


What are some great ideas for having some quality time with your friends and family? You could go out for a vacation, go to the movies, or go watch a sporting event. All of these are fun, but you can also have a great time sitting in your backyard and have a delicious meal. That’s right! We are talking about a barbeque party.

You can set up all of the necessary things you will need right in your backyard, call your loved ones, and have a great time. You can even show off some of your cool grilling techniques while you are at it.

Now before you invite everyone, make sure you have everything you need in order to make your party a success. You will need some specific tools and gear to make those delicious meals.

Tools you will need

There are many different styles of doing barbeque and many tools involved in the process. The best part about it is that you won’t need expensive tools to make some delicious steaks, patties, and kebabs.

There are tons of options to choose from, and because of that, you might also feel a bit confused about getting the right gear that will suit your purpose. You will also need more hands-on experience with the tools to properly use them.

Don’t worry because we’ve got you covered. Here is a list of tools that come very handy for barbequing.

1. Tongs

You will need some sturdy tongs to properly flip the food. Tongs are perfect for maneuvering your food. They can be used for all sorts of food. Meaty steaks, delicate patties, and fish fillets all can be held with a strong grip. Apart from keeping you ata safe distance from the flame, tongs also savesthe flavor of the food. Using a tong properly will allow you not to break or pierce the food, which can allow the juices to come out.

2. Spatulas

You do not always need heavy-duty grill spatulas for your barbeque, but you do need a sturdy one. It is best to choose one with a regular length and a wide head. The wide head of the spatula makes it easier to flip the food.

3. Stainless Skewers

It’s better to use stainless steel skewers rather than wooden or bamboo ones as they are much more durable. Stainless skewers are also reusable and last a long time. A regular 12-inch sized skewer can easily meet your barbeque needs.

4. Cast Iron Skillet

Using a skillet on top of the grill is a great way to cook. If you cook straight on the grill, the fat will fall from the meat and down to fire, causing it to flare up. Using the skillet gives the meat a perfect sear and enhances the flavour.

5. Baking Mat

The mat allows the meat to have the perfect grill lines you want and saves your food from falling through the grates, similar to the skillet.

6. Basting Brush

You will need a basting brush for marinating your meat with sauces and other ingredients. You should pick brushes that have a long handle, whichallows you to maintain a safe distance from the heat.

Also, it’s good to select food-safe silicone brushes. These brushes are very durable and heat resistant. The bristles are also firmly attached and won’t accidentally break and fall on the food.

7. Charcoal Grill

Gas grills are your traditional grill, but charcoal grills take the flavor of your food to a whole new level. For charcoal grills, you will also need a chimney. Once you learn and feel comfortable using the charcoal grill, you will be able to cook in a shorter time.

Here’s the best part: Charcoal grills are also cheaper than gas grills. Pit Boss griddle vs Blackstone griddle.

8. Chimney

This is where you will place your coal. The chimney works without continuously pouring lighter fluids and, in turn, doesn’t make your food smell like gasoline. In chimneys, you can put newspaper at the bottom and coal at the top, then light the newspapers, which will ignite the briquettes. After that, you can rest at ease and let the chimney do its job.

9. Meat thermometer

Thermometers are very important for cooking. It gives you an instant read on the temperature of the meat and helps you understand how long it will take to cook. This certainly gives you the perfect meat — not undercooked or overcooked at all.

10. Apron

Of course, you are going to need an apron. Every cook must wear an apron before starting to cook as a rule of thumb. It keeps you safe from the spills and heat, and aprons also have pockets so you can keep all of your cooking tools at your disposal.

11. Gloves

Even while using long-handled tools like spatulas, tongs, and skewers, you should always maintain more safety, which is why you definitely should use oven mitts while cooking. There are very durable gloves available on the market, which even allows you to carry the meat directly from the grill with your hands. Buying durable gloves is worth the investment.

12. Grill Floor Mat

Safety comes first. While barbequing, you will be working with a lot of heat and flammable objects. Barbequing is fun, but you should never compromise on safety. Aside from safety while grilling, you will encounter the occasional spills that can stain the floor. You do not want that to happen, right?

Then, get a fire-resistant and retardant mat and set it right below your machines just in case.

13. Timer

You need these to keep you on track. There are timer apps that can provide you all sorts of information about grilling temperature and times.

14. Burger press

You would need a burger press to make those perfect–sized burgers and patties if you want your burgers to all be exactly the same size.

15. Meat injectors

To increase the flavor of your food, sometimes you need to inject extra ingredients into the meat. For that, you will need meat injectors. This is a syringe-like looking tool that allows you to inject marinade into the food.

16. Grill basket

Grill baskets are very useful when you want to grill vegetables, delicate fishes, and fruits. The basket helps the food from falling through the grill rack.

17. Barbeque lights

What about when you want to cook at night?

You would need outdoor lights of course. There are many options to choose from. You can use pole, mounted, or handled lights. You can use magnetic lights that can be attached to the grill so you canget the perfect lighting.

18. Grilling Sheets

Grilling sheets allow the more delicate foods like eggs and veggies to be grilled properly, giving them the right flavor. The sheets can be washed and reused again if needed.

19. Fire extinguisher

It’s not a cooking tool per se, but we thought this should be on the list. You need to make sure you have everything under control while barbequing, so keep a fire extinguisher nearby in case you need to use it.

20. Grill Brush

Cleaning and sanitizing is a very important part of the cooking process. Learning how to barbeque is not only about cooking; it’s also about keeping your gear and equipment clean for the next use. So investing in a grill brush is a good idea. You could use brushes with stainless steel bristles as they tend to be very durable.

Barbequing is fun, exciting, and a great way to spend your time. Whether you are new to barbecue or are a professional cook, all the tools mentioned above will surely come handy. Learning how to use them properly is also pretty easy. The next time you plan for a barbeque party, you will be more than ready.

Dario Cucci learned from the best in the game, Anthony Robbins, when he sold his events at 100% commission, proving that he knows a thing or two about sales. It started in his twenties and he honed his skills over the following 15 years where he created his proven system for selling through relationship building.

Dario works with businesses to show them how to improve sales through building genuine relationships with their customers. he is committed to building true customer care that creates lifelong loyalty in the customer and long-term sales for the company.he has seen companies waste thousands of pounds trying to find new customers only to lose them with poor customer care within their first 12 months.keeping a customer happy and loyal is much less costly than finding a new one.dario teaches a simple and practical approach to building a better and more sale through true customer care and genuine relationships.

One Company he worked with increased their Monthly Sales by 300%, after following his sales system so we couldn’t wait to
find out more about not only his personal success but that of the companies that he has worked with. Here, he tells us more…

Dario Cucci, you are a brand in your own right. Can you tell us about the journey to get you where you are today…
The difference between me and other experts out there, is that before I started my own business and became a Keynote Speaker, I actually worked within the Self Development & Financial Education Industry in Australia for 10+ years promoting other Experts & Coaches, selling their Event Tickets, Programs & Coaching Services, not only that I was involved in providing sales training for the Live Crew at Events, did the sales at the Events when People ran to the back of the room table and further more did the follow up calls, to sell more over the phone or prevent people from cancelling their programs they signed up for at the Event.

But eventually I not only got bored with doing that, as well as frustrated and felt stuck of not being able to move forward, which caused me to get ill with bells palsy, that was a wake up call to me, to make changes happen for myself and I moved from Australia back to Switzerland, where after I settled in after 2 years working again for another couple of companies, I decided to start my own Firm.

Since then, I not only healed myself from having had Bells Palsy, but was able to be published in 2 Bestselling Books as a Guest Author “A Journey Of Riches Volume 3 – Making Changes & Activate Your Life Volume 1” and I am the Author of 2 Books I wrote myself “Turn Your Customers Into Profit & Crossroads To Clarity”, held my own Seminars & Workshops and helped many other Business Owners improve their own way of selling their Services, by improving their Mindset, Communication Skills & Sales Strategies.

And about 2 years ago created the Event “The Ultimate Entrepreneur” which helps Business Owners break out of their Ground Hog Day Routine of growing a Business, by learning & working with International Speakers & Coaches on Marketing, Branding, PR, Communication & Sales, Mindset, Leadership & Health, to be able to take their Business grow their Business into a Legacy without sacrificing their Health over it.

The next Ultimate Entrepreneur I will be holding, is on 2 & 3 November 2019 which I am very excited about and to ensure the quality of training & coaching during the 2 Days we have limited the Seating to a maximum of 150 Attendees.

What do you feel set you apart from other coaches?
My ability to intuitively adapt my experience and knowledge when it comes to selling, customer service and leadership to their Business, so they can apply it immediately and get Results, where as other Coaches fluff around and have not been able to help those Clients that come to see, I was able to help them to gain clarity, have Breakthroughs and increase their Sales Revenue. One of my most recent Clients told me “I been to a couple of coaches in the past, spent thousands on them and didn’t get anywhere in 2 years, with you I just had one Session and gotten more from that one Coaching Session than with the Coaches I had in the past”. That is not a one off but I hear that on a regular bases when I finally meet my Clients and start working with them, which is one reason why they end up working with me long term because they know that I can help them and care for their success.Is there anything you would have done different in your career?
Yes, I would of started sooner with my business to be able to help more people and turn people away when I get the feeling that they are not coach-able and ready to be their own Hero.What does 2020 look like for you?
For me 2020 is the year of my transformation & the transformation of many people I inspire to do better in business & life and that want to share that journey with me. My goal is it to hold The Ultimate Entrepreneur in Canada and the US in 2020 as well as start a Documentary Movie that goes behind the scenes of The Ultimate Entrepreneur and shares my journey and the journey of those that are involved to be part of the Event.Your job has taken you all over the world, where do you call home?
I know that sounds cheesy what I am about to say but “Home is where the one feels loved & connected to the People and place they are living at” I love Switzerland, yet I also can feel at Home in other Countries such as Australia, London or Italy, what’s important to me is Family & Friends, as long as I have those, no matter where I am, I will feel at home, knowing that I have love in my Life no matter where I am living.To date, what is your proudest achievement?
Ah, that’s a great question, I’ve got many achievements, but I’d say one of my proudest moments was when I held my 3 Day Serve & Sell Mastery Workshop and my Students at the end of Day 3 gave me a Thank You Card, each with their own reason to why they where grateful that I held the Workshop and what it did for them. For me getting that acknowledgement and love, felt overwhelmingly good and I felt very proud that I was able to transform those Peoples lives with my 3 Day Workshop.
Your strap line is ’sales isn’t a numbers game, it’s a peoples game,’ can you tell us more about what this means? That saying is a lie in itself that has been told over centuries by other Sales Experts, if Sales were a numbers game, all we had to do is be clever with accounting software, automation and everything is solved. But it isn’t that easy, sales is the outcome of a great conversation that leads to the lead becoming a customer, without the customers the company wouldn’t be able to hire a book keeper and it would close down the Firm. When people buy from people they trust and experience great service they tell others about it and the company makes more money as a result of that.For me Sales isn’t a Numbers game, for me Sales is a People’s game, because the outcome of making Sales is directly related to the relationships we build with the People we are selling to.My current website is: www.dariocucci.netPeople can book their Ticket to attend The Ultimate Entrepreneur Event currently via Eventbrite by clicking here.

We have been going #veganuary mad this month with all sort of tips and tricks on how to make it meat-free til the end of Jan. For those of you who are embracing veganism now or who might be even be thinking about this lifestyle choice beyond the month, we caught up with our vegan expert, Rachael Lindsay, to hear her top three basic beauty buys, vegan-style.

Orange & Bergamot Clean Deodorant Balm by The Natural Deodorant Co

I have been searching for some time now for an eco-friendly vegan variety of deodorant that actually works. I found one that worked but irritated my skin, another that was ok if I didn’t sweat too much, another that left residue all over my clothes…in the end I resorted to a non-vegan brand. And then I discovered The Natural Deodorant Co…

It is totally vegan, palm oil, aluminium and preservative free and comes in a handy pot which you just smooth onto your pits. There is sodium bicarb to absorb odours, magnesium oxide to attract moisture and shea butter with coconut oil for moisturization. I tried the orange and bergamot scent which is zesty without being overpowering and I am shocked to tell you that this vegan deodorant actually works: zero BO nastiness, no flare-up of the armpits and no nasty residue. The Natural Deodorant Co have other scents too such as grapefruit and mint, vanilla and manuka and mint and eucalyptus as well as a dedicated range for sensitive skin and for active bodies. I recommend you check it out.

Jecca Makeup Correct & Conceal Palette

I love a bit of mascara or eye shadow and the obligatory lip pop for a night out but day-to-day I prefer looking natural. But, of course, in order to look completely natural, sometimes I want a helping hand…

Jecca to the rescue! I love this new brand – it is gender-neutral and creates products to tackle every beauty concern, however you identify. It is of course natural and vegan-approved and, having used it for a few days now, is the perfect cover-up for spots, blackheads, under-eye circles and any sort of blemish. It even boasts being a great beard shadow cover if this is what you need. They also donate 5% of their profits to Stonewall making it a laudable and effective venture all round.

Nazan Schnapp Detoxing Cleanser

Finding the right cleanser for your daily routine can be tricky, especially when you are looking out for a vegan-approved item to add to the list of criteria. As with deodorant-gate, I have come across a fair few vegan cleansers that are too aggressive or go too heavy on the essential oils. Not so with my Nazan Schnapp Detoxing Cleanser.

It is perfect for my slightly oily and blemish-prone skin. It contains fresh fruit enzymes for clarification, green French clay for detoxification and gently exfoliates with Musk rosehip. Whilst it has exfoliating properties ideal for oily skin, it also gently hydrates and leaves smoother, glowing skin behind. The Swiss Nazan Schnapp brand is PETA approved and makes products in small batches using organic ingredients. They produce all sorts of wonderful other things too from regenerating gels to eye cream using real diamond powder and toners using rose quartz.

To find out more, visit / / (check out to get your hands on Nazan Schnapp UK stock).

Cover photo credit: The Detox Market

Road trips can be exciting, and it can be a dream come true if one gets the chance to enjoy a road trip in the US. Almost everyone has a dream to drive across the sprawling wonder of the United States of America and cover their favourite states or cities. The USA is a huge country, and it is indeed impossible to cover it in a single road trip. It is made of 48 contiguous states and dotted with major national landmarks, national parks, historic sites, and monuments. One will have to make several road trips to cover the major cities and sites of the country.

Taking a road trip is indeed the best way to know the country you are visiting and its people. However, road trips can be exhausting too if not planned carefully. Here are some useful and practical tips to steer you in the right direction.

  • Decide where and when do you want to go – the USA offers many choices and options for making road trips and each seems more exciting than the other. Hence, you can make decisions based on when and where you would prefer to go. Some of the most famous road trip options include Pacific Coast Highway, Overseas Highway, Columbia River Scenic Highway, Historic Route 66 and Skyline Drive.
  • Plan and make a budget – Based on how long the trip would take, you should start planning. You have to have money for the gas, food, hotels, or apartment rentals along the way. Keep extra funds for any emergency and whenever short of cash, you can rely on for some instant cash.
  • Get the car completely checked – Before you hit the road, make sure that the vehicle, whether it is your own or rented, is fit to drive. Get a licensed mechanic to give an overall inspection to the car and make sure that there are no problems. Update any papers and documents related to the car and carry your driving license.
  • Get hard copies of maps, directions, and brochures – It is always a good idea to have hard copies of the road trip you are about to cover. We are in the digital age, but you never know when you might face a phone emergency. Thus, hard copies are always a great backup even if you have a GPS in your smartphone or car.
  • Contact Automobile Club Of America – It is a good idea to join Automobile Club of America for not just roadside assistance, but the AAA also serves as a wonderful resource for travelers. They can help you out with your decisions on the trips and which roads to take or avoid. You can get useful guidance with routes and general planning.
  • Make a list – Create a checklist for all the essential equipment and devices you would need for your road trip. Apart from some lose cash and credit card, you should carry food items and first aid kit. Other accessories include a travel pillow, water bottle, travel mug, ice box, and toiletries. Always carry a Swiss Army Knife as it serves as a handy tool on the road.
  • Get hotel reservations done – It is better to have all those reservations done ahead of time as you can now enjoy a peace of mind. You can be sure that you have a place to stay and get some rest. Imagine arriving tired at the end of the day after being on the road and to find that the hotel or hostel is booked.
  • Take breaks and stop frequently- Road trips are all about fun and getting connected with yourself and nature. So, enjoy every moment of it and stop every couple of hours, especially if you are traveling with family and kids. Give your family the freedom they want, and you need not spend every minute together.

And if you want to go all out, then check out

Nestled in the trendy Yorkville district and overlooking the fashionable boutiques, bars and restaurants you’ll find The Hazelton Hotel. The hotel is a sophisticated retreat from the city, showcasing a selection of Canadian artwork throughout, it oozes glamour and feels almost like a private members club minus the stuffiness. It’s easy to see how this place attracts the glitterati, low lighting combined with discreet dark colours and plush fabrics gives it that vintage, Hollywood vibe. The hotel has hosted the likes of Gaga, Justin Timberlake and Naomi Watts and home-grown talent like Drake and Justin Bieber are often spotted in the bar.

While this place oozes style you don’t feel like an outsider, the staff and team under General Manager, Hani Yousef are friendly, relaxed yet professional. As soon as I arrived, I was given an A-lister welcome, the concierge and front of house team are attentive, nothing is a problem and they make you feel you’re just as important as the celebrities that regularly frequent the place.
With just 77 rooms there’s a real boutique feel to the hotel. My room didn’t disappoint, a large and contemporary space with lounge area and comfy king size bed backed with sumptuous leather surrounds. I had my own large dressing area made of zebrawood and with floor to ceiling mirrors, I felt every inch the celebrity. The bathroom was the jewel in the crown, complete with heated floors, an LCD television built into the mirror, separate deep soaking tub & rain shower and a selection of, L’Occitane goodies to pamper myself with.

Executive chef (and Top Chef Canada judge) Mark McEwan oversees One at The Hazelton Hotel, this is the place to be seen so book your table in advance as it’s popular with locals and visitors. The menu combines French and Italian flavours with some of the best local Ontario produce. Team Coco was lucky enough to be invited to a private dining Style Plate with Canadian menswear designer Christopher Bates, to celebrate Toronto Fashion Week. The dishes were excellent, the Eggplant Arrabiata combined fried eggplant, ricotta, buffalo mozzarella dressed with aged balsamic, pickled onion and basil. This was followed by a Sweet Pea Falafel served with pomegranate yogurt, apple, on a soft, fluffy bed of couscous with a coriander dressing. While we are talking food, I have to mention the breakfast, I like to think of myself as an avocado and poached egg on toast connoisseur, it’s my go-to breakfast and brunch choice and the offer at One was the best I’ve ever tasted. The plumpest green avocado was smashed on freshly toasted sour dough with juicy red cherry tomatoes, a sprinkle of red chilli and a soft poached egg. It was divine!

The hotel has an amazing cinema room, the 25 seater theatre draws all the film stars during Toronto International Film Festival, perfect for a private screening. During the festival guests have included Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck, Reese Witherspoon and George Clooney. The room has a 16-foot high ceiling and mohair wrapped walls for extra soundproofing. Then there’s all the cool gadgets and gizmos like super surround sound and a high-tech digital projection system. If you are looking for Hollywood movie star treatment the team at The Hazelton will arrange for you watch your favourite film along with the obligatory popcorn.

If you want to relax and unwind you can visit the Spa by Valmont and try one of the luxurious treatments using their luxurious Swiss skincare line. The spa offers world-class facial treatments, luxurious body treatments and specialised massages designed to release stress and toxins. I opted for their signature massage, I literally floated out the door and it was much needed after a long flight and lots of walking around the city. You can also take advantage the 24-hour gym as well as a heated saltwater pool.

The Hazelton manages to tick every box, it has that welcoming home from home vibe with that touch of glamour. I really didn’t want to leave but rest assured the next time I’m in Toronto I’ll be checking in.
Team Coco travelled to Toronto courtesy of Tourism Toronto
For more information or to book a room visit

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, autumn is most definitely here and with it comes a slew of new dishes to whet the appetites of London. From the latest openings to our favourite must-book menus, here’s our pick of what to eat in November that will really tickle those tastebuds.

1. Sample the dark side of Mexican dining

Esteemed Mexican chef, Martha Ortiz, is celebrating Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) through the Painted Black menu at her authentically modern Mexican restaurant, Ella Canta. The Park Lane dining room encourages guests to discover the flavours of Mexico with a touch of the colour of death, in honour of the famous Mexican holiday.

Available until 16th November, the dramatic menu of six courses includes a series of traditional Mexican meat and fish dishes, including Octopus with Black Sesame and Lime and Seabass with Onion Ash powder and Potato Puree. Guests will end their experience on a sweet note, with a refreshing Hibiscus sorbet, with beet and orange candy and for the grand finale, they will discover María la Catrina, a creation which represents immortality, an ornate creation inspired by La Calavera Catrina, the elegantly-dressed skeleton figure and symbol of the Day of the Dead celebrations. Don’t forget to accompany your deadly feast with one of their new cocktails; The Lady in Black is a citrus focused margarita made with Amarillo Chile infused Patrón silver tequila, Cointreau, Rinomato Bianco aperitivo, lime juice, angostura bitters and Serrano ChileSpine-chilling.

Available until 16th November at £70 per person, inclusive of a cocktail.

2. Dine the deep sea without leaving Covent Garden

The clue is in the name, but FishWorks’ arrival to theatre land brings with it the very best fresh fish and seafood, responsibly sourced from Devon and Cornwall’s fish markets and day boats. With its beautiful marble oyster bar, in-house fishmonger and an opulent private dining room, the new FishWorks Covent Garden – sister restaurant to the existing Marylebone site – the purse- and time-friendly theatre menu offers two courses for £16.50 and three for £20.50.

With lavish lobster dishes, towering fruits de mer platters, classic fish and chips, bottomless brunches and a seafood bouillabaisse with £1 from each bowl to the Fishermen’s Mission charity, it’s a pescatarian’s dream. For those who fancy themselves a bit of a home chef, the Marylebone restaurant is hosting a Christmas cookery masterclass on Saturday 23rd November with a crash course in how to fillet your fish, shuck your oysters and cure your salmon, followed by a lunch with individual wine pairings and a selection of seasonal sides. The masterclass runs from 10am -12.30pm and is priced at £200pp.

FishWorks 2-4 Catherine Street, London WC2B 5JY

3. Swap Spain for California with Victor Garvey’s latest launch

Fans of Victor Garvey rejoice, for his award-winning Catalan restaurant Rambla is relaunching as SOLA. The Soho space will be serving food from and inspired by California, after undergoing a total refurb and reopening with its new look next week.

The chef’s followers will know he always has an eye on the next project and, with the successes of Encant, Sibarita and Rambla behind him, the latest adventure – a portmanteau of ‘Soho/Los Angeles’ – sees a shift away from the Spanish food of Rambla to the modern cuisine of his father’s native California. Expect a menu featuring high class American comfort food like Lobster Pot Pie, Kingfish Crudo with gazpacho vinaigrette, white miso ice-cream, watermelon, tomato raisins and Mussels & Clams with pistachio, lime & chilli butter, dipping soldiers.

SOLA 64 Dean Street, London W1D 4QQ

4. Get your Alpine fondue fix ahead of ski season

Switzerland comes to Mayfair this season as the Swiss ski resort of LAAX has unveiled their LAAX baby! bar at Mews of Mayfair. The ski bar transports drinkers to the snowy slopes of LAAX, where laid back living, meets nostalgic party vibes, serving a wide range of alpine cocktails, in collaboration with One Gin and the UK’s most celebrated sparkling wine, Ridgeview.

The cocktail list includes the Galaaxy Shots – a shot of frozen apple and One Sage Gin to really get the après-ski party started – the kirsch and moscato tinged White Haze and a Rocks Negroni, but it’s the food menu that will get your stomach growling. Traditional delicacies on the menu include a Bündner Teller, a charcuterie board of air dried meats, wagyu bresaola, fennel & garlic salami, coppa and Swiss Comte cheese, as well as a traditional Swiss cheese fondue, made from a blend Le Gruyere AOP, Schlossberger and Reblochon Cheese, melted down with white wine and a splash of kirsch. It’s as delicious as it sounds.

LAA baby! at Mews of Mayfair, 10-11 Lancashire Ct, Mayfair, London W1S 1EY

5. Start feeling festive with a winter afternoon tea

Now Halloween is over we’re allowed to start getting excited about Christmas… right? Festive dining is my kryptonite, and the new winter afternoon tea from Scoff & Banter is going straight to the top of the nibble list. A contemporary British tea with a wintry twist, the new treats will be available in their Tea Rooms at Oxford Circus and in their Kensington location, which has also partnered with the iconic Natural History Museum Ice Rink for a unique ‘Dine & Skate’ experience, with packages from £28.50 including a two or three-course meal or afternoon tea along with tickets to the ice rink. New sweet treats on the menu include lemon & white chocolate meringue, a raspberry & vanilla choux crumble and coconut glazed sponge cake.

Over at the Scoff & Banter Tea Room on Oxford Circus, guests can choose from winter comforts includingmini Yorkshire puddings with roast beef, horseradish creamed potato and red wine sauce and pancetta-wrapped wild boar and apple sausages with roast potatoes.

6. Get your Freak (Scene) on at lunchtimes

Soho pan-Asian restaurant Freak Scene has launched a new street food concept for its lunch offering alongside a brand new autumn menu. The brainchild of chef Scott Hallsworth, since opening last March it’s continued to showcase inventive and creative Asian cooking. Eight new dishes will pack a serious punch for the colder months and will include Phar’s Thai mackerel tacos with kaffir lime mayo, whole butter roasted lemon sole with spicy shiso ponzu and Takikomi gohan – Japanese rice hotpot with roasted pumpkin, fried tofu and wasabi.

With a new lunch menu inspired by Scott’s travels in Thailand earlier this year, The Freak Scene Kanteen (situated in the restaurant) is open Monday – Friday 11am – 3pm and customers can choose from a base of jasmine rice or thin egg noodles and a top of crispy frame fried chicken, spicy Thai pork sausage, miso grilled aubergine with a chilli, lime & tomato relish and walnuts and slow cooked sweet soy and ginger short rib, customised with homemade sauces and all from just £6.50.

54 Frith St, Soho, London W1D 4SL

7. Get a festive food fix at Taste of London

Fans of the Regent’s Park summer event will revel in four days of festive delights at Tobacco Dock, where you can celebrate best food and drink from London’s internationally renowned culinary scene.

New additions include Soho favourite Berenjak, Thai barbecue masters Smoking Goat, Lewis Hamilton-backed Neat Burger with its plant-based burgers, and the hotly anticipated Bubala, which opened in September and features vegetarian Middle Eastern food from ex Berber & Q and Barbary chefs. Also joining the line-up are Taiwanese legends BAO and XU and finally Master Wei, bringing a taste of Shanxi cuisine with its legendary noodles, as more than 120 artisan producers will line the Grade 1 listed former warehouse, transforming it into a winter wonderland with dozens of foodie workshops on offer, including alcoholic jam making and interactive paella-cooking tutorials. Fans of a festive tipple can also enjoy pop up bars and masterclasses from the likes of Tanqueray No. TEN, Ketel One and Johnnie Walker Whisky.

Open from 21st – 24th November

The mornings are getting that little bit lighter, the mercury edging up just enough to switch your Big Coat for something a little less hefty and with spring on the horizon our palates are turning from indulgent winter comfort food to something altogether lighter as the days lengthen and we hurtle towards a new season.

London is, as ever, a harbinger of new menus and with a host of delicious dishes springing up this month, it’s the perfect opportunity to leave winter behind and awaken your tastebuds.

  1. Discover the Taste of Istanbul with Yeni’s Pre-Theatre Menu

Located in the heart of Soho, Chef Civan Er of Yeni has just announced a new seasonal set menu for lunchtimes and the pre-theatre slot. The Istanbul-inspired eatery has split the menu into three sections – Vegetables, Meat & Seafood and Desserts – featuring some favourites from their a la carte menu along with new dishes.

Sample classics such as the delicately handmade Manti dumplings served in a bed of double fermented yoghurt, the Samsa savoury meat pastry made from hand rolled beef phyllo and yoghurt or the delicious Octopus rings a la plancha, served with bulghur, aioli, sumac and parsley.

The menu is priced at £16 per person for three dishes and is available for lunch Monday to Friday and from 5-6pm Monday to Saturday. Additional dishes can also be added for £6 each.

2. Celebrate Holi at Saffron Circle

New on the London restaurant scene last month, Swiss Cottage’s Saffron Circle is the first international opening from esteemed restaurateur Lavanya Mahate, founder of five successful outposts in Salt Lake City, Utah. Specialising in the most popular dishes from the North, South, East and West of India, Saffron Circle takes guests on a journey, highlighting the subcontinent’s immense culinary diversity.

This month, from 9th – 15th March, celebrate the Indian Holi festival as Executive Chef Santosh Shahhas introduced an eclectic array of dishes to the Festival of Colour Menu, at just £29.95 per person. To start, choose from either the succulent lamb chops marinated with fresh ginger, dried fenugreek, herbs and spices or the tender chicken tikka marinated in ginger garlic, spices, yoghurt and lime juice. Mains are served up in the traditional Indian Thali style, where guests will sample Saffron Circle’s signature dishes including Kerala Prawn Curry, Saffron Paneer and Chettinad Chicken Curry.

3. Indulge in Every Kids Dream Dinner at Waffle Week

Yes, you read it right. Prayers have been answered; Waffle Week is a thing. We of course have city hotshots Duck & Waffle to thank for it, instigators of the forthcoming 24/7 celebration featuring a menu of new and signature homemade waffle dishes running from sunset to sunrise to sunset again. From Monday 23rd March to Sunday 29th March, the inaugural Waffle Week will feature everything from the namesake signature dish to new offerings inspired by traditional British desserts, created by Executive Chef Elliott Grover.

Breakfast fans can kick off their day with a Duck Benedict, while for those with a sweet tooth, the signature Full Elvis, with PBJ, caramelised banana, Chantilly cream and all the trimmings will satisfy all the cravings. If those weren’t indulgent enough, late night visitors can indulge in the Caramelised Banana Waffle of housemade hazelnut & chocolate spread, vanilla ice cream, and peanut crunch or the new Lemon Meringue Waffle with lemon curd, Italian meringue, lemon sherbet ice cream, and dill.

4. Get an Injection of Latin Flavour at Cha Cha x Sister Jane

This spring Notting Hill will be getting an injection of Latino flavour with the opening of Cha Cha x Sister Jane, a restaurant and bar that will be big on taste and on music to match. Due to open at the end of March, the multi-story restaurant and roof terrace on Golborne Road will feature a menu developed by Head Chef Kai Rykowski (ex Chiltern Firehouse), featuring Mediterranean cuisine with a Latino twist.

Due to open its doors at the end of the month at 36 Golborne Road, breakfasters can look forward to daily specials of cheese and truffle toasties, French toast with vanilla custard and rhubarb pistachio, and acai bowls topped with pumpkin, sunflower and chia seeds and coconut powder. From 11am until midnight, an all-day menu will showcase moreish sharing plates of sea bass ceviche, tempura squid with wasabi mayo and lime, and oysters with green tomatillo and jalapeño mint gazpacho; bountiful salads such as grilled baby gam with maple butter, queso fresco and lemon brioche crumble, and showstopper mains hot from the robata grill including a half lobster tail, duck breast and octopus.

5. Embrace Cherry Blossom Season at May Fair Bar

This spring the May Fair Bar has partnered with the House of Suntory’s Roku Gin to celebrate the arrival of Japan’s iconic cherry blossom season, and centuries-old practise of Hanami; the traditional Japanese custom of enjoying the transient beauty of flowers, as the bar is transformed into a blush-hued cherry blossom-filled escape.

Guests can enjoy bespoke cocktails alongside a selection of exquisite contemporary pan-Asian small plates including tuna, salmon, Yellowtail and sea bass served with wasabi and soy, Wagyu beef sliders with creamy spiced shichimi mayo, chicken truffle teryaki robot skewers and crispy wasabi prawns. A weekend brunch will also include the likes of a decadent toasted lobster bagel and Bao buns filed with Wagyu beef fillet, with crispymelting gorgonzola cheese and chilli habanero sauce. Delicious.

Love fashion and travel? A trip to Rotterdam to visit the hottest exhibition in town – Viktor&Rolf: Fashion Artists 25 Years’ is an absolute must.

This incredible exhibition celebrates the wonderful collaboration between Viktor Horsting and Rolf Snoeren, who together over the last 25 years have captured the imagination of the fashion world whilst pushing the boundaries between fashion and art.

Curated by Thierry-Maxime Loriot, the exhibition of uncompromising beauty, takes place at the renowned Kunsthal in the heart of Rotterdam. Viktor&Rolf: Fashion Artists 25 Years’ shows Viktor&Rolf’s radical conception of ‘wearable art’ and explores the elements that has made their designs truly unique in the contemporary fashion world.

Visitors can expect to see around sixty works from Viktor&Rolf’s haute couture collections on display, many of which are on rotating dummies. The exhibition provides a true insight into their unconventional and conceptual approach, their creativity and interplay of lines, volumes, bows, collars, ruffles and more.

Highlights include creations from some of their most iconic collections such as Van Gogh Girls, Wearable Art, Bedtime Story, The Fashion Show and Cutting Edge Couture. There are also some amazing never-seen-before pieces from their latest collection on display too – Boulevard of Broken Dreams (2017), Action Dolls (2017/18) and Surreal Satin (2018).

Fans of Madonna will be thrilled to see the outfit that Viktor&Rolf designed for her 2016 benefit concert at the Miami Art Basel. You can also see the wedding gown that Viktor&Rolf designed for Princess Mabel van Oranje-Nassau in 2004.

The exhibition also includes 25 handmade examples from Viktor&Rolf’s ‘Dolls’ series which consists of replicas of antique dolls dressed in some of the fashion artists’ most iconic designs. Each porcelain doll is dressed in an haute couture creation that was exactly scaled-down based on the original patterns, a meticulous and extremely labour-intensive process. Even the fabrics have been woven to scale, and the miniature model’s hair and make-up are exact copies of the runway styles.

Viktor Horsting and Rolf Snoeren (Viktor&Rolf) graduated in 1992 from ArtEz Institute in Arnhem (The Netherlands). In 1993 they won the first three prizes of the most important fashion competition in the world: Le Salon Européen des Jeunes Stylistes in Hyères (France). From 1994, they started to present their haute couture collections as installations, mainly in art galleries, until 1998 when they presented their first haute couture collection. In 2000, they launched their ready-to-wear line for women, until 2013, to focus only on haute couture since then.

In 2005 they developed their first perfume called ‘Flowerbomb’; the following years they successfully introduced the additional fragrances ‘Bonbon’,’Spicebomb’ and ‘Magic’. Their work is included in numerous Dutch and international museum collections and is worn by famous artists such as Tilda Swinton, Tori Amos and Rufus Wainwright. In 2016- 17, the exhibition titled ‘Viktor&Rolf: Fashion Artists’ was presented at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) in Melbourne followed in 2018 by its adaptation to celebrate the duo’s 25th anniversary exhibition at Kunsthal Rotterdam.

#TeamCoco had the pleasure of being invited to the press preview yesterday (Friday 25th May) and we can confirm that it is spectacular and a truly fitting tribute to Viktor&Rolf. Take a look at some of the wonderful pieces from the exhibition below.

Viktor&Rolf: Fashion Artists 25 Years opens to the public today and closes on 30th September.

In a late-summer day in Brixton, Team Coco got to catch up with Steve and Jaimie, aka – The Raclette Brothers. You may have heard of these cheese wheel wielding sibling sensations on the street-food scene, but they’ve now opened a semi-permanent spot in Pop Brixton.

Over some truly great ‘space-cat’ wine, and of course, some mouth-watering Raclette – we chat with Steve and Jaimie about their love for food and Alpine cuisine brings to the table.

Tell us a little bit about yourselves and your background? Where would you say your passion for food came from?

I’ve grew up in the food industry, as our family business was traditional grocery stores and supplying produce to restaurants. This meant that we always had some amazing ingredients lying around the house, although the majority were items that couldn’t be sold due to shorter shelf lives. I think that’s where my passion for food came from. My mom was great at creating crazy dishes from anything and everything (sometimes with varying degrees of success)!. Saying that, I was actually a very fussy eater when I was younger, and survived on a diet of largely plain chicken and potatoes! That’s all changed now and there isn’t much I won’t at least try.

What’s the best/worst thing about working with your brother?

This might be a bit of a revelation to some, and is one of the most frequently asked questions to us, but we aren’t actual brothers! We are as good as brothers and Jamie even spent an extended period of time living with my parents when we first got the business up and running. The best thing is that it hasn’t had an impact on how we are outside of work, we still go wake-boarding together regularly and on the odd night off we usually end up in our local pub for half price G&Ts. The worst thing is probably the disappointment on people’s faces when we have to tell them we aren’t actually brothers!

What made you guys decide to start working together; and why did you choose to focus on Raclette?

We actually met through the snow-sports club at University. Towards the end of Uni we’d been talking about a lot of different ideas that meant we could avoid getting ‘real jobs’. We both had a big passion for food and loved the street food scene from a customer perspective. This, combined with various drunken raclette eating experiences in the Alps lead to ‘Raclette Brothers’. We felt that raclette as a street food offering brought something new and exciting, that it would be a great experience for customers as well as being delicious.

How would you describe Alpine cuisine? What makes it special?

The Alps is a really interesting place for food. Half of the year is spent under a thick layer of snow and ice, making any kind of outdoor farming near impossible. Due to this, a lot of classically Alpine food is pickled, preserved or cheese-based as they can be stored for long periods. It’s a very rich, ‘comfort food’ based cuisine, due to the high energy output from traditional activities such as skiing and the harsh climate. The beauty of Alpine cuisine is that it encompasses so many different influences: French, Swiss, German, Italian, Austrian , etc.

After running around the street food scene for two years, you’ve set up your first permanent restaurant, Alpes London, in Pop Brixton. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve had to face making that transition?

It’s been a huge learning-curve, that’s for sure! We’ve gone from an operation where, if we wanted to take a couple of days off then we could easily just not book an event, to operating 7 days a week! Now, closing because you feel like it, just isn’t an option. The biggest challenge we’ve found is finding great staff. It’s the key to any hospitality business as they’re your face to customers, and really good chefs and FOH staff are hard to come by. When we first started, this meant we were clocking up over 100 hour weeks every week. We’ve fortunately now found an awesome team, which has meant we can take a few hours off every now and then, and focus more on next steps.

Alpes London is the first restaurant in London to serve Raclette on a traditional cheese wheel, what has the reception been like?

The reception has been awesome, we were fortunate enough to have tested the concept for a while on the street food scene, so knew to an extent that it would go down well. The worry was whether it would work in a fixed location but people seem to be loving it. Even in the really hot summer we’ve had, people have shown there’s no shortage of demand for hot, melted cheese! We’ve just launched a group raclette experience as well, where guests get the grills on their table and can scrape their own cheese. Hopefully this will go down really well as it makes the whole meal more of an experience and interactive.

What’s the dynamic like between you two at Alpes London?

We’ve worked together for a while now so both know what our roles are, without even having to talk about it. I run the financial/business side of everything and Jamie handles the day-to-day operations; it works really well. We still have a great time working together and a few post-shift beers are always on the cards. To this day, we still haven’t had an argument over the business, which I think is rare between any business partners.

What’s next for the Raclette brothers? Any new & exciting projects or collaborations in the pipeline?

There are always ideas being thrown around but we’re currently focussed on the winter season, where we’ll have 7 sites open all week around London. Some of these are with great organisers: Street Feast, Skylight, Southbank Centre , etc. After that we’ve got the ball rolling on plans for another permanent spot and a different street food concept. More details will be released through our instagrams once they’re confirmed: @raclettebrothers and @alpeslondon


With an Asian and Italian heritage, a smooth recipe that took more than three years to develop and the inspiration that arose from Venetian masked balls, Cadello is released in the UK. A brand unlike any other that you have seen before, its premium spirit claims to define a category of its own, and we at House of Coco can’t wait to see it on a drinks menu around the UK’s top bars and restaurants.

Cadello serves up a spirit as magnificent as the wealthy merchants of Venice and masked balls that came to be the inspiration behind this brand. Providing a distinct and singular experience, this spirit is crafted with eight carefully selected ingredients, which unveil flavours of coffee, chocolate, star anise and vanilla, with hints of caramel, hazelnut, mint and toffee. The ingredients are infused in grain alcohol and then distilled separately, before being carefully blended into French Oak barrels with coffee beans, to age into a spirit that encapsulates the perfect depth, complexity and smoothness.

Cadello is perfectly smooth and can be simply enjoyed on its own to allow a full sensory experience of the flavours mentioned above. A spirit that is pleasing at any time of the day, Cadello works well as an aperitivo, digestivo and a delicious addition to any cocktail. Fashioned by top bartenders in Zurich, London, Paris, Scandinavia, Germany and Mumbai, Cadello offers a wide range of cocktail recipes; satisfactory to everyone’s tastes.

Why not try the Cadellotini? Cadello’s very own spin on the much-loved Martini. This cocktail was created by Goethe Bar in Zurich and includes Cadello, Vodka, Frangelico, Cherry Liqueur and Espresso. If that’s not to your tastes, then why not combine Cadello with fresh lemon juice, Tio Pepe Dry Sherry Fino and Ginger Syrup to create the Fizzy Fiddler. A cocktail created by award-winning bartender Chloé Merz-Salyer.

Priced at £30 for 50cl, available online from Honest Grapes.