Buying your first high-end designer bag is a massive moment. Handbags make a vital piece of accessories, and they make a bold statement about your fashion choices and lifestyle. This means you have to make the best decision the first time.
Designer leather bags are expensive. To get your money’s worth, you need to know how to select the best and the most important factors to consider before choosing one.
To help you out, here is a guide on how to buy your first leather handbag.
Consider the Type of Leather
Leather handbags are made from Suede Leather, Caviar Leather, Crocodile Skin, or Lambskin. Suede leather is high maintenance and the most expensive of all. When you are ready to spend thousands of dollars on your first leather handbag, you need to ensure that you buy a bag that will last long.
Handbags with poor-quality leather will begin to crack after only a few uses. Get to know the type of leather the handbag is made of and only choose the genuine and finest leather quality.
Although full-grain leather is expensive, you will be sure of getting a genuine leather handbag that will last for a very long time.
The Tanning Process
Tanning is a very vital process for leather. This process changes the chemistry of leather to ensure that the enzymes from fungi and bacteria are completely broken down. Tanning prepares the hides and skins to produce leather products and ensures that the leather has a natural tone and smell.
If leather isn’t tanned, it will rot and be putrefy. Additionally, leather products made from poorly tanned leather don’t last long. Get to know the tanning process used before buying the handbag.
Country of Origin
Italians are known to be the most skilled leather artisans. The quality of leather products, including leather handbags from Italy, is unmatchable. This is mainly because of the quality of hides they use, their dye-making process, and the skilled artisans that make the products.
Other top leather producers include China, India, Brazil, and Russia. Countries like the U.S.A are leading importers of leather materials and products.
Know the Difference Between Faux and Genuine Leather
The difference between imitation and genuine leather products depends on the finishing. To tell the difference, you need to touch or feel the handbag’s surface. If the handbag handles smoothly, it is genuine.
Faux leather feels rough, has marks and other imperfections. Faux leather damages easily and doesn’t last long. Also, it appears brighter and shinier than genuine leather. Watch out for those beautiful bags that get damaged when placed under direct sunlight.
Consider Your Style
Since your handbag will be a massive part of your accessories, you need to ensure you choose one that suits your taste and style. Therefore, consider the color, functionality or use, model, and body type.
Looking for the Right Leather Handbags?
Handbags are functional, but they also define a person’s style and fashion choices. To get the best bag that will last long and suit your taste, consider these tips to help narrow down on options that fit your needs.