It’s inevitable: one day, your parents won’t be there to answer your calls or drop by on holidays. You’ll miss their scolding and their expertly made pies. Often, adults miss out on spending time with their parents because of their busy work schedules, even more so for those who have children to look after.

While it may be difficult to squeeze in additional activities in your already busy year, finding time for your parents while they’re in good health is something you won’t regret. It’s when they’re still mobile and able to keep up with you that you can make fond memories to look back on years after they’re gone.

Get Lost Together

Traveling with your parents is different now that you’re an adult. You can enjoy much of the same things and share the same preferences in drinks, music, and ambiance. Schedule avacation with them to a countryyou both have never been to. It’s even better if you can make it an all-expense-paid trip for them and suit the itinerary to their taste.

Many people who’ve already lost their parents will tell you that among their many regrets is not listening to their stories. Let them tell you again about their childhood and the struggles they faced in their adolescent years. Why not bring a digitized family photo album so that you can look back on memories together? See how much different they remember things and how much clarity they can provide to situations that once confused you. Now that you’re older, they may be more comfortable telling you things that will give you a better perspective of who they are, not just as parents but as individuals.

Have Tough Conversations

It’s also while your parents are still healthy that you’ll want to have tough conversations with them. Talk about how they want to be taken care of if ever they get sick. Do they prefer hospitals or hospice care at home? How do you want to cover the financial cost of hiring ahospice nurse? Bay Areain San Francisco has a good deal of reputable health care facilities you can speak with to have a better idea of costs.

You’ll also want to prepare the legal documentation that will enable you to look after them if they suffer from certain diseases. Doing so will help you avoid difficulties should they develop paranoia or delusions that cause them to mistrust you. Having the necessary documentation needed to prove that theirdoctors can divulge the detailsof their health can make it easier to look after their wellbeing.

Bear in mind that a lot of older adults will disregard this idea at first. It’s understandably difficult to think that one would become so ill or old that they can’t make sensible decisions. Give them time and space to think things through, or have them speak to a health professional about these matters. They’ll eventually come around once they understand that it’s for their own security.

Work on a Passion Project

Invest time and effort in something you’re both passionate about. It could be music, gardening, painting, or charitable works. Decide on one or two that you’re comfortable committing to. A passion project doesn’t have to be big or extravagant. Neither does it have to be expensive.

Some people buy land and start a passion farm together. Others renovate their garden using sustainable materials. What matters is that you’re both emotionally invested in what you’re doing and that you do it hand in hand.

The benefits of a passion project are immense for both of you. They’ll have an additional recreational activity to keep them moving, and you’ll have something healthy to do outside of work. Best of all, you’ll develop a camaraderie that will help you get to know each other better.

Treasure Your Parents

Your parents won’t always be with you. While you still can, travel with them, have tough conversations, and work on a passion project together. Likely, there’s still so much about them you don’t know and vice versa. You’ll have fewer regrets the more you bond with them while they’re still in good health to give you a proper scolding.


Northern girl Laura is the epitome of a true entrepreneur. Laura’s spirit for adventure and passion for people blaze through House of Coco. She founded House of Coco in 2014 and has grown it in to an internationally recognised brand whilst having a lot of fun along the way. Travel is in her DNA and she is a true visionary and a global citizen.

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