
Wellness & Mindset


Over the past year, mental health challenges have been huge for lots of people. The pandemic has contributed to a rise in poor mental health due to things such as loneliness and the loss of loved ones. We’ve all handled lockdowns and quarantining in different ways of course, but we should recognise that even those we wouldn’t expect to struggle may have still had a tough time. Checking in on friends even as the pandemic is easing is so important to ensure the wellness and positive mental health of the people we care about. Here are some ways you can show that you care and the benefits of reaching out.

Why Checking In Is A Good Thing
It might seem obvious but most people appreciate when they’re shown that others care about them. We’ve all experienced bad days and for some, they can become far too regular. It can be incredibly difficult to admit when things are becoming too much to handle, and sometimes you don’t notice until it’s become overwhelming. It’s not always easy to spot the signs of poor mental health either and there are plenty of people that are skilled in masking their innermost feelings in fear of having to open up or admit they’re not doing well. Reaching out may not always be easy but accepting help from our friends can help to alleviate some of the pressure. Checking in on your friends in private, away from large groups, can be a great way of offering a lifeline and you’ll find that people’s willingness to ask for help will be much higher afterwards.

Show Someone You Care
Poor mental health is commonly entwined with feelings of isolation and being alone. There’s not much worse in the world than thinking nobody cares about you, and this sadly happens all too often. Surprising a loved one with a random gift or even just a card can have such a dramatic impact on them and could be the difference between having a great day or a low one. Find an online service that allows you to send a gift such as Sending gift boxes as a sort of care-package is a wonderful way to brighten someone’s day.

Take Things Seriously
It can be easy to try to make light of a situation, especially if you consider yourself to be the awkward type. Whether you’re just not great at talking through other people’s problems or you feel like making someone laugh is the best way to help, it’s important to try to refrain from changing the tone of a conversation that has been set by the person reaching out. There’s a strong chance that doing this could make them retreat away from the topic and think twice about trying again at a later date.

Respect Their Privacy
The fact that someone has chosen to open up to you is a serious matter and one that should be valued. Avoid oversharing their problems with anyone else—if they’ve confided in you, then respect that and their privacy. Offer the best support you can and show that you’re conscious of what they’re telling you, but if the matter appears to be more serious than you first thought, think about what you can do to encourage your friend to seek professional help as opposed to going behind their back, no matter how good your intentions. This would be a betrayal of trust and could lead to further problems for them.

Starting a new habit, especially pertaining to your health, is one that many people try to start at the beginning of the year as a New Year’s Resolution, but by March, many people gave given up on their promises.

But there is a way to make these habits stick, as long as you’re willing to put in the effort. Here are some steps you can take to leading a longer, healthier life.

Giving Yourself a Time Limit

Don’t think that you’re going to get your habit to stick right away. It can take at least two months, 60 days, before you’ve created a solid habit for your life. Studies have shown that people who carried out a specific activity, such as eating healthier and engaging in regular exercise, every day for a period of two months were more prone to engaging in these activities automatically without having to think about them.

You can avoid setting yourself up for failure by expecting your life to change completely in a few weeks; it takes much longer than that. But by starting now and sticking with it, you’ll be able to lead a healthier life. Figure out how you can start now at conservehealth.

Eliminating Variety From Your Life

This isn’t to say that you should allow yourself to get bored. But if you’re not keeping the same routine every day when it comes to your health, then you’re less likely to change your bad behaviors. You have to be consistent every single day in order to change your bad habits and create good new ones.

Striving for variety in your daily life not only takes away motivation from where you need it, but it also requires extra effort to keep yourself motivated with all these different activities. In order to create habits, they have to become “automatic” in your life, so that means sticking with it for a long time.

Missing A Day Doesn’t Mean The End

Many people think that if they miss a day, then they’re more likely to fall off the wagon and fail at their goals. However, studies have shown that this isn’t the case. Missing one day, even several times during the two months doesn’t affect the habit-formation process. Nor does it mean that a person has to start all over again. As long as you keep going, you can still create an effective habit.

Mental Rehearsals To Work Your Mental Muscles

In order for a good habit to stick, you have to train your brain to think about it positively. Mental rehearsals and internal pep talks can actually improve your chances of sticking with your good habits. For example, envisioning yourself eating a healthy meal instead of pizza can lead to that area of your brain growing stronger.

There are plenty of other methods that can help you stick to your habit, such as using a phone app to provide you with reminders and motivations to keep going. Bad habits are easy to build and hard to break, so practice mindfulness when trying to change them; it won’t happen overnight.

Anxiety is among the most significant mental health concerns of the West right now. Along with depression, it has swept the hemisphere over the last few decades. In its wake, it leaves people damaged and shattered, often long-term.

There are ways to fight back, though. Keeping busy and active is a trick that many have used successfully. It could be the case that taking this simple approach will work. Perhaps you could just focus on the best treadmill available to combat the problem through activity.


Being active is a crucial way to fight against anxiety and other mental problems as well. Depending on your age, medical status, and fitness, there are a great many options open to you in terms of activity.

Each person will have to assess their limitations concerning how much they can safely take on. It can range from a simple brisk walk to long-distance jogging or full-contact sports. The point is to get your blood flowing rather than burning yourself out.

Check Your Intake

Many folks don’t want to hear it, but alcohol is a major cause of anxiety and depression. Cutting out alcohol, or at least minimizing your intake, can have swift and dramatic results for sufferers of anxiety and other stresses.

There’s no downside, either. You might even find you have a little extra money in your wallet too, which is another way to reduce mental angst. It isn’t just the liquor, though. Caffeine can also contribute to anxiety, as can some other foodstuffs.



While it has many similarities with other Eastern religious and spiritual practices, mindfulness is not itself either religious or Eastern. It’s merely a rule-free process for taking stock of your life and can be in any form you prefer.

The basic idea is to find somewhere nice and quiet and then enter a reflective state of mind. Some people develop specific ways of going about it, but the point is to set aside a small part of your day to be with your mind in the present moment.

Sleep and Relaxation

This is a biggie. Getting the right amount and quality of sleep is crucial to human wellbeing in myriad ways. Not least of these is mental wellbeing. A brain that has not been allowed to rest and recuperate will not be able to function properly.

When the brain can’t function correctly, it affects your consciousness from the ground up. Anxiety is only one of the many disturbances of the mind caused by exhaustion, but it’s among the most common and severe of these.


Folks often think of routine as being boring and fuddy-duddy. The thing is, though, while it may not seem very exotic or exciting, it’s been shown to be far healthier for us than living randomly. Setting a pattern of behaviors that you follow is just good for you.

It allows your body to anticipate the day ahead, enabling all your processes to take place smoothly. When your body is functioning well, your mind will tend to follow suit too. Healthy patterns mean a healthy brain!


Last Word

It’s surprising that such relatively simple things can be as effective as they are in treating mental health problems, but they really are. They may not always seem like fun, but there’s no reason you can’t set aside time for fun too.

The basic premise of all the above tactics for improving your mental life can be summarized in a single dictum: be kind to yourself.

AIRE Ancient Baths are about to launch their first property in London, centrally located near to Covent Garden in summer 2021 and we can’t wait!

Inspired the tradition of bathing in Ancient Greek, Roman and Ottoman civilisations, AIRE Ancient Baths London re-imagines the classic tradition of the thermal baths in a contemporary fashion. AIRE offers unique relaxation experiences, providing massages and luxurious rituals all whilst maintaining the essence of its original wellness concept.

AIRE experiences are world-renowned and take place in restored historical buildings in outstanding cities and locations across the globe such as New York, Barcelona, and now London.

The company has chosen an emblematic historic building in no 2-3 Robert Street. Between the Strand, Victoria Embankment Garden and Charing Cross lies Adelphi, where Robert Street is located. The area as we know it today is the legacy of the XVIII century’s most renowned architect siblings, the Adam brothers. The name ‘Adelphi’ is Greek for ‘siblings’ and is indicative of the brothers’ collaboration in designing the new area. Famed for their elegant, neoclassical influenced constructions that were inspired by the Grand Tour travels of Robert Adam, their work defined the riverside area making Adelphi an ideal setting.

The Wellness Experience Temple

AIRE Ancient Baths London will be a tranquil oasis for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of London life.

The temple has been designed with the sole purpose of creating absolute ease, calm and balance of both body and mind with 14.000 sq. ft (1.300m2) of area. Guests will embark on an unforgettable journey of sensations through the contrasts between the warm water bath of the Tepidarium (36o), the Caldarium (40o) and the cold of the Frigidarium (14o) besides the mythical steam bath or Vaporium, the bath of thousand jets or Balneum and the glorious salt bath or Flotarium; the best place to truly let go and submit to the magical feeling of floating. All massage treatments include the experience in the Ancient thermal baths.

Pure silence, the dim light of dozens of candles and the velvety whisper of soothing melodies that can even be heard under the water are key elements of the AIRE Experience, as well as its exclusive relaxing body massages and sophisticated rituals.

AIRE Ancient Baths London starts from £150 for single visitors and £320 for couples. This includes a two-hour experience and tour through thermal baths at different temperatures and a 45-minute relaxing massage.

For more info visit Insta

*Please note that all images have been taken from the AIRE Ancient Bath brand, not from the new London baths.

The sauna is my go-to place to chill out and ease my aching muscles after hitting the gym. The recent lockdown has meant I have not been able to go, so instead I tried the new infrared sauna blanket by Smomar. A bit like an infrared sauna, the blanket uses infrared rays that heat the body directly and promise to deliver all the same benefits but in the comfort of your own home.

The pandemic has seen a surge in sales of at-home wellness equipment like faux fur blanket. The beauty of the sauna blanket is it is compact and folds away so does not take up lots of space, unlike some gadgets. The at-home sauna equivalent looks like a sleeping blanket. You simply plug it into the socket, let it warm up for around five minutes then hop in. It recommends you wear loose clothing with long sleeves and socks. You start by setting the blanket at a low temperature and gradually turn up the heat as your body gets used to it or check it here at home sauna guide. The optimum session is between 30 minutes to one hour.

Infrared sauna’s have been around for a while but only recently become a feature in the wellness routines of celebrities like Lady Gaga, Megan Markle and the Kardashians. The benefits include reducing stress, supporting sleep, soothing muscles as well as burning calories and releasing toxins from the skin. Infrared sauna blankets harness the wellness benefits of near infrared light therapy, using specific wavelengths to permeate the skin and improve both cellular function and body balance without producing heat.

I had been smashing my workouts and runs during lockdown but really suffering with stiffness and aches as a result. I was banking on the blanket delivering the same results as a regular post-workout sauna and I was not disappointed. Straight after training I rolled it out on the floor and wrapped myself up in the cosy, warm cocoon. At first, I felt like the sausage filling of a sausage roll but soon got over that and once you relax it is a calming experience. I swiftly introduced it into my daily ‘wind down’ ritual and found it was 45 minutes where I could switch off, take a breath and listen to a podcast. It quickly gets hot in there and because you are wearing clothing you come out a bit of a red, sweaty mess. You can set a timer and there is also an automatic ‘switch off’ button just in case you fall asleep. I ended up nodding off a couple of times. After a wet, cold run in the evening the blanket was the perfect retreat to envelope my aching bones. I finished each session with an ice-cold shower which left me feeling amazing. Cleaning the blanket is easy, once it is cool just wipe it down with some anti-bac spray and as soon as its dry you can fold it up and store away. As convenient as they can be sauna blankets or regular saunas are also proven to help you lose a bit of weight, Check to learn more.

I was using the blanket most days and I felt the benefits post-workout. Any tension I was carrying across my shoulders eased away, and I found my legs did not have that heavy ache I usually get the day after a run. I also noticed I was sleeping well. Whether this was down to an overall healthy wellbeing routine or the blanket, I am not sure. The 45 minutes I was spending in the blanket forced me to put down my phone and switch off from general distractions. I started to look forward to having that time to tune out for the day and decompress which was a boost to my mental wellbeing.

If you love to unwind in the sauna and are looking to upgrade your daily wellness routine, then a sauna blanket will be a great investment. The Smomar Infrared sauna blanket is available from £374.

The world is becoming increasingly self-critical with the expansion of social media. It’s common knowledge that just ten minutes on Instagram significantly lowers the scroller’s self-esteem. Why? Because social media followers are constantly being bombarded with photoshopped images of perfect people living perfect lives, and maybe that makes you feel a little self-conscious. These Subtle Signs You Don’t Feel Comfortable In Your Own Skin often go unnoticed but can profoundly affect individuals’ sense of self-worth and confidence.

There are ways to feel better about yourself. For so long there has been a stigma attached to plastic surgery, but if it makes you feel more confident, then there’s nothing wrong with getting that Tummy Tuck or Botox you always wanted. What’s more important is that you feel comfortable in your own skin.

You Avoid The Camera

The accessibility of cameras has made it near impossible to avoid having your picture taken. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but seeing a picture of yourself that doesn’t live up to your expectations can wreak havoc on your self-esteem. If someone asks to take your picture, you can always politely decline.

You’re Always Checking The Mirror

A little body-checking here and there is normal, but this habit can quickly take over your life. If you find yourself not being able to pass your reflection in a shop window without stopping, you might have a problem.

You’re Always On Your Phone

For some people, checking the cellphone in social situations turns into a crutch to help deal with uncomfortable emotions. Social anxiety is a genuine fear, but here’s the bad news: people aren’t just going to go away. As uncomfortable as it might sound, the more you do it, the easier it gets.

You Can’t Stop Apologizing

People who continuously apologize even for things that aren’t their fault might struggle with low self-esteem. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be a people pleaser, but it can also lead to others taking advantage of your gracious nature.

Imperfections Are All You See

Are you hyper-focused on your imperfections and the imperfections of those around you? It’s only human nature to make yourself feel better about your perceived flaws by scouting them out in others. This habit is detrimental to your mental health. Try focusing on something positive about yourself instead.

You Compare Yourself To Everyone

Compare and despair. You’re not made like anyone else on this planet, so don’t try to be. It’s okay to be uniquely your own. Go out there and own it!

You Don’t Want To Be The Center of Attention

Now, maybe you’re not thrilled about public speaking, but you shouldn’t be afraid to speak up in a small group. Everyone else has an opinion. Why can’t you? No single person is going to agree with everybody 100% of the time, but it’s how you handle differences in opinion that really counts.

You Talk Negatively To Yourself

To break this cycle, try replacing each negative thought with a positive one. Having a personal mantra you say to yourself every morning will also go a long way in improving your self-worth.

You Can’t Stand Being Alone

People with low self-esteem often try to cope with their negative feelings by surrounding themselves with others. This is a self-distraction technique rather than facing the self-wroth issues head-on.

Your Body Language Is Closed Off

What’s the first thing you notice about a confident person? Whatever it is you notice, take a second to reflect. Do you sag your shoulders or keep your gaze locked on the ground? Maybe you try to blend in with the background. These are all signs you might have low self-esteem.

Concluding Thoughts

The good news is body satisfaction increases with age. Sound counter-intuitive? It’s not. It’s only natural to compare yourself with people who are in the same age range, and physical looks fade with age. Remember, compare and despair! Embrace aging and Feel Comfortable In Your Own Skin with confidence and self-assurance.

Believe it or not, the amenities found in your humble abode will either help or hinder you in your quest to lead a healthy lifestyle. It’s true — your property has a profound impact on your day-to-day well-being. Working out and eating clean aren’t the only things that you must do in order to retain a clean bill of health. If you’re serious about improving your overall wellness, you must also go above and beyond to create a healthy home. Here are four things you must do to achieve this crucial feat.

  1. Set up social spaces

The importance of forging daily social connections can never be understated. Forming strong bonds with other people is a key component of your happiness, which in turn has a profound effect on your overall health and well-being. It is for this reason why you should go above and beyond to set up dedicated social spaces in your home. It can be difficult to know where to start with this, but you can find plenty of advice online, such as this article on how to design the perfect social space in your home.

  1. Create a work environment

If, like thousands of other people across the globe, you have been forced to work from home as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, you should seriously consider creating a dedicated working environment for yourself. Not only will this help you to remain focused on your work, but it will also have a profound positive impact on your health and well-being.

Having a space that is reserved solely for your career-related tasks will help you to differentiate between your work and social lives. This will help you to relax when your working day is over and, ultimately, help you to retain low-stress levels.

Want to create a work environment in your home that boosts your mood, productivity, and well-being? If so, there are several things you must do. First, make sure that you have invested in an

an ergonomic chair that doesn’t put any strain on your body, and consider purchasing a stand-up desk so that you can operate on your feet at regular points throughout the working day.

You need to make sure your workspace is well lit, soundproof so that you don’t have to listen to external noise pollution (outdoor traffic, your neighbors arguing with one another, cats fighting in a nearby alleyway, etc.), and you position yourself in front of a window that looks out onto a blooming garden. It can also help to regulate the airflow in your working environment and fill your space with greenery.

  1. Let there be light

Allowing natural light to filter into your property is one of the most important health-related tasks that you face as a homeowner. Exposing yourself to the sun’s rays will help you retain a balanced circadian rhythm, which will then have a direct impact on your mood, your hormone levels, and your ability to get a good night’s sleep.

When you take on the challenge of filling your home with more natural light, it’s imperative that you go above and beyond fitting additional windows to your property. You need to take full advantage of all the space you are afforded on your external walls, which is why you should consider investing in patio doors. These entry points comprise mainly of glass, which means that they filter in much more light than traditional wooden thresholds.

To find out more about patio doors and the many benefits that they offer, be sure to check out Double Glazing Funding. Here, you will find details pertaining to the cost of these doors, as well as information regarding their energy ratings.

  1. Set the right temperature

Your in-house climate will have a profound effect on both your physical and your mental well-being. It is for this reason why you must make an effort to set the right temperature in your property at all times. If you’re to achieve unrivaled thermal qualities in your humble abode, you must avoid making the following mistakes:

1. Do not turn up the thermostat in order to heat your rooms quicker.

2. Do not turn your heating off instead of using a setback temperature.

3. Do not install your thermostat in a room that is prone to be either too cold or too hot.

As a general rule of thumb, we humans spend 90% of our lives indoors… two-thirds of that time being spent in the comfort of our humble abodes. If you want to live a healthy, happy, and stress-free life, you need to ensure that your property plays an active role in your day-to-day wellness upkeep.

The ongoing global pandemic has caused a lot of people to hit rock bottom in their lives. Many experienced hardships, such as losing a job and going bankrupt. However, even in the face of such adversity, there is hope. If you find yourself in this situation, know that there are steps you can take to rebuild your life. Here’s how to rebuild your life after hitting rock bottom.

To reach the lowest point of your life may seem like the end of the world, but it could be a promising beginning. It’s also an opportunity to go on a self-discovery, come up with a plan to achieve new goals and rise stronger.

1. Take Responsibility for Yourself

If you want to change things for the better, you’ll need to take responsibility for the actions in your life. If you’ve hit rock bottom because of cocaine abuse, for instance, make the conscious decision to seek professional help or undergo cocaine rehab. Take charge of your life.

2. Adopt Healthy Habits

Nothing is going to change if you sit around all day and contemplate the things you’ve lost in your life. Instead of wallowing in your misery that only holds you down, adopt habits that will restore your physical and mental health.

Start by moving your body. Exercise and other forms of physical activity can encourage you to get your life back on track. Working out releases endorphins, a hormone that makes you feel good. What’s more, exercise can improve your sleep, help you relax and improve your mood.

If the gym in your area is closed due to the pandemic, don’t fret. You can work out at home by enrolling in online dance classes or doing some aerobics in your room.

On top of exercising, make sure that you eat right. This means cutting down your sugar and junk food intake, whipping up healthy meals at home and consuming plenty of fruits and veggies. What you put in your body can help regulate your mood.

3. Stay Far Away from Toxic People

The relationships you maintain can affect your life. Keeping unhealthy relationships with toxic friends and family members can turn your world upside down. If you have anyone who brings toxicity to your life, you’ll need to let these people go.

4. Speak with a Good Friend

Eliminating the toxic people in your life is just half of the puzzle. You also need great friends who will lift you up. If you have people in your circle who can provide you with the love and support you need, go to them and open up about your struggles. Talking about your problems to someone will help you relieve stress and give you a sense of relief.

What you want to say is up to you. If you prefer to let everything out, do so. The important thing is that you confide in someone who listens and wants to genuinely know what’s going on in your life.

5. Follow Your Passion

While you’re at the lowest point of your life, think about the things you want to have and accomplish. Identify the goals you want to attain, the destinations you’d like to reach and the passions that can help you succeed.

Encourage yourself to get back on your feet by rekindling the things that motivate you. When you’re doing so, take it one step at a time. Even when you’re moving slowly, the important thing is that you’re taking steps to make your way to your destination.

6. Practice Self-Compassion

Resist the temptation of blaming yourself or beating yourself up for the harm you’ve caused. Instead, be gentle with yourself. When you notice yourself being self-critical or harsh, use a more positive inner dialog.

Here’s a sample statement you could repeat: “I have made mistakes just like other people. Despite the mistakes I’ve made in the past, I choose to love and accept myself.”

7. Hone Your Ability to Regulate Your Emotions

Regulating your emotions is vital for bouncing back from a tough situation. If you can control your emotions, you’ll be able to cheer yourself up when you’re feeling down and calm yourself when you’re getting annoyed or angry. What’s more, you can effectively manage your other negative emotions in productive and healthy ways.

8. Practice Relaxation

If you’re handling stress poorly or destructively, now is a good time to change that. Rather than let stress accumulate over time, practice relaxation techniques for at least half an hour each day. This will help you stabilize your mood.

How you relax is up to you. You could the usual methods, such as yoga, meditation and tai chi. Look for a method that you like and stick with it.

Hitting rock bottom does not mean the end of your good life and the beginning of a miserable life. Start today, bring small changes and work on moving upward.

Although testosterone is the most important male sex hormone for men, it’s also found in females in small quantities. This steroid hormone is produced in the testicles of men and the ovaries of women. The adrenal glands also produce small amounts.

Testosterone plays a significant role in physical changes in boys who reach puberty, such as increased muscle mass, deeper voice, and more hair growth. But, it is crucial to maintain optimal levels throughout life, even in old age.

Healthy testosterone levels in adults are essential for good health, minimizing disease risk, proper body composition, appropriate sexual function, and general health.

Research has shown that both sexes need to have healthy testosterone levels as they age. Testosterone can also increase muscle mass and vitality in just a few weeks. It also plays a significant role in the health and well-being of females.

Let us see how having significant amounts of testosterone in the body, possibly gained from supplements (these testosterone supplements are effective), can help your muscle-building goals.

Role of Testosterones in Building Lean Muscles

Primarily, this hormone is responsible for the development of male reproductive tissue. Consequently, it promotes secondary sexual characteristics like muscle growth, bone mass and the growth of body hairs.

Testosterone is found to have both anabolic and androgenic effects. Androgens promote protein synthesis in general. An androgenic effect is the maturation of sex organs, other body hairs growth, and a deeper voice.

Anabolic effects include increased muscle mass, strength, bone density, and stimulation for linear growth. You will be able to build muscles by taking high levels of testosterone. It can also increase strength.

However, even if your testosterone levels are higher, you won’t see significant muscle growth if you don’t exercise.

Working out with high testosterone levels helps increase muscle mass. It does this by increasing the size of muscle fibres (hypertrophy) and increasing muscle protein synthesis.

Muscle fibres, also known as myofibrils, are the structural part of a muscle. Androgen receptors are found in these muscle fibres. Testosterone stimulates androgen receptors.

Testosterone administration causes myofibrils in men with Low-T to grow in number, increasing muscle cells and, consequently, more muscle mass. Myofibril shrinkage (shrinkage) in Low-T men can lead to loss of muscle size, myofibril mass, and myofibril dissolution.

Testosterone promotes lean and healthy muscle growth by up-regulating muscle building (myogenesis). It may also cause nitrogen retention, signal protein synthesis and promote muscle growth. A rise in lean muscle mass can increase metabolism, which will also help accelerate the fat cell reduction cycle.

Here are some tips to naturally enhance your testosterone levels to help you build more muscles and gain strength and overall wellness.

Tips to Increase Testosterone Levels

Yes! You can increase your testosterone levels naturally by changing little habits and gaining big muscles. Whether you are a male or a female, here are some tips you can rely on to boost your levels naturally.

  1. Lift Weights

One of the best ways to avoid many lifestyle-related illnesses is strength training and exercise. Interestingly, exercise increases your testosterone.

The results of an extensive review showed that people who exercise regularly have higher testosterone levels. Exercise can increase testosterone levels in the elderly and improve fitness and reaction times.

A new study in obese men suggests that increased physical activity may be more beneficial than a weight-loss diet for increasing testosterone levels. The best exercise to boost testosterone is resistance training, such as weight lifting.

High-intensity training (HIIT) can also help improve testosterone levels. However, all types and exercises should work to some extent. When taken with a training program, you may also benefit from caffeine and creatine monohydrates.

  1. Eat Your Macros

What you eat can significantly impact testosterone and other hormone levels. Therefore, you must pay close attention to your long-term diet strategy and calorie intake.

Constant dieting or overeating may disrupt your testosterone levels. Consuming enough protein may help you maintain a healthy level and increase muscle strength. Research shows that carbs can help increase testosterone levels during resistance training.

Research has shown that adequate healthy fats can benefit both testosterone and overall health. It is best to eat whole foods, which will ensure you have a healthy amount of carbs, fat, and protein. Consuming a balance of all three macros can improve both hormone levels and long-term health.

  1. Reduce Stress and Cortisol Levels

Research highlights the dangers of continued stress, which can raise cortisol levels.

Increases in cortisol levels can rapidly reduce testosterone. These hormones operate similarly to a see-saw: one goes up, and the other goes down.

High levels of stress and high cortisol may also cause weight gain, increased food intake, and an increase in harmful body fat around your internal organs. These changes can harm your testosterone levels.

You can improve your health and hormone levels by reducing repetitive stress situations in your daily life. A balanced diet that includes whole foods, exercise, quality sleep, happiness, and regular exercise can help reduce stress levels and improve testosterone levels.

  1. Take Vitamin D Supplements or Get Some Sun

Vitamin D is rapidly becoming one of the most sought-after vitamins globally.

It has been shown to have many health benefits and can also be used as a natural testosterone booster.

Despite the importance of this vitamin in the body, almost half of the US population lacks vitamin D. An even more significant percentage is below-optimal. A 12-month study showed that testosterone levels were up by 25% when supplemented with approximately 3,000 IU vitamin D3 daily.

Vitamin D and calcium can also optimize testosterone levels in the elderly, which leads to a lower risk of falling. You can boost your testosterone and get other benefits from vitamin D by getting regular sunlight exposure or taking around 3,000 IU daily of vitamin undefined.

  1. Enjoy a Restful and High-Quality Night

A sound sleep is as essential as exercise and diet for your health. It can also impact your testosterone levels.

Although the ideal amount of sleep is different for each person, one study showed that a reduction in testosterone levels by sleeping 5 hours a night was associated with a 15% decrease in testosterone levels.

A long-term study found that people who slept less than four hours per night were borderline deficient in testosterone levels in their bodies. According to a study, testosterone levels increase 15% for every hour you sleep more.

Some people can do without sleep at all, but research shows that 7-10 hours of sleep per night is the best for your long-term health as well as your testosterone levels.

  1. Try Natural Testosterone Boosters

Only a handful of natural testosterone boosters have been supported by scientific research.

Ashwagandha is the herb with the most research behind it. One study compared the effects of this herb on infertile men. It found a 17% rise in testosterone and a 167% increase in sperm count. Ashwagandha increased testosterone levels by 15% in healthy men. Another study showed that ashwagandha reduced cortisol levels by about 25% in healthy men.

Fenugreek could be another popular herb-based option to support healthy testosterone levels. However, more research is required.

The ginger extracts may also help increase your testosterone levels. Ginger extract is delicious and has many other health benefits. The majority of research on ginger has been conducted on animals.

Zinc is an essential mineral and is involved in more than 100 chemical reactions within your body. Research has shown that zinc is linked to male sexual health, particularly testosterone levels. According to a 2018 study, low zinc levels can cause fertility and sexual health problems.

One study on infertile men found that ginger can increase testosterone levels by 17% and other important sex hormones. Some studies have also been done on other popular herbs, including horny goat weed, Mucuna Pruriens and Tongkat Ali.

Supplements may not be beneficial if you have normal testosterone levels and healthy testosterone function. However, if you suffer from low testosterone levels and find building strength gains challenging, you can trust the DMOOSE all-natural testosterone booster supplement.

This testosterone booster is a natural formula that increases your energy and stamina. For those who lift weights, it promotes muscle growth and strength. This fantastic formula reduces stress and boosts testosterone naturally, without any side effects.


Testosterone is a vital hormone produced in both male and female bodies. Along with many other crucial bodily functions, testosterone plays an essential role in building muscles and, as a result, reducing fat cells. There is much evidence that supports testosterone’s importance in building muscles.

Low testosterone levels can be increased by using natural testosterone boosters such as consuming vitamin D supplements, getting enough sleep, stressing less, using natural herbs, and lifting weights.


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Learning to love ourselves as we are and embrace our bodies with confidence, care and love, is one of life’s biggest challenges. Many of us struggle with our body image, comparing ourselves to public figures and influencers instead of loving exactly who we are.

Reaching a point of body confidence and self-love takes time. In her book “The Body is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love”, Sonya Renee Taylor seeks to inform her readers on how to love themselves, as they are, in their bodies.

The rise of body inclusive celebrities and fashion models is also pushing the conversation of body confidence forward. Versace used body inclusive models for the first time in their fashion show last year, and music star Lizzo is a passionate advocate of celebrating who you are.

Nevertheless, even the most body confident amongst us need to boost their mood from time to time. While these tips and tips are not fixes for body struggles, when you are feeling down or just need pepping up, they can go a long way to help you out.

Invest in glamorous underwear

When you look good, you feel good, and looking good goes right down to your underwear. If you are in need of a body confidence boost, invest in some sexy lingerie for yourself and give yourself the ultimate instant pump up for your body image.

Matching sets are a good place to start or go all in on the glam front and treat yourself to a sexy body or bustier that will have you feeling empowered all day. Besides underwear, buy swimsuits that flatter your body. Too many women feel insecure and uncomfortable about wearing swimsuits because they’re not confident about how they look in one. But the right swimsuit shows off the parts of your body that you love most and give you an instant confidence boost.

Affirm your beauty

Giving yourself a body confident pep talk could really help boost your self-image when you are feeling a little low. Choosing a few, or even just one of your favourite things about your body and repeating it over and over can help.

It could be anything, no matter how small. Your hair, eyebrows, eye colour. Pick something you really love and cherish it and tell it that it is beautiful, it will boost your mood infinitely. Moreover, you can also check some helpful information from Charlotte Plastic Surgery to explore options for body-enhancing procedures if you feel that it aligns with your journey towards self-love and body confidence.

Bold but simple make-up

Time and time again it has been proved that rocking a bold lip colour can help all women feel more powerful and confident. We aren’t saying you have to do a full face of make-up, as it might not be your thing, but a bold lip even just in your house can give you the confidence boost you need.

Play around with different shades to find the one that works best for you and your skin tone.

Talk to your best friend

Sometimes, we just cannot give ourselves the confidence boost we need, and we have to call in the big guns for a big boost of self-love. We are often much more critical of ourselves than we are others. Calling your best friend is a great idea for an added, objective body confidence boost from someone you care about.

No matter what stage you’re at in your body confidence journey, we all need a little boost sometimes. So be kind to yourself and try some of our tips next time you are feeling low.