When a person needs a welder, they learn they can choose on-site or off-site services. Which one should they pick? Individuals who rarely need a welder often struggle with this decision. They don’t know the advantages and drawbacks of each option, so they put off having the work done. With the right information, this decision becomes easier. What should a person know about each option?
On-Site Welding
When a person requests on-site welding, a mobile welder visits their location to complete the work. They bring the equipment and materials to do the job with them rather than the client taking the project to them. This means less work on the part of the client, but on-site welding tasks are typically reserved for those items that are too big to take to the welder. If the client doesn’t have a way to transport the items, they may also request on-site welding.
There are other reasons a person may request on-site welding services. A person might choose this option simply because it will be easier if the welder comes to them. They won’t have to take into account the time needed to get the item to and from the welder. There is no cost for transporting the item, and they won’t need to worry about the item being damaged while it is being moved between locations. In addition, the owner can watch over the process as the welder does the work.
Off-Site Welding
When the welding work is completed at a place away from the project site or the item’s primary location, this is referred to as off-site welding. The ownerbrings the item to a designated location, typically a specialized welding shop, to have the work done. The shop has the equipment, tools, and materials needed to complete a variety of projects, so the process won’t take any longer than if the welder visited the project site.
The main reason a person might choose this option is the shop often contains specialized equipment that cannot be transported to a job site. This equipment may be too big to move between locations or the risk of damaging sensitive parts might be too high. The equipment is often needed to provide a higher level of control over the welding process and is frequently used for precision work.
In addition, the welding shop often has a larger crew that can work on the project, so complex projects can be tackled with multiple people contributing their skills. This isn’t always possible with on-site welding projects, as the cost would be too high to bring in a large workforce.
Which Should a Customer Choose?
When it comes to on-site and off-site welding, a person must consider multiple factors to decide which is right for their project. First, the owner must look at the project size and how difficult the work will be. They need to consider where the project is located in terms of proximity to a welding shop and how quickly they need the work done. Finally, theirbudget will play a role in which option they should choose.
Small projects with a quick turnaround time can often be handled on-site. Large, complex projects, on the other hand, often need to be completed at the welding shop with the help of specialized equipment. This ensures greater precision.
Each option has its benefits and drawbacks. The project itself tends to be the deciding factor. However, it is always best to speak to the welding shop to see what it recommends. The welders know best what they are capable of doing on-site and which projects need to come to the shop for the highest quality of work.