


Working out is an excellent habit for all genders, but there are also some precautions to take with this activity. While many women work out in order to lose their post-baby weight, or just to generally get in shape, we all need some extra medical tips now and then.

It’s always best to understand your body and its needs, especially when workout out is an integral part of your life.

Are you ready for some tips that align well with the physical requirements of female fitness? Read on below!

1. Listen To A Professional Trainer Before Starting A New Workout Regime

Before you change up your workout routine or start working out in the first place, consider checking in with a professional trainer beforehand. This is essential even and especially if you’re working out at home, as the trainer will tell you which exercises are best for your body.

Another good reason to hire a personal trainer is if you aren’t experiencing any results with your present workout, a professional trainer will guide you on what to do next. There might be a fee for the consultation, but it’ll be worth it to find out what’s safest and best for achieving your workout goals. If you’re having trouble losing those last few pounds of baby weight, they might refer you to a good specialist who offers fat freezing in New Jersey.

2. Don’t Take That Workout Injury Lightly

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If you’ve pulled a muscle or twisted an ankle during a workout, see if you recover within a few days. The problem might persist, though, so look up a sports medicine doctor to stay on the safe side.

A qualified doctor in this field will be able to tell you whether the injury is serious, and how you can recover in the most effective manner. They’ll also be able to provide you details about the rehabilitation process so you can deal with chronic injuries. If you have any hindrance in your performance, such as any training errors, these doctors are the best people to point you in the right direction.

Once you understand what caused your injury, you can take steps to present any future issues. A sports medicine doctor will also be able to connect you with certified and qualified dieticians, physical therapists, and other specialists that can help enhance your performance.

3. Ask Your Doctor If You Need A Fitness Tracker

A fitness tracker will not just help you measure your workout statistics, but can also enhance your health by monitoring your heartbeat. If you have any heart issues or a family history of them, you might want to consult your doctor about getting a fitness tracker for your workout regime. The same goes for if you have or are at risk of blood pressure issues.

A fitness tracker will help you decide if you should increase your exercise intensity or slow down a bit. Your doctor might even suggest a more advanced model that will sense your temperature and sewing rate to determine your intensity levels.

4. Consult A Nutritionist About The Post-Workout Food You Should Eat

When exercising, your muscle protein breaks down and could cause certain problems. This is why it’s important to consume a decent amount of protein after exercising. A nutritionist will be able to best guide you on what you should be eating post-workout.

The Bottom Line

Many times, the workout requirements for men and women are the same. However, women might still want a more personalized experience instead of the general tips that we find everywhere. It’s just as well to take the best care of your body while following an exercise regime, so make sure you consider the tips above and follow them as much as possible.

If you are involved in a committed, healthy relationship, it may well be the case both of you take what you have for granted. The well-worn adage, ‘if it ain’t broke, why fix it?’ seems tailor-made for this situation. But whether you recently connected on a this site or have been an item for some time, there are always ways to strengthen your bond, and one of the least obvious ones is through fitness. If you and your partner focus on looking after your health, this is bound to impact on your overall sense of wellbeing. Also, don’t forget to give them a gift like equipment they can use during exercise, such as the best athletic socks, workout clothes or even water bottles just to make them happier. Here are five recommendations for bringing a fitness regime into your relationship in order to strengthen it.

Regular exercise

The first aspect to concentrate on is to ensure this becomes a consistent aspect of your partnership. It’s all very well being fired with enthusiasm, perhaps as one of your New Year resolutions, and taking out the joint gym membership in order to get this kickstarted. But a huge percentage of these new commitments fizzle out after a few months. You should plan a specific regime from the outset, agreeing when you are going to visit the leisure center, or embark on your evening runs, or whatever type of activity you have opted for. Sticking to this timetable is so important, as it gives your program focus, giving formality to something which could otherwise be treated lightly.


Since you are treating this within the context of your partnership, it should always be regarded as a joint pursuit.Whether you are encouraging each other to exercise, accompanying your partner as you jog across the park, or simply enjoying unwinding to keep-fit footage on your TV screen, sharing in the experience is a fantastic incentive. When one party begins flagging, the other will always be on hand to offer encouragement. Having a sense there is someone there keeping an eye on you, supporting your exertions, will be a tremendous inspiration.

Plan for something

Regular gym workouts can slip into a routine, with running on treadmills giving the impression of trundling along aimlessly. But having future goals in mind will incentivize your actions. It’s always worthwhile having a longer-term aspiration. Whether this is a particular target for weight loss or a vision of new wardrobe you will treat yourself to once you have reached a certain body shape; or better still, a charity sporting event which will involve you attaining a level of sponsorship, milestones are invaluable in encouraging you to fixate on your fitness regime.

Try out different techniques

Repetition is the enemy of enjoyment when it comes to making the most of your fitness activities. There is no point setting aside time to go to the gym or whatever if it gets to the stage where you find yourself making excuses to avoid the drudgery. It is so important to look upon leisure pursuits as fun and enjoyable. So always seek to inject whatever you are doing with spontaneity and change. Try out different equipment at the gym. Join a new martial arts club. Keep varying your activities.

Reward your efforts

Similarly, it is also worthwhile rewarding yourself at various stages. This is another method which will give you an incentive to keep plugging away at your fitness activities. After having spent time working out, you could treat yourself to healthy refreshments at a nearby café. You and your partner could indulge in a weekend break every few months, perhaps to a water park or ski resort. There are many different ways you could create your own alternative to an Olympic awards ceremony to pat yourselves on the back.

Here at House of Coco, we are known for our love of good cuisine, our ability to work hard and relax even harder. So when we heard about the new concept Mondrian London have recently launched we were beyond thrilled. SPA Social at agua Bathhouse & Spa is the stuff of dreams.

With fitness, health and eating well becoming more and more of a lifestyle choice rather than a trend, people are becoming more conscious of what they do to and put into their bodies. So, the idea is designed to bring people together through health, wellness and social interaction.

There isn’t one of us that doesn’t love a spa day or eating out and catching up with friends but who has the time to balance it all? Spa Social allows you to, in the evening and on a week day.

The spa itself is a blissful getaway from London life, tranquil and with all the facilities you could possibly need. From steam rooms, mud masks and massages to manicures and waxes, you can fully pamper yourself in one place in one evening.

The food available is from Sea Containers and is unbelievably delicious and healthy, with Skinny Champagne available; you can have a guilt free evening.

The lounge area boasts a water feature, ambient lighting, comfy sofa beds in which you can either seclude yourself with a curtain (to finally read that book you have been trying to finish for months) or there are sofas and bean bags were you can truly make yourself at home and socialise, all whilst in a fluffy bathrobe and slippers.

SPA Social is definitely a different approach to anything we’ve experienced before; you can experience treatments solo, book couples days or even book a group slumber spa.

So if you’re in need of a weeknight re-boot or just a re-boot in general, we advise making your way to SPA Social. You’ll wonder how you ever made it through a week without it.

This time of year, a combination of cold weather, central heating and lack of vitamin D can leave our skin dull and a bit lack lustre. My winter skin was desperately in need of a boost, so I booked into LondonCryo for their signature Cryofacial.

A Cryofacial uses cold temperatures to rejuvenate the face. The increase in oxygen supply boosts collagen production, improving the circulation and elasticity of the skin. Muscles retract with the cold and it has a tightening effect on the skin leaving your face looking fresher and younger. Jennifer Aniston is a big fan and credits her youthful glow at 50 down to regular treatments.

I have sensitive, breakout prone skin so I’m always cautious when it comes to trying something new, but I’d heard so many positive things about cryotherapy and its benefits, I wanted to give it a go. The Cryofacial is good for lots of skin complaints like acne and rosacea as the cold reduces the inflammation in the face.

Cryotheraphy is quickly working its way into wellbeing routines due to the mental and physical benefits it offers. LondonCryo is run by girl boss, Maria Ensabella. She is on a mission to highlight the positive impact of cryotherapy and how it can help you feel better and look better. The LondonCryo ethos is all around being your best self by proactively looking after your body and mind. The treatments they provide target sports recovery, overall wellness and anti-ageing skin treatments like the Cryofacial.

The treatment room has a spa like feel about it with low level lighting and aromatherapy scents. My therapist instantly puts me at ease by explaining what all the hi-tech equipment is and talking me through the process step by step, assuring me I won’t get frostbite. My facial is around 20 minutes and begins with cleansing and toning my skin before having a hydrating serum applied to my face. I brace myself for the cold as a metal wand with a flat, round tip is rubbed across the surface of my face, each stroke is followed with my therapist gently massaging the skin to aid lymphatic drainage. This wand cools down the skin rapidly to about minus 10 degrees and stays on each area of the skin for only a few seconds. It feels a bit like an ice cube gliding over your face, it’s not at all uncomfortable, in fact I found it quite relaxing. Halfway through the treatment the therapist passes me a mirror so I can compare the skin she has treated. The pores have minimised, my complexion is brighter and I look fresher. I can see a visible difference compared to the untreated skin. At the end of the facial another layer of serum is applied to my face and I’m all done. My therapist brings me a glass of water and turns up the lights so I can get a better look at the results. The redness from my rosacea has quietened down and my skin looks smoother, but the best bit is the results continue across the week. My make-up goes on better, a breakout I had pre-treatment fades and my other half tells me I’m glowing.

The cryotherapy facial definitely boosted my tired, winter skin and the fact it only takes 20 minutes and is non-evasive means it’s a great treatment if you’ve a big event or special occasion coming up. The Cryofacial costs £160, to book an appointment contact or 0203 371 8900.

We all know that drive to get fit to look great in our swimsuits, but that should never be your only drive to get into shape. Being fit and staying fit is critical for our health and wellbeing. Not only can regular exercise and healthy living help you look better, but it can help you beat those horrid winter blues and stay positive and happy throughout the year. To help you get fit and stay fit this winter and throughout the rest of your life, you need to listen to your body. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to getting into shape, and by following this guide, you can finally see the results you have been looking for and lead a better life because of it.

Understand Your Body and its Needs

The first step to getting fit is to understand your body. If you have low testosterone, for example, then you can experience terrible side effects like low energy, troubles sleeping, a low libido, and of course increased weight gain and a decrease in muscle mass. It can occur in both men and women, and when it is your hormones you are fighting against, you won’t see the progress you hope for even with the perfect workout routine. Instead, it is important that you get checked out and visit a testosterone therapy physician to help you address your body’s needs head-on. This can be true for other common hormonal issues as well, from cortisol to insulin, so it is wise to seek out a doctor’s help if you have never had luck with getting slim and staying fit.

Don’t Diet, But Make These Changes

Dieting rarely works in the long term. At its core, after all, you are unnaturally changing the way you live and eat in order to lose weight as fast as possible. It means that even if you are successful, the efforts of your diet will likely be short-term as you resume your regular eating habits. Instead of dieting, you should instead look at what you eat. The quality of the foods plays a very important part in how you look and feel. To help you lose and keep off the weight, skip the diet and instead make lifelong changes to what you eat. Opting for olive oil instead of butter, making food at home instead of takeout or ready-meals, these changes will have a big impact over time. Check Vegan Liftz for some tips

Staying Active in Winter Months

In summer, it is so easy to be active. You can go out more, and you can stay out longer in the daylight. In winter, it is all too easy to stay indoors, snuggled up under a blanket, and to bed down for winter. Rather than let this sedentary life hurt your health, find new and fun ways to stay active in winter. Try an exercise class, learn to dance; there are so many options to not only stay active but to also boost your social life.

Being active and healthy in winter is so important because it can help you manage your weight and your wellbeing all at once. Stay active, stay healthy, and stay happy all year for a greater quality of life.

If you are looking to reflect and reset but struggle to find the time, then the Rest and Restore retreat at Huntsham Court is perfect.

Set in the rolling Devonshire countryside and easily accessible by rail or car, Huntsham Court is the retreat for busy people who are feeling a bit jaded, want to realign their energy and in need of some me time. House of Coco was invited along to experience this one-night mind break.

I arrived at Huntsham Court to be greeted by Anoushka Emson and her team. While this large, 19th Century gothic mansion is spacious and grand there is something cosy and welcoming that instantly hits you as you walk through the entrance. Many country piles give off that ‘look, don’t touch’ air however Huntsham has more of a ‘chill and make yourself at home’ vibe.

The ground floor is made up of a series of reception rooms, a dining room and a bar come social space. The house has been lovingly renovated by owners Christopher Badham and Damian Llambias. Each unique room has been designed by Llambias who has embraced the existing interior while adding a splash of personality by mixing up luxe fabrics (some which he personally wrestled out of the hands of Joan Collins and now adorn the main bedroom), with vintage wallpapers.

After a warm drink and a chance to take a breather we are given a tour of the house and it does not disappoint. High ceilings, dramatic sweeping staircases, big comfy sofas and roaring open fires are peppered around the house.

The bedrooms are all grand and luxurious, each one has its very own bespoke theme. I’m staying in The Baron, a spacious room with a big four poster bed and views across the grounds and sprawling countryside. All of the eclectic bedrooms mix traditional with a modern twist. There are 27 rooms in the main house and across the adjoining buildings there are 40 rooms in total.

Emson and her team have designed a 24 hour programme that combines restorative yoga, life coaching workshops as well as informative talks on nutrition and essential oils. While the retreat only runs across one day, Emson has successfully achieved the right balance between a full schedule and downtime, allowing you to get the most out of your stay as well as an opportunity to rest.

The group session with the life coach is a chance to reflect and process things. Paula Fenegan brings her reflexology practise to the retreat, I’m offered an in-room treatment that instantly reduces any tension I’m feeling and leaves me a little sleepy. The yoga sessions were delivered to suit any level, with lots of focus on breath technique and switching off a busy mind. I especially loved the Yoga Nidra which if you haven’t tried it, is a meditation and conscious relaxation practice that induces total physical and mental relaxation. Emson delivered the session at the end of the day which left me floating all the way up the grand staircase to my plush bed.

There’s no clock watching here, it’s all very laid back and if people are enjoying a glass of wine over dinner then there’s no pressure or rush to get to the next workshop. Because of the intimate group size, people get to know each other quickly and this supports a friendly atmosphere.

The retreat nutrition expert, Miranda Lewis, has teamed up with Sam the chef of 20ate to create a balanced vegetarian menu that’s jam-packed with taste and flavour. Sam has an open kitchen door policy and you can drift in and out throughout your stay helping yourself to healthy snacks and drinks or ask him any culinary questions.

In just 24 hours I left Huntsham Court feeling all zen and ready to take on the rest of 2020. Anoushka Emson is running the Rest and Restore retreat at Huntsham Court on 15-16th March 2020 and 11th–12th October 2020. The cost for a two-person shared room: £650 p/p, a two-person luxury shared room: £750 p/p and sole occupancy luxury room: £850. Prices include accommodation in one of Huntsham Court’s individually designed bedrooms, three nutritious meals a day as well as snacks and drinks, all expert workshop sessions, as well as take home nutrition and yoga e-guides so guests can continue their learning.

For more information email: telephone: 01398 361 277 or visit

Whether you are looking for the latest Coco Wellness product, heading off to a retreat to reset, or want to try the newest fitness studio, we’ve got you covered. Our Wellness Editor, Anji McGrandles shares the skinny on all the hottest wellbeing news.

Après ski wellness

Coco Wellness

Purple Ski, the luxury chalet brand unveils, Chalet Harmony, it’s latest chic property to open in Méribel just in time for the new ski season. The brand-new build, which sleeps up to 15 in seven bedrooms, will be offering guests the perfect way to stretch out after hitting the ski trails. Available on request via Purple Ski’s concierge team, ‘snowga’ classes will see a private instructor loosen and soothe residents’ tired muscles after a day on the slopes. The session can take place in a dedicated fitness room or outside for a spot of cryotherapy! Post snowga, guests can unwind in the beautifully appointed wellness area, where they can warm up in the hot tub, ease sore limbs in the sauna or steam room, work out in the fitness room or simply relax by the large indoor swimming pool.

A seven-night stay at Chalet Harmony starts from €41,955 (`£35,977*) on a catered basis. For more information visit Purple Ski

The healthy living app

The Fast 800 app is the latest well-being offering of intermittent fasting guru, Dr Michael Mosley. With 700 healthy, nutritionally balanced recipes, guided workouts, as well as mindfulness and community support, it’s like having him on speed dial. Dr Michael Mosley’s method, The Fast 800, has become one of the world’s most popular lifestyle programmes over the past few years. It’s a comprehensive, scientifically-backed weight loss programme that uses real food, nutritionally balanced meal plans and achievable exercise programmes.

The Fast 800 is £119 for 12 weeks

Healthy, delicious food in the heart of London

Following the success of its Brompton Road site, Café Volonte has opened its doors in the heart of Piccadilly, London. With a collective spotlight on inclusive well-being, Volonte’s menu is built upon the principles of nutrition with each carefully considered dish featuring high-quality macro and micro-nutrients. Exciting new dishes include Volonté’s Chilli Bowl, Turkish Eggs on Toast, a wholemeal halloumi Breakfast Wrap, Yogi Bowl and a collagen Kinder Bueno smoothie. A judge for the Great Taste Awards, and Great British Food Awards with a qualification from London’s world-famous Le Cordon Bleu, co-founder Vidushi Binani lovingly crafts each dish using sustainable, seasonal, and ethically sourced produce.

Café Volonte, 200 Piccadilly, St James’s, London, W1J 0DJ

Write your happy ending

Heidi Hauer is on a mission to help every woman realise that she has choices in her life and that everything she is seeking is already within her power to fulfil. Heidi’s book, “The Queendom Within – Rewrite Your Fairy Tale and Create Your Own Happily Ever After” is a practical guide for women to reclaim their energy, rediscover who they are, decide what they want and take tangible steps towards it. Practical, reassuring and truly inspiring, Heidi’s book encourages you to invest your time and energy in yourself.

Available from Amazon, RRP £12.99

Beat the bloat

Inessa Advanced Biotic Complex is a daily probiotic that contains 50 billion organisms and combines seven other probiotic strains that reduce inflammation of the colon to soothe the gut which helps with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (IBD). As an IBD sufferer, I have been taking the supplement along with their anti-inflammatory, BioSoothe for two months and have noticed I’ve had less bloating and seen a significant improvement in my symptoms. Both supplements come in a delayed-release capsule so that the ingredients reach the gut where they can be most effective.

Available from Inessa, RRP £38.99 for 30 days supply

Chocolate for the Body and Mind

What’s not to love about Spellbound, a new vegan chocolate line that uses plant-based ingredients and is botanically infused to support your well-being. Founded by Bristol-based naturopath, herbalist, and nutritional therapist, Alex Fraysse, he’s combined ancient alchemy with modern-day science, to create four distinct chocolate varieties made from entirely natural components, harmoniously aligning with the mind and body. The innovative collection includes ‘Digestif,’ ‘State of Zen,’ ‘State of Focus,’ and ‘Venus Passion,’ each offering an unparalleled flavour journey. These chocolates artfully blend the finest botanical ingredients with decadent dark chocolate, resulting in sumptuous truffles boasting exquisitely balanced taste profiles. To top it off, these indulgent and delightful creations contain no artificial additives or ingredients.

Available online, RRP from £3.50

Get twitching this autumn

It’s fair to say autumn is in full swing and who doesn’t love a gourd activity to take in the fresh weather and changing scenery? Birdwatching (which has 1.6B views and counting on TikTok!) is one of this year’s biggest trends for its mental and physical perks and now is the perfect time to partake as so many birds are underway with autumn migration. A study from King’s College London found that seeing or hearing birds improves people’s well-being, and the hobby is taking off with people of all ages.

For those looking to boost their wellbeing, select voco hotels, part of IHG Hotels & Resorts are offering a “Find Your Flock” package for birdwatching, which includes binoculars and birdseed.

The package includes “early bird” check-in and complimentary breakfast for guests.

A daily shot of goodness

New gut health food brand, Deeply, has launched a range of plant-fibre prebiotics, specially formulated to ‘Feed Your Good’. Each measure provides a 100% natural, high-fibre blend of plant nutrients, vitamins, and prebiotics, designed to support immunity, and selectively feed the good bacteria living within the gut.

Good gut health can have a profound effect on both our physical and mental well-being, benefits include:

  • Improved mood
  • Better focus and concentration
  • Lowered risk of heart disease, stroke and Type 2 diabetes

Available in two great tasting flavours, Spinach & Kiwi with Seaweed and Carrot & Ginger with Turmeric.

Available at Deeply Foods, 28 daily measures start at £50.

Explore the wonders of adventuring in St Lucia, nicknamed the “Helen of the West Indies,” renowned for its lush rainforests, stunning peaks, and captivating history of changing hands between the English and French. Discover world-class diving sites and immerse yourself in its natural beauty. In this article, we examine the accessible adventures on offer that will allow you to soak in the alluring beauty of the island without over-inducing an excess of adrenaline.

Adventuring in St Lucia

Bamboo rafting

One of the newest experiences on offer in St Lucia is bamboo rafting on the Roseau River. It is the longest and largest river on the island. The tranquil beauty of the river in the Anse-la-Raye Quarter is in distinct contrast to the busier resort-laden parts of northern St Lucia. The enterprise has been started by the ex-tourism minister. What is particularly impressive is not only is the raft made entirely of bamboo, but your guide sets sail only with a bamboo pole. It is an entirely non-motorised experience down to the beachfront for a carbon-neutral experience. Your local guide will serenade you with facts on the local flora, fauna and topography. Mid-journey you will break at a rustic shack where you can sample local coconuts and cocktails from a local entrepreneur. There are multiple add-ons such as a rum distillery tour (more on that later) and a segway tour.

Rainforest hike

There are numerous stunning hiking trails throughout St Lucia. One I would recommend is The En Bas Saut Falls Trail. Ideally, you’ll need a 4×4 to drive to the start of the trail near Soufrière often through rugged cobblestone roads (though we did spot one brave soul trekking up jungle slopes to the hike). The trek through the majestic rainforest takes anywhere between 1.5-2.5 hours to complete. It is a sub-4 km hike which involves uneven steps down to the waterfall and then steps back up. You’ll visit a 7-8 metre waterfall and the best part is you can swim up close for a cooling escape from the tropical heat. There will be offers of guided tours as you travel closer to the starting point of the trail. However, note that this is not essential given the route is an easily identifiable trail. The trickier part would be finding the starting point with your hire car. The best way to get there is to book a guided tour with reputable boutique hotels such as the nearby Têt Rouge Resort. The excursions are reasonably priced, and the options are varied.

Adventuring in St Lucia

Catamaran cruise

A catamaran tour is the best way to appreciate the overall magnificence of the island. Têt Rouge offers a 40 ft catamaran for hire privately. You can enjoy a sunset cruise, savour a barbecue on board, swim or snorkel in the refreshing waters or simply get taken to remote, pristine beaches. You get arguably the best angle at spotting the iconic twin peaks of Gros Piton and Petit Piton. You can peek into the most exclusive resorts on the island such as Jade Mountain Resort, or if you just want to unwind the Caribbean way, recline your back onto the catamaran trampoline, listen to the sea breeze and stare into the cloudless blue sky with a rum punch in your hands.

Cacoa Sainte Lucie

If you want an elevated dining experience and still have views of the verdant tropical rainforest, make sure you head to Cacoa Sainte Lucie. Situated in Belvedere Canaries, the site is at the perfect vantage point to soak up the surrounding greenery and the soothing ocean scenery. As they are a small-batch premium chocolate maker, the menu in their restaurant unsurprisingly contains countless cocoa. One of their signature dishes is the cocoa-crusted grilled Mahi served with a sweet chilli creole sauce. You might wonder: why add cocoa to dishes? Raw cacao is a superfood containing high doses of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Their chocolate trio dessert is not to be missed. They have an interactive chocolate-making workshop as well as a gift shop selling everything from gourmet chocolate truffles to hot chocolate powder (and my personal choice: a decadent chocolate lamington).

Rum distillery tour

Next to the bamboo rafting experience, you can also partake in a distillery tour at St Lucia Distillers. The tour has the perfect blend of video presentations, a brief rum-making tutorial, a kitsch carnival exhibition and an unbelievably generous rum-tasting finale. From April to November, when the sugarcane is harvested, guests can observe the harvesting at the cane fields which is a 5-minute walk from the distillery. The tour is about how they’ve used what’s abundant in nature in St Lucia to turn the product into one of the most popular spirits in the world. Their knowledgeable guides will take you around their working distillery and explain the concept in layman’s terms.

Rum is intimately linked to the carnival spirit and they have a carnival room displaying a dazzling array of fanciful costumes. The exhibition also goes in-depth about the origins and traditional practices that accompany carnivals in St Lucia. The finale of the tour is truly breathtaking. You get to sample their whole range of rums, rum-based creams and liqueurs. This is from the entry-level range to their most premium range, and it is all self-service and free pouring. This is a must for all rum aficionados. Afterwards, you should take a trip to their gift shop where their spirits are offered at factory prices.

Experience St. Lucia’s most iconic nature trails designed by your very own hiking butler! Discover more about these exclusive trails in our article on House of Coco.

There are roughly 29 flights per week flying from London to St Lucia. The average flight time is only 8 hours and 55 minutes. The lowest average temperature is in January at a barmy 26°C. March is the sunniest time of year, with over ten hours of sunlight per day. With these wonderful weather conditions and a diverse offering for tourists, make sure you consider St Lucia for your Caribbean holiday.

Away from the glitz of Miami and the theme parks of Orlando, Florida is a state bursting with natural beauty. You can experience the untouched beauty in places like The Charlotte Harbor Gulf Island Coast, encompassing destinations like Punta Gorda Englewood Beach.

Punta Gorda Englewood Beach

Often you’ll hear, Americans from the New York side gravitate towards the Atlantic side of Florida. The populace from the Midwest and centre of the country tend to travel to the Gulf side of Florida. In places like Punta Gorda and Englewood Beach, you’ll experience genuine American hospitality in a laid-back environment. There are memorable outdoor experiences you’ll remember for a lifetime.

Punta Gorda

Babcock Ranch Eco Tours

For those seeking to observe the flora and fauna of Florida, you should consider taking part in Babcock Ranch Eco Tours. Their swamp buggy eco-tour will take you through a working cattle ranch as well as through dramatic swamp lands. Throughout the 90-minute tour, you might spot majestic osprey, soft-shell turtles and wild turkeys. You are almost guaranteed to see alligators.

You get to travel through four different ecosystems. There are surprises along the way including petting a baby alligator and getting out of the buggy for a stroll through the Telegraph Cypress Swamp on a raised platform.

The Sean Connery film, Just Cause was famously filmed on the ranch and they even donated a hunting shack to the organisation.

If you are in the mood for a bite afterwards, they do have the Gator Shack restaurant. You won’t be surprised to hear they serve gator bites and wraps on their menu.

Alligator Creek Preserve

If you are looking for a relaxing nature preserve to spot wildlife that is also free of charge, do check out Alligator Creek Preserve. There are four plus miles of nature trails inside the preserve, but it is also next to the 45,000-plus acre Charlotte Harbor Preserve State Park.

They have recently rebuilt a sheltered alligator dock for you to spot the lounging reptiles. They have commercial-grade viewfinders that are coin-free to help you spot the fauna.

They are a non-profit organisation and their chief focus is educational activities for the local school children as well as raising environmental awareness and preservation for the local surroundings.

Peace River Wildlife Center

Travelling through various parts of Florida, you’ll realise their preference is not to build zoos but wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centres. At Peace River, they have an adorable collection of animal friends.

Their iconic ambassador is Luna the white Eastern Screech Owl. He is leucistic rather than albino. That means he lacks the cells that make pigments throughout his body. As they are heavily reliant on camouflage to protect themselves from larger predators, Luna stays permanently at the rescue centre for his protection.

Due to a shortage of space, they currently mainly house rescued birds. However, they are currently fundraising for a brand-new education centre in downtown Punta Gorda. With the increased capacity, they are hoping to be able to support more rescued mammals and reptiles in the coming years.

They run very strong education and awareness campaigns including responsible fishing and awareness of invasive species.

Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens

Having only opened in 2017, this botanical garden is one of the most impressive you’ll encounter in the United States. This 30-acre waterfront haven consists of five ecosystems including marshlands, wetlands, mangroves, uplands and tidal basins.

They have over 4,500 plants, trees and bamboo blended in with Florida’s natural landscape. They’ve created one of the largest botanical and sculptural gardens in Florida. Highlights include a rainbow eucalyptus. You’ll need to walk up and observe the bark to see why it has the rainbow moniker.

Their cycad garden is also worth visiting. These prehistoric plants appeared on Earth before the age of the dinosaurs. Most species are in decline around the world with four species on the edge of extinction. They are hugely valuable and have been known to be a target for opportunistic thieves.

A significant part of the experience is also about art appreciation. They have some outstanding sculptures on loan at the site. The ones to highlight include Next Summer and Bibi on the Ball. Both are from Carole Feuerman. The hyper-realistic style means you need to observe the sculptures up close, where you might spot individual eyelashes or veins on the elegant legs.

Englewood Beach

Kayaking through Englewood

If you are looking for something more active. I suggest a kayaking tour with SUP Englewood. If Punta Gorda is all about the flora and fauna, then Englewood is all about embracing the Florida coastline.

They run kayaking tours in various locations, but I would recommend the Don Pedro Island State Park tour. Their knowledgeable guides will give you the best practice for ethical paddling. You’ll be able to get up close with dolphins and manatees. You might spot fascinating shellfish like conch and crabs or hear majestic coastal birds like herons and ospreys.

You can paddle through scenic mangroves or take a short walk on Don Pedro Island to observe the pristine beauty of this barrier island.

An unspoilt beach haven

Experience an uncrowded side of Florida with the pure, wide, white sandy beaches of Englewood. There is a scenic 900ft boardwalk that crosses over the beach vegetation if you want to observe the shoreline from a distance.

You’ll find all the amenities you need such as water stations, restrooms and shower facilities, but it never feels commercialised. There are no vendors to approach you selling tourist gifts. The few bars and restaurants in the area are within walking distance but not right on the beach.

You are allowed to fish on the shoreline. You can walk for miles on end with pure sand on your feet whilst admiring the captivating Floridian coastline.

For those who think Florida is overcrowded and commercialised, think again. A visit to Punta Gorda and Englewood Beach will show you what the real, pure Florida has to offer.

Fact box

Punta Gorda and Englewood Beach is Florida’s best-kept secret of a charming natural paradise located on the idyllic Southwest Gulf Coast.

This coastal community surrounding the state’s second-largest harbour sits conveniently between Tampa and Naples. British Airways and Virgin Atlantic have daily direct flights to Tampa.

For more information on the region, please visit –

Many Australians are out of shape in 2023 and it all needs to change. We have become much too sedentary and because we are at the back end of the pandemic, many of us were restricted as to where we could go and what we could do. Many people stopped going to the gymnasium and stop going outside to take part in regular sports activities and so the majority of us are now suffering. It’s time to make 2023 the year when you get yourself back into shape in an effort to reduce your anxiety levels and increase your self-esteem. It’s likely that you haven’t had a good night’s sleep in a long time and many of us have begun to age before our time.

This has led to the popularity offitness retreats because these offer us the perfect destination to be able to get ourselves into great physical shape and excellent mental shape as well. Sometimes it is really difficult to motivate ourselves to just get out there and do something about our fitness and so by signing up for one of these excellent retreats, the people there will motivate you and make you want to shed the excess weight that you are currently carrying and to increase your cardiovascular health. There are many different reasons why it makes perfect sense to get yourself into shape for 2023 and the following are just some of those.

  • Increased confidence levels – If your body is not fit then your mind isn’t fit either and so one goes with the other. If you want to be strong mentally then you have to have a strong body and so by setting yourself physical goals and signing up for a retreat, you will find that any anxiety and stress that you were carrying will leave your body and you will become a lot more confident.
  • A better night’s sleep – We all need to get at least one hour of deep sleep every single night and many of us are finding it difficult to nod off when we put our head on the pillow. If you exercise more then you can hope to enjoy a lot more heat sleep and this is incredibly good for your immune system.
  • You will be more productive – If you are finding it difficult to motivate yourself to get out of bed in the morning to go to work or to do everything that you have planned for the day then by taking part in some essential exercise, you are increasing your endorphins and this makes you happier and more productive.
  • You will have a longer life – Exercise helps to strengthen your heart, muscles and the overall immune system as well as your bones. The more that you exercise, the stronger that you will feel and this will lead to better health outcomes.

If you’re finding that your energy levels are really low, then getting out there and doing exercise will help to give them a much-needed boost.