


The sauna is my go-to place to chill out and ease my aching muscles after hitting the gym. The recent lockdown has meant I have not been able to go, so instead I tried the new infrared sauna blanket by Smomar. A bit like an infrared sauna, the blanket uses infrared rays that heat the body directly and promise to deliver all the same benefits but in the comfort of your own home.

The pandemic has seen a surge in sales of at-home wellness equipment like faux fur blanket. The beauty of the sauna blanket is it is compact and folds away so does not take up lots of space, unlike some gadgets. The at-home sauna equivalent looks like a sleeping blanket. You simply plug it into the socket, let it warm up for around five minutes then hop in. It recommends you wear loose clothing with long sleeves and socks. You start by setting the blanket at a low temperature and gradually turn up the heat as your body gets used to it or check it here at home sauna guide. The optimum session is between 30 minutes to one hour.

Infrared sauna’s have been around for a while but only recently become a feature in the wellness routines of celebrities like Lady Gaga, Megan Markle and the Kardashians. The benefits include reducing stress, supporting sleep, soothing muscles as well as burning calories and releasing toxins from the skin. Infrared sauna blankets harness the wellness benefits of near infrared light therapy, using specific wavelengths to permeate the skin and improve both cellular function and body balance without producing heat.

I had been smashing my workouts and runs during lockdown but really suffering with stiffness and aches as a result. I was banking on the blanket delivering the same results as a regular post-workout sauna and I was not disappointed. Straight after training I rolled it out on the floor and wrapped myself up in the cosy, warm cocoon. At first, I felt like the sausage filling of a sausage roll but soon got over that and once you relax it is a calming experience. I swiftly introduced it into my daily ‘wind down’ ritual and found it was 45 minutes where I could switch off, take a breath and listen to a podcast. It quickly gets hot in there and because you are wearing clothing you come out a bit of a red, sweaty mess. You can set a timer and there is also an automatic ‘switch off’ button just in case you fall asleep. I ended up nodding off a couple of times. After a wet, cold run in the evening the blanket was the perfect retreat to envelope my aching bones. I finished each session with an ice-cold shower which left me feeling amazing. Cleaning the blanket is easy, once it is cool just wipe it down with some anti-bac spray and as soon as its dry you can fold it up and store away. As convenient as they can be sauna blankets or regular saunas are also proven to help you lose a bit of weight, Check to learn more.

I was using the blanket most days and I felt the benefits post-workout. Any tension I was carrying across my shoulders eased away, and I found my legs did not have that heavy ache I usually get the day after a run. I also noticed I was sleeping well. Whether this was down to an overall healthy wellbeing routine or the blanket, I am not sure. The 45 minutes I was spending in the blanket forced me to put down my phone and switch off from general distractions. I started to look forward to having that time to tune out for the day and decompress which was a boost to my mental wellbeing.

If you love to unwind in the sauna and are looking to upgrade your daily wellness routine, then a sauna blanket will be a great investment. The Smomar Infrared sauna blanket is available from £374.

The way we eat, sleep, spend our free time, day-to-day behavior, and daily activities are all counted as our lifestyle. Since the advent of the last century, we have come to know that our lifestyle has a significant impact on our health. Many types of research have led us to a new mindset that a healthy lifestyle is a key to a healthy body.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 60% of the factors responsible for the deterioration or maintenance of our health are correlated with our lifestyle. Millions of examples show that people who fail to adopt a healthy lifestyle suffer from many chronic diseases, and sometimes these unhealthy habits even lead them to death.

How Unhealthy Habits Damage Our Health

Many chronic diseases, such as hypertension, obesity, insomnia, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, etc., are all associated with the unhealthy habits that we follow in our daily lives. We need to address this problem as soon as possible because we are also transferring these habits to our upcoming generations.

Children these days love to eat junk food and hate vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. Similarly, their physical activities have been reduced to almost zero percent, which is leading them to problems like obesity and sleeplessness. Some gradual changes such as limited screen time and a healthy diet can help them get well-maintained health.

You should encourage your children to engage in more sports by playing with them instead of spending more time in front of screens. Similarly, add more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet so your children may get inspiration from you. You can also take help from dietary supplements that are really helpful to fight off problems like vitamin deficiencies or insomnia. Multivitamin supplements from known brands like Smarty Pants will meet their nutritional requirements, while supplements like melatonin gummies for kids will help them get better sleep to wake up more refreshed the next day.

In the beginning, it might be problematic for both you and them, but as soon as you start seeing positive results, you will love to adopt healthy habits. At the same time, you also need to take care of your lifestyle. According to an old saying, “You cannot pour from an empty cup.” It means that if you want to give 100% of your love and care to your child and want 100% in your daily life, you need to take care of your own health first.

Let’s discuss some daily habits that can have a great impact on our health.

Our Diet

One thing that has the most powerful impact on our overall health is our eating habits. It is a generally accepted fact that our bodies are what we put in them. It means if you are putting junk inside your body, it will soon transform into a piece of junk. Similarly, if you will put healthy and nutritious food in your body, it will start showing up in the form of good health.

Physical Activities

Our body is like a machine. If you want to keep it working, you need to keep it in motion, or it will get rusted. Each cell in our body requires oxygen to function correctly. Lack of physical activities results in a lack of oxygen absorption by the cells. As a result, the cells that are the building blocks of life face hindrance and can’t perform well.

Our Sleeping Habits

Just like a machine needs to work regularly to keep in form, it needs some rest too to save it from any wear and tear. The same is the case with our bodies. If you don’t give them enough rest, they won’t be able to work for long.

When we are sleeping, our bodies undergo the repair of tired, broken, and damaged cells. This repair is very important to maintain the efficiency of our brain and body. When we don’t sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours a day, our bodies fail to successfully complete the repair session resulting in a decline in our physical and mental health.

Addictions That We Follow

Habits like smoking and addiction to tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs are very detrimental to our health. These addictions badly affect our lungs and heart, resulting in fatal pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases. These addictive products pose a threat to our physical health and are also very harmful to our brain.

According to research, women who drink red wine regularly have a higher risk of breast cancer. Alcohol consumption is associated with diseases like stroke, high blood pressure, kidney, and liver failure, behavioral problems, etc.

Screens Are An Addiction Too

Along with tobacco, drugs, and alcohol, there is another type of addiction that we do not count under this category. It is the addiction to mobile phones, TV, laptops, digital games, etc. Children are spending most of their time glued to screens, and to be honest, parents are not much different.

This extensive screen time results in eye fatigue, insomnia, reduced physical activities causing obesity, psychological and behavioral problems, etc.

ArtReach® in Leicester is about to launch a new project-based website specifically to promote UK and European talented artists under the age of 30.

The team at ArtReach® makes great art possible and accessible for all by connecting art with grass roots and diverse communities to forge creative engagement.

LIBERTY EU, the new art-based project brings together 12 cultural partners across 10 countries to showcase a pool of 750 young artists to young audiences across Europe.

The website, which is part of LIBERTY EU will enable artists and cultural professionals to work together until the end of 2022, commissioning at least 75 new works. The work these artists create will be presented at free access events across Europe.

With everything that has been taking place across Europe recently including; Brexit, protests and rioting, the pandemic, plus vaccine issues ArtReach®, partners, and funders are pleased to announce that LIBERTY EU events will go ahead as planned, and relationships between the UK and its European partners have never been better across the arts world.


A couple of UK-based artists involved with LIBERTY EU include Parham Ghalamdar and Madla Rae, both in Manchester. Parham is a painter and researcher originally from Iran, and Mandla is a performance and spoken word artist originally from Zimbabwe.

Parham Ghalamdar (Situation Number One (2020) SHEBA ARTS Festival)
Mandla Rae (Bursary-Artist-2020 credit-Joel+Chester+Fildes)

Lorna Fulton, Creative Director of ArtReach® said:

“ArtReach® is delighted that our successful track record of artistic leadership with European partners will be enhanced with the major project LIBERTY EU. It is brilliant for both the UK and Europe, especially as we’re fully supported by Creative Europe and Arts Council England. The new LIBERTY EU website will showcase all the raw talent in the field of art across Europe that we are craving to see right now in these tough times.”

Artists under the age of 30 come together across Europe in the name of art. If you are therefore interested in art in all its forms, the LIBERTY EU project will be highlighting six strands of art, including; Inside Out Performance, Processional Theatre, Liberty Art, Outdoor Digital Art, Educational Workshops, and Seminars.

To find out more information please visit LIBERTY EU

More Lifestyle from House of Coco Magazine

There are so many incredible sights, and experiences in the world around us, and so many go through their lives without experiencing even a tenth of what they could. This is a terrible and unnecessary loss of opportunity and something you should definitely avoid. Experience is to life what oxygen is to breathing; you cannot have the latter without the former. To help you make the most of your time on this gorgeous planet you call home; this guide has highlighted a few experiences that should absolutely be on your list of things to do before you kick that terrible bucket.

Go Travelling

This sounds vague, and that’s because it should be. Everyone assumes that you cannot do anything in life without a distinct and careful plan. Not only is this assumption false, it’s actively keeping you from some of the most incredible experiences of your life. Traveling by just the open road and endless opportunity ahead of you is one of the most incredible experiences you could ever wish for, and so long as you shackle yourself to the necessity of planning, you will never get there.

So, throw yourself into the world. Pick a destination and just head out, because no matter how incredible the destination you choose, the journey is often what you’ll remember most.

Cliff Diving

Speaking of amazing experiences, if you love adrenaline, then this is something that you simply have to try. Cliff diving is one of the most singularly invigorating activities that you could ever imagine. The rush of wind flying past as you plummet directly towards the crystal blue of the waters below. There really are very few experiences that even come close, and none that are as cheap and accessible.

This is obviously not something you should do without guidance; cliffs are famously known to kill you if you jump off of them, and water is often worse than land when you hit it at speed. You absolutely have to ensure that you are A) cliff diving in an appropriate location and B) diving properly. If you fail to do either, your experience could quickly turn fatal.

Experience a Casino

There are very few experiences that compare to the hustle and bustle of a busy casino and, simply put, a casino experience like you’ll find at is amazing. There is something intoxicating about the thrum of the crowd, the pulse of the music, and the omnipresent sound of clattering coins. Stepping into a casino is like entering a fae land of strange riches and incredible opportunity. A strange magic seems to encapsulate the place, a magic that promises an otherworldly experience of joy, so long as you manage to keep your mortal wits about you.

Climb a Mountain

In terms of experiencing the peak of human potential to explore, there is almost nothing that will surpass climbing a mountain. Well, until they start allowing civilians into space, but until that day, you will have to settle for reaching towards space from the highest peaks of the entire world.

To own a beautiful home is our primordial desire, and to be honest, it is quite an achievement. But many people rush themselves into getting a house before they are ready. Owning a home is marketed as a symbol of self-worth, security, and self-esteem, so often, we end up buying a home for the wrong reasons. Purchasing a house is a significant investment in property in Birmingham, and you don’t want to take a leap too soon.

Are you ready to be a homeowner? – You don’t want to buy a house just because everyone else around you is doing so! Neither should you invest in a house to avoid paying rent. You should get a home only if you want to be a homeowner and are planning on settling down at a place for a minimum of five years. Sometimes low mortgage rates can lure us. Although low mortgage rate are important you should not buy a home for that reason alone. Physical, mental, and financial readiness are required before purchasing a home.

If you have decided on getting yourself and your family a home, read further to go through some of the best tips and advice you need to consider before buying a home.

Assess your needs

The real estate market is swarming with loads of compelling and captivating offers and imagery. Don’t let temptations and your excitement cloud your senses. When you are out hunting for a home, be sure of what you need instead of allowing marketing gimmicks and advertising to influence your buying decision.

When exploring various real estate options, narrow down on properties that seem compatible with your current and future home requirements. You can even consider off plan property investment. Buying a house calls for significant investment, and it is something that is going to be a part of your life probably for a long time and so it is something that needs to be well thought out. You can figure out your needs by considering the following factors –

  • House Size – When buying a house for your own use, you need to consider your family’s size to determine the size and number of rooms you would need in your home. If you are a young family who plans to expand in the future, choose the space accordingly. For members who work from home, there needs to be a place for a home office.
  • Amenities – properties that feature several amenities can seem attractive to prospective home buyers. But the downside is that extra facilities come with a higher price tag, and not all of the additional amenities may be of value and use to you. Think about the essential and must-have amenities that you and your family might need for a comfortable living and zero down on properties that best suit your needs.
  • Location – Location also plays a crucial role in comfortable living, and so it is something that needs considerable contemplation. Any property that catches your fancy must be in a safe and sound neighborhood. Plus, the location should be accessible by common modes of transport.
  • Time of possession – another essential factor you need to contemplate is how long you can afford to wait before getting ownership of your new home. There are several options available for you, such as ready-to-move-in homes and some in under construction phases. Usually, the former is more favored, but both options have their benefits.

Figure Out The Costs And Determine Your Budget

Financial readiness is the crux of investing in a home. You need to determine your budget and make an affordable investment so that you don’t lose sleep after moving into your new home! Once you have an idea of your needs, the next step is to set a budget and find a property that falls within that budget. Consider these factors while budgeting –

  • Study The Average Property Costs – Begin your budgeting by determining the average cost of properties in your desired locality along with the size of each house. Prices of properties will be influenced by the nature of the neighborhood, amenities in and around the house, and on the property promoter.
  • Familiarize Yourself with Hidden Costs – While working out your budget, take into account the additional costs that are not in most cases revealed upfront. If you’re moving into a neighborhood with a homeowners association make sure to find out how much HOA fees are going to be in what’s included with them. The extra costs come in the form of renovations and registration charges at the time of purchase. These costs also need to be included in your budget. Moreover, once you have acquired the home, you will need to pay taxes and frequently spend on maintenance of your home.

Site Visit

So you have gathered your basic home requirements and planned a budget, now is the time to narrow down on potential properties. If you are able to shortlist a few, you need to visit each one of them. A visit helps you get the feel of the space and find out if there are any shortcomings. For example, if you are interested in a townhouse or duplex, a site visit can reveal to you the differences of a townhouse vs. duplex and which may be a better fit for your family in the long term. Beyond this, visiting the property can give you some idea if the house can make you feel at home. To avoid risks and to be on the safer side, consider looking at properties that are promoted by reputable real estate companies. Utilising the services of a well-established real estate agent or firm will save you a lot of trouble.

Home Inspection

Home inspections should never be skipped as these are an essential part of buying a home. Getting a home inspector to inspect the place lets you know of any structural damage and any other additional repair costs you may have to bear. An inspection will let you know of any issues that went unnoticed and how honest the homeowners were in their listing.

Plan Out Your Payment Method

When you plan to get a ready-to-move-in home, you will need to make the complete payment upfront to receive its ownership. If you have a substantial bank balance that can support your purchase, it is always advisable to buy your home with your own cash.

For those who are short on cash, you can get a home loan. You will be required to make a 15-20 percent down payment of the home value when getting a house on credit. You can pay the rest of the amount over an agreed tenure of the loan with its interest. Interest rates vary from bank to bank, and they can also be fixed or floating. You can discuss this matter with your bank/financier in detail to assess its viability.

Some loaners can fund your home purchase without needing any down payment. This might sound like a comfortable arrangement, but you will end up paying and increased interest and other servicing charges with this sort of deal.


Buying a home for you and your family is a significant milestone and an emotional event. A home is a personal space where you will be spending a significant amount of time, and so you need to invest in a property that meets your needs, fits your budget, and offers a comfortable living experience. The tips that we have mentioned above are sure to guide you to make a sensible and intelligent decision; after all, it’s a lifetime investment. Therefore, you need to do proper contemplation before agreeing on a seemingly attractive and tempting offer.

Make sure to make a choice that will add to your happiness, and years go by.

If you are someone who stays close to builders, architects or others in the building and construction industry, then it is very likely that you will have come across the following terms: contemporary house plan or modern house plan.

Just in case you have and you’ve been wondering to yourself what that’s all about, today is your lucky day. In this article, we will be focusing on these terms, looking at what they mean and the characteristics that make them up.

What is a Contemporary House Plan?

This may be one of those terms that can be difficult to define. Generally speaking, contemporary or modern simply refers to something that is reflective of the prevalent style of the day.

Given this not too successful attempt at a definition, it will be safe to assume that no one can claim to have gotten much clarity from it. Our best bet will therefore be to go right into looking at the features or characteristics of a plan like the Truoba Contemporary house designs.

Features to be Found in a Contemporary House Plan

Let’s briefly discuss some of the important features of what we call a modern house or building plan.

Open Floor Plan

One of the very prominent components you will find in these new designs is a floor plan that is open. What this basically means is that the common spaces are combined to achieve a larger, and more commodious space.

These common spaces, like the kitchen, sitting room and dining area, all become one large space without any walls demarcating them. It creates a sense of fullness and openness that can make any space appear larger than it really is.

Still building on this, some go further to create a seeming flow from this open floor plan to the outdoors. This can be to a large balcony or even the pool side. With strategically positioned windows or glass doors, everything can look like one large space.

This is surely a design that anyone who loves entertaining guest will want for their home.

More Natural Light

Another major factor that plays out in many of these designs is the use of natural lights. Building on the use of open spaces as described above, large windows are also strategically positioned and these let in extensive amounts of natural light that easily reaches most of the open area thanks to the design.

Aside from the visual value this can add to an abode, it can also help reduce energy costs in a home. These include light and heating costs.

Eco-Friendly Design

With an increased and increasing focus on green energy and eco-friendly utilities, these modern designs pay special attention to this. The use of natural lights and solar panels for roofing are some ways that this is achieved.

Special attention is also paid to the kind of materials used in the construction to ensure that only materials that do not adversely impact the environment are used.

Easy Integration of IoT

If you’ve heard of smart houses, chances are that they are most likely modern house designs. A lot of the characteristics of these contemporary house designs are suited for the integration of smart controls.

These are just a few examples of the features to expect.


When we look at the features discussed above, we can see that a lot of them complement each other. The style and layout of these houses appear to favor certain types of people who love certain ways of living.

While some folks may consider these designs their best choice, others may opt for something different. When it comes to the choice of styles and designs for a building, personal preference will always prevail.

We have therefore not set out in this article to try to convince anyone about the superiority of a modern house design over others. We are just focused on explaining to those who may already be interested in these types of plans the features they can expect from them.

It is also important to understand that there are many other types of plans with their features and benefits. This is one of the reasons why getting your house plan online (a place where you can browse through hundreds of plans to choose the one you love best) is now a preferred option for many.

Whatever your preference, modern or not, there is a building plan out there that will capture the exact features you are looking for.

If you want to buy a boat, it doesn’t have to be an intimidating ordeal. The process should be exciting, fun, and rewarding. When you have a boat, you can go on water adventures or cruise any time you like.

When you’re a first-time boat owner, there are several considerations you need to know to make your boating experience an enjoyable one. Remember that purchasing a boat is a considerable investment. Check out Red Beard Sailing if you don’t have your boat yet. You need to make sure that you’ve all the information necessary to take good care of it and operate safely.

To ensure safety on your first boating adventure, you should check out this boater safety course online like where you can learn and test your boating knowledge and have a certificate at the end of the course.

Here are some of the necessary measures to help you get started with your boating adventure.

Right Insurance

When you buy a boat for the first time, an important consideration is a proper insurance. Anything can go wrong, and you don’t want to face significant expenses along the way.

Look for a reliable insurance agent you can work with to get the proper coverage. A crucial consideration is a policy that covers fuel-spill responsibility. It’s a requisite in case your vessel fortuitously releases fuel or descends in the water while in a marina. In case you end up in a mishap while trailering your boat, your insurance policy should cover any damages to the trailer. By working with a dependable professional, it’ll ensure that both your policies work together and you won’t face any inconsistencies.

Trailering Your Boat

The majority of boat owners find it challenging to learn how to trailer their boats properly. It’s a skill that requires time to master. The first task is to ensure that your vehicle is rated to tow the boat you’re planning to buy. If not, it’s an issue that you need to address sooner or later.

Don’t forget to consider the weight of the boat along with the fuel and equipment. You don’t want to discover later that you need a new truck.

Launching And Retrieving

It’s important to carefully read and study boat ramp etiquette to avoid unnecessary mistakes when launching or retrieving your boat. Utilize the tie-down area to prep and button-down your boat. Most boat launches have a tie-down site to make the necessary preparations to get the boat ready for the water. When your boat is secure on the trailer at the end of the day, and the safety hook is secure, you can bring it to the tie-down area.

Make sure that you’ll take time to practice backing down the ramp and launching it. It’ll make your boating experience less stressful when it’s time to go on your first boating trip.

Storage Options

It would be best to double-checked to ensure that your community allows you to keep your boat at home. There might be a need to make the necessary accommodations so that your boat will fit within your garage or decide on other arrangements.

An option is to house your boat with a dry stack service or keep it in the marina. Remember that these options have ongoing costs you need to pay, so make sure you factor this in ahead of time.

Maintenance Checklist

As a significant investment, you should make your boat last by providing regular maintenance such as washing your boat, proper inspections, changing the oil, and many more. Once you’re familiar with the essential maintenance necessary, create a checklist to avoid forgetting a single task.

Proper Equipment

As a new boat owner, you should have all the proper boating equipment. Aside from a life preserver for every person on the boat, other items that you need include:

  • Fenders
  • Dock lines
  • Visual and sound signaling devices such as flares, whistles, and air horns
  • Throwable flotation devices
  • Medical or first aid kit
  • VHF radio to request help in case of emergencies
  • Paddles or oars
  • Basic toolbox
  • Heavy-duty flashlight
  • Extra fuel filters, light bulbs, etc.

Gather all these items to ensure safety on your first trip out on the water.

Pre-Departure Checklist

Before going out on the water, always get in touch with someone where you’re heading and when you intend to return. If something happens and you can’t call for help, someone will look for you and know where to start.

In your pre-departure checklist, it must include inspecting all the safety equipment, checking the engine and coolant levels, and topping off the fuel.

Observe Safe Boating

Make sure that you’re comfortable maneuvering your boat before heading out into the open water. You should practice handling and docking several times and familiarize yourself with the navigation rules. It might be best to enroll in a boating course or water safety course before going out on your own.


New boat owners are looking forward to going out into the water for the first time. If it’s your first time trying out boating, you’ll surely benefit from the considerations above. Being knowledgeable and ready for your first boating experience will ensure an enjoyable and safe experience at the same time.

Here at House of Coco we are loving our new found freedom and making the most of it by frequenting every outdoor coffee shop, bar and restaurant possible. It’s prompted us to go on the search for more outdoor events in the UK.

Whether you’re looking for family-friendly flicks or cinematic classics, what better way to support the local events industry than by hopping in your car and attending a drive-in event near you. Many events like these are experiential with fancy dress and sing-a-longs for extra excitement.

Eventbrite saw a 300% increase in the number of drive-ins listed for April – being the first events allowed to resume again, and ticket sales for summer are ramping up. It has put together a list of drive-in events around the UK for you to choose from, and there are even more to be found at

The Greatest Showman Singalong, Cheshire

Thu, Apr 22, 20:00

Pesto at Cabbage Hall • Tarporley

Starts at £9.06

Park up at Cheshire’s Cabbage Hall for a showing of this modern-day classic, complete with lung-busting singalongs, fancy dress and Italian food.

The Lion King, Stratford-Upon-Avon

Sun, Apr 25, 19:45

Hilton Warwick / Stratford-upon-Avon • Warwick

Starts at £9.06

Close to Shakespeare’s hometown, catch the live action remake of The Lion King – a film loosely based on one of the bard’s greatest plays, Hamlet.

Back to the Future, Derby

Tue, Apr 27, 20:00

Slice of India • Derby

Starts at £35.04

Back to the Future feels like an appropriate choice for a post-lockdown drive-in cinema event and this classic just gets better with age, especially when viewed on a giant HD screen as it will be here.

The Italian Job, Leeds

Fri, Apr 30, 19:45

The Motorist • Leeds

Starts at £25.00

Blow the doors off lockdown at this Italian Job screening at The Motorist in Leeds, where you’ll find an inflatable HD screen and plenty of cinema-ready snacks and drinks.

Dirty Dancing, Derbyshire

Fri, Apr 30, 20:00

The Whitworth Centre • Darley Dale

Starts at £12.99

The iconic 80s film gets a screening at Darley Dale in Derbyshire, with games, quizzes and food & drink also part of the package.

Four Wheel Comedy, London

Fri, Apr 30, 21:00

The Drive In • London

Starts at £56.64

Billed as London’s ‘first ever drive-in variety show’, Four Wheel promises comedy performances, musical turns and boozy slush puppies over the Bank Holiday Weekend. Despite the name, bicycles and pedestrians are also welcome.

La La Land, Honeydale Farm

Sat, May 1, 19:45

Honeydale Farm • Sidcup

Starts at £48.50

Sidcup’s Honeydale Farm may be a long way from Los Angeles, but with food and drink and a bright LED screen on offer it is the ideal place to enjoy this smouldering modern-day musical starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone.

Drive, Sandon Hall

Sat, May 1, 21:30

Sandon Hall • Stafford

Starts at £19.46

Ryan Gosling (swoon) stars as an enigmatic stuntman in this B movie favourite, which by our reckoning has one of the greatest soundtracks of all time. “I just drive” he says – and so will you to get to this screening at Sandon Hall, Stafford.

A Star is Born, Stanford Hall

Fri, May 14, 19:45

Stanford Hall • Lutterworth

Starts at £27.54

If you missed A Star is Born at the cinema in 2018 then you won’t want to miss this showing at Stanford Hall, Lutterworth. Believe the hype: Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper are astoundingly good and the chemistry between the pair is electric.

So, which will you pick?

Summer has it all. The good and the bad. Because, unfortunately, the good rarely comes without the bad. While the hot weather means plenty of opportunities to enjoy some sunshine with friends and family, the heat is something we always forget about. The heat is inescapable.

Perhaps it’s a good idea to get ready for the good times by expanding our wardrobe to include a defence against the high temperatures. All in agreement? Here’s how.

Caftans are your versatile fashionable friend

There’s no situation that doesn’t call for a caftan (check out designer caftans by Natori for inspiration). From celebrity endorsements to being seen on high streets everywhere, this truly versatile item of clothing can be your fashionable best friend in the heat of summer.

The open feel of a caftan will help to put your skin in direct contact with the breeze – from the tips of your toes to the tops of your shoulders, all while protecting your modesty and looking great at the same time.

The only dilemma you will face is how to match your footwear. For everyone who looks sensational in a caftan paired with flats, you’ll find someone else who looks stunning in strappy sandals or a wedge heel. Maybe treat yourself to a footwear shopping spree and mix and match your shoe style throughout the summer!

Roll-Tab-Sleeve Linen Shirt

Linen is lightweight and absorbent. So this tip is going to come with some extra advice. Linen is great for avoiding the stuffy feel of heavier cotton or synthetics in warmer weather (see the difference between linen and cotton). Start your day in linen and you will be able to move around freely without feeling any extra heat that would otherwise be generated by your clothing.

But what about when you sweat? Linen is absorbent but it dries quickly, so you should be able to get away with a couple of hours at least. But after that, you may wish to have a second linen shirt available to change into. This will ensure that you benefit from the positives of linen throughout your day, leaving your skin as fresh as possible in the sticky weather.

Longline tees

Elephants. Not the word you want to hear when picking out your summer clothes, granted. Nevertheless, there’s a link here between elephants and longline tee shirts. And it’s nothing to do with size!

Big floppy ears (that flap) are not just for show. They waft air. All-day. Keeping the graceful leaf-eater cool. It’s literally like having two giant paper fans attached to your head. But what’s all this got to do with long line tee-shirts?

The extra material will catch the air. Where the material catches the air, you will feel the cooling effect as the material settles again close to your body, pushing the air over your skin. Simple, but very effective at helping to keep your temperature down.

You may also enjoy the extra length when going sleeveless – otherwise, without the extra length, you have a vest top, which may not be your style or may not suit the situation.

Amidst the crystal clear waters and rustic villas of Lake Como, a new activewear brand was born. Varenna — established in 2020 by Italian entrepreneur Arantxa Gandini — sits at the intersection of high-fashion and high-performance redefining activewear for the modern day woman.

“Wellness, elegance and beauty at the heart of everything we do,” Arantxa says as she shares the inspirations and distinctive ‘Made-in-Italy’ ethos of her luxury activewear brand.

According to Arantxa, Varenna was “born out of a desire to create clothing using conscious design methods and minimal waste.” In fact, it is the first and only activewear brand to be completely produced in Italy, utilising only high-quality recycled and biodegradable fabrics, reinforcing Arantxa’s own commitment to preserving the environment and contributing towards a greener future.

Taking inspiration from the inimitable beauty of mother nature, Varenna offers refined yet sophisticated sportswear pieces that “give life to the magic that occurs when the natural world meets wise human hands.

“Our pieces infuse the elegance and sophistication of a luxury fashion label, with the design, performance and versatility of an activewear brand,” adds Arantxa. “Our refined, minimalist aesthetic vision proves that sportswear has indeed become a new expression of contemporary elegance.”

We sit down with Varenna Founder Arantxa Gandini, who invites us to discover the world of Varenna, and learn about the tradition, innovation and passion that inform its lovingly designed and thoughtfully-made collections.

What led you to embark on your journey to create a sustainably luxury activewear brand?

I’ve always felt the need to feel beautiful and elegant, not just at the office or during special occasions, but also while training outdoors, at home, or in the gym. However, I couldn’t find any activewear brands that could satisfy this need.

Because of this, I decided to combine my two biggest passions — sports and fashion — to develop a brand that could meet the elevated tastes and standards of women like myself. So, with my business partner, we founded Varenna with a clear vision in mind. This was to contribute to women’s happiness and to create an environment where wellness, elegance and beauty are at the heart of everything we do.

Tell us more about Varenna’s design ethos. Where does the inspiration for your designs come from?

Our story begins amidst the idyllic beauty of Lake Como, my childhood home. For me, Lake Como has always been the ultimate expression of Italian beauty and way of life. It is a truly magical place where the elegance of the villas seamlessly blend with the majesty of nature.

The main inspiration for our collections come from the natural world in all its forms. From the inimitable lights, patterns, colours and geometries of nature, our collections are born. We design collections that embody the graphic quality and stark symmetries of nature, giving life to the magic that occurs when the natural world meets wise human hands.

Describe Varenna in three words. Tell us more about your brand vision and what sets you apart from other activewear brands in the market today?

Our three main keywords are fashion, sustainable and ‘Made-in-Italy.’ Our mission is as ambitious as it is simple. We combine comfort (an essential feature in any sportswear brand) and glamour, which is something any successful fashion brand has in spades.

Through our collections, we constantly redefine the concept of what an active wardrobe looks like. Our pieces infuse the elegance and sophistication of a luxury fashion label, with the design, performance and versatility of an activewear brand. Our refined, minimalist aesthetic vision proves that sportswear has indeed become a new expression of contemporary elegance.

How important is sustainability to Varenna’s ethos?

In terms of sustainability, we’re always looking for low-impact raw materials and energy solutions. We believe that offering our clients sustainable choices eventually leads to better, more conscious consumer behaviours, resulting in a greener world.

For this reason, we only work with a select network of suppliers in Northern Italy to minimise our carbon footprint. We also put our best efforts towards preventing waste and only using high-quality fabrics from recycled PET bottles and biodegradable sources.

Varenna is the first luxury activewear brand that is completely ‘Made-in-Italy,’ which we hope reaffirms Italy’s position as a leader in the fashion world. Our entire supply chain is sustainable. This begins with design and sourcing the finest recycled Italian fabrics, to our very exacting cut and assembly process, which is as close as ‘made-to-measure’ as you can possibly get in activewear.

For me, tradition, innovation and passion are three words that perfectly describe our collections, which are all lovingly designed, thoughtfully made and packaged in Italy.

What is next for Varenna? What is your long-term vision for the brand?

Our goal is to continue to design and produce elegant, mindfully-made clothes. We believe that brands today have to go beyond simply producing products, which is why we are developing a holistic brand universe that includes fashion, sports and wellbeing.

Our vision is to transform our flagship boutiques into exclusive wellness spaces, where our luxury clientele can relax and take care of their mind and body. At our Varenna boutiques, they can participate in Yoga or Pilates classes, or indulge in some traditional Italian food, reimagined through a lens of wellness and elegance.

Shop #TeamCoco’s top 10 picks from Varenna’s latest collection

  1. Varenna White Bra with Nordic Floral Print
  2. Varenna White Bra with Pink Flower Print
  3. Varenna Black Tank Top ¾ with Long Sleeves and Nordic Floral Print
  4. Varenna Corda Leggings with Ramage Print
  5. Varenna Petal Pink Leggings with Tie Dye Print
  6. Varenna Black and White Tech Polo with Shade Print
  7. Varenna Bottle Green Bra with Nordic Floral Print
  8. Varenna Pearl Grey Tech Polo with Stripes
  9. Varenna Corda and White Leggings 3/4 with Shades Print
  10. Varenna Blu Navy Tech Jersey with Long Sleeves