
Sex & Relationships


Learning how to manage conflict is crucial for divorcing couples, particularly when children are involved as well. Going through a divorce can be overwhelming and emotionally challenging for everyone in the family. Therefore, if you want to ensure a healthy and stable environment for your kids, there are a few important considerations that you will need to make. The first will be finding the right divorce lawyer for you, for example these Middletown divorce lawyers make the divorce process relatively quick and painless. They will help you navigate this difficult phase of your life with greater understanding, empathy, and cooperation. Below we have compiled a list of essential strategies, that you may want to keep in mind when it comes to managing conflict and prioritising your children’s wellbeing during a separation or divorce.

Minimise Exposure To Conflict

The first key thing to remember is that you will need to try to minimise exposure to conflict as much as possible. This is because witnessing parental disagreements and conflicts can cause significant emotional distress and confusion for children during an already challenging time. Consequently, it’s best for parents to handle disputes privately away from their children’s presence. For example, parents may want to agree to have discussions in a separate room or at a time when the kids aren’t around. As a result, this will demonstrate to kids that their parents can deal with disagreements in a mature and respectful way.

Focus On Your Children’s Best Interests

During divorce, it’s vital to prioritise your children’s wellbeing above disagreements or personal grievances. This means that you may need to put aside individual interests and work towards solutions that will be beneficial for your kids. It may be a good idea to consult legal aid solicitors, if you are struggling to come to a mutual agreement about child custody or child support. National Legal Service can provide you with help and support in situations which might not be as straightforward. Their legal aid solicitors can offer professional legal advice, ensuring that your children remain the top priority at all times.

Respect Each Other’s Parenting Styles

It’s normal for divorcing couples to have different parenting styles, so you may not agree with everything that your ex-spouse does. However, it’s crucial to respect these differences as much as possible to minimise conflict. For example, each parent may have their own approach to discipline, routines, and parenting decisions. Although these differences can create challenges, finding common ground and maintaining consistency for the children’s sake is essential. If one parent tends to be more strict and the other more lenient, it can be helpful to find a middle ground that allows both parents to feel comfortable while providing stability for the children.

Focus On Teamwork And Collaboration

Approaching co-parenting as a team effort can be a great way to foster collaboration and reduce conflict. While divorcing parents may have personal differences, focusing on shared goals and responsibilities helps create a cooperative and supportive environment. Working together will ensure that your children receive constant encouragement and love from both parents, despite the separation. There are various ways to demonstrate teamwork and collaboration, such as by attending important events together like parent-teacher meetings or other school functions or making collective decisions about significant milestones, such as graduations or birthdays.

Manage Personal Emotions

Divorce can evoke a range of intense emotions for both parents, so it’s important to know how to deal with them. It’s crucial to focus on looking after yourself and managing your personal emotions effectively. For example, you may want to take some time for self-reflection and engage in activities that promote personal wellbeing. Consider seeking individual therapy, as this can be beneficial in managing and processing emotions related to the divorce. Once you feel emotionally balanced and grounded, it will be easier to approach co-parenting with a clear mind and a more positive attitude.

Communicate Openly And Respectfully

Effective communication is the foundation for successful conflict management during divorce. Therefore, it’s important to establish open and respectful channels of communication between both parents. This may involve actively listening to each other’s concerns, being more patient, and refraining from interrupting or dismissing the other person’s perspective. Maintaining a respectful tone and approach will help you avoid escalating conflicts, enabling you to work towards finding mutually agreeable solutions. Make sure you set up regular meetings, where you can exchange key details about the children’s wellbeing, such as school activities or medical appointments.

Develop An Effective Co-Parenting Plan

Creating a comprehensive co-parenting plan will allow you to establish clear guidelines and expectations, reducing ambiguity and potential areas of conflict. This plan should make it easier to address practical aspects, such as custody arrangements, visitation schedules, holidays, and financial responsibilities. It’s essential to be proactive about finding solutions that work for both parents so that you can minimise misunderstandings and reduce the likelihood of conflicts arising in the future. Coming up with guidelines upfront ensures that you will have a shared understanding of your roles and responsibilities, which promotes stability and consistency.

Be Open To Compromise And Flexibility

Another key part of conflict management is a willingness to compromise when needed. Both parents should be open to finding common ground and adjusting their expectations to reach mutually agreeable solutions. Therefore, it’s crucial to recognise that compromise is often necessary for the sake of children’s wellbeing. For instance, if there is a change in the children’s schedules, parents can work together to find a solution, that accommodates everyone’s needs. Being open to alternative arrangements will help you foster a more positive co-parenting relationship, so make sure you demonstrate a willingness to accommodate reasonable requests.

Create New Traditions

While a divorce signifies a significant transition for both parents and children, it’s still paramount to foster a sense of unity. This may include acknowledging and celebrating milestones in this new chapter of life. Remember to commemorate important events together and create new traditions, that will result in positive memories for your children. For example, parents can establish new holiday traditions or special family rituals that reflect the unique dynamics of their post-divorce family. You may want to try different activities, such as taking annual vacations together, celebrating birthdays with joint gatherings, or having regular family game nights.

The realm of dating has always been a complex and challenging space, where individuals strive to present their best selves to potential partners. However, the rise of online dating platforms has created an environment where some may be tempted to overstate their attributes or outright deceive others in their quest for love. Kittenfishing, a term that has emerged in recent years, refers to this very phenomenon. In this article, we will delve into the murky waters of kittenfishing and provide you with invaluable insights on how to spot and avoid falling prey to this deceptive practice.

Understanding Kittenfishing

Kittenfishing is a deceptive behavior in which an individual creates a distorted or exaggerated online persona to attract potential dates. This is often done by posting misleading information about one’s appearance, interests, accomplishments, or personal life. While it may seem harmless at first, kittenfishing can create significant trust issues and emotional distress for both parties involved.

In order to effectively avoid kittenfishing, it’s essential to recognize the signs and red flags that may indicate someone is presenting a false image of themselves.

Unmasking Inconsistencies

One of the telltale signs of kittenfishing is the presence of inconsistencies between a person’s online profile and their behavior during conversations or in-person interactions. For example, they may mention a love for outdoor activities on their profile but seem disinterested or uninformed when discussing the topic in conversation.

Pay close attention to discrepancies in a person’s narrative, as these can serve as a warning sign that something is amiss. Trust your instincts and don’t hesitate to ask questions if you suspect someone is kittenfishing.

Analyzing Profile Pictures

Profile pictures can be a goldmine of information when it comes to detecting kittenfishing. Be wary of profiles that only feature highly flattering, professionally taken, or heavily filtered photos. Additionally, a lack of variety in images or the absence of full-body shots could indicate that someone is hiding their true appearance.

To reduce the risk of falling for a kittenfisher, request additional photos or even video chat before meeting in person. This can help to verify that the person you are speaking with is indeed who they claim to be.

Investigating Social Media Presence

A person’s social media presence can provide further insight into the authenticity of their online persona. If someone’s dating profile seems too good to be true, take the time to explore their other online profiles. Look for consistency in their posts, interests, and interactions with others.

While a limited or private social media presence is not inherently suspicious, it may be worth considering as part of a larger pattern of deceptive behavior.

Noticing Vague or Evasive Communication

Kittenfishers often rely on vague or evasive communication to maintain their facade. This can manifest in a reluctance to discuss personal topics, inconsistent or non-committal responses, or an unwillingness to share specific details about their lives.

If you notice that someone is consistently avoiding certain subjects or providing generic answers, it may be an indication that they are hiding something.

Setting Realistic Expectations

It’s important to maintain realistic expectations when navigating the dating world. Understand that everyone has flaws and imperfections and that it’s unrealistic to expect someone to be perfect in every way. By keeping your expectations in check, you can more easily identify when someone is presenting a false or exaggerated version of themselves.

Establishing Trust and Boundaries

Building trust and establishing healthy boundaries are crucial components of any successful relationship. From the outset, make it clear that honesty and openness are important to you. Encourage your potential partner to be forthcoming about their true selves and be prepared to reciprocate.

By fostering an environment of trust and open communication, you can help to create a solid foundation that discourages kittenfishing and other deceptive practices.

Navigating the Emotional Impact

In the event that you do fall victim to kittenfishing, it’s important to acknowledge and process the emotional impact of the experience. Allow yourself to feel disappointment, frustration, or even anger, but remember that these emotions are a natural response to being deceived. Learn from the experience, and use it as an opportunity to grow and develop a better understanding of the warning signs associated with kittenfishing.


Navigating the dating world can be an exciting, albeit sometimes challenging, journey. Being aware of the risks associated with kittenfishing and taking proactive steps to spot and avoid deceptive behavior can help to make your experience more enjoyable and successful. By remaining vigilant, maintaining realistic expectations, and fostering a foundation of trust, you can increase your chances of finding genuine connections and lasting relationships. Remember, the journey toward finding love is not just about the destination, but also about the growth and self-discovery that comes from navigating the complexities of the dating world.

Are you looking to step up your dating game and find new ways to connect with your significant other? Whether you’re in a new relationship or you’ve been together for years, trying out different activities can help you bond and create unforgettable experiences. Here are 15 fun and unique date ideas that are sure to impress your partner and strengthen your connection.

1. Dance Class

Sign up for a dance class together, such as salsa, ballroom, or Nashville’s top line dancing class.Not only will you learn a new skill, but it’s also a great way to break the touch barrier and strengthen your physical connection. Plus, it’s an excellent excuse to dress up and hit the dance floor on future date nights.

2. Themed Dinner Night

Choose a theme for your dinner date, such as a specific country or style of cuisine, and then cook a meal together inspired by that theme. Dress up to match the theme, play some fitting music, and enjoy an immersive dining experience right at home. You can even take turns hosting and surprising each other with new themes each time.

3. Scavenger Hunt Adventure

Create a personalized scavenger hunt for your partner, complete with clues and riddles that lead to various locations around your city. Finish the hunt with a special surprise or romantic picnic at the final destination. Customize the clues to incorporate personal memories or inside jokes for added sentiment.

4. Stargazing Picnic

Pack a blanket, some snacks, and a telescope or astronomy app to guide you, and head to a quiet, open space away from city lights. Spend the night stargazing and sharing your thoughts about the universe and beyond. Make it extra special by researching interesting astronomical events and planning your date around them.

5. DIY Painting Class

Set up a DIY painting studio at home with canvases, paint, and brushes. Choose a subject to paint, or follow a tutorial online. Enjoy the creative process and compare your masterpieces at the end. As your collection of artwork grows, you’ll have a visual reminder of your shared experiences.

6. Escape Room Challenge

Visit a local escape room for an adrenaline-pumping date night. Work together to solve puzzles and challenges, testing your communication skills and teamwork in the process. With varying themes and difficulty levels, you can make this a recurring date night activity.

7. Outdoor Movie Night

Set up a projector and screen in your backyard, or find a nearby drive-in theater. Bring blankets and snacks, and enjoy a cozy outdoor movie experience under the stars. Make it a double-feature night, with each of you selecting a movie to watch.

8. Volunteer Together

Choose a cause that’s close to your heart and spend a day volunteering together. This shared experience can be both rewarding and fulfilling, and it will give you something meaningful to talk about afterwards. Participating in different volunteer activities can also help you learn more about each other’s values and passions.

9. Explore a New City

Pick a nearby city or town that neither of you has visited before, and spend the day exploring together. Discover local attractions, try out regional cuisine, and make lasting memories in a new place. Turn it into a weekend getaway for an extended adventure.

10. Indoor Rock Climbing

For the adventurous couple, indoor rock climbing is an exhilarating activity that requires trust and support. Conquer your fears together and celebrate your achievements afterwards. As you progress, consider trying outdoor rock climbing for an even more thrilling experience.

11. Pottery Class

Sign up for a pottery class and create something beautiful and functional together. Whether you’re molding clay on a wheel or sculpting by hand, working with pottery encourages creativity and collaboration. Plus, you’ll have a unique keepsake to remember your date.

12. Game Night

Host a game night with a mix of classic board games, card games, and video games. Challenge each other to friendly competition and enjoy some light-hearted fun. You can even invite other couples for a double or group date.

13. Wine or Beer Tasting

Visit a local winery, restaurant, or brewery for a tasting experience. Learn about the production process, sample different varieties, and find your new favorite drink. To make it a more interactive experience, consider signing up for a winemaking or homebrewing class together.

14. Take a Cooking Class

Expand your culinary skills by attending a cooking class together. Choose a specific type of cuisine or a particular dish you’ve always wanted to learn. Not only will you enjoy a delicious meal at the end, but you’ll also have new recipes to try out on future date nights.

15. Attend a Live Performance

Experience the magic of live entertainment by attending a theater show, concert, or comedy show. Find performances that align with your shared interests or explore something entirely new. Enjoy the thrill of live performances and the memories you’ll create.


Remember, the most important aspect of any date is the quality time you spend together. Be open to trying new things, stepping out of your comfort zones, and embracing the journey of discovery. With these 15 unique date ideas, you’ll have plenty of inspiration to keep romance and adventure alive in your relationship.

The notion that women don’t like sex as much as men is an outright lie, but they do tend to be more sensitive to things like stress. Dealing with stress, managing a household, kids, work, and all the rest can clutter up the mind and leave no room for pleasure. If you’re struggling with a low libido yourself, and want to get back to having great, energetic sex with your partner, then try out these top tips:

If Your Libido Suddenly Dropped

If your libido suddenly seems to drop off the face of the earth, talk to your healthcare provider. Your doctor can help you rule out any underlying medical issues, such as hormonal imbalances or side effects from medication. Your healthcare provider can also provide guidance on lifestyle changes and recommend treatments, such as hormone therapy or medication, if needed.

How to Address Non-Medical Causes of Low Libido

Chances are, however, that your low libido is due to stress. Stress, particularly chronic cases, simply will not let you relax enough to get in the mood, much less get off. Stress does this to both men and women and in those cases, you can work to build back your libido by using these tips:

Address Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can take a massive toll on your mental health and affect your libido in the process. It’s important to take steps to manage stress and anxiety to improve your overall well-being and sex drive. Try relaxation techniques, such as yoga or meditation, or seek therapy to address any underlying psychological issues.

Prioritize Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is crucial for maintaining a healthy libido. This includes eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep. Additionally, taking time for self-care activities, such as taking a relaxing bath or getting a massage, can help reduce stress and increase feelings of relaxation and pleasure.

Experiment with Foreplay

Foreplay is an important part of sexual arousal and can help increase libido. Consider exploring different types of foreplay, such as kissing, touching, or massage, to help build arousal and increase intimacy with your partner. Experimenting with different types of stimulation can also help you discover what feels pleasurable and increase your desire for sexual activity.

Try New Things

Trying new things can be a great way to spice up your sex life and increase your libido. Consider exploring new positions, incorporating sex toys, or trying out different types of stimulation. You can do this by going to your local sex toy shop or buying new items online. These toys can blow your mind, make foreplay and sex more satisfying, and help increase your sex drive all at once. Having great sex, after all, is one of the easiest ways to boost your libido, which in turn can improve the overall satisfaction in your relationship. Orgasms can also help reduce stress and boost your mood, helping you further shake off those cobwebs and enjoy a thriving sex life once again.

Communicate with Your Partner

Communication is key when it comes to addressing low libido, particularly if it’s become a stressor in your relationship. To start, be honest with your partner about your feelings and needs, and work together to find ways to increase intimacy and pleasure. It’s important to feel comfortable and safe with your partner. Start by establishing a supportive and non-judgmental environment to discuss any concerns or issues.

The importance of family can never be overexaggerated. Whether it happens to be your biological or a found family, you need to make sure that you are incorporating family time into your life. If your life is busy and you are having trouble fitting family time into your schedule, you’ll be pleased to know that there are plenty of ways that you can incorporate it into every day.

#1 Memories

A huge part of being part of a family is making memories together. If you have young children, you want to make sure that they have memories of happy times with you and your partner. This can be vitally important for your mental health and the health of your children’s relationships in later life. The happier they are now, the chances are, the happier they will be when forming healthier connections and relationships later on.

#2 Skill building

By having happier times with your children, you are going to help them to learn skills that much faster. If children enjoy what they are doing, they are more likely to take more of the information in and take a long-standing interest in it. This can be done by using skill-building games, such as cornhole, to help them find more fun every single day. You will find that by adding a little extra fun, such as by getting custom cornhole boards, you will be able to bring even more happy memories. This is also something you can get your wider or extended family involved in too, so they can make memories with them too.

#3 Interests

By having similar interests to your children, you will be able to form a healthier relationship with them. This means that you will be able to enjoy more time together and build a better basis for support. Whether this is a hobby, a sport, or even just a shared favorite place to sit, you will find that it is beneficial to your connection.

#4 Support

A huge benefit of having a strong family network, for both children and adults, is support. If you feel at ease around someone, you are more likely to tell them your worries and find comfort and support in their words. If you associate them with the things you like, such as happy memories, this support will only increase.

#5 Identity

By connecting yourself to your family, you are connecting yourself to your history and who you are. This is important to make yourself feel more confident. It can also help your children to be more accepting of themselves. It links them to heirlooms and childhood possessions that they connect with their family and allows them to have pride in their past.

To wrap everything up

There are so many benefits of spending time as a family. Spending quality time with your children can help them to feel more comfortable, more confident, and become more resourceful adults. This is crucial as your role as a parent, and making sure that your child has everything it needs to grow up mentally healthily as well as physically.

Today, Intimissimi formally announces that international icon (and force of nature) Jennifer Lopez will be their new global brand ambassador. The Italian lingerie and intimate apparel brand confirmed the news to coincide with the release of their Spring/Summer 2023 campaign. Not to mention, this is just ahead of International Women’s Day too.

The campaign, featuring Lopez, celebrates women and empowers them to feel confident and valued in all the roles that they play. “We want women to live the most fulfilling life and feel empowered every day,” said Matteo Veronesi, Chief Executive Officer of Intimissimi.

In Jennifer’s own words, “I’m proud to be an Intimissimi woman and honored that they view me as someone who emulates their own qualities of confident, lively and strong.”

The new Spring/Summer 2023 campaign is set in dreamy Postiano, Italy. Creative Director, Riccardo Ruini, Director Gia Coppola and photographer, Chris Colls work their cinematic magic to capture the brilliant hues of the lingerie collection against the gorgeous Mediterranean backdrop.

Check out these articles by the House of Coco Team with a celebrity connection: Rachel McAlley and Laura Bartlett.

With the holiday season fast approaching, it’s time to start deciding what to get the special people in your life. We all know that buying presents for other people (and even for yourself) can sometimes be difficult. This is especially true, when you want to branch out from the boring perfume and socks to something more fun and intimate like sex toys perhaps – which is where our handy gift guide comes in.

Zodiac signs are not only attributed to different character traits, but also reveal a lot about our love life? It’s no wonder that there is a sex toy for every sign of the zodiac.

If you’re wondering which toy perfectly suits you (or your bestie’s zodiac sign) find out with our handy gift guide below.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Capricorns are very goal-oriented and have high expectations of their own performance. They are also good at taking the lead and they love to laugh at themselves. They also bring a lot of patience and live by the motto: the journey is the destination.

The perfect unisex toy for Capricorns is the Satisfyer Endless Joy because it impresses with its performance and over 100(!) vibration combinations. The functions are almost endless: for simultaneous clitoral and testicular stimulation, the vibrator can be placed around the penis from above.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

The zodiac sign Aquarius bubbles with creativity and likes everything that is striking and special. Aquarius loves variety and has a rebellious side. Therefore, they like it a bit more creative in bed. Because, why not?

The perfect sex toy for Aquarius is the Satisfyer Endless Fun, which scores big, with over 33 different application possibilities. The 180-degree rotatable head will be sure to keep boredom at bay during solo or couple adventures. 100 different vibration levels and 3 powerful motors bring excitement and variety into your (solo) love life or give you and your lover particularly intense orgasms with its supercharged variety of energising applications.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Pisces are the most sensitive and empathetic signs of the zodiac. In relationships, they enjoy romance and like to live it out in solo play.

Perfect for female Pisces is the visually matching Satisfyer Sugar Rush in a playful fish design. This adorable toy is pastel colored and small but oh, so mighty! Two powerful motors stimulate the clitoris with a combination of pressure waves and vibration.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Aries are adventurous and passionate; they like to take the lead in bed as much as in everyday life. They also bring a good portion of impulsiveness and spontaneity, which they also like to live out in their love life. The self-confident Aries knows exactly what they want and how to reach their goals.

The unisex vibrator Satisfyer Heat Climax is just as fiery as an Aries. Ergonomically designed to fit wonderfully in your hand, the Satisfyer Heat Climax heats up to a body-like temperature of 39 °C – that will get the blood flow going during your adventures! Since it is an all-gender toy, it can be utilized either anally or vaginally, so it’s well suited to pleasure you whatever your preference. The Heat Climax is waterproof (IPX7) and will spoil you in the bathtub, and under the cozy covers – whether you’re playing solo or venturing as a climactic couple.

With the free Satisfyer Connect App for Android and iOS, the toy can even be controlled with a smartphone. Come to the rhythm of your favorite song, create your own vibration patterns, or let your sweetheart take the lead – there are infinite rhythms to discover!

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

The sensual Taurus is the bon vivant among the zodiac signs, so it’s no wonder that they have a penchant for extended foreplay and solo adventures. Taurus lovers are real seducers and not only like to live this out in relationships, but they also benefit from their seductive skills themselves. It is not only their playmate who will benefit from their practical skills, Taurus people love to pamper themselves with every trick in the book.

With the Satisfyer Men One, Taurus men can indulge in the experience of extra pleasurable solo adventures: Thanks to the internal pressure regulator, the tightness can be determined individually, the Men One can cater to the needs of every Taurus. The Men One is ready when you are: it doesn’t matter if you want to use it in the bedroom or in the bathroom, as the toy is waterproof (IPX7).

For a female Taurus, the Satisfyer Pro 2 is the ideal toy to experience extended adventures. Thanks to the innovative Air Pulse technology and 11 pressure wave intensities, so you can decide for yourself at what strength and how you want to come. As the Pro 2 is waterproof (IPX7) you can also take it to the bath or shower for extra watery orgasms.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

They say that Geminis have two faces – well, when it comes to their sexual life, that’s definitely true. On the one hand they like it sensitive and romantic, on the other hand they like it wild and edgy. A key characteristic for Geminis is their flexibility and openness, which they also like to incorporate into their love life.

The Satisfyer Elastic Joy is just as flexible as Geminis are. This creative toy can be bent into different shapes and used as a lay-on vibrator, penis ring or as a couple’s vibrator, making it a Gemini’s perfect all-rounder. Thanks to the narrow tip, the vibrator is also perfect for beginners and can sweeten your time in the bathtub, as it is waterproof (IPX7). This multifunctional toy is not only perfect for vaginal stimulation, but also can double as a sensual anal stimulator and hot prostate massager.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Cancers are sensitive, rebellious, and strong-willed. They are also known for their caring nature, which they give not only to their partners, but also to themselves. They are warm-hearted and have a penchant for romance.

Perfect for climaxing alone – but also as a couple – is the Satisfyer Double Plus. The U-shaped (couple) vibrator makes you happy with two powerful motors and stimulates both partners on a whole new level. With 3 vibration intensities and 7 vibration rhythms this vibe will give you many mind-blowing orgasms, just the way you like it.

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Leos are not only particularly passionate, but also real winners as they crave adoration and always want to be number one. They are self-confident and independent, coupled with a bit of self-love. This makes Leo the perfect lover, because their sweetheart’s orgasm is a little trophy for them, while at the same time they value being pleasured themselves. To satisfy a Leo’s hunting instinct, you’ll need a hot bunny:

The Satisfyer Hot Bunny hops into your bed and gives you intense hours under the covers – or under water, because this vibrator is also waterproof (IPX7). The toy delights you with its intense heat function, which has a particularly relaxing effect and lets you experience the powerful vibration even more intensely.

With the free Satisfyer Connect App, you can even control the Hot Bunny via a smartphone. The app makes it possible to let your sweetheart take control of your orgasm, no matter where in the world they are.

Virgo (August 24 – September 23)

Virgo is determined, desires equality and is a good communicator. Routines and boredom are a nightmare for Virgos.

Just as determined as the Virgo, is the Satisfyer Curvy 2. That curvaceous toy knows exactly what it’s doing as it brings you orgasm after orgasm with the famous non-contact pressure wave function – not only in bed, but also under water (IPX7 waterproof). Two powerful motors and different vibration levels elegantly spoil Virgo according to their own taste.

This toy is also compatible with the free Satisfyer Connect App. Many great features are waiting for you to feel even more intense adventures.

A game changer for both sexes is the Satisfyer Game Changer. Thanks to the tapered tip and a bulbous shape, this anal toy fills you pleasantly and treats you with out of this world sensual stimulation. The intuitive One Touch Button allows you to conveniently control the 12 different programs. Since this anal vibrator is waterproof (IPX7), it will also give you pleasure in the shower or bathtub.

Libra (September 24 – October 23)

Libras love the beautiful things in life and attach great importance to aesthetics. They are diplomatic, creative and open-minded. This is also reflected in their luxurious love life, as they quickly get excited about new practices and unusual toys.

To meet their sense of aesthetics, the Satisfyer Cotton Candyis the perfect toy. Not only does it look scrumptiously good, but it can actually do a lot thanks to its 2 separately controllable motors. The head fits snugly around the clitoris and pampers it with 11 pressure wave and 12 vibration programs.

Just as aesthetic is the Satisfyer Deep Diver, which pleases male Libras. This anal vibrator vibrates particularly powerfully and intensively and is especially easy to insert thanks to its angular ball structure. Both toys are waterproof (IPX7) and bring you to unimagined orgasms even during a relaxing bath.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Scorpios belong to the dominant signs of the zodiac. They live and love (also themselves) very intensively and are fans of consistency and planning. Passion runs through all areas of their life and especially in their love life the fire must blaze properly. Two warming Satisfyer toys make sure that things get extra hot for this bold and blazing zodiac sign:

The Satisfyer Heated Thrill is perfect for stimulating the G-spot. The heat cranks up your blood flow and relaxes muscles while the powerful vibrations carry you towards climax. The Satisfyer Heated Thrill can also be controlled via smartphone with the free Satisfyer Connect App.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Sagittarians are bubbling over with energy and adventurousness. They strive for free self-development and do not like monotony, therefore they are also very experimental in bed and love variety. They quickly get excited about new things and score points in all areas with their generosity.

Generous stimulation and a lot of room for experimentation is also offered by the Satisfyer Double Wand-er. The toy is extra-large and is the perfect helper to pamper your whole body. Not only can you take the vibrator with you into the bathtub, but the head can also be exchanged so that you can play with the G-spot attachment or the classic massage head, depending on your preference. The body-friendly, cuddly silicone gently caresses your skin and gives you sexy solo or couple adventures. Of course, this vibrator is also waterproof (IPX7) and can be used wherever you need it. This toy can also be controlled with the free Satisfyer Connect App that lets you enjoy your toy to the fullest.

In fromage to the day of love, we have put together our cheesiest gifts and date ideas for those that are budget conscious or boujee. Love doesn’t have to cost the earth, but it better taste delicious…


Chicago Town Pizza

Chicago Town Pizza offers the ‘Stuffed Crust Takeaway Loaded Cheese’ pizza for couples who want to raise a slice but don’t want to break the bank this Valentine’s Day. Perfect for a cosy date night with some bubbly without having to be in the midst of PDA dinners out on the town. Keep the cheese in your own home! From £3.75,


The Fine Cheese Co.

What could be more cheesy than a cheese gift that takes the theme of a classic love song? The ‘Stand By Me’ Valentine’s Day cheese celebration cake by The Fine Cheese Co. is just that. Cute and cuttable, the ‘cake’ featured two heart-shaped soft cheeses, a French goats’ milk cheese, and a big hunk of delicious cheddar. Aesthetically pleasing and absolutely perfect with crackers alongside a lover’s ballad. From £30,


José Pizarro

José Pizarro is the king of special occasion food and the ‘Valentine’s Spanish Board with Rioja’ is no exception. The gorgeous hamper has been carefully curated to showcase the very best of Iberian pork cold cuts and Spanish cheese on offer, plus some extras to complement the items on the board. The hamper includes melt-in-the-mouth delicacies such as Manchego sheep milk cheese, Idiazábal sheep milk cheese, José Pizarro picos and a bottle of Marqués de Vargas Reserva. The hamper brings the magic of José Pizarro into your own kitchen this Valentine’s Day. £70,

There is nothing that says I love you more than the clink of ice and your favourite cocktail poured right in front of your eyes. The lockdowns have certainly made us creative with liquor and this Valentine’s Day there is a huge array of cocktail kits for a decadent sip on the day of love – whether that be in the form of unsolicited self-love, classic mini cocktails sent through the letterbox or a fizzy tipple for a Galentine’s Day celebration. Here are some of our top picks…

(1) For the letterbox lover…

The brand new Valentine’s Collection from Kocktail features gorgeous drinks co-founded by two best friends in 2020, who decided it was high time beautifully fresh, premium, bar-quality cocktails were made available for all to enjoy at home. Chief Kocktail curator Neil Donachie has perfected his craft in some of the best bars in the world, including Kenny Atkinson’s Michelin starred House of Tides and the famous Savoy Hotel’s Beaufort Bar, where he was Senior Bartender when it was crowned the best hotel bar in the world. This is the ideal letterbox gift for a loved one this February. The Valentine’s Collection includes four delicious takes on the classics – the Chocolate & Mint Espresso Martini, Rose Petal Martini, Peach & Hibiscus Spritz and Rhubarb & Cucumber Spritz and includes ‘story behind the serve’ cards and accompanying garnishes for each drink to make them even prettier. The Valentine’s Collection, £29,

(2) For the self-lover…

This Valentine’s Day, BLOOM Gin is shaking off the usual traditions and choosing to celebrate self-love in a major way. BLOOM Gin has collaborated with quality sex toy company, So Divine, to create the ultimate self-love gift box. The kit contains a delicious bottle of BLOOM Gin to try out in an array of cocktails, a signature cocktail recipe to follow along, a gorgeous scented candle to create the perfect atmosphere and a sex toy from So Divine, the ultimate treat for all things pleasure and relaxation. Welcome to the self-love club, we like it here. Bloom Gin Self-Love Gift Box, £49.99,

(3) For the Negroni lover…

For the Negroni connoisseur, Nouaison Gin has the perfect cocktail kit for two. The Nouaison Gin Negroni Gift Box is a spectacular celebration of premium gin and luscious vermouth. The cherry on the top are two stunning Negroni glasses, which make any cocktail look like an art form. The Vermouth Royal is a tribute to the Sun King’s Botanist, at the Palace of Versailles and the Nouason Gin is intensely aromatic, and a French twist on the classic botanical mixture. The Vermouth is defined by an eclectic mixture of 28 plants and spices and is a great choice for bon-vivants (those who like to live in luxury!). The gin is a combination of 14 exclusive botanicals, with a few extra distinctive ones such as juniper, plum, and bergamot. Serve across ice, and enjoy. Nouaison Gin Negroni Gift Box, £65,

(4) For the sweetie lover…

This Valentine’s Day why not try something completely different and have a taste of the Smith & Sinclair edible cocktails. The aptly named, ‘The Love Box’ offers yummy Alcoholic Cocktail Gummies including a Passion Fruit Mojito, Berry Daquiri, Cosmopolitan, Mandarin Spritz, and a delicious Tequila Sunrise. Smith & Sinclair are on a mission to make ‘Adult More Fun’. After all, the days of swigging from the bottle are so last year, bring on the sweets. The Alcoholic Cocktail Gummies hold a subtle kick at 5% ABV so you can have a taste of every cocktail, without the hangover. The Love Box, £15,

(5) For the flower lover…

The Floral Cocktail Collection is the perfect alternative to flowers this Valentine’s Day and the ideal Galentine’s treat to get creative with cocktails! Fruity, floral, and aromatic, these elegant mixes are sure to win anyone over. Designed by Pritesh Mody, founder of World of Zing and Channel 4 Sunday Brunch cocktail expert, each Floral Prosecco Cocktail Collection is presented in a gift box and includes: 1x Orange Blossom & Passionfruit Spritz 50ml, 1x Peach & Elderflower Spritz 50ml, 1x Saffron & Rose Gimlet & 1x 200ml Bottle of Bottega Gold Prosecco. Cheers! Floral Cocktail Collection, £20,

Gone are the days of neon pink rampant rabbits (although no shade if that’s your vibe, no pun intended). We are now living in the golden age of organic lubes, oils and sprays. Toys that can be mistaken for ornaments and crystal dildos that are pure works of art.

Self care should be the number one priority on everyone’s agenda and what better form of self care is there than self or shared love. The mighty orgasm has been proven time and time again to aid mental health. With releases of dopamine (the happy hormone), oxytocin (the love hormone) and serotonin (the mood increaser) it is important now more than ever, that we cum together, or alone, it really doesn’t matter as long as you are doing it. Below is a round up of everything you need to help get you there in the classiest way possible.

Oils & Lubes.

Oils and lubes not only enhance your sexual play but can make it more comfortable which will lead to more pleasure for all parties. However, it is important to remember that anything you are using on or in intimate areas should be of the highest quality and chemical and paraben free.

Set the scene with Lab Tonica Saucy Mood Mist, a sensual aromatherapy mist with ingredients such as jasmine, sandalwood, black pepper and rose. Spritz this libido boosting scent around your room or over your body and breathe in the heady aroma that is sure to get you in the mood. The scent is formulated to stimulate both physical and emotional desire and increase blood flow to extremities. This all-natural potion is indulgently musky with gentle florals. Light a candle (see below), give it a spritz and fall into the ultimate sensual experience. £15 50ml.

Get things warmed up with Coco De Mer. All the products they have to offer from toys to oils to lubricants are of the highest quality and exude luxury and decadence.

To kick off your V Day extravaganza, or any other day for that matter, we suggest the Enraptured Figment Massage Oil followed by the massage candle of the same scent. Light the candle and relax in its heady aroma whilst your partner gives you the most delectable of massages. Switch from the oil to the candle by using the delicate serving spoon (included) to drizzle the warm, melted oil further enhancing the experience with a gentle heat. Not only do these products provide the ultimate foreplay duo but they also look beautiful on your nightstand. Oil £35 200ml, candle £40

Toys, toys, toys.