential in beauty industry as well as every well-positioned brand trying to market its products.

Some of the brand surveys, for instance, can enrich themselves via eco-packaging, expanding the palette of cosmetics, etc. Moreover, such customer response may influence products’ development as well as customer experience and loyalty. As such, beauty brands need to carry out brand surveys because they help them evolve, emerge as market leaders and narrow gaps between consumers’ wants and products produced by these brands.

Skincare Brands of the Year

The beauty industry in 2023 has seen exceptional skincare brands that stand out for their quality, effectiveness, and unique brand ethos:

CeraVe: The ceramide rich moisturizers from Cerave are recommended by dermatologists because they help restore natural skin protection. There are friendly compositions meaning that you do not have to worry about irksome qualities on your skin type.

The Ordinary: It introduced a line of one-of-a-kind ‘active ingredient-focused, low-cost’ skincare products. It has managed to create a loyal following by clearly indicating the formulations that make up their main products like Niacinamide 10%+1%Zinc 1%.

La Roche-Posay: Known as a company for sensitive skin, it has combined dermatology science with mild formulations. In particular, its sunscreen brand Anthelios with a high SPF level and skin friendly ingredients is renowned.

Glossier: Glossier has taken a “skin first” philosophy that appeals directly to the souls of millenials in its less is more product that comes in an iconic package. Particularly, their Super Bounce serum and Balm dot com remains in high demand.

Drunk Elephant: One of the popular sources of clean beauty and strong cosmetic products is Drunk Elephant, for example, C-Firma Day Serum, that is highly recommended to individuals who prefer using anti-poisonous creams.

The Leading Revolutionary Makeup Brands in the Market 2023 has seen groundbreaking makeup brands redefine industry standards:

Fenty Beauty: Known for its diverse range of foundations formulated for various skin hues, the brand has provided an exemplification of real diversity. Its Pro Filt’r foundation was incredibly successful with several skin types, making it a universal line.

Pat McGrath Labs: This is a popular and renowned brand, known for its quality products which were lauded as having the most audacious eye shadows with luxury formulae. Surprisingly, Mothership palettes have become a must have for all makeup fans.

Tarte Cosmetics: The eco-friendly approach in Tarte performance plus is based on the use of naturally derived ingredients that appeal to the environmentally conscious consumer. The most effective and varied fan-favorite is Shape Tape Concealer.

Anastasia Beverly Hills: Today, they have taken the lead as far as brow products go due to their excellent blend ability and pigmentation.

Distinctive Hair Care Brands

In 2023, several hair care brands have distinguished themselves by embracing key industry trends and responding to consumer demands.

Olaplex: The company’s proprietary bond building technology is now a revolution that restores and saves damaged hair. The high rating is mostly as a result of people complimenting its restorative No.3 Hair Perfector.

Aveda: In contrast, Aveda has been true to its reputation of eco-friendly hair care with formulation incorporating natural ingredients. For example, some of these products are Invati Advanced which happens to be a combination of effectiveness and sustainability geared towards addressing this problem.

Kérastase: It is famous for its purpose of individualizing many needs to hair by Kérastase and it involves the dedication of luxury care. For example, their Elixir Ultime Oil Serum is quite outstanding in terms of nourishment.

Briogeo: Briorgeo has concentrated in clean beauty, building a loyal crowd of ingredient-aware consumers, like the brand‘s Don’t Despair, Repair. A multi-function hair mask works for different styles of hair.

Head & Shoulders: Notwithstanding this, it is worthwhile noting that Head & Shoulders has gone beyond their normal anti-dandruff solutions to focus more on scalp health and is taking advantage of the ever increasing consumer interests for holistic hair care.

Consumer feedback has directed most of these brands’ product development and marketing. The outcome of this can be seen with positive feedback and testifying of health and sustainably related concerns to the changing demands for hair care consumer needs.

The beauty industry is boosted by consumer driven innovation in 2023. Here, we look at how the most popular brands operate; they are based on diversity, quality and sustainability. Because, your feedback is one of the blocks in the dynamic scenery as a whole. Keep responding to surveys so that the industry adjusts to your changing desires and needs.

You read that right: ADVATx is a pain-free laser skin treatment available at 111 Harley St. clinic in London. 

It’s zero pain, zero downtime, and you can see immediate results after treatment.

I know what you’re thinking: sounds almost too good to be true. That’s what I thought, too. 

I simply had to give it a go.

Harley Street Laser Skin Treatment, London

The Skin Struggle is Real

I’ve tried every kind of expensive cream, serum and mask on the market. You name it in the beauty world, I’ve bought it – and spent a lot of money in the process! 

Yet even after all this trial and error, I’ve always struggled to find anything that *really* helped my troublesome dry-yet-acne-prone skin. Finding a product or treatment that worked went more than skin-deep; it was about how my skin made me feel.

I developed acne in my late 20s, which I used to think was an issue exclusively for teenagers but is a common skin complaint for women in my age group. 

At times, my acne has made me really self-conscious. Make-up would never stay put, and I’d develop patchy areas as the day wore on – not a good look! 

My skin was oily in my T-zone, yet dry in other areas. I needed to moisturise, but too much and the acne would worsen. Too little and my skin became red and flaky. Nightmare! 

Like many of us who have had acne, it’s a minefield trying to find a solution that works. The marketing ads always promise the world, but I was yet to find anything that lived up to the hype.

So when I heard that the ADVATx laser skin treatment was suitable for all skin types, including dry and acne-prone skin, and that it was pain-free…best believe I was game for trying it!

111 Harley St + ADVATx Laser Skin Treatment = The Ultimate Skin Saviours 

I made my way to 111 Harley St. and received a warm welcome from Rachael Myers, the Senior Aesthetician who would (I hoped!) solve all of my skin troubles. 

We headed into the laser skin treatment room, which was clean, modern and plush – everything you’d expect from such a highly esteemed clinic. 

Before we started, Rachael explained the process of the ADVATx laser skin treatment in detail and completely put me at ease. She was incredibly thorough in explaining the process, walking me through the treatment plan and giving me some great tips for skin aftercare.

“I followed the rejuvenation protocol for treatment but also focused on oily areas that lead to the texture and pore size being affected. Demi had some light freckles on her cheeks, [so] I also focused on helping her achieve clearer-looking skin.”

  • Rachael Myers, Senior Aesthetician, 111 Harley St.

I’d never had a laser skin treatment up til now, though I’ve heard it can be a pretty painful procedure. I decided I’d have to put my big girl pants on and suck it up: it would be worth it for clearer, healthier skin.

I was sceptical about the pain-free procedure, but I needn’t have been. I barely felt a thing throughout the entire process.

But just looking at some of their before and after shots of other happy patients was enough to convince me this was the right option for me!

And the results? Less oily skin, a healthier complexion and no dry skin patches in sight. A skin saviour for sure. 

If you’re on the lookout for a versatile laser skin treatment suitable for acne scars, improving tone and texture, melasma, rosacea, vascular concerns and redness, sun damage, reducing wrinkles, shrinking pore size and limiting oil production…

…then seriously, you needn’t look any further.

There’s no pain (literally) and a whole lot (namely better skin) to gain. 

Find out more about the ADVATx laser treatment and book your appointment at 111 Harley St.

When it comes to Christmas shopping it can be overwhelming, finding a unique gift for your bestie, girlfriend or mum is not easy. The good news, we have you covered. Here’s our edit of the best gifts for her.

Create a Bespoke Lipstick

Code 8 is a make up range that has been curated with all skin tones in mind. The brand’s Burlington Arcade pop-up includes a Colour ID lab, where you can create your own bespoke lipstick, as well as makeup artist and brow grooming services.

To book an appointment, call the store or email

No Bad Hair Days

For super sleek hair this Christmas get the Dyson Airwrap Multi-Styler and Dryer with Presentation Case & attachments.

£399.99, from John Lewis

Upgrade your Stack

Astrid & Miyu is synonymous with style and their Gold Heart Pavé Charm Huggies are a must have for any jewellery lover. Wear alone, or stack with other huggies and hoops.

£65, Astrid & Miyu

Personalise your Gift

The Addison Ross collection is the perfect addition to any home. Capture a 2023 memory in their stylish gold tortoise shell photo frame.

£78, Addison Ross

Dreamy Skin

Pamper your skin with the Farmacy Honey Dewy Duo, this gift set features a honey rich duo designed to hydrate the complexion and brighten the delicate eye contour area.

£57, Cult Beauty

For the Travel Lover

The Smythson romance-inspired Scarlet Red gift box is perfect for the jet setter in your life. It includes a Luggage Tag, Panama Notebook and Correspondence Cards.

£195, Smythson

For the Wellness Enthusiast

Cold water therapy fans will love the LUMI Recovery Pod. With so many wellbeing benefits, it’s easy to assemble and is fully insulated, keeping water at the optimum temperature.

£85, LUMI

Beauty Cult Favourites

The RMS Clean and Bright Kit is the perfect stocking filler. It includes Liplights Cream Lip Gloss in Crush, Eyelights Cream Eyeshadow in Luster, and Straight Up Volumizing Peptide Mascara in HD Black.

£46, from RMS Beauty

Sink into Serenity for the Body and Mind.

The Soothing Signature Blend Candle from ESPA features mellow Myrrh, heady Rose Geranium, and warm Frankincense. This relaxing candle is crafted from pure essential oils, hand-poured natural wax.

ESPA Soothing Candle, £40

Step into the serene world of Tia Shamiso as Chantelle Appenteng, the visionary founder, shares insights with House of Coco on the inspiration behind her holistic self-care brand.

In this exclusive interview, Chantelle unveils the heartfelt journey that led to the creation of Tia Shamiso, blending the essence of motherhood, personal well-being, and a commitment to affordable relaxation.

From the unique fusion of candles, affirmations, and handmade crystal beads to the deeply personal stories behind each product, discover the driving force behind Tia Shamiso’s mission to bring spa-like tranquility to the comfort of homes.

Join us as Chantelle reflects on challenges faced, success stories that touched her heart, and the future vision that promises even more avenues for self-care. It’s an intimate conversation with the founder herself, offering a glimpse into the passion and purpose that define Tia Shamiso’s distinctive approach to holistic well-being….

Can you share the inspiration behind the creation of Tia Shamiso and how it aligns with your vision for providing affordable self-care and relaxation?

Tia Shamiso is named after my first child – my daughter Tiana Shamiso. The inspiration initially was built on the foundation of me being a mother, having children, wanting to create products that are safe for the entire family to use. Then Tia Shamiso developed into more of a self-care wellbeing brand as I wanted to create products that were also beneficial for others who were in a similar position to myself.

I found myself in a place where I neglected myself; I was last on the list, and all of the essential self-care needs were just thrown onto the highway. I then discovered my niche: to support others who may be in a similar position and who may not have the luxury to spoil themselves.

What motivated you to combine candles, affirmations, and handmade crystal beads in your products, and how do you believe this combination enhances the self-care experience?

Our ethos is to provide a spa day experience in the comfort of your own home. So automatically, candles are a significant part of the spa relaxation environment. The difference with the candles I create is that each one has a meaning and affirmation behind them, acting as a reminder every time you light a candle of that affirmation. This way, you not only find yourself in a peaceful environment but can also meditate and remind yourself of the amazing person you are.

In a world full of self-care products, what sets Tia Shamiso apart and makes it unique for individuals seeking relaxation and peace of mind?

Tia Shamiso comes from a personal place. I have walked and lived through a lot in such a short space of time, allowing me to empathise with many of my target customers. While many people create candles, skin, and hair care products, Tia Shamiso takes it a step further by crafting meaningful products that are not only natural but also beneficial for your skin, hair, and overall well-being.

Can you describe the process of creating your Affirmative Candle Collection and the thought that goes into selecting specific affirmations to accompany each candle scent?

I recently went through a difficult patch where mentally and emotionally I was not in a great place. As a Christian, I turned to affirmations from the Bible. I chose scriptures that related to what I was going through and pinned them around my room.

Seeing them every day and reciting them every morning, I linked them to key words, which became the names of my candles: Faith, Purity, and Essence. Each candle is also linked to a scent, each with its own meaningful association.

Faith – To have faith that your situation will turn around for the better – Cherry Blossom

Purity – To have a fresh, new pure mind and heart – Lavender

Essence – To build yourself up, your character. That you are a sweet-smelling aroma – Vanilla

How do you believe the ambiance created by your candles and the energy from the crystal beads contribute to mental and physical well-being, especially in today’s fast-paced and stressful environment?

The main objective of our products is to allow you to be in the comfort of your home and create an environment tailored to your liking, away from the busyness of the outside world. The focus of our Crystal beads is for self-love purposes, encouraging individuals to appreciate and adorn their bodies, fostering a positive sense of self.

Tia Shamiso seems to emphasize handmade products. What significance do you see in handmade items, and how does this aspect enhance the overall experience for your customers?

With the use of handmade products, you can be assured that every aspect of the formulation to production process has been conducted and overseen by myself. Every ingredient, essential oil, and carrier oil has been specifically chosen for their beneficial properties. Many of these ingredients have been used on myself, providing firsthand experience of how they feel and the positive outcomes they bring.

Could you share a success story or a testimonial from a customer that truly highlights the impact Tia Shamiso products have had on their relaxation and self-care journey?

Certainly! One testimonial that stood out was from a new mom going through the challenges of post-birth, experiencing sleep deprivation, aches, and the loss of a bit of her identity. She purchased a candle, body scrub, and body butter, and what struck me was her comment about having just half an hour.

That alone changed so much about how she was feeling—able to relax, reflect, and feel human again. This resonates with the core purpose of Tia Shamiso, not just to be another skincare and self-care business but to genuinely impact a community where needs can easily be forgotten.

Considering the increasing awareness around mental health, how do you see Tia Shamiso playing a role in promoting mental wellness and self-care practices?

I aspire for Tia Shamiso to be a brand that constantly reminds, encourages, and nags you to seek self-care, wellness, and wellbeing. Especially with the pressures of day-to-day living, Tia Shamiso aims to emphasize that life with you in it is the most beautiful thing.

The use of crystal beads in your products is intriguing. How do you choose the crystals, and what specific energies or benefits do they bring to the users?

As I briefly touched on before, the crystal beads serve more of an aesthetic purpose, allowing users to feel and look good. Drawing from my own experience, wearing beads makes me feel great. Traditionally, in my family’s Ghanaian heritage, waist beads carry various meanings related to marriage, weight management, and more. However, for us, it’s primarily for decorative, feel-good purposes.

What challenges have you faced while building Tia Shamiso, and how did you overcome them?

With any business, there are peaks and valleys, periods of abundance and scarcity. During challenging moments, it might feel like your brand is not gaining traction or is not worth it. However, I view it as an agenda that Tia Shamiso must make a difference in someone’s perspective on themselves and their lives.

If I can make a positive impact on one person’s life, that’s more valuable than making all the sales in the world. Being a mother of four, with the oldest being eight, brings its own set of challenges. Nevertheless, I see Tia Shamiso as an example to my children, showing them that they can achieve anything they set their minds to, and that prioritizing self-care and wellbeing is crucial from a young age.

How do you envision the future of Tia Shamiso? Are there any upcoming products or initiatives that your customers can look forward to?

We are looking to introduce many more candles and water-based body butters for added moisture. Additionally, we plan to expand our presence on the high streets, bringing Tia Shamiso to local markets, which I am eagerly anticipating.

Self-care means different things to different people. How do you believe Tia Shamiso caters to a diverse range of self-care needs and preferences?

We have a range of products designed to cater to individual needs. Beyond skincare, we also produce hair care products suitable for the entire family. Understanding that self-care can vary among individuals, we have reflected this diversity in the products we offer.

Incorporating affirmations into your products is a unique approach. Can you share how you believe positive affirmations impact one’s mindset and overall well-being?

Affirmations work similarly to how we learn and develop as individuals. From birth, we absorb information from our surroundings, shaping who we become. Affirmations function in much the same way but are targeted toward specific seasons an individual may be going through. When feeling sad, uplifting music may help; when anxious about an exam, affirmations can serve as a reminder that you can overcome challenges. Positive affirmations can have a significant impact on one’s mindset and overall well-being.

Tia Shamiso promotes relaxation and peace of mind. How do you personally incorporate relaxation and self-care into your busy life, and do you have any favorite Tia Shamiso products that you use regularly?

While I love all our products, I have a soft spot for our lemon sugar scrub and cocoa vanilla body butter. These were our first skincare products created, and the feeling I have coming out of the shower is indescribable. I feel like I can slip into my best self and sleep like a baby. I create what I call “relaxation pockets” in my home to prioritise self-care amidst my roles as a nurse and a mother. Self-care is a high priority for me.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

I am a summer beach holiday enthusiast, so it would have to be a piping hot destination. I would love to visit the Seychelles, somewhere exotic like Bora Bora, and the Maldives.

Lastly, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who aim to create a brand centered around holistic well-being and self-care, based on your own experiences with Tia Shamiso?

Make it personal, make it unique to your experience, and identify a need or area that has not been prioritized. Work hard to make a difference in an identified community that needs your brand and products. Have fun and have a heart for your brand, and never give up!

In the realm of skincare, where innovation meets tradition, one name stands out—Rezzi Ingemarsson, the visionary founder behind Kanobe. With a spirit fueled by a profound commitment to fair trade, ethical sourcing, and empowering women, Rezzi has woven a narrative that transcends borders.

From the vibrant landscapes of Morocco to the bustling diversity of Brussels, her journey has been a tapestry of cultural inspirations and a celebration of natural beauty traditions. The heart of Kanobe beats to the rhythm of ancient remedies, meticulously selected organic ingredients, and a resolute dedication to cruelty-free practices.

Inspired by the legacy of her grandmother, Rezzi’s brand not only delivers high-quality skincare but also serves as a beacon for women seeking empowerment in the business world. As Kanobe marks its inaugural year, Rezzi shares insights that echo a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, promising a future where skincare is not just a routine but a holistic celebration of heritage, diversity, and self-care…

Kanobe is deeply committed to fair trade and ethically sourced ingredients. Could you share a specific experience or encounter during your travels that reinforced the importance of ethical sourcing in your mind?

Several years ago, I traveled to Morocco with a friend and explored the capital, Rabat, the historic city of Fes, and the breathtaking Chefchaouen, known for its blue mountains. The captivating landscapes of Morocco inspired me to indulge in authentic hammam and massage experiences. These treatments featured pure almond and argan oils, traditional beldi (black) soap, and clarifying clay masks. I also acquired some henna, which proved beneficial for my locs.

Despite the increasing trend of hammams in Europe, I was struck by the purity of ingredients used in Morocco, drawing parallels to the natural skincare routines of Nigerian women. In Nigeria, where I spent my childhood, skincare routines centered around 100% natural and effective ingredients such as shea and cocoa butters, dudu osun (black soap), and coconut oil. While these ingredients gained global popularity, there remained an imbalance in compensating African farmers for raw materials used in cosmetics products and in the food industry, such as cocoa and vanilla pods.

This realisation fueled my commitment, upon founding Kanobe, to spotlight the rich ingredients from Africa and collaborate with local producers and fairtrade suppliers.

Kanobe products focus not only on skin appearance but also on skin health. How do you balance ancient beauty traditions with modern skincare needs to create products that are both effective and nurturing?

The notion that modern skincare is inherently more advanced than ancient beauty traditions is a misconception. Centuries of human history reveal a consistent desire for clear, exfoliated, and moisturized skin. Professor Gad Saad’s insightful video reminds us that our generation often erroneously believes it is the first to experience or solve problems, a perspective applicable to beauty concerns as well.

Kanobe incorporates remedies from diverse ancient skincare traditions worldwide, addressing specific skin concerns. Ingredients like Somalian ‘Maydi’ frankincense and green mandarin oil from ancient China are integrated into our products. Innovation is crucial in natural skincare, necessitating effective, natural alternatives to traditional formulation ingredients and sustainable, non-plastic packaging.

While ‘modern’ skincare may offer quick, short-term effects, Kanobe focuses on reviving and maintaining skin health with a holistic, sustainable approach, prioritizing enduring results over fleeting benefits. Positive customer feedback, especially regarding relief from skin irritation and chronic dryness, reaffirms our commitment to this approach.

Being cruelty-free is a core value of Kanobe. How challenging was it to ensure that your products met this criterion, and what steps did you take to guarantee cruelty-free formulations?

Maintaining a cruelty-free stance aligns seamlessly with our use of food-grade ingredients in crafting fully natural skincare. Since I formulate and hand-make all Kanobe products, maintaining control over ingredients and quantities is relatively straightforward, eliminating the need for animal testing.

For formulations requiring preservatives or other necessary ingredients, substantial effort has been invested in sourcing natural, effective, and cruelty-free alternatives. This challenge, though demanding, has been met by collaborating with like-minded and innovative companies dedicated to cruelty-free practices.

Kanobe products are crafted with organic ingredients. Could you elaborate on the meticulous process of selecting these ingredients to ensure they are pure, organic, and of the highest quality?

Selecting organic ingredients involves a disciplined approach to certification and quality. Whether reaching out to potential producers in Egypt, Morocco, or Madagascar, each ingredient undergoes a thorough evaluation process. Certification by a reputable third party is a non-negotiable criterion, ensuring the organic integrity of the ingredients. The process requires patience and persistence, as certification does not always guarantee both quality and organic standards.

However, I am pleased to have encountered professional and well-prepared suppliers who provide the necessary documentation, contributing to the overall quality of Kanobe products.

Fostering fair relationships with farmers and producers is central to Kanobe. Can you share a story about a farmer or producer whose life was positively impacted by your brand’s commitment to fair compensation and ethical sourcing?

In its first year, Kanobe aims to encourage the companies I source from to continue investing or producing in Africa. Each Kanobe product features a ‘star’ certified organic ingredient from the continent, such as Egyptian jasmine, Moroccan argan oil, Kenyan Baobab oil, or organic Maydi Frankincense.

Additionally, the ‘holy trinity’ of West African butters and oils—shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil—are sourced from Ghana. While finding certified organic producers from Nigeria has proven challenging, I am actively seeking partnerships in the hope of expanding the brand’s reach and impact.

Kanobe is named in honor of your grandmother. How does her legacy inspire the formulations and ethos of your brand, especially in empowering women through your products?

My grandmother, Felicia Akanobe Egbodor, embodied kindness and entrepreneurial spirit. As a savvy businesswoman, her influence, along with that of my great-grandmother and mother, instilled in me the confidence to pursue various goals.

Kanobe reflects this legacy by prioritizing community impact, mirroring my grandmother’s approach of leading with the heart and considering the broader impact beyond numbers. Naming the company after her is a tribute to her memory, and I hope to inspire other women to pursue their business ideas, regardless of scale.

How has the cultural diversity of Brussels influenced the development of Kanobe products, and how do you incorporate this international flair into your creations?

Brussels, with its thriving organic scene and diverse communities, serves as a rich source of inspiration for Kanobe. The city’s mix of influences, from locally sourced food markets to diverse cultural communities, provides a unique environment for product development. The ability to physically interact with a variety of herbs, oils, and essential oils has been invaluable during the formulation process.

While sourcing ingredients globally is possible online, the immediate accessibility in Brussels allows for a more hands-on and experiential approach, contributing to the international flair in Kanobe’s creations.

Kanobe products are described as “food-grade.” Could you explain the concept of skincare as food for the skin and how it reflects in the formulation of your products?

Our skin, being the largest organ, benefits from ingredients that are not only good for our diet but also promote healthy and resilient skin. The scientific correlation between diet and skin health is well-established. Recognizing that harmful skincare products can introduce toxins to the skin, Kanobe adopts a skincare-as-food philosophy.

All products are crafted entirely from naturally-derived ingredients, aligning with the wisdom of traditional skincare practices. No exceptions are made for fragrances or preservatives, ensuring the purity of Kanobe products. Transparency is a core value, reflected in the product ingredients being suitable for consumption—though it’s important to clarify that Kanobe products should not be ingested.

Kanobe products are suitable for sensitive skin. What are the challenges in creating products for sensitive skin, and how do you ensure your formulations are gentle yet effective?

Creating products for sensitive skin involves extensive research, combining traditional remedies known for their soothing properties with organic formulations. Remedies like oat soap and shea butter, renowned for their skin-soothing qualities, are incorporated into the Kanobe range.

The entire product line is free of synthetic fragrances, challenging the norm of sensory experiences often associated with skincare. The careful selection of natural alternatives and a heightened awareness of potential allergens and essential oils ensures that Kanobe formulations are both gentle and effective for a variety of skin types. Essential oils, with their medicinal history spanning millennia, are used judiciously, recognizing their potential benefits for specific skin concerns.

You mentioned using gentle methods to preserve the integrity of organic produce. Could you shed light on these methods and how they contribute to the overall quality of Kanobe products?

Preserving the active qualities and natural fragrances of pure, unrefined ingredients is a priority in Kanobe’s production process. Minimal heat is applied to ingredients, avoiding unnecessary mechanical stress. The traditional cold process, used for all Kanobe soap bars, requires patience as the soaps cure over several weeks.

This method allows organic oils and butters to maintain their unique properties, while retaining glycerin for added moisturization. Embracing the principles of ‘slow’ skincare, the brand ensures that the benefits of organic ingredients are preserved, contributing to the overall quality of Kanobe products.

Kanobe incorporates ingredients from around the world. Can you share a story of a specific ingredient that amazed you with its benefits and became a star component in one of your products?

Wild carrot essential oil, not indigenous to Africa, captivated me with its healing properties and became a star component in several Kanobe body oils and balms. Despite its non-native origin, the oil’s remarkable benefits warranted its inclusion. Another standout is baobab oil, derived from the African ‘Tree of Life.’

Its exceptional healing properties, particularly in soothing skin burns, led to the creation of a dedicated body balm. These ingredients, with their diverse cultural backgrounds, showcase Kanobe’s commitment to incorporating what works from various traditions into its products.

Kanobe draws inspiration from the vivacious women in your family. In what ways does your brand aim to empower women beyond providing high-quality skincare products?

Empowering women extends beyond product formulation for Kanobe. Actively seeking partnerships with and sourcing from women-owned businesses is a consistent effort. The brand ensures that its traditional shea butter, coconut oil, and argan oil are sourced from women’s cooperatives, offering above-market compensation for their contributions.

Additionally, Kanobe approaches skincare as a moment of joyous self-care, promoting positive associations for women. The brand challenges conventional beauty terminology, preferring to focus on nourishing and rejuvenating properties rather than adopting the prevalent ‘anti-aging’ language. This intentional choice aligns with Kanobe’s commitment to empowering women through positive messaging and impactful business practices.

What’s next for Kanobe? Are there any upcoming product launches or initiatives that your customers can look forward to, and how do these align with the core values of your brand?

Passionate about empowering African-based producers, Kanobe is working on an initiative to enhance their competitiveness and facilitate easier exportation. The brand is also committed to connecting with retailers through the Folklore Connect platform, fostering meaningful partnerships and expanding Kanobe’s reach.

Future product launches will include everyday skincare staples, such as raw nut butters, soothing skin lotions, and plant-based shower gels. Responding to customer demand, larger sizes of certain products, like the Ethiopian coffee body scrub and Rich Cocoa Body Butter, will be introduced. As Kanobe continues to explore ideas, the brand anticipates delving into the realms of hair care, natural perfumery, and scented candles, promising an exciting and diverse future.

As we conclude this enlightening journey into the heart and soul of Kanobe with its visionary founder, Rezzi Ingemarsson, we’re left inspired by the fusion of tradition and innovation. In every drop of Kanobe’s skincare creations, there’s a narrative of ethical sourcing, empowering legacies, and a commitment to natural beauty that transcends borders.

As the sun sets on our conversation, we’re left eagerly anticipating the continued growth of Kanobe, a brand that not only nourishes the skin but also nurtures a global community connected by a shared passion for authenticity and well-being. Here’s to radiant futures and the beauty that blooms when tradition meets the contemporary, all within the embrace of Kanobe.

Welcome to an exclusive insight into the visionary world of Demee Koch, the founder of DE MOI. In this illuminating interview for House of Coco magazine, we delve into Demee’s unique journey, exploring the intersection of beauty, ethics, and sustainability.

Discover the driving force behind DE MOI‘s commitment to transformative practices in the beauty industry and its broader impact on fostering a conscious and compassionate global community.

Join us as we unravel Demee Koch’s inspiring vision and gain a glimpse into her personal adventures, from the enchanting landscapes of Bali to the cultural richness of Japan.

Get ready to be captivated by a narrative that goes beyond beauty products, offering a profound perspective on how one entrepreneur is shaping the future of beauty with purpose and passion…

What inspired you to create DE MOI, and how did your personal values and experiences shape the mission of the brand?

My foray into the world of conscious beauty and the creation of DE MOI is deeply rooted in the tapestry of my personal values and transformative experiences. It is the synergy of these values and profound moments of inspiration that propels the mission and ethos of the brand.

Embedded within the fabric of DE MOI is a profound recognition of unmet needs and opportunities, driven by my keen observations. These observations have fueled a passionate commitment to offering conscientious and cruelty-free beauty alternatives that are multifunctional and truly deliver results efficiently, aligning intimately with my core values and ethical principles.

DE MOI emphasizes cruelty-free, socially relevant, and ecologically friendly products. Can you share specific initiatives or practices that DE MOI employs to ensure sustainability and ethical sourcing in its products?

DE MOI is unwavering in its commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing, with specific initiatives and practices ingrained in its operations to ensure the utmost integrity in its products.

This involves stringent adherence to not testing products on animals at any stage of development, aligning with ethical standards and promoting compassion in the beauty industry. We prioritize transparency in our supply chain as much as possible, meticulously tracing the journey of each ingredient from its source to the final product.

We are dedicated to minimizing our environmental footprint through sustainable packaging initiatives. This includes the use of recycled materials, biodegradable options, and innovative packaging designs that reduce waste.

Through ongoing research and innovation, DE MOI also seeks to discover and implement new technologies and methods that further enhance the sustainability and ethical sourcing of our products.

By integrating these initiatives into its core practices, DE MOI not only sets a high standard for sustainability and ethical sourcing in the beauty industry but also strives to inspire positive change and encourage other businesses to adopt similar practices.

Your commitment to philanthropy is evident in your charity work, especially with single mothers. How does DE MOI actively contribute to empowering single mothers and fostering positive change in their lives?

The brand recognizes the unique challenges faced by single mothers and is dedicated to making a meaningful impact in many ways, such as providing financial support in various forms, such as scholarships for the education of children or assistance with essential expenses in remote areas in the Philippines.

DE MOI uses its platform to advocate for the rights and challenges faced not only by single mothers but by girls and women in general. By raising awareness and promoting understanding, the brand contributes to societal changes that foster a more supportive environment for women both inside and outside the workplace.

I am a patron of The Voice of the Free/Center of Hope, an organization dedicated to helping rescued survivors of human trafficking, and am part of the board of directors of Breaking Silence Movement, an organization based in Paris dedicated to eradicating gender-based violence. The aim is to make specialized knowledge readily accessible and to empower the powerless with wisdom, resources, and solutions, especially women.

DE MOI believes in the power of helping others and making a positive impact on society. Can you share a specific story or example that highlights the tangible impact DE MOI has had on individuals or communities?

DE MOI’s commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals, like sending children to school, showcases the brand’s ethos in action. By addressing the specific needs of scholars and fostering a supportive community, DE MOI is not only redefining traditional standards but also contributing to the broader goal of creating positive, lasting change in the educational communities it serves.

I would like to share the story of Reiner, a 14-year-old student living in a rural town in the Philippines who is determined to overcome financial barriers and achieve academic success. In a household where his mother serves as a dedicated housewife and his father diligently works as an office employee, the boy understands the value of hard work and determination. With a younger sibling just beginning his educational journey in kindergarten, the boy aims to set an inspiring example for his younger sibling, fostering a promising future for their family.

I shared this story with my children, and they also wanted to help. They thought that whatever they could give would ease the strain on Reiner’s family, ensuring that he could focus on his studies. Reiner’s story is not just about being a scholar; it’s a narrative of empowerment and positive change. Through DE MOI’s comprehensive support system, he transforms from a student facing challenges to a confident and empowered individual. The impact extended to his academic pursuits, allowing him to fully embrace the opportunities presented by his scholarship. This also taught my children empathy, generosity, appreciating what they have, and the importance of giving back to the community.

DE MOI mentions that both products and principles are always evolving. How does the brand adapt to changing societal needs, and can you provide an example of a significant evolution in DE MOI’s approach?

DE MOI’s commitment to evolving products and principles reflects a dynamic responsiveness to changing societal needs. The brand’s adaptability is evident in its keen awareness of shifts in consumer expectations, beauty standards, and ethical considerations. One notable example of DE MOI’s evolution is its transition towards sustainability, reflecting a broader societal demand for environmentally conscious practices in the beauty industry.

As societal awareness of environmental issues grew, DE MOI recognized the need to align its practices with sustainable principles. This led to a substantial evolution in the brand’s approach, incorporating eco-friendly initiatives into various aspects of its operations. DE MOI’s goal is to raise consumer awareness in the beauty industry because, without conscious and critical consumption, there can be no sustainable production.

DE MOI has always designed products to meet changing customer needs while lowering the industry’s environmental impact. We provide cruelty-free, socially relevant, and environmentally responsible products. We value natural ingredients, recyclable or sustainable packaging, and an emphasis on the entire manufacturing chain.

DE MOI recognizes the benefits of moving toward more sustainable models. But conscious consumption requires a rethinking and reintegration of market activity—a rediscovery of the role of different stakeholders and the reorientation of markets and free trade, with a focus on the good of society.

How do you strike a balance between running a successful business and fulfilling DE MOI’s social responsibility goals? Are there any challenges you’ve faced in maintaining this balance?

I have found that the projects implemented by socially responsible companies are typically based on voluntary actions, not expressly required by specific laws, and are considered very important by the relevant public. This emphasizes that companies whose work is directly connected to the environment, sustainable development and, consequently, the well-being and health of people are more likely to face ethical issues. Such businesses, even DE MOI, often confront moral dilemmas and difficult decisions regarding how to balance the pursuit of profit with responsibility towards the environment and human health.

As an advocate for conscious entrepreneurship, I believe we need to not only satisfy the requests of direct customers but also respond to the requests of all other stakeholders and maintain relationships based on trust. The responsibility of a company is no longer just economic but also becomes social. There are objectives to be pursued that go beyond company profitability but which, in the same way, create economic value.

One challenge lies in sourcing high-quality, ethical ingredients while maintaining cost-effectiveness. Striking the right balance ensures that we provide conscientious products without compromising the business’s financial viability.

Your family seems to play a significant role in your charitable efforts. How has involving your family influenced the vision and values of DE MOI?

Involving my family in charitable efforts has profoundly influenced the vision and values of the brand. Family is at the heart of DE MOI, and their involvement has shaped our commitment to social responsibility and ethical practices.

I was able to instill a deep sense of purpose in my children, emphasizing that the brand’s success is inseparable from its commitment to making a positive impact on the world. This integration of family values with business values forms the cornerstone of DE MOI’s identity as a socially responsible and ethically driven beauty brand.

The inclusion of my children in the company’s charitable endeavors is a forward-looking initiative. It not only influences the present but inspires future generations to view social responsibility as an integral part of their lives. This aligns with DE MOI’s commitment to creating a positive generational impact. My sons develop a heartfelt connection to the communities and individuals they are helping. DE MOI not only shapes their understanding of social responsibility but also ensures that the brand’s values are passed down through generations.

DE MOI is a Swiss company with a global outlook. How does the brand navigate cultural differences and ensure that its message resonates universally while still being locally impactful?

DE MOI places a high value on cultural sensitivity. We conduct thorough research to understand the diverse cultural nuances of the markets we operate in. This involves studying consumer behavior, beauty standards, and societal values to tailor our messaging appropriately.

Our brand imagery is carefully curated to be culturally inclusive. We feature a diverse range of models and representations to ensure that our visual language resonates with individuals from various cultural backgrounds, promoting inclusivity.

DE MOI aims to empower single mothers. How do you see empowered women, in turn, contributing to the betterment of society and creating a ripple effect of positive change?

When women are empowered, it tends to result in a multitude of benefits that extend beyond the individual level, creating a ripple effect that contributes to the betterment of society. They become advocates and leaders within their communities. They are more likely to address social issues, participate in community initiatives, and contribute to the development of local policies. This active engagement enhances the overall social fabric and promotes positive change.

Women should be able to challenge traditional gender norms and stereotypes. By doing so, they can contribute to shifting societal perceptions about women’s roles and capabilities, fostering opportunities not only for single mothers but for women in various fields.

Education is a powerful weapon in empowering women. It equips them with economic strength and the ability to make informed decisions. When women have financial independence, they can lead by example and inspire others. Let’s strive for a world where women can access economic opportunities without facing unnecessary obstacles.

I wrote “Becoming Miss Right,” The Holistic Journey to Fulfillment where I shared my personal story of self-discovery and that of the women I encountered in my decades of doing business and charity engagements. It is about empowerment and encouraging women to pursue their dreams and prioritize themselves.

Through “Becoming Miss Right” and self-care lessons, I aim to share wisdom and empower individuals to create change, to make specialized knowledge readily accessible and to empower the powerless with wisdom, resources, and solutions.

DE MOI focuses on creating beauty products that contribute to the betterment of the world. Can you share an example of an innovative product or approach that sets DE MOI apart in the beauty industry?

DE MOI places a strong emphasis on the ethical sourcing of ingredients. The brand ensures that all ingredients are responsibly and sustainably sourced, with a commitment to cruelty-free practices. Additionally, DE MOI maintains a high level of transparency about the sourcing process, allowing consumers to make informed choices aligned with their values.

The DE MOI® skincare range expertly combines state-of-the-art skincare technology exemplified by Swiss-formulated Alpha Arbutin – the world’s most advanced anti-aging ingredient – with the time-tested power of Philippine botanicals.

Everybody wants to look and feel good. But DE MOI wants you to not only look and feel good but also to make the world a better place to live in. DE MOI aims to be the catalyst in bringing positive change into the world by creating awareness on spending consciously on products that give back to society while making sure that these products do not harm animals and the environment.

Are there any collaborations or partnerships that DE MOI has engaged in to further its mission? How do these collaborations contribute to the brand’s overall objectives? What challenges have you faced in pursuing the mission of DE MOI, and what valuable lessons have you learned along the way?

DE MOI has actively pursued collaborations and partnerships to amplify its mission and contribute to the betterment of the world. These collaborations are strategic alliances with organizations, influencers, and entities that share DE MOI’s values.

I am a patron of The Voice of the Free/Center of Hope, an organisation dedicated to helping rescued survivors of human trafficking, and am part of the board of directors of Breaking Silence Movement, an organization based in Paris dedicated to eradicating gender-based violence. The aim is to make specialized knowledge readily accessible and to empower the powerless with wisdom, resources, and solutions.

Both organizations, through their respective missions, contribute to systemic change. The Voice of the Free/Center of Hope addresses the aftermath of human trafficking, working towards the rehabilitation and empowerment of survivors. Breaking Silence Movement tackles the root causes by striving to eliminate gender-based violence through education, awareness, and advocacy.

Coordinating efforts and fostering collaboration between various stakeholders, including government agencies, NGOs, and law enforcement, can be challenging due to different agendas and priorities, but my involvement in these organizations implies a multifaceted commitment to creating a more just and compassionate society. By supporting survivors and working towards the eradication of systemic issues, I can play a vital role in the collective effort to empower individuals, challenge harmful norms, and contribute to positive, lasting change.

How does DE MOI involve its customers in the journey towards conscious beauty and social responsibility? Are there specific initiatives that encourage customer participation?

DE MOI’s consistent sustainability effort is a conscious decision to ensure the brand’s continuity and stability over time. We believe that sustainability today is a much less “aesthetic” perspective than in the past and looks more like a concrete issue of “redesign.”

This is where the process of change begins, inspired by a balanced coexistence between economic objectives and respect for the environment, ambitions, and progress, and between development and social responsibility.

It is our ecological mission to contribute to the development of sustainable beauty. A mission that is not dictated by greenwashing or the desire to appease the conscience.

DE MOI brings clean, safe, and environmentally friendly formulas to be more than a plus added to products, becoming a fundamental feature and part of the DNA of the brand. The commitment is clear: to make informed choices and reduce your beauty footprint.

What is your vision for DE MOI in the future, both in terms of business growth and the positive impact it can continue to make in the world?

DE MOI’s vision for the future revolves around achieving significant business growth while maintaining an unwavering commitment to making a positive impact in the world. By integrating ethical practices, sustainability, and social responsibility into every facet of its operations, DE MOI envisions not just success in the beauty industry but a transformative influence that extends beyond business, contributing to a more conscious and compassionate world.

The brand aspires to see a world where consumers are not only conscious of the products they use but also well-informed advocates for sustainable and ethical beauty practices. DE MOI continues to invest in educational initiatives that raise awareness about the environmental and social impact of beauty choices.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

Embarking on a journey to Bali was more than just a getaway for me; it was a quest for the perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and a touch of spirituality. The allure of this Indonesian paradise had captured my imagination for years, and finally, I found myself on a plane bound for an adventure that promised to be transformative.

Bali gave me more than a vacation; it gifted me a deeper understanding of a place where nature, tradition, and spirituality dance in harmony. The island has become a part of my story, and its essence will forever linger in the chapters of my travel adventures.

Bali comes across as an island immersed in the practice of gratitude. I visited a place where being grateful is not only a feeling but a way of life. This trip around Bali turned into a celebration of the true kindness, gratitude, and admiration that characterise this fascinating place.

If there’s a place I would like to visit, it would be Japan. As a traveler with a heart drawn to the serenity of cultural landscapes, Japan has always been in my wanderlust dreams. Traveling across Japan will be more than a vacation; it will be an exploration of a culture where antiquated customs coexist with cutting-edge technology.

Ecuador also presents itself as a canvas of unmatched richness and untapped jewels for those looking for untold stories and unexplored experiences. This tiny but remarkable country holds the promise of adventure, cultural diversity, and breathtaking natural features just waiting to be discovered and shared with the world.

What’s your go-to quote when you are lacking motivation?

“Conviction comes confidence, from confidence comes courage, and from courage comes change.”

The more convinced and committed you are to a cause, the more confident you become in your abilities to contribute or make a difference. Conviction provides the foundation for the self-assurance needed to take on challenges. Change here refers to making a positive impact, challenging the status quo, or bringing about meaningful transformation in a particular area.

I love that this is also a call to action. It encourages individuals who have developed conviction, confidence, and courage to actively participate in being/creating the change they want to see.

What does self-care mean to you?

What does it mean to take care of yourself? Many consider self-care a selfish attitude and a sign of vanity. Some insist that self-care is optional and non-essential, easily done without because there are more important priorities and commitments.

How wrong and harmful is it for your present and, above all, your future lifestyle if there is no room to give yourself time to feel good and feel beautiful?

Self-care consists of loving and being kind to yourself. This requires a deep understanding of your needs and awareness of the weight your daily actions have. Self-care includes all those activities that make us feel good. However, this does not mean that whatever makes us feel good is positive; some behaviors are objectively harmful to the environment.

Where can people follow you and find out more?

They can follow me on my social media accounts:

As we conclude this inspiring conversation with Demee Koch, founder of DE MOI, we find ourselves not only enamored by her commitment to ethical beauty but also invigorated by the vision she holds for a more conscious world. Demee’s journey, from the transformative allure of Bali to the cultural landscapes of Japan, serves as a testament to the profound impact that intentional living and responsible choices can have on our lives and the planet.

In the realm of beauty, Demee Koch is not just creating products; she’s cultivating a movement—a movement towards sustainability, ethical practices, and a deeper connection with the world we inhabit. As we eagerly await the continued growth of DE MOI, it’s clear that the brand is poised not only to redefine beauty standards but to leave an indelible mark on the global beauty industry.

We extend our gratitude to Demee Koch for sharing her story, insights, and unwavering dedication to making a positive impact. Keep an eye on DE MOI as it continues to pave the way for a future where beauty is not just skin deep but resonates with the values of a conscious and compassionate world.