


Our body not only desires to be healthy, but it also needs care and attention. Although we are more likely to pay attention to our outer beauty rather than the one inside, it is necessary for us to know the importance of taking proper care of both parts.

In this article, I will enlighten you all with some crucial tips in taking proper of your beauty and soul.

Improve Your Beauty Routine

Skincare is one of the most effective ways of enhancing your physical beauty. Women of all age groups are concerned about maintaining their skin’s natural beauty. It’s no wonder why skincare routines always figure among tips on how to glow up for women and even for men. The quest for the ultimate skincare has led some to go to the extent of visiting cosmetic surgeons for Botox in Singapore or other invasive procedures to achieve younger-looking skin.

What if I told you that there is an easy way of reducing wrinkles, sagging, and fine lines on your face without resorting to drastic methods? Yes, scientific research has shown that using specific chemicals found in fruit peels can significantly reduce aging signs like wrinkles and skin discoloration after just 7 days!

You’re probably wondering how these fruits work on your skin. Fruit peels contain enzymes that accelerate cell regeneration. As we grow older, our cells reproduce more slowly which causes problems with smooth, firm skin. The fruit peel contains alpha hydroxyl acid, lycopene and other enzymes which cause the dead cells to break down. This allows newer cells with a smoother surface layer to replace them.

Apart from improving your skin, treating yourself to fruit peels increases blood flow in the treated areas. Blood carries oxygen which is necessary for optimum cellular growth. It also carries glucose, proteins, and minerals throughout your body which are needed for cell division. The rejuvenated feeling you get releases endorphins and other feel-good chemicals, which make you feel vibrant mentally as well.

Learn Glow Up Tips from Lifestyle Blogs

The internet is a veritable treasure trove of beauty tips. Everything from how to get rid of dark underarms, belly button beauty secrets, and ways to hide your body flaws with makeup is available at the touch of a button. These beauty tips can be found on lifestyle blogs, websites, and even video tutorials that provide an easy way for women (and men) to learn the tricks of the trade.

Lifestyle blogs are a great resource for beauty tips that can be readily applied in your daily life. In addition, they provide a peek into the lives of people from different backgrounds and cultures who wear their hearts on their sleeves through blog posts, tweets, and videos.

And what’s more – many lifestyle blogs also offer healthy lifestyle tips and advice on how to stay fit and eat right.

Get Quality Sleep Consistently

It’s not just the duration of sleep that’s important but also the quality of sleep. It’s been proven that a person can get just as much benefit from six hours of good quality sleep rather than eight hours of poor quality sleep. So try to keep your sleeping habits constant and consistent. If you have a full-time job, always sleep at the same time each night so your body knows when it’s bedtime. And try not to wake up randomly in the middle of the night – if you do wake up, don’t spend too much time being awake before going back to sleep otherwise it will disrupt your future sleep patterns for this night and the following nights.

You should also make every effort to make sure your bedroom is ideal for falling asleep quickly and staying asleep all night long. Create a distraction-free environment, don’t have any bright lights in the bedroom, and make sure your bed is comfortable. This will help you relax and drift off to sleep easier than if you were laying down on an uncomfortable surface or sitting upright without anything to lean against.

Regularly Eat Healthy Food

Improving your dietary habit by eating healthy food helps to improve your beauty standard. Of course, this is not to say that you should cut down on the food you like (that includes me). But, try to change it up every once in a while by eating healthy food. You can start by eating more vegetables and fruits. Also, try limiting your intake of oily food and meat as it may clog your pores.

Why do you think people who eat junk food have dull skin? The reason is their bodies are lacking nutrition because they are not allowing them to absorb the nutrients in the unhealthy foods that they consume. So it is imperative to have a balanced diet that includes medically-tailored meals and be selective of what you eat so as to maintain proper health inside out!
to be selective of what you eat so as to maintain proper health inside out!

Wear Comfortable and Fashionable Clothes

Being fashionable does not mean you have to sacrifice comfort. Wearing tight clothes is uncomfortable and unhealthy for the skin as well as for your posture because it pushes down on some parts of your body while lifting up others, which can lead to bone distortions such as irregular spinal curvature (which may affect proper breathing). Look around and see what other fashionable people wear, then adapt it to your taste. Think about fabrics that feel comfortable to you, how they fit and how loose or tight they are. It is important not to overdo it with the fashion trend because the clothing should still be functional and not cause any discomfort.

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Every person is unique and so are their needs to look good. You know what you need and there is no need to pretend to be someone who you are not in an attempt to fit in. It will only cause stress, headaches, and do more harm than good. The ships shared here can help people find out what suits their bodies best. Also, beauty goes deeper than makeup or clothes- making sure that your soul is healthy and glowing will help improve your physical appearance more than any other tip on this list!

Nêô Sephiri was founded in 2020 by a team who have been producing and researching Kalahari Melon Oil for nearly 10 years.

Their community in the Kalahari is being acutely impacted by climate change, with frequent, harsh droughts becoming the new norm. In their search for ways to adapt to this changing climate, they discovered Kalahari Melon oil.

While other crops struggled to adapt to the changing climate, this special plant was able to withstand the changes to survive in these extreme, arid conditions. Through scientific investigation they discovered that the seeds of the melon, when pressed and filtered, produce a highly nutritious facial oil packed with essential fatty acids and vitamins.

On a single farm in the Kalahari Basin the seeds from the melon are cold pressed and filtered through cotton to produce a 100% natural oil that nurtures the skin. Just reading about the process already feels good for our skin so we had to find out more. We spent some time with the founders, Bernard and Olga van Vuuren, so prepare to be inspired…

Tell us about the journey that led you to launching your brand, Neo Sephiri?

BvV: About 10 years ago, the province in South Africa where I grew up was hit with the worst drought in 80 years. Traditional crops failed year after year, causing farmers to lose their land which resulted in huge job losses for the local communities. However, the Kalahari Melon, an indigenous plant which evolved in the desert and is widely considered by most farmers to be a weed, was still standing despite the harsh conditions.

I was nearing the end of my PhD in Chemistry, when my uncle reached out to me after he had discovered that the seeds of the Kalahari Melon contained an oil, and someone mentioned that it might have applications for skincare. Together, we investigated the properties of the plant oil. My uncle produced the oil from the melons he had growing wild on his farm, while I used my scientific background to study the oil’s properties. Soon we found that our oil contained 70% essential fatty acids, and the highest concentration of vitamin E than any other plant oil. It was then that we knew we had to share this naturally powerful, truly sustainable and unique ingredient with the world.

Sustainability is at the core of what you do, why is this important to you?

OvV: True sustainability runs through our entire being! Nêô Sephiri was founded specifically as an intervention to mitigate the effects of climate change in our region. Our single ingredient has huge social impact potential for the people that live in these remote, marginalised communities, where the melons grow naturally. We are delighted that skincare industry leaders are also excited by the prospect of this pent up potential, with our facial oil winning numerous sustainability awards, including Best Socially Responsible Luxury Oil 2021 by Harper’s Bazaar.

Further to community impact, our transparent production process is completely circular. All the waste is recycled on our farm, but what’s more, when we harvest we return over 95% of the melon waste back to the land. This means our total ecological impact is absolutely minimal, and we hope that soon this will become the new normal. Sustainability has to be about so much more than just packaging considerations. Your purchasing decisions are an incredible tool for impact and change!

What are the benefits for the skin when you use Kalahari melon oil?

BvV: Our 100% natural Pure Kalahari Melon Facial Oil targets skin cell recovery and moisture balance owing to two unique properties. It’s down to the combination of the two properties I mentioned earlier; it’s proven to have more vitamin E than any other plant oil, coupled with the 70% concentration of omega-6 linoleic acid. This is an essential fatty acid, which your skin barrier needs to repair itself, for healthy glowing skin. Linoleic acid also balances your natural oil levels, meaning it helps to reduce clogged pores and is compatible with acne-prone and oily skin types. The vitamin E helps to stabilise this component, meaning it can remain active on your skin for longer. It also gives our Kalahari Melon Oil powerful antioxidant benefits which help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

What has been the biggest hurdle you have had to overcome since you launched the business?

BvV: As a start up, we face challenges constantly. The key is to stay motivated, positive and don’t give up. The more we power through the more motivated we become. The biggest challenge so far has been spreading awareness of our purpose and convincing people to try this brand new ingredient. It’s a naturally powerful plant oil with such interesting chemistry and so many skin benefits, we just need to share this with the world!

Looking back since launching your brand, is there anything you would do differently?

OvV: Coming from science and economics backgrounds, there are a lot of things that we’ve had to learn along the way including; branding, marketing, PR, ecommerce, SEO and the list goes on… These learnings require lots of trial and error, which take up time and resources. Knowing what we know now we would have probably done almost everything differently, as knowledge would have saved precious time. Having said this, it’s a beautiful and challenging journey, which we are happy to be on!

Tell us more about what inspires you…

OvV: Travel is inspiring. Soaking up the culture, mood and energy of a new destination, opens your mind and broadens your perspective. Our oil actually transcends me to the Kalahari every night. The natural scent and fast absorbing texture transports me back to the desert!

If you could describe your brand in three words, what would they be?

BvV: Traceable. Authentic. Naturally Powerful (sorry that’s four!)

What advice would you offer to anyone wanting to launch a skincare or beauty brand?

BvV: Try to think about your brand’s impact in every way possible. not just the packaging! The impact on skin through efficacy, on the earth through your ingredient choices, on the environment and people through your supply chain choices. The incredible thing about starting something new, is that you can build it with absolutely minimal negative impact. It’s not easy, because everyone is trying to claim that their product is ‘sustainable’. The real challenge (and achievement) is understanding all of the impacts. Good and bad.

Talk us through an average day in your life…

OvV: 7am alarm, followed by coffee and breakfast. We start the day with a catch up with our dream team split between South Africa and London. Then it’s more calls and meetings, sometimes in beautiful cafes, as well as admin and sending out samples. The day escapes so quickly and there is always lots left to do. After work we do some exercise and now that things are opening up, we use the evenings to explore London. The day finishes with a face cleanse and 5 drops of Kalahari Melon Facial Oil before bed.

How much has social media played a role in the success of your brand?

BvV: Social media is so important in amplifying Nêô Sephiri’s purpose and sharing our unique ingredient with parts of the world, which we wouldn’t be able to reach without it.

You’re very well traveled but which place really has your heart?

OvV: There is just no place like South Africa, from the Kalahari Basin to the Western Cape. The beauty, warmth, honesty and wilderness that South Africa holds is simply outstanding.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

BvV:We really want to explore more of South Africa, Namibia and Botswana! It’s a vast area of land with so much biodiversity. We love it!

What is your go-to quote when lacking motivation?

OvV: Time is the most precious commodity.

BvV: Every wall is a door.

What’s next for you and the brand?

BvV: We’ve only just begun! We are currently working towards developing Nêô Sephiri’s voice so that we can share our authentic and transparent farm-to-face approach that people want to see from the beauty brands they consciously choose.

What does self care mean to you?

OvV: Self-care is allowing yourself the time to focus on your needs, whatever they might be. Your need to think, sleep, explore, challenge or maintain. It is whatever you need to feel balanced and happy!

Where can people find out more?

Watch our sustainability story and follow @neosephiri on Instagram

Skincare routines have become incredibly popular in the past few years, thanks to beauty gurus. You have probably come across Vogue, Harper Bazaar and other major publications sharing celebrities’ beauty regimes.

Indulging a morning or night beauty routine is so much more than vanity. It’s a form of self-care and a way to decompress at the end of the day. But have you ever thought about becoming more eco-friendly with a sustainable beauty routine?

Sustainability doesn’t just have to be a buzzword that you see all over social media. You can make it a part of your lifestyle by incorporating it into your beauty routine. And here are some ways to do that.

Discover Sustainable Brands

With every brand out there trying to advertise their products as sustainable, it can be difficult to find genuinely eco-friendly products. Do your research to differentiate sustainable brands from greenwashing companies.

Try Homemade Products

Unfortunately, the FDA doesn’t have the legal authority to approve cosmetics before they go on the market. Since the beauty industry is majorly unregulated, it can be difficult to verify a brand’s sustainability ethos.

Whether you are questioning a product’s ingredient list or cannot find an eco-friendly alternative, you can attempt to make it at home. Homemade products allow you to control the ingredients and make the product as natural as possible. With some research and the right tools, you can enjoy your pampering sessions guilt-free.

Don’t Buy Mini Products

We understand the allure of mini products that are artfully placed near the cash register. And not to mention, mini products are incredibly convenient to travel with. However, you are creating a lot of waste if you frequently go on trips and purchase mini products every time.

Why do that when there is a much better and cheaper alternative available? You should invest in a set of travel containers. From lip gloss bottles to dispenser bottles, you can easily get your hands on high-quality containers.

Stop Using Face Wipes

When you’ve had a long day at work or gone on a night out, the last thing you want to do is take off your makeup. And that’s when face wipes come in handy. While occasionally using single-use face wipes is okay, don’t make them a part of your daily routine. They are not only wasteful but also do a terrible job of removing makeup.

Instead, we suggest buying reusable cotton pads and facial washcloths. You can use these with a makeup remover or balm to properly clean your face.

Buy Refillable Products

Several brands out there offer customers the option to refill their products instead of buying a brand new container. In addition to reducing packaging waste, buying refillable products can help you save money.

Recycle or Reuse Containers

What do you usually do with empty containers? Rather than throwing them away without a second thought, you should find ways to recycle and reuse them. Many brands offer incentives and rewards to customers in exchange for empties.

Minimize Water Wastage

Whether you are washing your face or brushing your teeth, be mindful of your water usage. Avoid keeping the water running unnecessarily.

Give Away Unwanted Products

Did you buy expensive lipstick only to realize it doesn’t suit your skin tone? Do you receive plenty of PR products? Rather than letting such products go to waste, you should share them with your friends and family or donate them to women’s shelters and other charitable organizations.

The Bottom Line

Switching to sustainable beauty and skincare is far less complicated than you might think. Hopefully, the aforementioned tips inspire you to take a look at your routine and make environmentally-friendly choices.

When it comes to looking youthful, healthy glowing skin is the key ingredient. Just as you take care of your hair, makeup and clothes, your skin should never be ignored. It is that part of the body that is exposed to wear and tear the most, which is why you need to pay extra attention to keep it in its best, supple shape.

This is why the skincare industry has been booming. Every year it produces millions of products that claim to be the ultimate must-have for perfect skin. The internet is also brimming with influencers and celebrities endorsing different types of skincare routines.

With so much out there, it can become challenging to determine how you need to start taking care of your skin and what products you should use. If you are looking for the ultimate guide to achieving glowing skin, here is a guide from our top experts.

Determine your skin type

Before diving headfirst into routines and products, you need to fully understand the canvas you are playing with – this is your skin type. Not knowing the exact nature of your skin can do you more harm than good because the wrong products can cause damage such as inflammation and breakouts, as well as premature aging.

Oily vs. dry and sensitive are two broad categories, but there is more nuance to it than that. Depending on the type and condition of your skin you can decide what course of treatment will work best. You may need routine dermatologist visits or you could try innovative solutions like Ourself that combine science with convenience to deliver outstanding results for glowing skin. Its unique offering is bound to give clinic-like results at home. But, first, learn about your skin type and then decide on the best treatment plan.

Wear sunscreen every day

When we say skincare routine, it may sound like an elaborate scheme filled with different steps and various products; however, the most basic yet effective thing you can do is start wearing sunscreen every day. This simple tweak will do wonders for your skin and its overall texture and appearance.

Most skincare problems arise due to sun damage which is why 90% of dermatologists endorse the use of sunscreen religiously. You need to find a broad spectrum SPF and apply it generously an hour before leaving your house. If you are exposed to harsh sunlight for longer hours, then you need to reapply sunscreen every two to three hours in order to stay fully protected. This practice should be done throughout the year regardless of whether it is sunny or cloudy because there is some form of sun exposure even in the cooler months.

Keep your skin properly hydrated

Regardless of your skin type, it needs to stay hydrated. This can be achieved both internally and externally. To stay hydrated internally, you need to be drinking enough water on a daily basis. This will allow your body to work better to flush out toxins and reduce inflammation and puffiness. Having enough water in our body is ideal not just for perfect skin but also for overall health.

Apart from water, you should keep your skin hydrated externally as well. Often people with oily skin feel like they do not need moisturizers, but that is a misconception. There are moisturizers available for all skin types and should be used daily, both during the day and night. In fact, there are different moisturizers for different times of the day. Hydration from moisturizers and drinking at least eight glasses of water will build a strong skin barrier and make it radiant and youthful.

Use the right products

Once you have understood the basics of a skincare routine, you can go one level higher by incorporating certain suitable products for your skin needs. You should include these products slowly to see if they are suiting you or not. Remember that certain products cause purging, which goes away on its own, so don’t be alarmed and stay patient.

Start by using exfoliators once or twice a week. We always recommend chemical exfoliants over physical ones as they are more gentle of the skin barrier and also more effective. You should also use vitamins for your skin, such as Vitamin A and C. These are excellent antioxidants that help combat the harmful effects of sun exposure.

Parting thoughts

Taking care of your skin is essential if you want to fight away signs of aging and appear youthful. And there is definite merit to starting early before the damage is done. Listen to what your skin type is saying to you and determine the right products for desired target areas. Start building a routine slowly and see how your skin will transform.

How much do you love Christmas shopping? Finding the perfect gift for someone gives such a wonderful, warm and fuzzy feeling inside. No doubt you will have family and friends that adore all things ‘Beauty’ therefore we have compiled some seriously fabulous gifts to check out online.

Skincare & Body Care

1. Glow Hub, Purify + Brighten 3-Step Set, £27 from Glow Hub

2. Gallinée, Microbiome Essential Set, £55 from Gallinée

3. Tisserand Aromatherapy, Little Wellbeing Wonders Set, £15 from Tisserand

4. Ted Baker, Bathing Collection, £25, from Boots (this gift is currently on 3 for 2)

Makeup & Fragrance

5. UP Cosmetics, 10 Pan Full Face Palette, £45 from Boots

6. Illamasqua, Frankly Amy Beauty Box, £50 (currently £32.50) from Illamasqua

7. Miller Harris, Floral & Sweet Fragrance Trio, £45 from Miller Harris

8. ICONIC London, All Eyes on Me, £42 (worth £63), from ICONIC London

Beauty Accessories

9. Lola’s Lashes, Jade Kit (image above) and Sapphire Kit, £35 each from Lola’s Lashes

10. Otis Batterbee, The Total Face Brush Set, £45 from Liberty London

11. Beauty Hygiene Plus, Beauty Hygiene Essentials, £24.99 (currently £14.99), from Feel Unique

12. Fiils, Travel Washbag Mini Gift Set, £22 from Fiils

Enjoy gifting others this Christmas!

Everyone loves to find a little beauty product in their Christmas stocking. However, beauty products are not necessarily always very environmentally friendly. That’s why we have tried and tested sustainable beauty stocking fillers and present you with our top three. So you can tread lightly on the planet and buy wonderful gifts all at the same time.

1. Fiils Refillable Bathroom Products

This one is genius! I have been trying to avoid buying plastic bottles for the bathroom but it is hard to find good-quality refillable options. So Fiils offers the solution with hand washes, body washes, shampoos, and conditioners. You just pick up a starter kit, fill your reusable Fiils bottles using the refill pouches and then send the used pouches to be specially recycled for free. Then, buy more pouches to fill up your bottles and you have lovely zero-waste bathroom products! It goes without saying that all Fiils products smell delicious and a vegan and cruelty-free too.

Buy now on:

2. Natural Deodorant Co. Orange and Bergamot Balm

With the Christmassy scent of orange and bergamot, this deodorant is also vegan, sustainable and comes in plastic-free packaging. Effective and eco-friendly deodorants can be hard to find but this one really works. Plus, you have the option between a little £4 tin or the larger recyclable glass jar.

Buy now at

3. His & Hers Bamboo Toothbrushes

We all know that plastic toothbrushes aren’t sustainable. Made from biodegradable bamboo with an additional fun twist, the his and hers design will help you avoid getting your toothbrush mixed up with your other half!

Buy now on :

As we age the health of our skin can be impacted by many internal and external factors from pollution, diet to sun damage. Those who are more likely to have dry or rough skin through pre-existing conditions like psoriasis, eczema, or rosacea will also need to find ways to manage and maintain healthy skin. It can be challenging to find a way to restore a youthful complexion, here are a few methods to help with ageing and rejuvenating your skin.

If you already maintain a healthy diet with vitamins and antioxidants to boost your skin’s defences and you have enough rest and recovery through your sleep routine you can complete this with some consistent workouts. When you exercise you will prompt further blood to be pumped through your body and vessels on your face, this can help the skin to promote more micronutrients and healing properties for healthy rejuvenated skin over time. Working up a sweat is a great method to get debris out of the pores but it can also help with inflammation and help the skin regulate significant hormones for smoother skin all around.

Cleansing the skin daily is vital to remove traces of dirt in the pores, grease, and makeup that builds up over the day and to prevent your skin from drying out. In some cases, you can double cleanse to make sure you get everything off the skin followed by a mild exfoliation.

Regardless of your skin type, dry or oily, moisturising is a key step to keep your skin’s sebum production in balance to prevent any future dry skin and to consistently replenish any moisture that has been lost. Water can help with boosting hydration alongside some moisturisers. Your moisturiser can be combined with active ingredients from, retinoids, vitamin C, or alpha/beta acids. You can discuss this with your skincare consultant or dermatologist. UV radiation should

Non-invasive treatments
One of the laser technologies that are effective to smooth the skin, even out the tone and texture is CO2 laser resurfacing with a range of treatment modes. The CO2 laser can help with skin conditions ranging from scarring, pigmentation, sun spots, and more. The CO2 (carbon dioxide) laser is an ablative laser that removes the top layer of your skin and a small part of your second layer of skin this causes the skin to respond by stimulating its healing process to start encouraging new skin cells and collagen production for all-round smoother skin and any targeted skin conditions.

After the treatment, there will be some swelling and redness which will improve over 7-14 days, and the skin underneath will feel renewed with softer, smoother, and even complexion. The results from a CO2 treatment will progress over 3-6 months as the layers of skin will continue to build new collagen.

There are many lasers on the market from non-ablative, erbium YAG, and Fraxel alongside many facial treatments that may be suitable to help you achieve smoother skin. You can book a consultation with an experienced practitioner or doctor with a range of treatments so they can create a bespoke treatment plan for your skin goals and become a step closer to smoother skin.

Why does my face look gray and ghostly? How do I avoid getting an awkward-looking tideline below my jaw? Everyone who has ever used the wrong shade of foundation has asked these or similar questions. What they should be focusing on is how to pick the right base for their makeup.

We’ve got you (and your face) covered with this easy-to-follow guide. If you find this helpful, check out other beauty tips on Foundation Advice.

Picking the Right Foundation Shade

Choosing the shade that matches your skin perfectly is as important as knowing how to apply foundation. However, things could get tricky with the number of options available in the market. Here are tips to help you pick the right shade.

1. Find Out What Your Skin Tone Is

The first step towards picking the right foundation shade is identifying your skin tone. There are three main categories: light, medium, and deep. However, there is a good chance that you would fall somewhere in between. You can have a very light, light-medium, medium-deep, or very deep skin tone.

To complicate things even more, you might hear about many other sub-categories. There’s alabaster and porcelain for light, warm beige and honey for medium, and almond and chestnut for deep. The list goes on.

If you’re not sure what category you belong to exactly, try going online and finding out how other people describe their skin tones. A good strategy is comparing your skin to celebrities, models, or famous makeup artists.

2. Don’t Forget About Your Undertone

Aside from identifying your skin tone, you need to know what your undertone is. It is the color that comes through from under the surface of your skin and affects your overall hue. If it has a golden, olive, or yellowish quality, then you have a warm undertone. You would also notice that your skin tans easily.

If it has a pink, red, or bluish characteristic, you have a cool undertone, and you burn easily under the sun. If you are somewhere in between, then your skin has a neutral undertone.

3. Test It on Your Face

Knowing your skin tone and undertone would narrow down your options significantly. You still have to test them, but at least you’d only have a handful of foundation shades to go through.

Try three swatches by applying small amounts of different products to your jawline. Whichever seems to disappear into your skin would be a good choice. You might see some apply the swatches on the back of their hands, but this is not a good idea. For most people, the skin on their faces is a different tone from that of other parts of the body.

4. Check It in Daylight

Most shops have ample lighting, but it still would not compare to daylight no matter how good it is. So, once you have applied the foundation, try to look at it outside with a hand mirror. It is a more realistic condition in which to assess your foundation.

When trying a shade, pick the one that blends seamlessly with your skin. Ideally, it should be practically invisible. Remember that you want to achieve a great-looking complexion and not be a walking advertisement for the foundation.

5. Ask the Experts

Talking to a professional when shopping for a foundation would save you a lot of grief. Consultants working for shops have the skills and experience to help you make the right choice. They can recommend products based on your preferred coverage and finish or your skin type.

Aside from having the skills, beauty consultants have access to advanced tools. Some shops even have a digital machine that can identify the right shade and even formula for you. It takes out all the guesswork from the selection process, ensuring that you are making the right purchasing decision.

6. Take It for a Spin

Sometimes, despite all your efforts, you could still fall victim to buyer’s remorse. To prevent this from happening, ask for a sample as much as possible. There are those that offer enough supply to last 10 days.

Once you have it, you can try it out in different lighting conditions. You can even see how good (or bad) it looks in photographs. The problem is, this is not an option for some brands. If you find yourself in such a shop, do not be rushed into a decision. Ask the counter staff to put the product on you, then go out in the daylight before choosing a foundation.

7. Use Virtual Try-on Tools

If you feel uncomfortable about going outside to shop for foundation, don’t worry. A number of brands and online retailers have virtual tools that can help you try various makeup products at home. Don’t be afraid to try them as they can be surprisingly accurate and effective.

Make the Right Choice

When shopping for foundation, finding the one out of countless options can seem overwhelming at first. Fortunately, you can whittle your list down to a manageable size and make the right choice with these simple tips.

Over the last few years, the rise in popularity of maintaining good health has seen people learning to not only stay healthy but to learn to love their bodies and overall appearance at the same time. After all, gaining more confidence is a huge part of prioritising self-care and loving ourselves inside and out.

When looking to radiate more confidence and feel better all around, anything from a new hairstyle to a change of clothes can make all the difference. But sometimes there are things that we feel very insecure about that we can’t simply change with a quick-fix solution.

Cosmetic dentistry is one of the most important components of maintaining good oral health while improving your smile. Whether it’s straightening your teeth or giving your mouth that extra white dazzle, a good smile is infectious.

Want to know how The London Centre For Cosmetic Dentistry can help to keep your smile healthier, straighter, and shining brighter?

Here’s what you need to know about cosmetic dentistry.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Make Your Mouth Shine

With teeth whitening from a reputable cosmetic dentist, your mouth can look decades younger and much healthier in no time at all. If you’re looking for a fast and simple way to improve your smile and get a little more confidence, then teeth whitening is the effective and long-lasting solution for you.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Cover Chipped Teeth

Cosmetic dentistry isn’t always a matter of large procedures that take a long time. Sometimes there are incredibly effective methods of covering up any issues you may have with your teeth.

Processes like getting dental veneers (a thin covering that’s placed over the tooth) or cosmetic bonding can help with the following dental issues:

  • Worn or chipped teeth
  • Dead teeth in need of colour
  • Straightening a crooked smile
  • Closing gaps between teeth
  • Improving your general smile

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Replace Missing Teeth

With a porcelain dental crown or a dental bridge, you can replace missing teeth and feel that boost of confidence in your smile once again.

Dental bridges and crowns last for many years and look just like the real thing. They’re barely noticeable to the untrained eye and give your jaw and mouth the same functionality as natural teeth!

You Can Even Redesign Your Own Smile!

Cosmetic dentistry even gives you the chance to completely redo your own smile. Considering how important your smile can be for giving a good first impression, you can create the kind of smile that’s guaranteed to make everyone around you smile right back!

With cutting-edge dental technology you can not only put together the smile you want, but the smile you deserve.

Are you looking to improve your dental health and make your smile a little brighter? Contact our team of experts today. Let us know what you need and one of our experienced and friendly dental health professionals will elaborate further on how we can make you feel more confident and improve your smile.

We are about to introduce you to the best-kept beauty secret in Paris, the stunning collection of skincare products by Odile Paris.

Each of the Odile Paris skincare products use highly concentrated, advanced botanical ingredients to create lightweight formulas. All are suitable for every skin type and are equally gentle on the skin. Designed to turn every morning and night into an indulgent beauty routine.

There are plenty of products to choose from including an anti-wrinkle serum, c complex booster, cleansing balm, eye lift, cleansing milk, extraordinary water, day cream, night cream, gel cream, and an age defying cream.

We’re going to highlight the cleansing balm, eye lift, day cream, and the gel cream, because these four products are truly outstanding. All products are available to purchase from Odile Paris.

OR, éclatant – Purify and Glow Cleansing Balm, £45

There are some perfect key ingredients in this balm that help wash away impurities and all traces of the day to reveal a silky soft and glowing complexion. They include Algae Extract, Rosemary Extract, Sweet Almond Oil, and Shea Butter. Carefully curated with the finest botanical ingredients to give a wash that provides soft, bright, and hydrated results.

OR, j’étincelle – The Flash Eye Lift, £45

This lightweight eye gel contains a wealth of potent activators to revive tired and puffy eyes. Some of the key ingredients include Rhodiola Rosea Root Extract, Yeast Extract, Caffeine, Milk Protein, and Sodium Hyaluronate. Together these products help improve the appearance of fine lines. It illuminates, invigorates, and soothes the fragile eye contour region.

Odile Paris

OR, j’aime – The Ultimate Day Cream, £70

Key ingredients in this cream include Sodium Hyaluronate, Vitamin E, Macadamia Nut Oil, and Muscat Rosemary Oil. Helping the skin throughout the day it restores moisturising ability and strengthens the epidermal defence function through a combination of two extremely effective active ingredients; Hyaluronic Acid and Fucogel®. The skin is left feeling toned and supple, whilst looking firmer and more radiant.

OR, je vis – The Ultimate Care Gel Cream, £125

The key ingredient in Odile Paris’ gel cream is Abyssine657®, which is a molecule that provides stimulation of the skin’s natural defences. Discovered in the sea, this ingredient is synthesised by a microorganism, which enables its survival in an incredibly hostile environment. It helps the skin to withstand exterior aggressions such as wind, pollution, lack of sleep, and stress. The Ultimate Care Gel Cream protects the skin, making it more beautiful, and more resilient.