


Meet Michal Najgebauer, the visionary entrepreneur behind The Drop. A true believer in the power of a positive mindset, Mike has made it his mission to help people unlock their full potential and live their best lives.

With a background in health and wellness, he saw a gap in the market for a supplement that not only improved mental clarity but also provided a daily dose of motivation. And so, The Happy Mind was born. Mike’s passion for empowering others is infectious, and his dedication to his brand is unwavering. He’s a natural leader, always pushing his team to think outside the box and come up with new and innovative ways to inspire their audience.

With his sights set on creating a movement called ‘Your Mind is Your Only Limit’, Mike is on a mission to change the world, one happy mind at a time. Read on as we spoke to Mike in more detail…

Tell us about the journey that led you to launching your brand, The Drop.

My journey to launching The Drop started with a deep-seated belief in the power of positivity and the human mind. I wanted to share my knowledge with the world and help people unlock their full potential. With many people struggling with brain fog and lack of motivation, I knew I had to create something revolutionary. That’s why I created Happy Mind, a unique liquid supplement that provides unparalleled clarity, drive, and mental agility. The Drops help to de-stress and clear brain fog so that you can have more positive thoughts, which, in turn, leads to generating more positive events in life. I truly believe that everything starts with a thought and that if you can dream it, you can achieve it. With Happy Mind, I can help people tap into that power and transform their lives for the better.

What sets you apart from other supplement brands?

At The Drop, we’re not just any old supplement brand – we’re a movement, baby! We’re on a mission to spread the word about the incredible power of the mind and how a positive mindset can help you achieve anything you set your sights on. We’re all about empowering you to live your best life and unlocking your full potential, all while having a blast along the way!

How did you first discover the benefits of liquid supplements?

My journey to discovering the benefits of liquid supplements began when I realised that the traditional pill supplements I had been taking weren’t delivering the results I wanted. So, during the pandemic, I spent hours researching the differences between liquid absorption and pill absorption. I learned that liquid supplements are simply more effective than pills, with higher rates of absorption and faster results.

How do you want people to feel when they use your products?

I want people to feel like they’ve just had a refreshing splash of clarity and focus in their day. I want my products to make you feel like you can conquer any challenge that comes your way with ease and confidence.

Have you got plans to expand your range and launch other products in the future?

I am thrilled to announce that Happy Mind will soon be launching in Ireland and the Middle East. I believe that Happy Mind is a must-have product that everyone can benefit from, whether you’re a busy professional, a student, an athlete, or just someone looking to live their best life.

If you didn’t pursue this career, what else would you have liked to do?

If I wasn’t in the wellness game, you’d probably find me living out my childhood dream of being a pop star!

What advice would you offer to any aspiring health and wellness business owners who are struggling to get started?

My advice is to take action and take the risk. Don’t let overthinking hold you back from pursuing your passion. Taking this step and going out of your comfort zone will not only help you build more confidence but also create a strong character. You can only benefit from trying, and I literally see no negatives. There is no failure, only lessons that will make you stronger. Just take that first step and know that even if things don’t go as planned, you’ll gain valuable experience to apply to your next endeavour.

Don’t wait for tomorrow, start today!

Can you walk us through an average day in your life?

My average day revolves around balancing my love for health and wellness with some fun activities. I start my day by drinking a glass of water and taking my Happy Mind drops. Then, I take a shower and attend to my emails and to-do list, tackling the most challenging tasks first. To keep myself motivated, I listen to upbeat music and visualise my goals. I have my breakfast and coffee around two hours after waking up. Throughout the day, I work on creating content for my brand, collaborate with my graphic designer, and have meetings with my marketing team. After work, I occasionally meet up with friends for dinner and some laughter. On weekends, I might be found dancing on a table in one of London’s nightclubs after taking my Happy Mind drops.

Looking back since launching the business, is there anything that you would do differently?

No, I have no regrets about anything I have done so far. Every decision and action have brought me to where I am today.

What’s on top of your bucket list destination?

South Korea is on top of my bucket list because I am fascinated by its unique blend of modern technology and ancient traditions.

Running a business can be hectic; what do you do to unwind?

I have two go-to activities to unwind. The first is dancing, and a night out is a great way to forget about work for a while. If I need to disconnect completely, I take a trip to a new place to explore different cultures and scenery. Traveling helps me reset and come back to work feeling refreshed and motivated.

What’s your favourite motivational quote?

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Where do you see your brand in five years?

In five years, I envision the Happy Mind brand as more than just supplements. It will become a go-to resource for motivation and empowerment through an app that provides daily doses of inspiration via motivational podcasts, quotes, and reminders to take Happy Mind drops.

The goal is to create a movement called “Your Mind is Your Only Limit” that empowers people to unlock their full potential. The Happy Mind supplement is a crucial component of achieving this goal because it helps clear brain fog and boost focus, allowing individuals to harness their mind’s full potential.

Follow Mike as he takes over the world, one mind at a time.

Instagram @enjoythedrop and the website

In this interview, we hear from the founder of Jacx Carter Designs, a jewelry brand that creates unique pieces using mixed media. TieSha Carter, who is self-taught, shares that her passion for jewelry design started as a coping mechanism for anxiety and panic disorder.

She launched Jacx Carter Designs in 2021 on Etsy and later decided to build her own unique brand to stand out from the saturated market. TieSha prides herself on making every piece herself and supporting other small business owners when sourcing materials. Her goal is for people to feel confident and proud when they wear her jewelry, which she believes accentuates their personality and identity. TieSha is currently a part-time Senior Systems Engineer, but hopes that Jacx Carter Designs will one day become her full-time career. Her advice for aspiring designers is to bet on themselves and start small.

Ready to be inspired? Read on…

Tell us the journey that led you to launching your brand, Jacx Carter Designs…

Jewelry design and creation started off for me as a coping mechanism for anxiety and panic disorder. I would escape to my sunroom (currently my studio/office) and turn on youtube videos or attend online workshops to learn different styles and techniques for creating jewelry pieces (hence the self-taught). Eventually my creations started taking over the room and my husband asked what I planned on doing with them. He and other’s who saw the pieces I made were surprised at the quality and creativity and encouraged me to start selling. So, in 2021 I launched Jacx Carter Designs as an Etsy shop. In 2022 I decided to navigate away from Etsy and truly build my own unique brand leaving behind the platform of a saturated market.

The name Jacx came from the first and middle initials of my children’s name Xavier Julian and Chloe Ann. It is some that I wrote on a vision board in 2018 with no idea at the time what it would become. It’s amazing how vision works and manifests itself.

What sets you apart from other jewellery designs?

The biggest thing that sets me apart from other designs is that every single piece that I sell was made by me. My hands have literally touched every product that is in my shop. Because I love to explore all different types of materials, I think you will find a lot of mixed media pieces in my shop that you wouldn’t find anywhere else. I feel like a lot of brands are known for that one particular thing and that is not Jacx Carter Designs. You will find styles I believe can suit anyone’s personal style (maybe except for those that are looking for something more traditional). 

I also like to highlight that because I am as small business, I do my best to source my materials from other small business owners. I believe in supporting my community.

How did you first discover your passion for jewellery design?

I have always, always had a passion for the creative arts. I have painted, done photography, knitted on the side but nothing has stuck like jewelry design. It was something that seemed to come easily and allows me to continue to explore the other areas just mentioned all in one place.

I can also say my family has also been a big influence. My grandmothers would always dress to impress to include having shoes, purses and accessories to match. I remember watching them layout their outfits for the day and lastly picking out the perfect accessories to finish the look. My mother has always been into fashion as well. She owned a consignment shop and has been a personal stylist, so I guess it was hidden deep down in my DNA.

How do you want people to feel when they wear your jewellery?

When people wear my pieces I want them to feel confident. I want them to feel like they are wearing something that totally represents and accentuates their personality and identity. I want them to be proud that they have a one of a kind piece that they selected just for them.

Have you got plans to expand your range and launch other products in the future?

My father always teases me about not having anything to offer for men and so I have been thinking about pursing a men’s collection in the future. Right now, I am just doing some research on the demographic.

I have also been playing around with some simple wire wrapped rings. There is a possibility for a small collection of rings sometime in the future.

If you didn’t pursue this career, what else would you have liked to do?

Honestly this is not my full-time gig. I would absolutely love to get to that point. Right now I work part-time as a Senior Systems Engineering for a small business. I have both a Bachelor’s and Master’s in Computer Science. Jacx Carter Designs is my dream coming true.

What advice would you offer any aspiring designers who are struggling to get started?

Bet on yourself. My favorite quote is “You automatically loose the changes you don’t take.” – Unknown author.

Take the leap just get started and start small. Etsy was a great platform for me to see how my pieces would do and was not too overwhelming or to much of a learning curve.

Talk us through an average day in your life…

Mondays and Fridays are my days that are dedicated to Jacx Carter Designs (although I do small things throughout the week and on Sundays) while Tuesdays – Thursdays I am in the office performing in my role of Lead Systems Engineer. I am going to use Monday as my average day.

My alarm goes off at 6:30am I hop up and go to my children’s rooms to wake them up and layout their close for the day. While they are getting ready I had back to my room to throw something on and take a few minutes to read a daily devotional or a page out of my current bible study guide. Once everyone is ready then it’s time to head downstairs for breakfast, morning devotion with the kids and off to drop off at school. Once back home I finally grab a bite to eat while going through my list of things for the day prior to my weekly 11:00am meeting with my marketing project manager. Once the meeting is over, I knock out any action items I may have had and move on to the next part of my day. The next few hours (prior to 2:30 when it’s time to leave to pick up the children) I head to my sunroom (aka workshop) and work to finish up any pieces I may have started but not finished from the prior week and over the weekend. I also layout any designs I have in mind to start working on during the week. My day usually ends once the kids are home from school where I shift gears to focus on their needs, preparing for dinner or finishing up loose ends around the house.

I typically reserve Friday’s for photographing pieces, editing, and uploading to the website.

Looking back since launching the business, is there anything that you would do differently?

I started learning the business side of things after starting the business. I think I would have done a little more research on running a business first prior to just leaping in. However, I have learned at lot doing it the way that I did and am still learning.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

My husband and I would love to do an extended vacation where we can visit Australia, New Zealand and the Fiji Islands.

Running a business can be non-stop, what do you do to switch off?

When I switch off from business mode I am typically spending time with family, bingewatching my favorite show on Netflix and/or Hulu or working on a puzzle.

What’s your go to quote when you’re lacking motivation?

“If we already have something, we don’t need to hope for it, but if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.” – Romans 8:24-25

In five years from now, where do you see the brand?

My dream for my brand is to be seen on the red carpet and on runways both nationally and internationally. Currently I am a member of FlyingSolo NYC and you can find a curated collection of my pieces in their store. I want to continue to be a boutique brand and be able to collaborate with more boutiques worldwide.

Where can people find out more?

To learn more about Jacx Carter Designs you can visit our website at and follow us on Instagram @jacxcarterdesigns

In an interview with Amanda Caroline, she shared her inspiring journey to success. Despite facing setbacks like a skin cancer diagnosis and a divorce, Amanda has remained resilient and bounced back stronger than ever. She’s now the founder of her own successful skincare brand, Amanda Caroline Skincare, and is continuing to expand her range of high-quality, effective skincare products.

Amanda’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance, faith, and self-care.

When asked about her secret sauce, Amanda credits her physical and mental strength, faith, and the importance of keeping the right people around her. Her passion for mentoring others and sharing her knowledge and experience is a true testament to her character and dedication to helping others.

For aspiring business owners, Amanda’s advice is to map out your vision, understand your market, be passionate and confident about your product, and have a financial plan. Her story is one of resilience, perseverance, and pursuing your passion. Amanda’s journey serves as an inspiration to anyone facing adversity and shows that with hard work, dedication, and a little faith, anything is possible.

Ready to be inspired Read on…

Interview with Amanda Caroline

Tell us about the journey that led to the launch of Amanda Caroline Skincare.

It began towards the end of 2016, and only upon reflection do I truly understand how I arrived here. Over the years, I worked as a model – a career with a short lifespan – and overcame skin cancer, which sparked my interest in skincare and epigenetics, the power of the mind, and staying youthful. I started investing more and more time in taking care of my skin and leaned into beauty as a way to relax and escape a difficult time in my personal life.

I struggled to find a skincare routine that addressed my own skin concerns, including pigmentation from sun damage and a damaged skin barrier from harsh products used in my teens. Everything I bought seemed to clog my pores, leading to further problems with congestion and dehydration.

I felt there must be a way to disrupt this cycle, creating products that were super hydrating, clearing, and brightening the skin, giving a more youthful appearance and slowing the ageing process. When my personal life improved, I decided to start my own company and find a cosmetic scientist and manufacturer that could turn my vision into a reality, and that’s how our Haute Lift Duo was born.

You were diagnosed with malignant melanoma skin cancer in your early thirties. How did you turn this difficult moment into something positive?

Overcoming this difficult time left me with an 8cm scar on my right leg that was quite prohibitive as I was a swimwear/fashion/legs model. Because my melanoma was so close to being fatal, I took a closer look at my life and made significant changes, giving up modelling and focusing on what was important. This led me to where I am now.

How do you want people to feel when they use your products?

It’s essential to me that people see immediate results, feeling refreshed, plump, and hydrated. I prioritize high efficacy high-quality ingredients and value for money. I oversee all product development and brand development and spend a lot of time researching the ingredients and developing the unique formulas with our world-class Cosmetic Scientists, all made in the UK.

The personal experience is all-encompassing. When I see customers excited about the texture, delicate rose fragrance, and instant/long-term results, it reinforces what I have achieved, and it signals to me that I’m on the right path. I’m passionate about creating a non-complicated, no-fuss skincare routine, and I believe my customers appreciate that, building trust and confidence in the brand.

You always seem to bounce back from adversity, such as your skin cancer diagnosis or divorce. What’s your secret sauce?

I consider myself both physically and mentally strong, and keeping myself at an optimum level in both areas helps me to achieve what I need to do in my business and personal life. Faith plays a huge part in my life, providing constant support and strength during challenging times, whether personal or business. When I’m going through a difficult period, I focus on looking after myself, and my health, and keeping the right people around me. It’s essential to have a trustworthy circle that cares about each other.

Have you got plans to expand your range and launch other products in the future?

I can’t wait to launch more products, we have so many plans and I have a huge vision for the brand, our plan is to complete the skincare, and facial routine first that be used at home or in spas so we will be launching our cleanser next. This is a beautiful addition to the range and another really unique and special texture that we have been working on for over a year, it also has our signature rose scent and plenty of actives whilst being very gentle. We also have a few more exciting products in and out of development so over the next 18 months will be adding to the range

If you didn’t pursue this career, what else would you have liked to do?

My dream in the mid-80s was to be an air hostess, this is what I told my careers advisor, they told me I was too tall but I applied anyway and ended up having an interview with Virgin Airways which was very new and glamorous at the time. Then I started modelling and decided to move to London and pursue this full-time. I also really love to mentor people from all age groups and have worked with people who are starting businesses or going through a difficult time. I love to share my knowledge, experience and passion for life so would love to continue this, later on, I would love to use my experience starting Amanda Caroline Skincare to help other women in business.

What advice would you offer any aspiring business owners who are struggling to get started?

It is important when you’re thinking of starting a business to map out your vision and understand your market. You need to be very passionate and confident about your product, if it’s not unique, how is it protected. You need to understand revenue and make sure you are going to make a profit after your outgoings.

How are you going to manage the day-to-day workload and who are you going to bring on board to support you? Burnout for CEOs of startouts is around 5 years so you have to be conscious of having the right level of support as the workload can be massive at the beginning. You need to understand resources and where they are going to come from as it’s always more expensive than you think and if you run out of money it’s game over. Most start-ups fail because they run out of cash so its vital that you have a financial plan.

Developing products has been a great joy in my life and the launch of these products was a pinch-me moment, switching on the e-commerce made it very real, when you start selling and realise there is an appetite in the marketplace for your products that’s very memorable and exciting, its huge!

Talk us through an average day in your life…

I like to compare myself in the mornings to Jeff Bezos who has said ‘I like to potter in the mornings’ I take time for myself, have coffee in bed, scan emails and social media, and I love waking up to orders, and making money whilst I sleep! I then either get ready for the day, a full outfit, hair and makeup which takes some time or go for a sporty look and walk or do some training. I like to do sports most days, lifting heavy weights, lap swimming and cardio which helps focus my mind and strengthen my body. I check in at the office and at my local retailers, I don’t believe in micromanagement, and I trust my team to manage their schedule of work.

I often have meetings with retailers, doctors, aestheticians, press and financial people and I’m always looking out for new markets, that’s a big part of my day. I always make time to visit my daughter Sofia Yeganeh in her art studio in Mayfair and then we go for coffee and catch up. I don’t socialize until at least Wednesday where I may have an early dinner with my daughter or some friends.

On a Friday I like to take a half day for a long lunch and on the weekends catch up with friends and loved ones, I love to visit art galleries, watch the ballet, shop for antiques in London and visit other cities around Europe. Looking back since launching the business, is there anything that you would do differently? I stand by my journey and all of the difficulties and challenges that came along, these have made me stronger and more resilient. Business as in life is a series of battles that need to be overcome and won. I have no regrets at all and am grateful for all of the experiences that have presented themselves during this learning curve.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is at the top of your bucket list?

I’ve always wanted to visit Australia and New Zealand, but I haven’t yet had the time. I would also love to see more of South America, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. I know that America is going to be a really big market for us and so I am really looking forward to visiting more of the States. Running a business can be non-stop, what do you do to switch off? I love entertaining in my beautiful new home, I love cooking, feeding people and hosting parties for people. I make the best margaritas in London at my bar, the Chez Amanda. I built my house to be the perfect, social and safe space for my friends to get together and open up.

Letting off steam with my close friends is very important and helps me to unwind at the weekends. Like everyone else, I also love TikTok, watching Netflix, and keeping up with current trends. Swimming is a big part of my life and really helps me to relax during the week and find resolution. Sport helps keep my mind focused and allows me time away from my phone and emails. I’m also a big part of the church community.

What’s your go-to quote when you’re lacking motivation?

Like every true entrepreneur, there is always an element of self-doubt that can creep in, this is normal and very healthy. I just find a way to push through, punch through… there is always a way. Again this is where my faith helps and I am able to reach out to my community for support and advice. Asking for help is a vital part of being a business owner and it’s always humbling and it’s a relief when people respond to that.

Five years from now, where do you see the brand?

I have a very clear vision for the brand, skincare for the face and then we will work on body care, I would love to create a perfume as I am really passionate about the scents in our products and love to mix my own perfumes together for a signature scent, supplements, makeup, to be in every top spa in the world, doctors offices, luxury pharmacies, beauty clinics, pop-ups in major cities and an Amanda Caroline skincare flagship store and spa. As a digital business, we are growing our online presence.

Where can people find out more?

You can visit our website and shop at On Instagram and Tiktok we share a lot of behind scenes and have a great community of followers @amandacarolineskincare My personal Instagram is @amandacarolinecronin I want people to know that I’m really approachable and read all my DMs, I love to connect with anyone that follows the brand and is or wants to become a customer. Our products are also available in Fenwick stores and online, and at

Get ready to be inspired by the story of the unstoppable entrepreneur behind Abyssal Blu, a sustainable swimwear brand that is shaking up the fashion industry. In this exclusive interview with House of Coco, Marley-Kate shares her incredible journey towards launching her brand, fuelled by her passion for sustainable fashion and her unwavering determination to make a difference. She talks about the importance of being eco-friendly and how it inspired her to create a luxury, eco-conscious, and unique brand that stands out from the crowd.

Her words of wisdom and encouragement for aspiring entrepreneurs are nothing short of inspiring, as she urges them to take the leap and just go for it. With her commitment to sustainability and her passion for fashion, she is setting an example for others to follow. If you’re looking for motivation to pursue your dreams, this interview with the founder of Abyssal Blu is a must-read. Get ready to be inspired and make a splash in the world of fashion!

Can you tell us a bit about your journey that led you to launch your brand Abyssal Blu?

I always wanted to start my own brand, so I started by doing a diploma and advanced diploma in fashion design. Studying the fashion industry helped me form the idea of a sustainable swimwear brand and develop how I position my brand in the industry.

Being sustainable and eco-friendly is at the forefront of what you do. Why was this important to you?

The fashion industry is a major cause of waste and environmental destruction. Looking to the future, I think it’s important for all fashion brands to adjust and take on an eco-friendly stance.

Describe the brand in 3 words?

Luxury, eco-conscious, unique.

Tell us about your ideal customer?

Our ideal customer is confident, prefers to own unique pieces, and stand out from the crowd.

How do you want women to feel when they wear your designs?

We want anyone wearing our pieces to feel confident, radiant, and drop-dead gorgeous.

Tell us what a typical day in your life looks like?

A typical day starts with walking my two dogs, then making a quick breakfast. I will pack any orders, schedule some social media posts, check emails, and marketing targets for Abyssal Blu, then head off to my day job. I usually finish the day by winding down in my garden.

Since launching the brand, what has been your proudest moment?

My proudest moment would absolutely be my first sale. It really cemented the reality that I was now a business owner.

Who/what inspires you?

One of my huge inspirations in business is Karina Irby. Her story has really encouraged me to follow my dreams, and her confidence is out of this world.

What are your plans for the brand in 2023?

I am currently developing the next line of swimwear with some new styles, colors, and prints. With slow fashion being our focus, we will only be producing very limited numbers with no restocks.

Did you always know that one day you would be an entrepreneur?

Yes, I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur and be my own boss.

If there’s one entrepreneur activity you could get better at, what would it be?

Social media. It’s a daily struggle.

For people aspiring to run their own company, what advice would you give?

Take the leap and just go for it!

Where can people find out more?

To find out more information about Abyssal Blu and to purchase your piece head to

In today’s world, entrepreneurship has become a popular avenue for people to pursue their passions and create meaningful change. Tasha Rui, a fashion entrepreneur from Australia, is one such individual who has followed her passion for fashion and design to build a successful brand.

Tasha Rui’s designs are inspired by nature and her customers, and her commitment to sustainable fashion has garnered her a loyal following. In this interview, Tasha Rui shares her journey as an entrepreneur, her sources of inspiration, and her plans for the future of her brand. Her story is sure to inspire anyone looking to start their own company and make a difference in the world of fashion.

Tell us a bit about your journey that led you to launching your brand Tasha Rui.

As a young person, I was your classic artist. This was obvious to teachers, who wrote on my report cards that I was always sketching and coloring. My ability was nurtured by creatives on both sides of the family, instilling a passion for pursuing a career in the creative industries. My high school counselor recognised this focus and guided me to electives in visual arts, design, and art history at university. I went on to study professional graphic design, visual arts, art history, cultural development, and business studies.

My pathway into fashion evolved from my arts practice combined with an eco-awareness and a desire to create flattering swimwear for women, influenced by my Australian coastal upbringing. This has evolved into opportunities for creative experience with fashion industry support and launching a resort and swim brand, Tasha Rui.

Being sustainable and eco-friendly is at the forefront of what you do, and you work with local makers. Why was this important to you?

Tasha Rui has been built around the concept of people and planet at its centre. These values drive core business decisions and product design. I grew up in coastal areas and felt that we all have a responsibility to care for nature. Tasha Rui brings me full circle, enabling me to align my passion for creativity and environmental sustainability.

Describe the brand in 3 words?

• Creative • Eco-friendly • Feminine

We love that you are well-traveled. What is your favorite place on the planet?

Many trips to the UK, Europe, and Southeast Asia gave me the travel bug and inspired me with the diversity of colors and patterns across cultures. I really enjoyed Cinque Terre because of the coastal villages, and because it reminded me of walking along the cliffs along the Bondi Beach to Coogee walk. I have taken this walk hundreds of times in my lifetime, and I still find it to be a stunning land and seascape.

Tell us about your ideal customer?

Tasha Rui is resonating with a diverse collective of women around the globe. We have super fans in Australia, USA, and now we are finding a fan base in the UK. I have observed all of our collective has in common is that they are individuals focused on enjoying life. They want a swimsuit that performs and lets them be their best selves – whether this is for a fun day at the beach or on a resort holiday.

How do you want women to feel when they wear your designs?

Women who wear Tasha Rui are naturally joyful because they feel empowered and feminine. Our designs and prints are supporting this confidence in self. Our customers describe Tasha Rui swimwear as the kind of flattering swimsuits that can survive ‘a good dumper’ at the beach – that is a big wave in Australian lingo. Women want functional resort and swimwear that they know they look great in so that they can get on with the fun part of living and loving life.

Tell us what a typical day in your life looks like?

My day working on Tasha Rui can vary. One day I could be sketching, the next directing a photo shoot, and sometimes talking to my collective on social media. Fashion design and production are extremely systems and logistics focused and therefore consistent communication and organization behind the scenes is important. There are many steps to manage to achieve a good value proposition for customers.

Since launching the brand, what has been your proudest moment?

One of the most notable moments for Tasha Rui was showcasing at the Melbourne Fashion Festival as part of the Global Indigenous Runway. The experience was elevated by the use of a powerful Māori metal band, Alien Weaponry, who used one of their tracks as our runway song. This moment was particularly special as it allowed us to launch the brand on such a prestigious runway while also honoring the whanau, particularly my grandfather and great-grandfather.

Who and what inspires you?

At Tasha Rui, all textile designs are inspired by nature. We use still life sketches, such as a vase of flowers or a garden, to capture the essence of nature, much like Impressionism. Our resort and swimwear designs are inspired by our customers, and we listen to their feedback and adapt according to their needs. As a designer, I am inspired by on-screen fashion and female musicians who also practice art, such as Florence + the Machine, Alison Goldfrapp, and Kate Bush. I love when women are in their power and rock out.

Are there any sources you turn to for support in running your business?

I collaborate with a team of creatives and business advisors to run Tasha Rui. Additionally, I have received support from university innovation development programs, state and federal governments through creative funding and subsidised professional development, and have participated in various marketing initiatives. As fashion is a relationship-focused industry, I also spend much of my time talking to our collective on various platforms, collaborating with my team of professional creatives, muses, models, photographers, videographers, production managers, and business partners.

What are your plans for the brand in 2023?

As the UK market has shown enthusiasm for Tasha Rui, I aim to support our UK-based collective to have physical access to the brand in store. I am currently exploring opportunities to collaborate with stockists to make this happen. Tasha Rui uniquely uses rolling prints, which means that there is less textile wastage, and each customer receives a unique garment.

Did you always know that one day you would be an entrepreneur?

I did not always identify as an entrepreneur. My perspective changed when I was introduced to a female-run fashion entrepreneur development program established by Queensland University of Technology Creative Enterprise Australia and is now operated by Fashion 360.

If there’s one entrepreneurial activity you could get better at, what would it be?

As the founder and lead designer of Tasha Rui, I have become more comfortable advocating for the brand. I use my passion for what I do to motivate and inspire me to talk about Tasha Rui with others, allowing me to achieve my goals in an authentic way.

For people aspiring to run their own company, what advice would you give?

My advice is to find a topic or focus area that energizes you, as you need a deep enthusiasm for what you are doing to find the motivation to persevere. Seek help from places with experienced advisors and look for local government small business programs that offer advice. There is unlimited support available.

Where can people find out more?

Follow us on Instagram at @tasha_rui, visit our online store at, and we ship to many locations worldwide.

I don’t think we’ve ever met a brand owner who is a better advert for their company than Keisha Young. Founder of Clay & Olive skincare, she lives and breathes everything the vegan brand stands for, and it shines through on her flawless face. However, she is more than just her looks. We spent some time with Keisha to go beneath the surface in a conversation with Keisha Young from Clay.

Conversation with Keisha Young from Clay

Tell us a bit about Clay and Olive Skincare and your journey to getting where you are today.

My passion for skincare was sparked at an early age as I grew up watching my mother nurture her own skin with a daily ritual that restored vibrancy. My mother, the youngest of seven, grew up on a large farm in rural Alabama. Growing up, she’d watch my grandmother handcraft soaps made from simple ingredients harvested on their farm. Taking key ingredients from simple skincare recipes passed down to me from generations of women in my family, I was able to forge forward to create an exciting vegan and cruelty-free line that unites skin wellness with self-care.

You are literally glowing, a clear testament that your products do as they say on the tin. Walk us through your daily skincare routine.

I am a minimalist when it comes to my daily skincare routine. My day-to-day can be a whirlwind so a skincare regime done in four easy steps (cleansing, toning, serum, and moisturiser) is vital to my lifestyle. However, when it comes to skin rejuvenation, from time to time I may include a DIY facial using a gua sha or freeze globes to help massage away tension. Every winter my skin tends to be on the dryer side so moisturizer is a must. Hydration is super important – my skin loves it! Oh, and I never leave my house without applying SPF.

Clay & Olive Skincare

What has been your highlight since launching the brand?

Creating a community of women who support my brand has been a major highlight for me. Success doesn’t happen overnight. Advocacy is what will set my brand apart from the rest. I have cultivated a tribe of women who are vested in the products, aligned with the brand’s core values and are loyal and loud – sharing Clay and Olive Skincare’s vision.

Describe Clay and Olive Skincare in 3 words?

Clean. Opulent. Wellness

Who is involved in the brand and what are their roles?

My sister Katasha has been by my side in the development of the brand. She has put in a lot of work on the backend to help identify brand core values as well as helping to ensure that quality, effectiveness, and beauty is at the center of the brand. She works tirelessly to ensure our messaging remains consistent and relevant.

Clay & Olive Skincare

Who/what inspires you?

I am inspired by Nyakio Grieco, co-founder of Thirteen Lune. She is the inspiration behind an inclusive beauty and wellness e-commerce platform designed to inspire the discovery of beauty brands created by Black and Brown founders. Her platform gives brands a wider audience to engage and educate, creating a path to generational wealth – the first of its kind.

In only a short two years later, Thirteen Lune entered an inclusive beauty partnership with 600 JCPenney department stores nationwide. It’s a tremendous achievement done in such a short amount of time. She inspires me to set bold, loud goals and not be apologetic for it because even in a room full of the industry’s elite there is always room for one more.

Are there any sources you go to for support with running your business?

I am currently in an accelerator program created for brands in consumer retail with the goal of accelerating growth for the next generation of black-owned businesses on the path to unicorn status. These programs bring together the best of professional development and industry expertise to collaborate with in addition to a network of other successful founders, major retailers, and investors which will help me unlock the next phase of growth for Clay and Olive Skincare.

What are your plans for the brand in 2023?

We have a bunch of fun partnerships and collaborations with like-minded creators and brands on the way as well as more educational content on our social media platforms.

Did you always know that one day you would be a #Girlboss?

Yes, I always knew I would be doing something special one day and that it would be more than what I could even imagine for myself. This journey I am on is divinely ordered.

If there’s one #Girlboss activity you could get better at, what would it be?

One #Girlboss activity I’m working on improving is my time management. Most recently, I have begun my days by focusing on 90 minutes of uninterrupted work on a task I define as important. That means, no social media, no phone calls, no coffee runs, no disruptions – period. After 90 minutes, I take a short break to recharge and then I’m at it again.

The goal in making this work is to build precise, deliberate practices so eventually, my daily action items don’t require much self-discipline. I’ve tried it for one week and it has been a game-changer. Over the course of those 90-minute intervals, I’ve been intensely focused on my tasks at hand.

For women aspiring to run their own company, what advice would you give?

As a black woman and a business owner, it can be difficult finding a balance between being assertive and being authentic to myself. Coming from a corporate background I often struggled to find the balance of being who I am and during that time I recall shrinking myself and never feeling very good about it.

Now I am accepting that I am confident, bold, talented, aware, and informed – and that I’m worthy to be seated at any table, during any conversation seeking an opportunity. That acceptance has made my journey so much more comfortable.

The advice I would offer to women aspiring to run their own company is to take the time to learn how you want to lead when getting started in your new role as founder/CEO, and then be bold enough to come as you are.

Follow Keisha and her brand to stay up to date with Clay & Olive.

If you don’t believe in yourself and chase your dreams how can you ever know the outcome? That’s the mindset that Deb, founder of Gracein, lives by and it’s the reason why she is living out her dream as an artist. Here, we spent some time with her to find to more…

Can you tell us about the journey that led you to launch Gracein?

I could share the long version or the short one, but for your sake, I’ll keep it short and sweet. After attending art school, I found my passion in advertising, which I absolutely love. I think of print campaigns in my sleep, and creating and daydreaming is what it’s all about for me. I’ve met some brilliant creative minds who inspire me, even if they aren’t fine artists. I love learning, trying something new, and being an artist again. When people know me, talk to me, or experience my art, I hope they feel something – any emotion is acceptable. Emotions are necessary, and I think channeling them into art is one of the most humanly healthy ways to cope with the hard stuff.

Your motto is ‘let’s canvas the world in love.’ What does that look like to you?

It’s simple – heaven. I envision all the artists I’ve loved or been inspired by walking among the stars of the art world. Today, I’d love to chat with my mother for just a second and whisper, “thank you for believing in me always.” My parents are a huge inspiration for much of my work, and not a day goes by that I don’t feel inspired by them.

What has been your favorite moment since launching the brand?

Three big moments come to mind. Firstly, painting again for the first time in around 20 years and loving it. I’ve always been a designer and loved doing marker comps old-school style, but now I find it fun to paint what I feel, not what I see. Secondly, learning that art is not something you market like you do a product. There is a lot of rejection and failure with being an artist, especially an abstract artist. Not everyone gets it or appreciates it, and that’s more than okay. You have to move past the noise and just create for yourself. Lastly, my favorite moment is now – when the world was ready for my art. It’s like everything started to click.

How do you want people to feel when they see your artwork?

I want people to explore whatever feeling they have. Some of my artwork touches on hard subject matter, and I know it’s difficult. It was hard for me to paint. But when I finished, I wanted just one person to see it and know that tomorrow is a new day, they matter, and someone is waiting to meet them or thinking about them. Believe this because it is real and true. Don’t give up on yourself or others. You’ve got this, and you can do it. Face whatever it is with courage, love it (and love yourself) gently. Love truly and historically heals everything.

Who is your dream customer?

I would say all children, big and small, especially the ‘child inside’ who wants to play. I often talk about the sandbox and ask others if they can recall playing in one. Or a time when pure play happened for them. A time when all people were welcome. I tell them to go there, remember that moment and recall it often. I played with both dolls and random tools my father had, and I loved it. Ask yourself, what was your childhood sandbox like? Who was in it with you, and what were you all make-believing about?

Who is involved in the business, and what are their roles?

To be honest, it’s been mostly me, myself, and I in my career, with my husband alongside me as my biggest fan. However, I’m grateful for my lovely career and the experiences I’ve had. I also have a supportive circle of friends who feel like family, a close-knit family who are also my best friends, a board of advisors, and my sweet husband who encourages me to dream bigger and brighter. We both love daydreaming about things like Christmas decorations and family artifacts. It’s important to surround yourself with positive voices rather than those who bring you down by telling you that you’re not good at x, y, or z.

How do you balance your role as an artist and running a business?

It’s a delicate balance for sure. But, it’s one that I truly enjoy. I have a great love for both the creative process and the business side of things. It’s challenging to switch between the two mindsets, but I find that each informs the other in a really positive way.

As an artist, I’m constantly experimenting and trying new things. I’m always exploring new techniques and materials, and that curiosity and willingness to take risks is something that I bring to my business as well. On the business side, I’m always looking for new ways to grow and expand the brand, and that entrepreneurial spirit feeds back into my art.

Ultimately, I think that balance comes down to staying focused on what’s most important – creating art that I’m passionate about and building a brand that reflects that passion and connects with others. When I keep that at the forefront of everything I do, it helps to keep me grounded and centered, no matter what challenges come my way.

What can we expect from Gracein in the future?

I’m always working on new projects and exploring new creative avenues. In the future, I hope to continue to grow the brand and expand into new markets and collaborations. I’m also excited to continue to explore new materials and techniques in my art, and to continue to push myself creatively.

Ultimately, I want to continue to use my art to inspire and uplift others, and to create a community around creativity and self-expression. Whether that’s through new products, collaborations, or events, I’m excited to see where the journey takes me and to share that journey with others.

Follow Deb and her journey to stay up to date with her magical life.

As someone who has loved their curls their entire life, going through grief in 2021 saw me experience severe hair loss, resulting in me having to learn how to love my curls all over again. I shared my journey candidly online and I soon realised that this was a common thing, whether people were experiencing hair loss due to stress or just not loving their curls as much as they could, it opened up a real honest and insightful conversation.

In a captivating Conversation with Michele Scott, the exchange illuminated her insights on art, community, and the power of storytelling. As we delved into her experiences, Michele Scott’s words resonated, fostering a deeper appreciation for the intertwining threads of creativity and connection within the human experience.

Following my trauma, I went on a mission to heal myself and get my curls back to their full potential. Cue the arrival of Boucleme. A hair brand that not only helped me fall in love with my mane all over again but it gave me a whole new lease of life. So much so, that I was super keen to spend some time with the founder to find out more. Here, we chatted to Michele Scott-Lynch to find out more about Boucleme, her plans for the future and so much more…

Conversation with Michele Scott

Tell us about the journey that led you to launch your brand, Boucleme…

I hated my hair for a large part of my life. There were very few curly role models in the media when I was growing up and I could never find products that created definition or hold my curls so I opted for relaxing them instead. This all changed when I hit 30 after reading Malcom X’s autobiography and relating to his story of relaxing his hair and how it was done to conform with the western perception of beauty = smooth, straight locks. I realised I was doing exactly the same and vowed from then to stop straightening my hair and embrace my curls. I have worn my natural curls ever since, it was a liberating experience.

You’re on a mission to set curls free. Why was this important to you?

This really stems from my own journey to curls and hearing the similarities in many other people’s stories too. People still to this day use words like ‘tame’, ‘unruly’, difficult’ when talking about curly hair and black women in particular are subjected to awful hair discrimination. All of which can make it hard for people to love their natural hair pattern. We want to be able to offer encouragement and support from products to advice to anyone wanting to take that leap. We want to help people to wear their natural hair in all it’s glory and feel empowered, confident and beautiful.

How do you want people to feel when they use your products?

We’re a prestige brand. Our products are made using high-quality ingredients and fragranced using natural essential oils. I want it to feel like a luxury experience when people use them and for the scents to uplift and stimulate the senses so everyday you feel pampered and cared for.

Who’s involved in the business and what does an average day look like for you?

We’re a small team of 11 which people find hard to believe. We’re working really hard behind the scenes to come up with innovative ideas for new products, and experiences for customers and fighting fires daily. Externally we work with PR, digital agencies, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers. An average day starts around 8.30 am, filled with lots of meetings both internal and external. We’re in the office 3 days a week and then from home the other 2. Some days are super productive and others can be full of challenges which can feel quite draining. I generally finish around 6 pm but often will be checking emails up until 9 pm.

What advice would you offer anyone who wants to start their own haircare business?

When building your team surround yourself with people who are problem solvers and know more than you. At times it can be really hard but having a good team will help carry you through.

Do you have plans to expand the range in future, if so, what can we expect?

We’re always looking at ways to improve on our existing range and any new innovation that can potentially become an essential tool in a customer’s routine. In 2023 we have some super exciting new products but mum’s the word so watch this space!.

Looking back since you started, is there anything that you would do differently?

Great question, honestly I wouldn’t change anything even though I made a ton of mistakes. But from every mistake I’ve learnt a lot so the losses are as valuable as the wins.

Talk us through an average day in your life…

7 am wake up, get ready for work and eat breakfast, my favourite meal of the day

8 am take the dog for a walk

8.30 10 mins of meditation then start work

Catch up on emails and meetings both virtual and in person for most of the day

1 pm stop to eat then back to work

More emails and meetings

5.30 pm Leave the office and head home

6.30 pm Catch up with my daughters on their days, start making dinner

7.30 pm eat with the family

8.30 pm switch off by watching some TV, which often can be total trash, anything that doesn’t involve too much thinking. Currently enjoying Shantaram, The Crown and The Bear

10 pm Head to bed and read

10.30 pm lights out

Outside of the business, what is your go-to quote when lacking motivation?

My go-to quote is always ‘Comparison is the thief of joy’. It’s not necessarily linked with motivation but it’s so easy as an entrepreneur to become paralysed when viewing other people/brands’ success. I tend to avoid spending much time on social media as I can find myself in a downward spiral. When I lack motivation I allow myself to pause as fighting it is more exhausting and nothing great is created when I’m in that head space. Taking some time out enables me to recalibrate and come back with some clarity.

Our readers love to travel, what destination is on your must-visit list?

OMG, so many places. Travelling is my favourite thing to do. I love immersing myself in new places and cultures, this is when I feel at my happiest. If I had to choose one place it would be India. I’ve read some amazing books set in India that have ignited a curiosity to explore within me.

What does self-care mean to you?

Self-care to me means taking care of myself mentally and emotionally. This comes in the form of therapy, meditation and spending time with people who fill me up and make my heart smile.

What’s your 5-year vision for the brand?

I’d love for Bouclème to be a brand that every curl has one product from in their bathroom.. This involves growing the brand globally focusing initially on Europe, the US, the Middle East and Australia.

Where can people find out more?

Everything you need to know about our brand values and our products can be found at

The story of the accidental entrepreneur is a common one but the story behind Idlewild Everyday is anything but. Founded by Tabitha Frazier, the positive thinking super mum, Idlewild Everyday is the jewellery brand of the moment.

We spent some time with her to find out more…

Tell us about the journey that lead you to launching your brand, Idlewild Everyday …

This venture began originally as a hobby and stress reliever in 2018 during a time that I held several volunteer leadership positions with my children’s schools. It began with me sourcing and creating one-of-a-kind pieces for myself and friends using only vintage elements. This hobby eventually became a successful business in 2019 and led to my forming my first company and collection called Idlewild Jewelry Company. Because each piece was one-of-a-kind, it was difficult to scale the brand. That led to my rebranding my collection to Idlewild Everyday in 2022. The collection is a classic one founded on layering, mixing metals, and it exemplifies understated, everyday elegance.

Where does your inspiration come from with each piece of jewellery?

It comes from everyday life for me. I am a busy mother, wife, and business owner. I design collections that work in several situations and work together seamlessly for any woman on the go. My pieces can stand alone for a simple look or be layered for a statement look.

How do you want women to feel when wearing your jewellery?

I was once called a “joy-maker,” and that resonated with me so much! I want women to feel a simple happiness by owning Idlewild Everyday pieces, but also I want them to feel special, important, valued, and powerful when they wear Idlewild.

Who is your dream customer?

I have been blessed to have MANY “dream” customers, and I am so thankful for them all! I do think that above all else my dream customer recognises the effort and care that is put into every Idlewild design, that they understand how very particular I am in sourcing and creating collections for them, and that I only offer products that I wear and enjoy myself.

What’s the process behind creating a new product and who is involved in the process?

When adding a new design, I am who sources, designs, and perfects each new addition to Idlewild Everyday. Usually it involves wearing and testing materials and pieces myself, and I even have friends, family, and my assistant wear and test new additions as well. When we add designs to our collection, it is important to us to have confidence in their quality and longevity.

What advice would you offer anyone who wants to launch a jewellery brand?

Be ready to work long hours and learn lots of new things about yourself! 😉 I think it is important for them to figure out what their passions are in jewelry design, and then give it all you’ve got and go for it!

If you hadn’t pursued this career, what do you think you would be doing now?

I would most likely still be a “professional volunteer,” as there are several organisations whose missions about which I am very passionate.

What do you do when you lack motivation and inspiration?

Often when this happens, it is a signal to me that I need to step back and rest. I also consider the why. Sometimes it is simply that I need to commit more hours to actual creation and less to the “business” part. There is a balance needed for sure between the two, and when a creator does not give themselves space for that, it eventually will tell on them!

Looking back since you started, is there anything that you would do differently?

I have asked myself this question many times this year as I have spent the large part of 2022 rebranding, which is a huge job and quite challenging by nature. But in the end, there are things here and there that I would change if I could, but nothing major overall. That is mostly because the mistakes and missteps have taught me so many things that I could only learn that way. I will say that I wish I had hired a social media agency long before I finally did it. Their help has been invaluable to someone who is not a natural at that!

Talk us through an average day in your life…

I get the children to school, and usually have coffee time while catching up on emails and phone calls. Then, I often grab a quick workout before beginning work in the studio, which I try to do until the kids get home from school

What is your go-to quote when you want a pick me up?

It is an unknown quote that says, “ Happiness is not having what you want. It is appreciating what you have.”

I find that thankfulness is always a pick me up, and it is difficult to get too down while counting my blessings!

Our readers love to travel, what destination is on your must visit list?

Egypt is a dream trip for me, as I have always been enamored with its rich history and its gorgeous jewelry!

What’s your 5 year vision for the brand?

I would love to see the new collection grow at a steady, healthy, and controlled rate adding new customers and spreading our “joy-making” across the globe. We have begun as a Demi-fine collection, but we are currently working on adding a “fine fashion” line that is stainless steel based, and will offer quality gorgeous pieces at a lower price point. So I also hope the collection will continue to evolve into a line that offers classic, everyday elegance at various price points so there is truly something for everyone!

What does self care mean to you?

It means a great workout, time for an uninterrupted devotional, a quiet bath time at the end of a busy day, or a dinner alone with my husband. For me it is not necessarily grand things, but finding ways to care for myself often and simply…mostly so that I can stay committed to doing it!

Where can people find out more?

We would love for you to find us on IG @idlewildeveryday, FB at Idlewild Everyday, and our website at

Is the idea of elevating your sleep appealing to you? Here at House of Coco we’re huge advocates of sleep, the benefits of a good kip are endless and we feel that it’s a massive part of self care.

It seems we are not alone as we recently stumbled across a brand that is speaking our language. We spent time with the co-founder of Mayfairsilk Darshana Ubl to find out more…

Tell us about the journey that led you to launching Mayfairsilk

The work of a successful business is a combination of internal work, skill sets, team and strategy. I truly believe that feminine leadership is not a race to the top but being a woman who is at the top of her game and so the strategy and structure of her business feels effortless.

When I look back on the journey of launching Mayfairsilk, it goes back to the time that I discovered how different my hair felt after having slept on silk for a week. I knew instantly that I had to make a switch from Egyptian cotton sheets to silk ones and I wanted it to be top quality with a matt finish. There was a gap in the market and so I shared this with my business partner Marcus and together we began our journey into what we believe to be the finest silk.

Creating a sustainable brand is at the forefront of what you do. Why was this important to you?

Sustainability is important and I believe in investing into fewer things of a higher quality vs. lots of things that don’t last.

At Mayfairsik we use every bit of silk to minimise wastage by converting the waste fabric into silk scrunchies and sleep masks.

As a natural textile, a little known fact is that silk is 400 times more sustainable than cotton and we find that fascinating.

Tell us more about your promise to plant trees…

I strongly believe that we can live in harmony with nature and so with every order from our website we plant a tree. Becausee of this initiative, we are proud to plant thousands of trees each year.

Looking back since launching the business, is there anything you would do differently?

Hindsight is notably cleverer than foresight. Every business has its pace – we are moving forward a step at a time.

Who’s involved in the business and what are their roles?

The cofounders of Mayfairsilk include me and Marcus. Marcus heads the design and product creation and our team is based in the UK with a few members who work internationally. We are blessed to have a lean yet capable team with complimenting skill sets.

Do you have plans to expand in to other products in the future?

We are looking at expanding our range of silk bed sheets that offer movement and depth to the collection through unique prints and weaves. This year we launched our Oxford range of silk pillowcases which are popular amongst the discerning clientele.

Talk us through an average day in your life…

Every day is different but I try to keep a healthy balance between work, social life, family life and health.

What do you do when you are lacking motivation?

Motivation is momentary as it comes from outside, when I lack motivation, it is a sign that I need rest and I need to slow down.

When I look at the difference Mayfairsilk is making when it comes to sleep, I feel blessed and inspired.

How much has social media played a role in the success of your brand?

Social media is key to most consumer facing brands as it helps you to connect to the audience directly. We are active on most social media platforms and receive healthy engagement. Follow us via @mayfairsilk.

What is your go-to quote when lacking motivation?

Rome was not built in a day!

Our readers love to travel, what destination is on you must visit list?

When I am not working on Mayfairsilk, I’m thinking of our next travel adventure via Verve Rally – a carbon neutral rally we (Marcus and I )set up in 2016 as a passion business. We have had over a dozen rallies across 12 countries combining the best hotels, experiences and a refined group of travel enthusiasts who enjoy driving GT and Supercars.

What does self-care mean to you?

Self-care is not just about looking good, it is about listening to your body.

For me, self-care is a simple ritual of having a long bath or sleeping in a few more hours in the morning. I also try to eat healthy by choosing organic where I can and having a good portion of greens in my diet. Self-care is those little things you do for you every day with love.

Where do you see the brand in the next 5 years?

Hailing from the UK, currently Mayfairsilk has won multiple awards and we distribute our silk to 32 countries online. Mayfairsilk is in retail stores in Dubai Mall, Qatar and USA. The 5 year plan is an exciting one with more than 30 retail stores world-wide.

We also want to carve a niche in the silk bedding market.

Where can people find out more?