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Choosing the Best Cuticle Nippers for At-Home Manicure

The beauty of your nails extends far beyond styling and painting them. Well-groomed cuticles are a great asset and a perfect complement to your sparkling manicure

The beauty of your nails extends far beyond styling and painting them. Well-groomed cuticles are a great asset and a perfect complement to your sparkling manicure. So, no matter if you’re an avid salon frequenter or prefer to do your nails at home, you want to make sure the skin around your nails is smooth and glowing. And that’s where a pair of quality cuticle nippers, also known as the Best Cuticle Nippers, comes in handy! But how can you make sure the tool you purchase can suit your needs and skills? Do you know what the best brand for cuticle nippers is?

Below are some great tips that will help you pick the right instrument for your tender fingers.

Why Your Cuticle Nipper is Important

If you still haven’t a cuticle nipper in your arsenal of essential manicure tools, it’s about time you considered getting one! Not only is it a great way to get rid of snags and dry skin but also adds a polished look to your manicure.

More often than not, the best cuticle nippers are manufactured from durable stainless steel, which makes it possible to use them for years to come. What’s more, if you choose a quality product, it will also feature a convenient ergonomic handle and sharp-edged jaws, which will ensure an easy grip and a clear cut. Exactly what you need for a perfect manicure!

Major Uses of Your Cuticle Nippers

It’s important to note that you shouldn’t use your clipper the way you would your nail clippers or scissors. Despite its name, cuticle nippers aren’t intended for literally nipping or cutting your cuticle. Of course, the situation might call for removing the excess of rough dead skin, especially if your goal is a clear and shiny manicure. As a rule of thumb, you want to get rid of that part of your cuticle that sticks out, causes discomfort, or gets in the way of properly grooming your nails. Just ensure you’re cutting no more than 1 mm. So, if you have some relevant skills, the best bet would be professional cuticle nippers.

An unkempt cuticle can also detract from the look of your natural nails. But with a reliable nipper, you can quickly spruce up your nails, making them look longer and more attractive. Nippers can also come in handy when you need to push your cuticle back or gently scrub the overgrown nail plate. By doing so, you’ll create a larger surface area for your nail varnish to adhere.

A word of warning. If you’re new to at-home manicures or specifically, cuticle trimming, it would be a wise decision to consult with your dermatologist or experienced nail technician to determine whether that pesky cuticle can actually be removed. A fungal or bacterial infection is, obviously, the last thing you want.

Best Cuticle Nippers on the Market

Today, any customer can be spoilt for choice when it comes to manicure tools. And cuticle cutting tools are no exception. So, how can you possibly find the best option on the market? Check out our breakdown of the best German cuticle nippers that you can purchase right now.

#1 Half-Jaw Standard Cuticle Nippers by GERmanicure

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If you’re after a reliable pair of nippers that can help you remove cuticles, opt for these best-rated cuticle nippers. Well-suited for different types of nails and nail plates, they can help you handle your mundane manicure task and also give you more control when removing ingrown and small snags.

#2 3/4 Jaw Tower Point Cuticle Nippers by GERmanicure

This small guy features a 3mm precise tapered edge makes this model a win-win choice for salon and DIY manicures. These sharpest cuticle nippers will withstand wear and tear of years of use before it needs re-sharpening!

#3 5mm Jaw Scissors-Type Cuticle Nipper by Erbe

Thanks to its straight handles, this small clipper gives you greater control and maneuverability. It’s also perfect for precise cutting and removing cuticles in hard-to-reach areas.

#4 7mm 3/4 Jaw Tapered Cuticle Nippers by GERmanicure

Arguably, the best cuticle nippers for professionals, these scissors-type nippers can go a long way toward helping you get rid of unsightly cuticles and hangnails in one smooth cut. Lightweight and comfy, this tool covers a larger area, cleaning swiftly and precisely.

You may want to further explore the available options or take your pick right now. But don’t let the price be the decisive factor when shopping around for your manicure tools. Make sure the instruments you’ve chosen are built of high-quality materials and can actually meet your needs. This way, you’ll be able to flaunt straight-out-of-the-salon manicures without actually frequenting salons.